Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 829 Go to the innate world to check

Chapter 829: Go to the innate world to check

Yun Fei's eyes were very unfriendly when he looked at Fei Yunmen.

How can you look good on these people who want your own life?


Everyone in Feiyun Clan who was originally high-spirited was dumbfounded on the spot.

Yunfei appeared?

How is this possible?

Does it mean that Yunfei appears?

Mingchang and others failed?

Oh my god, if there is no miscalculation, Mingchang is already at the god level. Adding in the other three hundred people, can't these combined forces kill Yun Fei?

To be honest, Feiyunmen actually overestimated Yunfei by sending such a lineup, but even so, they still failed.


"What? Are you going to regret it, Deputy Head? I am so handsome, but I have actually done what the Deputy Head just said. Almost all of you Feiyun Sect people have died in my hands. Deputy Head You just said you wouldn't pursue it, right?"

Yunfei didn't mean to be polite at all, he opened his mouth and hit the person in the heart.

You just said that just because you don’t want others to have an excuse to cause trouble with Feiyun Sect. Do you really take it seriously?

Besides, who would have thought that the people of Feiyun Sect could really be wiped out?

No, it cannot be said that the entire army was wiped out, but there were still people alive.

Behind Yunfei, someone from Feiyun Sect appeared.

"Deputy Head."

This is a three-person team, all of which are of the highest level. When these three people saw Yun Fei, their bodies began to tremble involuntarily. However, when they saw their deputy leader, a feeling of grievance could not be hidden immediately. It stopped and exploded instantly.

"Silence. If you have anything to say, go back and tell me."

The deputy head of Feiyun Sect took action, and just raised his hand and took away the right of those senior disciples to speak.

Some things should never be said in front of so many people.

This is not just a matter of losing face for Feiyun Sect, but also a matter of the Eye of Destruction.

In the opinion of many masters of Feiyun Sect, Yun Fei must have used the power of the Eye of Destruction to destroy the disciples of Feiyun Sect.

If the few surviving people told the truth about the situation at that time, those people present would definitely find something fishy.

So I can't say.

"I keep what I say. Personal grudges can be settled in the secret realm. No matter what happens in the secret realm, we will not pursue it."

The deputy head of Feiyun Sect spoke very arrogantly. Even though Yun Fei had admitted that he had killed someone, he didn't say anything.

This made people from many forces look askance.

This is not like Feiyun Sect’s style of conduct.

Feiyunmen is a swordsman who has a very tough personality. Speaking like this is no different from giving in.

If Yun Fei was from the temple, then it would be reasonable for Fei Yun Sect to act like this.

But Yunfei is from the Moon God Pavilion. Although the Moon God Pavilion has great energy, it will not make Feiyun Sect give in.

What's so fishy about this?

"It's a good thing not to pursue it, haha."

Yunfei chuckled twice without a smile, and then without saying anything else, he returned directly to the Moon God Pavilion camp.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

Bai Yue was very worried about Yun Fei's safety just now, but now she was full of joy. This little guy was indeed not that easy to die.

"It's okay, fine."

It is indeed very good. Feiyun Secret Realm and his team have gained a lot.

"That's good, Lord Lanbai, now that this matter has been settled, I, the Moon God Pavilion, will not waste time here."

Bai Yue handed over to the master of Lanbai Hall.

She expressed her intention to leave the Moon God Pavilion.

"Okay, God Emperor Baiyue, please go."

Although the master of the Lanbai Palace was very curious about what happened between Feiyunmen and Yunfei, he couldn't ask openly. He had no reason to stop the people from the Moon God Pavilion if they wanted to leave.

Afterwards, everyone in the Moon God Pavilion got on their own flying fairy weapons and left immediately.

Also leaving were people from other forces.

It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time. If your younger generation has any gains, you have to go home and learn about them slowly. You can’t talk about it here.

Otherwise, it would be bad to be targeted by people from other forces.

Are there people from other forces here?

It is true that several god emperors belonging to the sacred mountain appeared near Feiyun Secret Realm under the leadership of a god emperor.

They didn't want to intercept anyone, they just came over to see. The Holy Mountain and the Temple did not deal with each other. They often started wars. If there was any big move between each other, both sides would send people over.

The purpose is to let the other party know that we are fully aware of your actions. If you want to fight, just do it openly and don't do anything shady.

But today’s show was actually quite good.

"Then Yunfei is the little guy from the innate world, right?"

A big boss at the level of the God Emperor of the Holy Mountain asked.

"Yes, it comes from the innate world."

"Send someone to the innate world to inquire about the origin of Yun Fei."

The boss of the God Emperor gave the order.

The innate world, a long time ago, was the world that Shenshan focused on.

Because it is said that it is the hometown of Sin Blood, and the descendants of Sin Blood thrive there.

But after a long, long time, none of the descendants of Sin Blood showed any outstanding performance, and the Holy Mountain gradually forgot about the innate world.

The Shenwei families in the divine camp of the Xiantian World are the forces of the various factions in the Holy Mountain left in the Xiantian World.

It's just that because they haven't had contact with the divine realm for a long time, the Shenwei family is no longer so loyal to the various factions.

But this is because people from the divine realm have not come to the innate world. As long as the great power of the divine realm comes, then those people from the Shenwei family in the innate world will definitely be very obedient.

"Okay, I'll send someone to the innate world when we get back."

The big guys at Shenshan didn't take this matter too seriously. If it weren't for Yun Fei's amazing performance, they wouldn't have done anything.

"Okay, there's nothing good to watch. We should go back, otherwise the people in the temple won't be so easy to talk to."

The people from various forces in the temple gradually dispersed, and the big bosses of the Holy Mountain had no reason to stay here, so they turned around and left.

On the Moon God Pavilion aircraft, Bai Yue brought Yunfei to a single room. She wanted to talk to Yunfei alone.

She must know clearly what happened in Feiyun Secret Realm.

Yun Fei didn't take the Eye of Destruction seriously at first, but now it seems that the Eye of Destruction is probably a great thing. It is worthy of the Feiyun Sect's perseverance. It is certainly a good thing.

When Yunfei told Bai Yue the fact that he had the Eye of Destruction.

Bai Yue's little eye roll could almost drown Yun Fei.

"I asked why Feiyunmen dared to risk offending me, the Moon God Pavilion, to kill you. It turns out it's because you possess the Eye of Destruction."

"Sister Bai Yue, I'm afraid the Eye of Destruction is not as powerful as you think, right? Look."

A blood-red eye appeared between Yunfei's eyebrows.

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