Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 716 What makes you so flustered?

Chapter 716 What makes you so flustered?

"Huh? Have you calmed down?"

Wen Guang was waiting for Yun Fei to appear above the blood sea so that he could catch Yun Fei, but he didn't expect that the blood sea that had just shaken would calm down again very quickly.

"Did he suppress those negative energies? It really took two attempts, but can you suppress it once or twice?"

Wen Guang is not in a hurry. He is doing things in the innate world, and the indigenous creatures in this world have no ability to stop him, so he has plenty of time.

The current situation is more like play to him. He wants to see how long Yunfei can hide.

"What? Did you lose someone?"

In the bone abyss, Netherworld, who was constantly being courteous in front of Ruanruan, suddenly became furious.

Standing behind him was the god-level skeleton he sent out to protect Yun Fei.

At the same time, reports came back from the Corpse Clan.

"God's Domain, Feiyun Gate."

When it came to the God's Domain, You Ming immediately lost his attention. Compared to the chaos within the Corpse Clan, You Ming was more worried about Yun Fei's safety.

There is a limit to the zombie clan's chaos, but the people from the God's Domain are obviously here to deal with Yun Fei. Now that Yun Fei is forced into the sea of ​​blood by him, what should he do?

You Ming ran out of ideas.

The same goes for the Bone Dragon bosses at this time.

They all know that the other party has a kind of immobilizing treasure in their hands, and even if they form a group, they can't do anything to them.

This is difficult to do.

"Second brother, did something happen to my brother?"

Lei Yi asked. She and Ke Lingxi had been accompanying Ruanruan before, but Netherworld's sudden departure and rude roar just now provoked Lei Yi.

Youming didn't want to tell Rey the real situation, because even if Rey worried about it, it would be in vain.

But let's talk about lying to them, no one is a fool in this matter.

Simply, You Ming told Lei Yi about Yunfei's current situation.

Lei Yi didn't understand that thoroughly, and only had a vague concept of the Feiyun Gate of the Divine Realm, but Ke Lingxi understood it very well. She was a member of the Ke family, and she understood the concept of people coming from the Divine Realm.

At the same time, she also knew how powerful the other party was.

Being able to force Yun Fei into not daring to leave the sea of ​​​​blood, you can see how powerful this person from God's Domain is.

"I understand, please second brother take us back."

"Are you leaving at this time?"

Netherworld's mental fluctuations are a bit big.

What is this for?

The news about his third brother's accident just came out, and you two are leaving? So heartless?

It’s a shame that my brother is so good to you, and it’s a shame that I really treat you like a sister.

"Yes, we have to go back, and I must tell my sister-in-law about this."

Rey didn't care what Netherworld thought of him. In Rey's heart, his sister-in-law was as smart as a demon. If others couldn't think of a solution, maybe she could.

"Okay, I'll arrange for you to go back right away."

Netherworld's spirit relaxed instantly. It turned out that he was just going to notify his family members?

Mad, why does this sound so unlucky?

No, even if someone comes from the Divine Realm, they can't do anything to Yunfei. Youming believes that Yunfei will be fine. If there is really a need, what can he do even if he brings the Bone Clan to fight with the Divine Realm?

But things haven't reached such a serious stage yet, and there's no need to be so pessimistic.

"Don't worry, Yunfei is not that fragile. He won't die in a moment."

The two girls didn't speak, they didn't want Yunfei to die either.

Then these eight god-level skeletons who had served as Yunfei's guards once again transformed into the two women's guards, escorting the two women to the battlefield of the undead.

Yunfei hid in the depths of the sea of ​​​​blood, ignoring what was going on outside the window and just focusing on his own cultivation.

According to his own calculations, after 50 acupoints are opened in the body, it will take ten days to open each one, which is not a short time.

If Wen Guang hadn't been blocking him, Yunfei really wasn't sure whether he would spend all this time practicing.

It's fine now, I have no choice but to practice.

"Hey, don't tell me, this little lady is really talented. She is so powerful. Even if she were placed in the divine realm, she would still be a figure."

In the sky above the Holy Courtyard, two young men stood side by side. Their eyes looked at a small courtyard in the Holy Courtyard. The only difference between this small courtyard and the other small courtyards was that there was an outrageously beautiful lady in the courtyard.

If it were just beautiful, it wouldn't make these two people comment so much. The reason why they expressed such emotion was that they had been observing the beauty for several days.

It was precisely because they had been observing secretly that they understood what the beauty had been doing these past few days.

Although she is not that busy here, a force called Tianwen Pavilion is expanding at an extremely fast speed, not only in the non-god camp, but also in the god camp.

The people who develop Tianyue are all poor people, people who are dissatisfied with the Shenwei family. There are too many such people. In addition, Tianyue is willing to spend money, so it is strange that the development speed is not fast.

As long as Tianwen Pavilion's circle expands to a certain extent, when Tianyue goes to each branch, all the people with second thoughts will be picked out.

For now just expand.

At this time, Tianyue was standing in the yard with a frown, she had lost her sense of proportion.

Just because she got a piece of news this morning about Yun Fei.

It is said that Yunfei is trapped in the blood sea of ​​the Corpse Clan.

The source of the information is unknown, but since it is about Yunfei, whether it is true or false, it will be sent to Tianyue as quickly as possible.

"What's wrong? What makes you so flustered?"

Shan Sisi pushed open the door and entered. Now in the holy courtyard, Shan Sisi was the only one who dared to open the door so carelessly.

Everyone else was scared to death of Tianyue.

"Something happened to Yunfei."

Tianyue has special abilities and unparalleled wisdom, but the structure is still too small. Tianwen Pavilion has just developed to a certain scale, and they can't figure out some high-end things themselves.

So Tianyue wanted to find Shan Sisi to discuss countermeasures together.

"what happened?"

Hearing this, Shan Sisi suppressed the smile on her face.

"It is rumored that Yunfei was trapped in the blood sea of ​​the Corpse Clan. There is no news about what exactly happened. What is the Blood Sea of ​​the Corpse Clan?"

Shan Sisi stared, then shook her head.

"I don't know anything about the zombie clan, what should I do?"

The Shan Chamber of Commerce dominates the entire godless camp, and there is quite a lot of influence on the godly side, but there is really no one in the Undead Continent.

They have never thought about dealing with the undead, and they still know a little bit about the Bone Clan's Shan Sisi. After all, the Bone Clan has been fighting against the human race in the Undead Battlefield all year round.

But the Corpse Clan has really never been in contact with them.

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