Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 76 Then let’s do it

Chapter 076 Then, let’s do it

Returning to the dwarf tribe, it was because Yunfei had just seen the refuge of the dwarf tribe. It was a passage that ran through the interior of the mountain. It was very deep and enough to accommodate Yunfei.

Such a ready-made place is much safer than digging one out temporarily. At least the chance of being discovered will be greatly reduced.

Facing the mechanical clan's C-class aircraft, Yunfei cannot afford to be careless. If one of them really gets away with it, he will lose his life.

"We didn't betray you!"

Seeing Yun Fei return, the old dwarf's heart was clenched.

Will this black dragon think that he betrayed him?

Will he massacre all the people in the tribe?

"I have no other intention. I'm just going to lend you your cave. If the Machine Tribe comes again, just say you've never seen me."

Yunfei didn't expect to change the old man's opinion of him in a short time, and he didn't have that time to waste now.

The old man nodded blankly. Yunfei's request was easily fulfilled without any difficulty.

Seeing the old man nodding, Yunfei got into the cave.

The darkness in the cave will not hinder Yunfei, and Yunfei's eyes are extraordinary.

Just a few minutes later, a large number of aircraft descended from the sky, with the number estimated to exceed a thousand.

Before the old dwarf could calm down, he entered another state of confusion from the previous state of confusion.

Thousands of aircraft, which is several times more than the number of people in their entire tribe. What happened? So what exactly does Black Dragon do?

"Who is in charge, come out." With thousands of aircraft flying in the sky, there is no sense of chaos at all. On the contrary, they look disciplined.

A mecha appeared under the largest aircraft in front. At this moment, the mecha's eyes were staring at the dwarves gathered together.

This is a C-level combat brigade in City No. 1, a real combat organization.

The old dwarf had never seen this posture before, and his legs were trembling.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

"Where's the Black Dragon? Where's the team that came here before?"

Although the old dwarf's legs were trembling, he remained strong and did not betray Yun Fei.

"I have never seen a black dragon. Your companions went in that direction. They left not long ago."

This is not how loyal the old dwarf is to Yun Fei. They have only met a few times, so there is no loyalty at all.

The reason why the old dwarf didn't say anything this time was because he was afraid of death, and he was even more afraid that the entire tribe would die.

Yunfei is in the refuge cave not far away. If the two of them really fight here, will anyone in the tribe survive?

The mechanical tribe who asked the question had no doubts. With the old man's trembling posture, no one would suspect him of lying.

However, due testing is still needed.

The life detection device of the C-class aircraft is indeed very powerful. The green aperture spreads like ripples and gradually goes away.

However, the depth of this kind of detection is limited, and it cannot go too far underground.

Because Yunfei hid deep enough, the detection device could not detect Yunfei's life fluctuations at all.

"Captain Kaiqi, we haven't found anything. Now we have lost contact with the patrol team."

"What a waste. Let's search around this place."

Yun Fei had already been found, and their battle brigade had arrived, but now Yun Fei could not be found.

No matter who it was, no one would be in a good mood. The C-level combat brigade also needs credit. If a huge credit is missing, who can be in a good mood?

"Captain, do we want to report it?" the brigade correspondent asked.

The previous communication of the patrol team was intercepted by their brigade. The purpose of this was very clear, that is, to take credit for themselves.

"If you don't report it, find it for me."

What to report? Let other teams take the credit?

What they faced was just an adult black dragon. Even if Yunfei's strength was rumored to be miraculous, it was definitely no match for a C-level battle brigade.

Facing a C-level combat brigade, an existence like West Germany would have to take a detour, let alone an adult black dragon?

Therefore, the current situation is that whoever finds Yunfei will get the credit.


"Sir, what are you doing?" The old dwarf was unhappy. What do you mean? Are you not leaving?

"Do you have any objections to the requisition of your place?"

Kai Qi's temper is not very good. He was already angry when he lost Yun Fei. How do you expect him to respect a weak dwarf old man?

If we don't directly kill this tribe, it will be regarded as giving a few words to the neutral race.

As for why they occupied this place, it was because this was the place where the patrol last contacted them. If Yun Fei was still there, it must be nearby.

What can the old dwarf say about this?

The weak have no voice.

The old dwarf retreated and at the same time brought all the tribesmen into the refuge cave. At present, this is the only place that can bring a little sense of security to the people of the dwarf tribe.

what to do?

How to break the situation?

The old dwarf has no choice at all.

There is a black dragon in the cave, and there is a mechanical tribe outside the cave. He has to ensure that no fighting breaks out between the two sides to ensure the safety of the tribe. This is really difficult.

Yunfei hid in the mountain and raised his head slightly.

C-class aircraft cannot detect Yunfei, but Yunfei's eyes can see them.

After Yunfei discovered that these mechanical tribes had no intention of leaving, Yunfei's mind suddenly became more active.

He has been thinking about how to successfully attack C-class aircraft.

You must know that that thing is not a simple thing. Its size is several times the size of an ordinary aircraft, and its speed, attack methods, etc. are incomparable.

Face to face, with Yunfei's current strength, it is difficult to get close to others.

Therefore, it is difficult to sneak attack on this kind of aircraft, because even if it is a dead object, there is always a mechanical clan controlling it.

Originally, the chance of a sneak attack was small, but now this opportunity has been infinitely magnified.

These guys didn't leave, and the C-class aircraft landed on the ground. Is this a God-given opportunity?

If I dig underground secretly, is there any chance of sneak attack on a C-class aircraft?

After a rough calculation, Yunfei came to the answer that there is a chance.

But this requires him to be fast enough, because Yunfei doesn't know when this C-class aircraft will fly away.

If people really take off, then Yunfei will have to look for other opportunities.

So, do it.

It's just digging rocks, is it difficult?

Of course it's not difficult. The stones in this mountain are just rubbish to Yunfei's Dragon Claw.

If it weren't for not being able to make too much noise.

With Yunfei's distance from the surface, Yunfei could dig a passage very quickly.

But even if you dig carefully, it won't take long.

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