Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 78 Starve to death? nonexistent

Chapter 078 Starve to death? nonexistent

What did Yunfei see?

Kai Qi actually ran wildly in the air on a variety of flying machines. Looking at their purpose, it was obvious that they were here for her.

Is this guy so good at showing off?

But you can't do this, run away.

Yunfei can play with D-class aircraft and so on, but he doesn't want to play with C-class aircraft, or they will be damaged.

Kai Qi was already close to Yun Fei, but she could only watch helplessly as Yun Fei flew away into the distance, Kai Qi yelling angrily.

"Black Dragon, don't run away if you have the guts."

Kai Qi didn't want to shout like this, but unfortunately, its car was useless. At this time, it was like a bird without wings, and its combat power was not as simple as folding in half.

As for D-class aircraft, they are actually quite useful.

But the D-class aircraft can't catch up with Yunfei. Who knows why this black dragon can fly so fast.

If you can't catch up with others, what's the use of your extraordinary abilities?

"Silly beep, take off your mecha and let me challenge you to a duel?"

Yunfei turned around and looked at Kai Qi as if he were a fool. How could this guy have the nerve to shout out if he is so mentally retarded?

Kai Qi was so angry that her heart ached.

"A bunch of rubbish, no one can fight. Goodbye."

"Ding, if you pretend to beep successfully, your talent value will be +5."

Kai Qi cursed in her heart, are you so pretentious? There’s no one who can fight?

If you have the guts, don't run away.

Yunfei ran away.

Although there are still many mechanical tribes here that have not been harvested, Yunfei feels that he cannot be too greedy as a dragon. Destroying a C-class aircraft is nothing to the mechanical tribe. Two more will come later, and he just wants to leave. I can't leave either.

"Chase me."

Seeing Yun Fei running away, what else could Kai Qi say? Keep chasing.

Looking at Kai Qi, who was standing atop a D-class aircraft and disheveled in the wind, no one of the remaining robots in the brigade dared to touch Kai Qi's head at this time.

If you dare to talk to someone during this time, you will only get scolded.

But there is a guy who is in trouble, and that is the correspondent. It can't do anything if it doesn't talk to him. What should we do now? Should I report it to the police for help?

"Captain, let me ask, should we report it now?"

"Are you stupid? What's going on now? Why don't you report it? Are you watching him run away?"

Kai Qi stood on the aircraft and roared.

Well, you knew it would be like this, you knew that using me as a punching bag would make the correspondent extremely frustrated.

But does Kai Qi feel better?

Not comfortable at all.

Chasing Yunfei sounds pretty good.

But that's not actually the case.

Yun Fei didn't look like he was being hunted at all, but on the other hand, his pursuers looked very embarrassed, right?

Even if the D-class aircraft activates the defensive light shield, it can't stop Yun Fei's strange breath at all. Is there any one at a time?

How far has it gone? How many aircraft were lost?

You must know that this is a D-class aircraft, which is beyond the scope of ordinary goods.

Whenever she sees a spark in the sky, Kai Qi's heart will feel painful.

"Not bad, not bad, the quality of these pursuers is still very high." Yunfei was in a good mood indeed.

The combat brigade is simply more powerful than the patrol, and the blood points obtained by killing them are different.

The robots on the patrol could only provide 0.0001 bloodline value to Yunfei.

But these guys from the battle brigade can provide Yunfei with 0.0002, which is a doubling improvement.

But it's still not as comfortable as doing the task, and I'll be rewarded with ten blood points in one go.

It's a pity that tasks don't come often. Yunfei doesn't understand how to trigger tasks.

As time goes by, the number of aircraft belonging to the Kaiqi Brigade gradually decreases.

Even if they are deliberately spread out, it still cannot slow down their decline.

If you really give Yunfei some time, it won't be difficult to kill all these thousands of aircraft.

But, will the machine clan give Yunfei time?

Definitely not. The team responsible for the surrounding area is already rushing here.

Even if Yunfei didn't know, he could still guess it, but he still remained calm and calm when the number of aircraft in the Kaiqi brigade dropped sharply to just over 300 aircraft.

Yunfei suddenly changed his flight direction and plunged into an underground river.

This is Yunfei's escape plan that he had already thought of.

This underground river is a branch of the main river in the underground space.

Although it is just a branch, it is also very broad and very deep.

Yunfei heard about this underground river from the old dwarf, and also knew that there were countless underground river caves under the underground river, and the complexity was unimaginable.

For Yunfei, the more complex the better, naturally. What does the Eye of Truth do? How could such a favorable terrain not be used?

"Don't let him get away."

Kai Qi snorted and sneered in her heart.

Little Black Dragon, do you think you can escape by running into the river?

Stop dreaming.

You don’t know how capable a C-class aircraft is, right?

As long as the two surrounding brigades arrive, you will be dead.

Kai Qi has such thoughts only because Kai Qi's understanding of Yunfei is too one-sided.

At the same time, the underground river was not taken seriously.

Yunfei entered the river like a fish entering water. Although the speed of swimming in the water is not as fast as flying in the sky, it is not much worse. His two big wings are the best propellers.

And the situation at the bottom of the river is exactly as the dwarf old man introduced it, extremely complicated.

According to the introduction of the old dwarf, this place used to be a famous mine, but later something happened and it turned into a tributary of an underground river. No one can explain the complexity of the internal situation here.

If you get lost in an underground river cave and can't get out in a short time, there's no need to think about getting out.

Even if a creature like the giant dragon is destroyed by force, it will not be easy to get out, because the remaining support in the mine is very strong, and it is not only strong but also very important. If it is really destroyed, the mine will collapse.

What would it be like to be buried under an underground river? You must know that there is not much to eat in the underground river, and living things can starve to death.



Yunfei is a giant dragon with a lot of space. How many mountains did he sweep across during his hunting expedition?

The corpses of those ferocious monsters are all staying well in Yunfei's personal space, and there is absolutely no possibility of them going bad. Even if they don't eat sparingly, they are enough for Yunfei to eat for several months.

So, come on, come in with the hard steel, and wait for your brother to cheat on you with a few more C-class aircraft to see how successful you are.

Of course, Kaiqi would not let Yunfei go. As soon as Yunfei entered the underground river, he jumped in with him.

C-class mechas cannot fly, but they can swim.

But as soon as he reached the bottom of the underground river, Kai Qi was confused.

It never thought that the bottom of the underground river would be like this. It could already be described as riddled with holes, right?

It's just that if you make hundreds of holes, you will be riddled with holes. The most important thing is, where is Yunfei?

Where have you gone?

There are so many entrances with surging water, which one do you want me to enter?

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