Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 827 Two choices

Chapter 827 Two choices

Anyway, just let him face Hayate directly.

Facts have proved that with Yunfei's current strength, it is really not difficult to kill Mingchang. At most, it is just a few more skills.

Facing the violent storm of attacks, Mingchang was very weak in parrying it. It was certain that he would not be able to block it, and chatting would have no effect.

what is it now?

It seems like all that's left is cold salad.

But Mingchang is also a ruthless person.

Don’t you, Yunfei, want to kill people?

We won’t let you kill him, and we will definitely not make it easy for you.

When Yunfei forced him to the extreme, Mingchang decided to kill himself.

This can still have some basic dignity, right?

"Yunfei, you forced me to do this. I will make you get nothing and get nothing."

Mingchang threw out all the things he had on him, and then all the messy things exploded.

The power of the explosion is actually not that great, but there are many things detonated, and the scene is very spectacular.

Yunfei curled his lips.

He really didn't notice these rags.

The next moment, Mingchang himself exploded.

He not only exploded his own flesh and blood, but also his own soul.

From Mingchang's point of view, it's better to explode yourself than let Yun Fei absorb it, right?

"So much to think about."

Yunfei said very calmly.

Of course, Mingchang would definitely have no way of hearing it.

Then Yun Fei stepped forward, and the blood energy that was spreading everywhere suddenly stopped spreading when Yun Fei arrived.

Then, as if Yun Fei had a huge suction force, his blood energy turned into a vortex and was quickly absorbed by Yun Fei with Yun Fei as the center.

Don't even think about running away if you help Mingchang's soul.

Can you escape the fate of being swallowed by being blown into pieces?

Don't make trouble, the blood beast souls are not picky at all. When they go out together, there is no possibility of Mingchang's soul escaping, and they will all be devoured.

After today's big meal, all the blood beast souls have become extremely agile, and there is no big difference from the real biological souls.

They can think and understand right from wrong, and all of this is given by Yunfei.

It's just that Yunfei doesn't have time to care about the blood beast soul now. He wants to study his own situation.

"Ding, the blood energy meets the conditions for opening the acupoints, please host choose the direction of growth."

When Yunfei absorbed enough blood energy, the system jumped out.

Promoting from the Saint level to the Honorable level means that the cultivator has begun to master the power of rules.

The power of rules in Yunfei's body is too complicated. How to choose the system will not help Yunfei make the decision. In the end, only Yunfei can make the decision.

Growth direction?

The system gives two growth directions for Yunfei.

The first one is to choose a single rule power to practice. This practice is the fastest and is the same as the practice method in the God's Domain. The advantage is that you can be promoted quickly and it is easier.

The second one is to choose the power of all the rules. This way, the speed of cultivation is naturally very slow, and it is contrary to the internal cultivation method of God's Domain. Needless to say, it is difficult, but the benefits are also obvious, that is, it is very powerful.

How to choose?

"Article 2."

There is no need to ask at all, it must be the second option.

Practice the power of all rules so that the skills you possess can exert their greatest power.

If you choose a single rule, such as the thunder rule, the power of the Sky-Destroying Spear will be greatly improved, but other skills will not have such a big effect.

And as Yunfei's strength increases, the role of other skills will become smaller and smaller.

This is not what Yunfei wants.

So he chose to develop comprehensively.

"Ding, increase your strength, trigger tasks, the road to the strong, task requirements, find the acquired treasures of each department, task rewards, and control the rules of the department."

Yunfei's eyes widened.

He thought this second path would be difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

People would control the rules after being upgraded to the honorable level. Fortunately for him, he didn't control the rules at all. Instead, he triggered such a perverted mission.

Looking for acquired treasure?

My God, if a treasure like the acquired treasure is placed in a force like the Moon God Pavilion, it can become a treasure of the sect. You want us to find a treasure that ordinary god emperors don’t have?

Moreover, the rewards for this mission have been marked in advance, that is, if you find the acquired treasure, you can control the power of the rules.

For example, if he finds the acquired treasure of thunder system, then Yunfei can control the power of thunder system rules.

But isn’t this a bit too confusing?

It's not so troublesome for others to control the power of rules. With such a perversion, why is it so difficult for me to do this?

"Made, this handsome dragon is a pervert, even the tasks that are triggered are so perverted."

Yunfei shook his head. He was very helpless about this task. Anyway, he had no desire to complete this task now.

But he can still complete other tasks. The Feiyun Sect conspiracy task has not been completed yet. It should be related to the fact that he has not killed enough people. There is no task, just continue killing. The Feiyun Sect disciples who fled in all directions want to It is very difficult to escape Yunfei's pursuit.

Yunfei first chose a direction with the largest number of escapees and chased after them.

Although heaven and earth have not given any rewards to Yunfei when his strength has been upgraded to the Supreme level, he does not need it. Systematic rewards are enough. After the Supreme level, each time an acupoint is opened, Yunfei's own attributes can be improved by a thousand points.

This makes Yun Fei's speed go faster. It's just fun to chase down the powerful masters of Fei Yun Sect.

Being invincible at the same level is no joke.

When Yun Fei used his invincible attitude to catch up with those who escaped from Fei Yun Gate, these people were almost crying.

Why bother?

Some people complain, some accept their fate, and even more people express their helplessness and so on.

However, Yunfei will not have any sympathy and will kill everyone he meets without mercy.

When they came to kill me, they never thought about how innocent they were. If you want to kill people and seize treasures, you must be prepared to be killed.

When dying, some people are calm and some are crazy.

But no matter what, they can't escape death.

Although absorbing the same level of blood energy is still useful to Yunfei, its usefulness is no longer that obvious. After killing hundreds of people, Yunfei barely opened one of the acupoints in his body. This is very different from his previous calculations. of discrepancies.

Before, he thought that killing these people would help him reach god level.

Thinking about it now, he really took it for granted. If his strength was really that easy to improve, then everyone would just kill people.

"Although my strength has not been raised to the god level, I can still gain bloodline points."

When he was almost dead, Yunfei looked at the bloodline value on his attribute panel with a satisfied expression. His bloodline had just been upgraded not long ago, and now he had accumulated 30 more bloodline points. This speed was not at all. slow.

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