Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 793 Are you not dead?

Chapter 793 Are you not dead?

Ten reincarnation-level experts exploded in one blast. Don't care about their strength in life. Anyway, the power of self-destruction together is not weaker than the self-destruction of immortal weapons.

Mingjie, who bore the brunt of the attack, was stunned.

Yunfei has the ability to withstand the immortal weapon and self-destruct, that's because Yunfei's skills are unreasonable.

Mingjie considered himself a very reasonable person, but he did not have the ability to withstand this wave of attacks.

Between retreat and resistance, Mingjie chose half retreat and half resistance.

He didn't dare to retreat completely, because his current position was really not far from the darkness behind him.

If you retreat any further, you will be swallowed by darkness.

However, even if you resist half of it, this is still a very uncomfortable thing. People are swaying in the wind and waves.

Even the stronger Mingjie is like this. You can imagine what the Feiyun Sect disciple who is not as strong as Mingjie and has been seriously injured will be like.

"Senior brother, save me."

This disciple of the Feiyun Sect will definitely not be able to withstand this self-destruction storm. If he is allowed to be blown away by this storm, he will definitely fall into darkness.

To enter darkness is to die.

But can you survive the storm?

The same couldn't be done, so this Feiyun Sect disciple pinned his hopes for life on Mingjie.

He hoped that Mingjie, his senior brother, could help him during this difficult time.

It's a pity that he really thinks highly of Mingjie's integrity.

Mingjie was struggling to protect himself, so how could he possibly save a loser?

When the disciple of Feiyun Sect saw that Mingjie ignored his plea for help, his eyes were full of disappointment.

"Mingjie, you will die because of your own selfishness. You will die."

The man from Feiyunmen suddenly changed his tone.

He saw that Mingjie would not save him.

Mingjie wanted to sneer, but finally held back.

After all, he is also his junior brother. It is a bit too much to not save the younger brother who has always followed him. It is his fault to mock him before he dies.

But the next moment, Mingjie was going crazy.

"Are you crazy?"

What did the disciples of Feiyun Sect do?

He knew he was going to die, but how could he be willing to do so?

They follow Mingjie because they want to get rich, but they are not really willing to be Mingjie's lackeys. Mingjie doesn't have such charisma.

It's better now. Instead of making money, it cost me my life.

No one would be willing to do this.

"I will die, but you won't survive either. I would rather let those air pirates take advantage. At least they are all real men, and you Mingjie is just a villain, a complete villain."

After saying this, the disciples of Feiyun Sect gave up their defense, and at the same time, violent power burst out from their bodies.

Mingjie was a little dizzy.

If you read it right, this is also the rhythm of self-destruction, right?

"No, I'll help you carry it, stop it quickly."

Mingjie quickly spoke to comfort him.

He didn't dare to add fuel to the fire at this moment. It was already very difficult to withstand the attack in front of him. If someone stabbed him like this again from behind, Mingjie no longer dared to imagine the consequences for himself.

The man from Feiyun Sect heard Mingjie’s consolation.

But he no longer believes Mingjie.

Besides, what if Mingjie can really do what he says?

When Mingjie survives this wave, he will still be the next to die.

He is now using this method to threaten Mingjie.

He knew very well who Mingjie was.

He was going to die anyway, so it would be better to die in a grand way. If he could take Mingjie to be buried with him, it seemed like a good idea.

The self-destruction continues.

Mingjie cursed secretly and then his body sank rapidly. He wanted to stay away from the center of his junior brother's self-destruction.

There was a loud bang, and the power of two self-destructions smashed into the ground against Mingjie's body.

The ground began to melt rapidly when it was affected by the power of the explosion.

The earth's surface disappeared layer by layer, completely annihilated.

This shows how powerful the explosion is.

Yunfei has been spying here with his mental power.

Seeing such a scene, Yunfei praised his own wit.

If he hadn't run away beforehand, he would have to bear such an attack now.

Now seeing Mingjie being crushed like a dead dog, Yunfei felt happy.

Looking at the remaining air pirates, Yunfei was thinking of other countermeasures.

Just stand up later and show that you are not dead. Anyway, the air pirates won't do anything to you. You have done enough.

At that time, we will make a gentleman's agreement with the air pirates. Whoever breaks the light group will own the things inside.

I believe that the air pirates will definitely support this resolution.

But this is all based on the premise that Mingjie is dead.

"You want to kill me? You are not qualified enough."

After the power of the explosion dissipated, Mingjie's arrogant words reached the ears of the air pirates in the pit that was cut several hundred meters down.

Seeing this, the remaining dozen air pirates immediately rushed into the pit. One of them said, "I'll go first" and rushed towards Mingjie.

"Go back, I won't give you a chance, absolutely not."

Mingjie threw the Feiyun Sword in his hand.

He was seriously injured now and could not withstand the torture, but fortunately, he still had the Feiyun Sword, which self-destructed, enough to kill the remaining air pirates.

"No, go back quickly."

The air pirates wanted to retreat, but they had no chance. When they were suppressed by the power of the explosion, Mingjie had already made plans to blow up his Feiyun Sword.

Anyway, as long as these air pirates are killed, everything here will be theirs, including Yunfei's Eye of Destruction and the fairy weapons in the light group.


By the way, it also includes everything Yunfei got in the previous dimension.

Mingjie's eyes lit up. He could get so many benefits by detonating the Feiyun Sword. He had to do it.

The Feiyun Sword exploded, including all the air pirates.

None of the remaining air pirates were spared, and they were all destroyed by the self-destruction of the Feiyun Sword.

This is the most powerful immortal weapon that can self-destruct. This is Mingjie's Feiyun Sword.

Mingjie himself was not feeling well either. His natal sword exploded, causing him more injuries.

Moreover, the power of Feiyun Sword's self-destruction will not let him go.

Although he had tried his best to throw the Feiyun Sword as far away as possible, the aftermath of the explosion still scraped off many layers of land.

"Dead, all dead, hahahaha!"

After the power of the explosion, Mingjie emerged from the ground. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. It was he who won the final victory.

Although he was a little embarrassed, it didn't matter, as long as he won, all the wealth here belonged to Mingjie alone.

"Hey, brother, are you happy too early?"

Yunfei happened to appear behind Mingjie at this very appropriate time.

Mingjie's neck seemed to be on a mechanical gear, and his head turned back, his pupils dilated to the limit.

"You're not dead?"

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