Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 9 Obtaining the Dragon Ball

Chapter 009 Get the Dragon Ball

If it were an ordinary newborn dragon, even a golden holy dragon would be seriously injured if it was slapped by this giant bear when it was less than a month old.

The giant bear cuts its flesh with a blunt knife, hits an ox across a mountain, overcomes the defense of its scales, and uses its power to act on its internal organs.

The dragon scale armor has strong defensive power, but in its newborn state, the internal organs are not that strong.

Unfortunately, this giant bear was facing Yun Fei. Yun Fei's body had been strengthened by two bloodline evolutions. This was an all-round strengthening, not only the scale defense was enhanced, but the internal organs were also strengthened.

Therefore, the effect of the giant bear's tricks on Yunfei is very limited.

Although Yunfei was also shot and vomited blood, he was not seriously injured, only slightly injured.

When Yunfei dug himself out of the wall, he looked at the giant bear with cold eyes.

"If you dare to hurt your Lord Long, I'll kill you."

Looking at Yun Fei's eyes, the giant bear felt a tremor for no reason. His instinct told it that something bad was about to happen.

The fact is that just like the instinct of a giant bear, Yunfei's little claws left seven or eight wounds ten centimeters deep on its body. It has huge power, but its speed is its shortcoming. Compared with the giant Yunfei, a newborn body, Dragon should be so slow.

After the giant bear fell to the ground with a roar, Yunfei stopped attacking and turned to look at the crocodile, which was not in a hurry to attack him.

Although the crocodile is also covered in scales, there is a big difference between the scales and the scales. The scales on its body are not very strong.

Looking at the miserable state of the tiger and the giant bear, the crocodile was frightened.

It lowered its head to Yunfei, not even daring to open its eyes, which was an expression of surrender.

Yun Fei, who wanted to take action, stopped. Everyone was convinced, so don't kill him, otherwise it would be bad to arouse public anger or something.

But what to do next?

Yunfei waited for the system to prompt him that he had killed anything that dared to challenge him, so had he completed his mission?

But after waiting and waiting, the system prompts that there is no intention to come at all.

"System, what's going on with you? All the beasts here have surrendered. The mission should be completed, right?"

"Ding, there are still beings in the jungle that can threaten the host. Please make them surrender or kill them."

"More?" Yunfei was stunned for a moment.

However, this should be the case. The system gave itself thirty days to complete the task. If it could be completed so easily, the system would not give it such a long time.

"System, is there a way for me to communicate with these beasts?"

It is very painful to have a language barrier. At least the most basic communication must be possible. Otherwise, how can you control so many underlings?

Yunfei is not merciful enough to let these guys leave. Since they have expressed their surrender, of course they have to accept these little brothers. Whether they let them do things or use them to fill their stomachs, it is a very good choice.


Yunfei couldn't wait for the system's answer.

If the system doesn't answer, does that mean there's nothing we can do?

Yunfei was in a bad mood.

But if you can't communicate with words, then use actions to tell the brothers what you need.

Yunfei physically threw the flesh and blood in the dragon cave outside, and then threatened his newly recruited younger brothers.

The younger brothers quickly understood, and they happily cooperated with each other and began to clean up the flesh and blood in the dragon cave.

In their view, this is not physical work, but food given to them by the new boss.

The world of beasts is very simple. Whoever has a bigger fist is the boss. Yunfei has proved his strength with his strength, and he will have no worries about food and drink in the following days.

Every day, a younger brother comes to offer food, which is a combination of meat and vegetables. The only pity is that now that he kills those weak beasts, he will not get blood points at all.

Half a month later, Yunfei's body changed again. His height grew from half a meter to 60 centimeters, and the fleshy wings on his back protruded more obviously.

The strength will naturally increase accordingly.

Name: Yunfei

Species: Giant Dragon (Primary Black Dragon)

Constitution: 34 (Although it already looks like a dragon, its body is still fragile)

Strength: 35 (barely considered a hunter with some strength)

Agility: 33 (Congratulations, you are finally faster than a weak chicken)

Spirit: 31 (reached the qualifying line)

Bloodline: Dragon Bloodline Ninth Grade Intermediate Level

Bloodline Talent: Infinite Strength (Intermediate): Passively increases one's own strength by two-thirds

Talent points: 6


Main mission: Become the king of the jungle within thirty days. Completing the mission will reward you with a dragon ball. Countdown: fourteen days and twenty-one hours.

The time required for the mission is over half way, so it's time to set off and complete the mission.

As a being who has frightened a large group of beasts, Yunfei is actually a king. There is no danger in wandering in his own territory. The reason why the mission has not been completed is because there are two powerful characters in the jungle, and they do not surrender. Yunfei has not completed the mission.

Yunfei has already explored these two locations, and one of them is where he is going today, a canyon occupied by a group of monkeys.

The canyon is at the foot of the mountain. It is naturally formed and has a large internal space. It is controlled by a group of monkeys all year round, and one of them is a very powerful monkey king.

In fact, we can no longer call him the Monkey King. We can call him King Kong. That guy is 4 meters tall, and one of his arms is several times bigger than Yun Fei. His strength is firmly above that of the tiger and the giant bear.

Yunfei didn't bother to do things like sneak attacks, which would undermine the majesty of the dragon, and if he didn't defeat King Kong head-on, the monkeys probably wouldn't be convinced, and he wouldn't be able to become the king naturally.

Yun Feilong came to the canyon and roared. Although the roar was still immature, it already had the majesty that a giant dragon should have.

The playful monkeys were so frightened that many even fell from the trees.

Yunfei was very satisfied with his voice, but King Kong was not.

If you were a young dragon, even King Kong would be convinced, but you, a newborn, come to show off your power?

King Kong decided to show Yunfei some color. He lowered his chest and fell from the sky. A large black shadow enveloped Yunfei. However, Yunfei was not afraid at all. With the hard steel in front of him, the power contained in his seemingly small body It's not ordinary at all. After being boosted by talent, his strength can reach 50 points.

One point of strength is equivalent to ten kilograms of strength, and 50 points is equivalent to 500 kilograms. It is not scientific at all to contain such a large amount of power in such a small body.

King Kong also didn't expect Yunfei to be so strong. In his understanding, didn't the taller the body, the stronger the power? The dragon can't violate this law, right?

But why was he the one who was knocked away?

King Kong hit the tree trunk with this doubt, and countless leaves fell.

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