Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 908 You don’t dare, but I do

Chapter 908 You don’t dare, but I do

Yunfei sighed, not only was this girl badly taught by the soul master Lao Buxiu, but it seemed that she was not taught anything well either.

Look, if ordinary people encountered this kind of problem, they would be scared to death.

Look at Qing'er again, by the way, girl, can you stop that eager expression on your face?

"We don't know yet whether they are the robbers. We'll find out later. They're coming, so don't talk."

Upon hearing this, Qing'er immediately covered her mouth with her little hands.

Our ancestors taught that if a wife goes out with her husband, she must obey him on all matters.

Even if you have different opinions, you cannot refute them face to face. You must discuss everything when there are no outsiders.

Moreover, Qing'er asked herself that she had very little experience in dealing with things, so she would not make her own decisions.

When Yunfei reached a secluded place, the few people following him in the dark immediately appeared.

People from the sacred mountain?


From the dark pavilion?


"Are you from the temple?"

Before the other party spoke, Yunfei revealed the other party's identity.

"Moon God Pavilion, Yunfei, you really know us. You really make it easy for us to find you."

"Haha, Junior Brother Yunfei is really leisurely and carefree. Everywhere he goes, he is accompanied by beauties. He really makes me envious."

Appearing in front of Yunfei were three temple disciples. Their identities were easy to identify because the word temple was clearly written on the black gold robes they wore.

"What do you want from me?"

"We have to ask our junior brother first, have you done anything to help Hunhai during the days you have been here?"

The three people did not answer Yunfei's question.

They were sent to the Soul Sea a few months ago, with the purpose of finding Yun Fei's location.

Now that Yun Fei's situation in the Soul Sea has been known for a long time, they didn't have much hope when they were sent. Unexpectedly, they actually met him.

"Are you qualified to ask me?"

At first glance, these three people didn't have any good intentions.

Naturally, Yunfei would not give any good looks to such people.

Yun Fei's ability to control rules is comparable to that of the God Emperor. How can these few mid-level god-level temple disciples do anything to Yun Fei?

"As expected, you are so brave. I have been complimented by others for several years in the Holy Mountain, but it is different. You dare to talk to my senior brother like this? Do you know that you are siding with the enemy? Do you understand that you are siding with the enemy?"

The temple disciples asked.

As for Yun Fei's help in opening the secret realm in Shenshan, the temple has long been united in its approach, and that is to attack Yun Fei.

As a disciple of the temple, he actually helped the sacred mountain.

Is this still possible?

However, they have forgotten that the reason why they now have the opportunity to understand the power of destruction is all because of Yun Fei's selflessness.

Compared with the fees, the financial resources required to comprehend the power of destruction are too small.

But the people in the temple didn't remember Yunfei's good deeds at all.

Otherwise, there would not be such questioning today.

"I understand, but what can you do?"

The corners of Yunfei's mouth raised slightly, and he had nothing to say to this kind of person.

"Okay, that's great. Now, you come back to the temple with us. This way you still have a chance of survival. Otherwise, you will die in the hands of the dark pavilion sooner or later. There is a reward for you in the dark pavilion. Do you know that your reward is high?" How much immortal crystal is a head worth?"

The temple disciples put on an expression like "We are all doing this for you."

"Oh? I really don't know this. So, how much is my head worth?"

This is the first time Yunfei has heard about this matter. He is also very curious about how valuable his head is. Why should he have it at least several hundred billion?

"Ten billion, do you know what ten billion is?"

The temple disciples responded excitedly.

However, Yunfei also became excited after hearing the answers from the temple disciples.

"Who? Who offered the reward?"

Mudd, who are you insulting?

Just spend a mere 10 billion and want the head of this handsome dragon?

Is this handsome dragon so worthless?

He really wanted to tell the guy who put a reward on him, Mad, that the pocket money he gave to his mother-in-law was 20 billion.

"Huh, are you scared? We don't know who is offering the reward, but as long as you come back to the temple with us, the temple will naturally keep you safe."

It is true that the Temple asked Yunfei to go back, and the Temple also hopes that Yunfei will open a few secret realms to play with.

"Afraid? Ha, I think you don't dare to take action on this Soul Island, right?"

Yunfei revealed the true colors of several people.

If they could do it, why would they be talking nonsense with Yunfei here?

Wouldn't it be better to arrest people and go back to collect the reward? Doesn’t it smell good?

They really don't dare to take action, this is the headquarters of Soul Sea.

It seems that all the trading streets in Soul Island are defenseless.

But as long as they dare to act rashly, strong men will arrive in minutes, and they will definitely not be able to escape if they run.

"How could we fight with you? You are also a disciple of my temple after all."

Several people in the temple would not admit Yunfei's words.

"In terms of shamelessness, I ask myself, I can't compare to a few of you, but have you ever thought about a question?"

"what is the problem?"

The few people in the temple didn't pay attention to the shameless things Yunfei said. Anyway, what they said was true, so they could just skip the topic automatically.

"You don't dare to do it, but I do."

Yunfei rolled up his sleeves.

This is still a habit developed from previous fights.

Yunfei thought this was a good habit, giving others a signal to prepare for a beating, so that they would not have to explain their sneak attack after being beaten.


Is your husband going to hit someone?

Qing'er was so excited that she had already hid behind Yun Fei. In the stories Yun Fei told, there were too many scenes of beating people.

Now is the time to verify whether Xianggong is bragging.

As long as Xianggong can successfully knock these people down, it means that Xianggong's story is not a lie.

Well, at this time Qing'er's hand was missing a fruit and some melon seeds.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be beautiful to squat on one side and watch while eating?

"What? You want to do it? Then you should give it a try."

The people in the temple did not remind Yunfei not to do anything, but instead started provoking him.

Mud, if you strike first, we won't be punished if we fight back.

When the time comes, I will kidnap you directly, and Hunhai will not stand up for you.

"Just try it."

Is Yunfei afraid?

He happens to be short of experimental subjects. Since his control over the Rules of Fire reached 66 points, he hasn't done anything with anyone yet.

If these guys who don't like it want to experience it, let them experience it.

Maybe we can kill them, just in time for the guy who secretly placed a bounty on himself to increase the amount of the bounty.

Ten billion is really an insult. Yunfei hates it and wants to add some immortal crystals to his head.

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