Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 590 Well, next one

Chapter 590 Well, next one

If we become the president, can we be so cool?

There are tens of thousands of people, and they are just thrown away here?

"Brother, hurry up and let us see what's going on."

"Yes, yes, show us quickly."

After Yun Fei left, students immediately called out to the student union's backbone in the sky.

Of course, these people are not stingy. If they are selected, they have a certain prestige and have followers who belong to them.

So, it took ten minutes?

In less than five minutes, everyone knew what the student union was.

Even if they don't understand it thoroughly, they have seen how much power the student union has.

But can this be true?

Can the academy just sit back and watch this happen?

This deprives many mentors of their rights.

Some students looked at the instructors in the college with a guilty conscience.

Yes, the instructors' faces were not very pretty.

But why don't they look like they are angry?

It seems that he is upset about something.

The instructors were really upset.

Damn it, why haven’t you thought of these ideas before?

In fact, the instructors of the Holy Academy are very tired. They seem to have endless work to do every day. In addition to the time for large classes, they also have to be ready to deal with students who want to ask questions at any time.

However, now that there is a student union, this has reduced the burden of too many tutors.

This is very cool, isn’t it?

Will there be time for love in the future?

Well, many male tutors looked at the beautiful female tutor, and some people who had been attracted to each other for a long time were already thinking about where to go to have a small meeting tomorrow.

"You guys wait here. Let's go to the meeting first. We don't know what the president is going to say yet, but I'm sure there's something going on. Don't leave."

Well, it hasn't happened yet. These hundred people have already recognized Yunfei's identity and started to organize and arrange students consciously.

There are hundreds of them, and each person only needs to appease a hundred people.

It's not too much work.

Therefore, when they left the square and went to Yunfei Courtyard, there was no commotion in the square. All the students were discussing the good and bad of the student union.

"Your temporary job is to appease the people under your command and rank them according to their strength. How to rank them specifically? There is a charter here. Take a look at it first."

Yunfei distributed another pile of paper to everyone.

It's not easy to say this kind of thing face to face. It seems like you are trying to divide people into different categories, and it may be a big blow to some people.

So Yunfei chose to tell these things here.

Yunfei's time in the Holy Court is limited, so he must take drastic measures and not play soft policies.

Since you want to change, then hurry up and change it. It's not too difficult anyway.

When the backbones of the student union read this, they were all confused. What was going on? Overthrow all the previous rules and regulations of the college and make new rules?

"President, are you going to rewrite the rules?"

"Well, you have seen it very clearly. Yes, the rules are to be re-written, and you will be the participants in making the rules. Those people in the square will be the enforcers."

Mad, this chatterer is quite good, and it immediately raised the level of prowess of these people in the student union.

"Will this college agree?"

Someone asked about their concerns.

If the academy doesn't agree to such a drastic action, they won't be able to make any trouble at all.

"The three deans and all the instructors all agree."

"Okay, I'll listen to the president."

Someone immediately spoke in agreement.

Malaysian Ringgit, this kind of thing can be recorded in the history of the college, right?

As long as he succeeds, he will be a person who will leave his name in history, right?

Many people chimed in and expressed their agreement.

At this time, Yunfei had to show his modesty: "Don't call me that. I'm just the acting president now. I'll give you a chance. Everyone can challenge me. As long as you win, the position of president will be yours. If you don't If you can defeat me, from now on, you must carry out the orders I give. Of course, I will only order you to do things in the academy, and there will be no other requirements."

Many people's eyes lit up.

It is foreseeable that the power of the student union president is very huge, even ranking only under the three deans. What kind of temptation is this?

"I come."

At that time, someone jumped out to challenge Yunfei.

It's one thing to admire Yunfei's ideas, but it's another thing to challenge Yunfei.

"Take action."

Yunfei hooked his fingers at the person who jumped out.

"That's it?"

This man is a little confused. How can he say that he is an emperor-level warrior? Isn't it a bit too much to do it in a small courtyard like yours where there is no defense?

What if your yard is torn down?

"Yes, come on."

"Okay, to show respect, I won't show mercy."

"Well, next one."

Yunfei waved his hand and was already calling for the next one.

No mercy?

As if someone is using you to keep it, Yunfei once again used Yunfei as a baseball bat.

This is the weakest attack ability among all Yunfei's skills.

If he really wanted to attack normally, Yunfei was afraid that he would kill the person with one move.

The merciless guy had already flown out of the courtyard, vomiting blood as he flew, and his mind was filled with questions.

What the hell happened?

He flew away just as he was about to take action?

It felt like something hit me, well, the hit was not light.

Ringgit, I don’t want to think about it anymore, let’s vomit blood for a while first, it won’t be pleasant if you don’t vomit it if you hold it in your stomach.

Others were confused.

What's going on? Is this what's going on?

The battle is over so soon?

"I'll give it a try and ask the president to be merciful."

The person who stood up this time was an emperor-level strongman, who was already the strongest being in the student union.

There are saint-level students in the Holy Courtyard, but those holy-level students basically don't stay in the Holy Courtyard.

Going out for training all year round is their norm.

"Okay, come on."

The emperor-level student took action, but unfortunately the result was no exception. Even if one shield failed to knock him away, two shields were enough to finish him off.

He slapped two people away continuously, and everyone else fell silent.

What is the strength of this president?

How can he be so strong?

It feels like he only has A-level strength.

Yes, Yunfei is indeed A-level now, with 46 acupoints opened in his body, which corresponds to A-level strength.

But their real combat power is very scary. Let alone an emperor-level one, a saint-level one will still shoot you away.

"Is there anyone else?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Just kidding, who likes to be abused?

But we can't grab the president, so can we try our best in the position of vice president?

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