Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 896 It’s time for us to go

Chapter 896 It’s time for us to go

The information in the secret pavilion was well-informed. Yunfei and the others had just set a date to leave, and they already knew about it.

"Seventh Pavilion Master, all our people have been arranged."

The person headed by the seven pavilion masters bowed and saluted.

The Seventh Pavilion Master is the lowest-ranked existence among the seven Pavilion Masters of the Dark Pavilion, but his cultivation level is not low, and he is a proper god.

He was responsible for all matters concerning the Ange's killing of Yun Fei.

Perhaps it is a common problem among god-level powerful people. When they reach this level, they sound like very ancient existences, but in reality, they do not look old at all.

If he were placed next to Yun Fei, it wouldn't be inappropriate to say that he was Yun Fei's brother.

It's just that this black robe is a bit unsightly.

But there is no other way. This is the uniform clothing of the Ange. Of course, it is more convenient for the people in the Ange to hide themselves.

The Dark Pavilion occupies the smallest area among the four major forces, and there are not many fairy islands with resources.

Because the pie in God’s Domain is so big, if you want the territory, you have to grab it and fight.

As the last dark pavilion to start, they do not have such strength, so how can they complete the most primitive accumulation of resources?

Naturally, it was robbery. It was also from this time that Ange set its future development policy, killing people and stealing goods.

It can be said that Ange is the ancestor of air pirates.

However, he chose this business appropriately, especially after successfully killing a god from the sacred mountain in the dark pavilion. This reputation is unparalleled.

Therefore, if you have any trouble, you can always ask Ange for help, as long as you give enough money.

Of course, the identity of an assassin must be shrouded in black robes. Similarly, most people walk in the world in black robes. They can be said to be bad people. Only in this way will they not attract attention.

But that was just the beginning. Nowadays, there are not many people walking around in black robes, because most people don't want to be associated with Ange.

Ange is also happy to be like this, making the world afraid, which is only good for Ange and has no disadvantages.

"Go and notify the people in Hunhai."

"Yes, my subordinate will go right away."

The leader of the seven pavilion masters left.

"We can't let the people from Hunhai take advantage in vain."

The Seventh Pavilion Master muttered to himself and then closed his eyes. A battle tomorrow was inevitable. If possible, he very much hoped that a god would die in his hands, thus achieving his fame.

What the Seven Pavilion Masters can be sure of is that the people escorting Yunfei must be the Fourteen Gods of the Holy Mountain, and he is not afraid of the Fourteen Gods at all.

Ange went to inform Hunhai, but the temple did not need anyone's notification. The temple's news channel was no weaker than Ange's.

This time, the temple sent two god-level experts. The purpose was not to kill people, but to snatch Yunfei back like Hun Hai.

Although the Moon God Pavilion had said that it would not care about Yunfei, the temple must give the Moon God Pavilion's face.

Moreover, Yunfei is too magical, why not let him shine at home? There is no need to kill.

Think about it, this guy took out the Eye of Destruction, and now he still has the ability to help the mountain open a secret realm.

Then can he help the temple create a few secret realms?

There is no such need for secret realms, that is, dark pavilions, because the place they occupy is too barren and there is no mysterious place at all.

The four major forces in God's Domain all started to spin at this moment because of a small figure like Yun Fei.

The next day, Huoshenshan became lively early in the morning.

This farewell procession was truly spectacular, at least more than 200,000 people showed up. Anyway, looking down from the top of the mountain, it was all red.

"Huoshenshan knows how to put on a show, huh."

Shui Lun was very unhappy when he saw such old people. If it weren't for some superficial things, he wouldn't have agreed to Huo Tai's mischief.

Yes, that's right, these people's farewell is indeed just superficial.

After intense discussions by Shuilun and others, they came to a conclusion, that is, they should take advantage of Yunfei's departure to remind other forces that Shenshan is the boss of the God's Domain, and everyone else will have to give in to us. With.

Therefore, they did not hide Yunfei's departure. Of course, they would not reveal the actual method of Yunfei's departure. On the surface, they were just pretending to escort Yunfei away.

Moreover, there are quite a few gods dispatched. In addition to the fourteen gods, two more gods are coming.

The strength of the three gods is terrifying in plain sight.

"Brother Yun, don't mind. We just want to teach others a lesson so that they won't dare to take your chances in the future."

"It doesn't matter, just follow my brother's arrangements."

Yunfei said it didn't matter, he just needed to stand up and let others see him.

As for other things, he doesn't need to do them at all.

Anyway, Yunfei doesn't need to fight life and death, so it's strange that Yunfei cares.

"Okay, that's it now. We don't have to worry about how they act, just watch in secret. When they fight with people outside the Fire God Mountain, we will take the teleportation array to the Water God Mountain."

Shenshan was also afraid of an accident, so he decided to wait until they really started fighting before Yunfei and Shuilun teleported away.

In this regard, Yunfei nodded. The arrangement was very good and there were no mistakes. Yunfei would naturally not have any different opinions.

Just when Shuilun took Yunfei to hide in the dark, the three gods appeared. They left the Fire God Mountain with a group of god emperors. Of course, the gods would not condescend to go side by side with the god emperors. They all entered. Within the flying fairy weapon of the sacred mountain.

This is like a sedan chair in ancient times. The God-Emperors acted as the bearers, while Yunfei, the God Lord and others were all in the sedan chair.

The flying fairy weapon is isolated from spiritual detection, and even the powerful gods cannot know the internal situation of the flying fairy weapon.

When such a group of people left Huoshen Mountain, they naturally took away all the attention.

The disciples of Huoshenshan left one after another, and the magnificent red wave receded.

A big drama was about to come to an end. Yunfei hid in the dark, knowing that other things had nothing to do with him, so he simply went to the teleportation array to wait.

According to Shuilun, the two of them would leave as soon as those god emperors fought with their enemies.

Come to think of it, it won't be long before he can leave.

Originally, Yunfei thought that he had to wait for a long time.

But what he didn't know was that Ange Hunhai and the others were already impatient.

The aircraft from Shenshan had only left for an hour when Shui Lun hurried over.

"The fight started, the fight started, Brother Yun, we should go."

"Let's go, but brother, why don't you tell me the specific situation? I really want to see how much they want to kill me."

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