Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 59: Country bumpkin, embarrass the fort

Chapter 059: Country bumpkin, embarrassment to the fortress

This time is nothing to other young dragons. Even if they eat well every day during this time, they may not grow much.

But it's different for Yunfei. He can absorb rare ores to increase his attributes.

In the following month, Yunfei absorbed rare ores on his own.

He found that the more each mineral was absorbed, the weaker the effect would be, so he could just absorb as much as he could now that he had not absorbed before.

"Ding, absorb the rare mineral aquamarine, strength +2, agility +1, constitution +3, water attribute resistance +2."

"Ding, absorb the rare ore Flying Holy Stone, strength +1, agility +5, constitution +1, wind resistance +2."

"Ding, absorb the rare mineral radiant stone, strength +1, agility +1, constitution +1, light attribute resistance +1."

"Ding, absorb the rare ore Sky Thunder Stone, strength +3, agility +2, constitution +1, thunder attribute resistance +1."

Yunfei selectively absorbed all the attribute ores he could get now, and his various resistances were improved.

As for the increase in attributes, it was not as much as Yunfei expected. The attributes increased by each ore are decreasing. After absorbing 5 pieces, the attributes will basically not increase.

But this can't stop Yunfei from absorbing so many types. When the hunting is about to begin, Yunfei's attributes have changed drastically.

Name: Yunfei

Breed: Giant Dragon (young black dragon)

Physique: 198

Strength: 190

Agility: 192

Spirit: 73

Bloodline: Dragon Bloodline 8th Grade High Level (bloodline value is full)

Level 2 Chaos Dragon Bone: The absorption rate is increased to 10%

Fire resistance: 25

Earth attribute resistance: 9

Water attribute resistance: 8

Wind resistance: 9

Lightning attribute resistance: 7

Light attribute resistance: 6

Bloodline Talent: Infinite Strength (Intermediate): Passively increases one's own strength by two-thirds

Swiftness (Intermediate): Passively increases one's own agility by two-thirds

Talent points: 90

If Yunfei had the same attributes as he did when he fought Ruili before, beating Ruili would be relaxing and enjoyable, and he wouldn't be covered in blood at all.

But this also indirectly shows that if he sees Ruili again, Yunfei can abuse him as much as he wants, but he doesn't know if Ruili dares to appear in front of Yunfei again.

Ruili doesn’t dare?


Ruili dares.

And it is trying hard to contact the strong men in the bunker to give Yunfei a good look, and it is best to kill Yunfei.

Yunfei humiliated it in public, which made Ruili extremely ashamed and angry, but the main reason why Ruili wanted to kill Yunfei was that Yunfei's existence had blocked its way.

At present, there is a voice in Renbao that they want to vigorously train Yunfei. This kind of training is to train Yunfei to become the future pillar of Renbao.

This is absolutely not possible, because Ruili cannot allow what belongs to him to be taken away by Yunfei.

Therefore, it has to contact its friends in the bunker. It is best to kill Yunfei. At the worst, it has to destroy Yunfei this time, such as Yunfei's dragon wings.

Is a dragon that can't fly still a dragon?

Is there a future for the dragon that cannot fly?

Therefore, during this hunting trip, Ruili's most basic request was to destroy Yunfei. Of course, the best thing would be to kill Yunfei.

To this end, Ruili has done enough work to find out the grudge between Yunfei and Beili.

As a key training target of Renbao, Ruili has a lot of resources at his disposal, and finding out this little thing is nothing.

When Rayleigh approached Berry, Berry was extremely flattered.

Berry never thought in his life that he could be related to the Golden Holy Dragon. The internal levels of the dragon clan are very clear. There are several levels between the red dragon and the Golden Holy Dragon. Without special opportunities, naturally he would not What kind of communication is there?

But now the opportunity was in front of Berry.

Although Berry is already an eighteen-meter-long red dragon, he still shows his humbleness in front of Ruili.

"Your Highness Ruili, I wonder what you want from me?"

Rayleigh wouldn't talk nonsense to Berry.

The reason why it came to find Berry was very simple. It wanted Berry to be a vanguard, that is, cannon fodder.

Because Berry and Yunfei have a grudge, as long as Berry appears in front of Yunfei, with Yunfei's temperament, he will definitely challenge Berry. Berry is an eighteen-meter-long red dragon, and his strength is not weak. Even if he just But Yunfei, that can at least consume a certain amount of Yunfei's combat effectiveness.

After hearing Ruili's request, Berry felt a little embarrassed, but he quickly adjusted his mentality.

This opportunity must be seized. As long as you get on Ruili's ship, its future future will be limitless.

And it knows its father's plan. I'm afraid Yunfei will be dead by then without having to do anything himself.

In this case, of course you have to leave a good impression on Ruili.

Berry's cheerful agreement really made Ruili have a certain fondness for Berry. Everyone likes to use obedient subordinates.

After all parties' plans were completed, the day of hunting arrived as scheduled.

The juvenile and adult dragons that had been notified long ago all appeared in the huge square in the center of the three castles.

This large square is generally not used, and is only used when some major events happen.

It’s not just the giant dragons from the human castle that gather here, there are all the dragons from the bunker and the sky castle. The number of juveniles plus adults is almost ten thousand. Counting more than 20,000 newborns, the number of dragons in Dragon City is In fact, the combat effectiveness of the prime of life is not much.

This does not mean that there are only this many giant dragons, but that most of the giant dragons in their prime will go out to find a place to practice and will not stay in the Dragon City all the time.

Such as West Germany, such as Vera, and such as Yunfei's mother Gaia.

"The rules of the annual hunting hunt are as usual. The one with the highest value of prey and the first place in each group will get generous rewards. Remember, there is only first place, not second. Little cubs, are you all ready? "

The metal dragon, which is more than eighty meters long, looks down at the juveniles and adults in the square from the air. His words are straightforward and simple, but the motivational effect is good. Just for the reward of first place, it is worthy of a roar from all the participating dragons. .

Yunfei stood in the front row of the group of young dragons and also shouted loudly. He was not infected by anyone, but was the reward for the first place. He also longed for it. Needless to say, the value of a hundred dragon crystals. Yunfei has also seen rare minerals, and even more precious is the rare spiritual fruit, which is a fruit that can only be produced after the plants and trees become refined. They are extremely precious. Just the appearance of the spiritual fruit makes Yunfei greedy and wants to eat it. .

If you eat this, it should increase your attributes a lot, right?

"Humph, you bumpkin, you have never seen the world, you are really embarrassing to Bao Bao." Ruili was standing not far from Yunfei, and when he saw Yunfei's appearance, he spoke with great disdain.

It’s just a spiritual fruit. Can it eat one of this thing every month?

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