Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 654 Flat-chested woman

Chapter 654 Flat-chested woman

who is it?

The Ke family is outraged.

Because of anger, but also because of fear.

The fire is because someone dares to disturb the Ke family. This cannot be tolerated.

The fear was because they had been searching for a long time and still had no clue.

More than a hundred people died on Lao Ba's side, all of whom were emperor-level or above, and their methods of death were also very consistent.

All were killed in one blow, and their heads were missing.

However, it is this same way of death that makes people scared.

Who did this?

Or was it a sneak attack by skeletons?

Ke San appeared at Lao Ba's camp with a group of direct descendants of the Ke family.

"Third brother, there is no energy aura here. Lao Ba should have been killed with pure physical strength."

Someone from the Ke family who is good at tracking reported to Ke San.

"Understood, everyone in the camp, investigate everything, and don't let go of any clues that can be found. We will stop moving this morning."

Ke San made a decision. Faced with this unknown situation, it was best not to act.

Ke San and the others were not moving, but Yun Fei was about to move.

And the speed of advancement will be increased today.

With yesterday's experience, Yunfei felt that it was not difficult to speed up or anything.

To say that a small place has its advantages.

Even if the undead came to their area, they would mostly gather with the Ke family.

Who allowed them to have more people there?

Yunfei and the others here cannot attract the undead's attention at all.

This gave Yunfei an advantage. He quickly moved forward when dealing with others, and soon surpassed the progress of the Ke family.

But when they rushed too far, they became a knife-edge presence in the entire human army, immediately attracting the attention of the undead.

"Be careful, there is a big wave ahead. I don't ask you to hurt the enemy, as long as you can protect yourselves."

This is a very simple request, which hurts people's self-esteem, but Yunfei is telling the truth.

Facing the undead coming in groups, Yunfei raised his gun and charged. If he didn't kill them all, he would be sorry for his own strength.

Facing the group charge of the undead, the students of the Holy Academy felt tremendous pressure.

Especially those skeletons riding undead war horses. They should be more advanced than ordinary undead. They are both at the imperial level, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than other undead.

It is also because of their existence that they put pressure on the students of the Holy Academy.

Yunfei saw all this, but he didn't help.

Yunfei is not a nanny and has no obligation to protect everyone. Moreover, it is for the benefit of the students of the Holy Academy that he does not help.

As long as they really fight the undead with real swords and guns, that's their own gain.

Otherwise, if we just let Lai Lai go through the motions, who can't do it? Will it still be their turn?

However, the skeletons that were released by Yun Fei on war horses were all relatively weak in strength. If the powerful skeletons were released from the beginning, the Holy Court would suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, the students of the Holy Academy withstood the pressure.

After a day of fighting, some people were injured, but no one died.

What is worth celebrating is that the Holy Academy team is currently ranked in the top five of all teams.

With this result, it has been able to meet the requirements of the Holy Academy's senior officials.

But Yunfei was not satisfied with this result at all.

Yunfei wanted to be first. Fortunately, it was still early. The further back he went, the harder it would be to advance. The undead were really not that easy to deal with.

Yunfei is quite confident in winning the first place.

Because in the later stage, personal strength will be very important, and in the later stage of the divine family, there will basically be no cannon fodder slaves, and their advancement speed will slow down.

As night fell, Yunfei once again left the students in the Holy Academy and acted alone.

Yunfei doesn't understand why wool can't be harvested.

The people he targeted were still the Ke family.

Who told the Ke family to be closest to Yunfei? If not your family's wool, whose family's?

Today Yunfei randomly chose an unlucky guy again.

After what happened yesterday, every camp of the Ke family has taken certain precautions.

But for Yunfei, this kind of defense is really useless, almost nothing.

Is it useful for a group of people to randomly scan the camp using their mental power?

Yunfei just stands there and allows you to sweep them away, but they can't sweep them out.

"Shall I go? A fellow-traveler?"

After Yunfei lurked into the camp, he unexpectedly found a person who had the same purpose as himself.

Well, we can't say it has the same purpose for the time being. We can only say that Yunfei saw a sneaky person.

What is this man going to do?

Looking at the hunched figure moving forward cautiously, Yunfei was curious.

There was no way to escape from this camp anyway, so Yunfei simply followed this sneaky man.

"Sure enough, this guy is also heading towards the main tent."

Yunfei saw this sneaky man lurking all the way into the main camp tent, and became even more curious because he failed to attract the attention of the Ke family masters.

He himself is so capable because he uses wood attribute energy to wrap himself.

So what does this sneaky man rely on?

However, no matter what he relied on, this guy seemed to have been fooled.

The main tent in the camp was clearly placed, but there was no one in the tent.

At this moment, the person that the sneaky man is looking for is waiting in the tent next to the main tent.

Although he was not sure if someone would come to kill him, Ke Jiu was so afraid of death.

When the sneaky person entered the main camp tent, Ke Jiu discovered it immediately.

"Come on, catch him alive."

Ke Jiu's attention has always been on his own tent.

The moment the sneaky man entered the camp, Ke Jiu had already issued the order.

"Made, you want to kill me, you are still too young. I want to see who it is that can kill so many people like me."

Ke Jiu saw his people entering the camp and surrounding the sneaky man. He was very high-spirited, wasn't he?

This guy is surrounded by water, how can he still make waves?

That's definitely not possible.

So, Ke Jiu appeared.

He returned to his tent with a very proud attitude.

Looking at the guy who was surrounded by a group of people, Ke Jiu had a strange look on his face.

"A slave?"

Ke Jiu frowned.

Ke Jiu could accept that this man was a direct son of another family, but he could not accept that this guy was a slave.

Slaves are all controlled by their masters, how dare they resist?

Even if you are a human slave and not an orc, that doesn't work.

Do you understand that slaves have no human rights?

"Yes, I am a slave, what's wrong?"

The voices of the people surrounding him turned out to be very clear.


Ke Jiu was surprised, then he glanced at the person's chest, then shook his head, Ma Yuan, a flat-chested woman?

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