Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 807 Xiyue can’t go

Chapter 807 Xiyue can’t go

On the third day after Yunfei eagerly exchanged things with the disciples of Yueshen Pavilion, Bayao Mei learned about the opening of Feiyun Secret Realm.

"Brother Yun, this is a good opportunity. I heard that you can get great benefits by going to Feiyun Secret Realm. Because of your matter this time, Feiyun Sect gave us a lot of places in the Moon God Pavilion."

Yunfei looked at Ba Yaomei who looked excited, but he didn't have any impulse himself.

Feiyun Secret Realm?

What the hell?

It doesn't matter, no matter what he is, there is no such thing as the pleasure of exchanging immortal weapons here.

There are indeed a lot of things left by the God Emperor. If they were all replaced by tattered immortal weapons, Yunfei felt that his attributes could directly surpass the sky.

So let that Feiyun Secret Realm go to hell.

"Yeah, okay, I got it, move out of the way quickly, don't delay the senior sisters from changing things."

Yunfei rudely pulled Bayao Mei aside in front of him.

Ba Yaomei is so annoying, her mouth is so pouting that it can hang a soy sauce bottle.

"Brother Yun."

Just such a long-pitched call directly made Yunfei's scalp numb.

If he didn't respond, this little girl would dare to jump directly on him.

"Tell me, tell me, I'll listen, senior sister, what can I change?"

Yunfei coaxed the little girl while greeting the senior sister who came to replace things.

"Hmph, I don't care about you. Anyway, your master has already told you that you must go to Feiyun Secret Realm."

"Oh? Sister Bai Yue said that?"

Yunfei is Bai Yue's apprentice in name, but in fact, the relationship between the two is not master and apprentice at all. Regardless of whether it is openly or secretly, Yunfei always calls her sister.

Ba Yaomei nodded continuously.

"Then are you going?"

Yunfei asked after seeing Bayomei nodding.

This is very embarrassing.

Bayao Mei's strength is relatively weak. Although Feiyun Sect has given many places to the Moon God Pavilion this time, such a good opportunity is really not available to Bayao Mei.

"I'm still young. I'll wait until next time."

Bayao Mei must be strong, she will not admit that she is not strong enough.

"Okay, as long as you don't go, come over and help me look after the stall. As long as it's an immortal artifact, I'll accept it, do you understand?"

Yunfei said as he handed the space ring on his hand to Ba Yaomei.

This space ring contains most of the inheritance of the God Emperor, which is enough to exchange for many immortal weapons.

Ba Yaomei highly praised Yunfei's behavior.

How strong is this trust?

Brother Yun handed over such a huge wealth to him without any hesitation, and an emotion called happiness grew in Ba Yaomei's heart.

"Brother Yun, don't worry, Yaomei will definitely not suffer losses when doing business."

"Okay, then you have to entertain this senior sister well. If you have any needs, senior sister, just tell Yaomei. I will withdraw first."

After Yunfei finished speaking, he left without seeing the resentful look in the senior sister's eyes.

"Junior brother is so handsome."

The nymphomaniac senior sister watched Yun Fei leave, and her mutterings were heard by Bayao Mei.

"Hey, senior sister, are you here to see someone or to exchange something?"

Ba Yaomei is unhappy. Is this young lady’s man something you can care about?

See how this lady can hack you.

The things left behind by the God-Emperor were all treasures, not to mention priceless and marketable.

Originally, Ba Yaomei felt that Yunfei's one-for-one strategy was wrong. Now that she is in charge of this matter, the terms of the subsequent exchange will change.

Yunfei didn't know what Ba Yaomei was thinking. He was going to find Bai Yue.

"Sister Bai Yue, is what happened in Feiyun Secret Realm true?"

Yunfei spoke directly after finding Bai Yue.

"You're pretty well informed. What's wrong? Don't you want to go?"

Bai Yue could see that Yun Fei was a little resistant, so she asked.

"Go, of course!"

Feiyun Secret Realm is related to the mission. Anyway, there is Ba Yaomei here to help him replace the fairy weapon, so he can go to Feiyun Secret Realm to complete the mission without delay.

"I came to see my sister for other reasons."

"What's up?"

Bai Yue originally thought Yunfei would resist, because he and Xiyue had only been reunited for a few days.

Although you can't do the things you love to do, you can do everything except the last step.

If you separate a man and a woman in love, will they be happy?

Bai Yue thinks about it, Yunfei wants Xiyue to go with him, right?

But sometimes you can’t guess what a man is thinking about a woman, and you won’t be able to guess correctly.

"Xiyue can't go to Feiyun Secret Realm this time."


Bai Yue doubted her ears. Did she hear wrongly?

"Xiyue can't go."

Yunfei said it again with certainty.

Why did Yunfei say this?

Because the mission description has already made it very clear. The opening of Feiyun Secret Realm this time is obviously Feiyun Sect's conspiracy against Yunfei. If Xiyue follows, doesn't it mean that Xiyue will also take risks?

This is definitely not possible.

Therefore, Xiyue cannot go. If possible, it is best not for the disciples of the Moon God Pavilion to go.

Although Yunfei has only been in Yueshen Pavilion for two or three days, he can already feel the enthusiasm of the senior sisters in Yueshen Pavilion. Every senior sister here is a potential customer of Yunfei, and he does not want his customers to What harm was done.


Bai Yue was very puzzled. Feiyun Secret had great benefits. The stronger the person, the more benefits they could get. Others were trying to get in, but this bastard was so good that he asked Xiyue not to go. .

"I don't think Feiyun Sect is so kind. They have a conspiracy. I don't want Xiyue to take risks."

Yunfei told part of the truth. If he didn't reveal it at all, Bai Yue couldn't agree to Yunfei's proposal.


Bai Yue frowned.

"Sister, my feeling is always correct."

Yunfei took the initiative to speak before Bai Yue asked the reason.

When he said this, Bai Yue really couldn't ask anything.

Because Yunfei has always acted very steadily. Otherwise, with Yunfei's unconventional style of doing things, he would not have been able to live so smoothly until now.

Is it really just about feelings?

"Okay, since you already feel that you are in danger, then you don't want to go."

"I have to go. I want to see what Feiyun Sect is going to do. Sister, you don't have to worry about my safety. As long as no god-level people go in, I won't have any accidents."

Yunfei still has this confidence.

How powerful have his attributes become?

There is no problem in dealing with reincarnation level strong men.

Bai Yue also knew Yunfei's strength. Seeing Yunfei's persistence, she said nothing.

"Okay, you go back and prepare. The Feiyun Sect is indeed doing something unusual this time. According to them, the Feiyun Secret Realm will be opened in two days. You will leave after a little preparation. I will go with you this time. I promise not to Let people who are above the level of reincarnation enter."

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