Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 92 Everything is in the meat, eat it

Chapter 092 Everything is in the meat, eat it

"Ding, if you kill the mechanical clan's C-level combat power, your bloodline value will be +10, and your keel evolution value will be +5."

"Ding, the bloodline value has reached full value, the bloodline level has been upgraded to the seventh-grade mid-level, strength +30, agility +30, constitution +30, spirit +30."


Didn't you do any tasks for this bloodline upgrade?

In fact, it makes sense to think about it. Yunfei has already slaughtered so many C-level combatants of the mechanical race as an adult. What kind of mission should he be asked to do?

Is it the same as B-class combat hard steel?

Just as Yunfei figured it out, the severe pain in his body instantly rose to a level.

Unprepared, Yunfei howled miserably.

Fortunately, there are no other creatures nearby, otherwise the invincible and glorious image Yunfei just created would be ruined.

Why does Yunfei bark?

It's all because of the improvement of bloodline. As bloodline improves and attributes increase, the size of Yunfei's body will also grow accordingly.

During this period of time, his body has naturally grown to 11 meters long. This bloodline upgrade instantly made Yunfei's body grow by two meters. The sudden growth tore the already torn flesh and blood, and the scales were all damaged. A lot fell off.

But what followed was relief, as the upgraded energy of the bloodline healed the damage caused to the body by Yunfei's previous burning of blood and essence.

With Yunfei's current physique, it would be a bit rash to burn five drops of blood essence at once.

You must know that most adult dragons like him don't have as many drops of essence and blood in their bodies.

By the time Yunfei completely regained the majesty of the dragon, it was already half an hour later.

My body has recovered and there seems to be no danger now. Where to go?



Yunfei thought of Bute, who didn't know whether he had escaped or not.

In the underground space, Yunfei soars in mid-air as if patrolling his own territory.

Soon he came to the place where he left Bute. The place was still messy. Yunfei had just appeared here when he saw Bute.

Yunfei couldn't help but laugh after seeing Bu Te.

This guy is really miserable.

The situation was urgent at that time, so Yunfei threw Bute into the tunnel. To Yunfei, the tunnel was a passage, but to Bute, it was an abyss, which could not be as deep as a hundred meters.

With his small body, he couldn't climb out by his own strength, because the tunnel was wide underneath but the entrance was very small. How could Bute climb out?

Bute thought he would starve to death in this place. When the mechanical tribe left here, they didn't care about him at all. But even if he starved to death, Bute thought it was worth it because he had completed his mission.

If you can really trade your own life for Yunfei's life, it's very worthwhile.

When Yunfei's dragon head appeared in front of Bute, Bute almost cried.

"Why are you back again? Go away and leave me alone."

This Bute is really a down-to-earth person. When he sees Yunfei, he immediately asks Yunfei to leave.

"There is no danger anymore." Yunfei said truthfully.

In exchange, Bute was stunned.

What's the meaning?

No more danger?

What about the mechanical tribe?

Aren't they all dead?

After Yunfei gave Bute a little explanation, Bute's heart became uneasy. Are they really dead?

Yunfei solved Bu Te's doubts, and Bu Te certainly satisfied Yunfei's curiosity.

Half of the reason why Bute appeared here was because of the young dragons in Longfu Garden in Dragon City.

After the young dragons learned about Yun Fei's accident, they immediately found the stubborn stone tribe.

At that time, the stubborn stone tribe had undergone great changes in the underground space. Although the population of the tribe had not changed much, its status had become higher.

Because the people of the Hard Stone Tribe were the underground spokesmen of Longfu Garden, they had a lot of ore in their hands. At that time, many of the surrounding medium and large tribes became brothers with the Hard Stone Tribe.

Yun Fei can be said to be the great benefactor of the entire Nishi tribe. After hearing about Yun Fei's accident, the Nishi tribe immediately took action. They took the dragon crystals pieced together by the young dragons and found Qianshan, the nearest large tribe to the Nishi tribe. tribe.

The Qianshan Tribe has made several transactions with Long Fuyuan through the Hard Stone Tribe, and both parties are very satisfied. Of course, they will not refuse the people from the Hard Stone Tribe who come to ask for dragon crystals.

That's why Bute became the supervisor of the dwarf tribe.

Yunfei already knew what happened next.

To be honest, Yunfei was very moved.

At that time, Yunfei won over the young dragons in Longfuyuan just for himself. If he had any true feelings for those young dragons, he was not sincere.

But from now on, sincerity and so on are already there.

Of course, I am also very grateful to the Stubborn Stone Tribe. Bute worked hard to bring the things that his tribe packed at the bottom of the box. Those two metal balls were a big help to Yunfei.

Hearing that Yun Fei said that the metal balls in his tribe helped Yun Fei, Bu Te smiled happily, a little heartlessly.

Yunfei has changed the life of the Nashi tribe. They used to be a small tribe with problems in survival, but now they are a popular tribe in the surrounding areas. Any member of the Nashi tribe will receive the warmest reception when they visit other tribes.

What's the reason for this?

It's all because of Yunfei.

"Nothing to say, it's all in the meat, eat it."

Yunfei knew that Bute had been hungry for several days, so he immediately took out the ferocious beast meat in his pocket to treat Bute.

Now Yunfei is rich and powerful, not the little black dragon who almost died of thirst when he was in trouble.

Bute didn't ask Yunfei where he got his flesh and blood. Anyway, Yunfei gave it to him and he just ate it.

While Bu Te and Yunfei were feasting, Yunfei also asked how Bu Te got here.

You must know that this place is too far away from the Stone Tribe. If Yunfei were to fly by himself, it would take him several months to get there. But not long after his accident, Bu Te came here. He must have used special means.

The underground space is very large, not much smaller than the real continent.

Dwarves are all born masters of craftsmanship, and their creative abilities are not weak either. The teleportation arrays owned by Dragon City are also owned by major tribes.

If you ride the teleportation array, it will naturally be very fast. Otherwise, if you rely on Bute's short legs to walk by yourself, you probably won't be able to get here after a few years of walking.

After having enough food and wine, a dwarf and a giant dragon set off.

Originally, Yunfei wanted Bute to stand on him. He led Bute on the road very fast, and he could reach the nearest teleportation point in less than two days.

It's a pity that Bute is not willing to stand on Yunfei's body at all costs.

Are you making an international joke and trampling your benefactor under your feet?

In the end, Yunfei could only compromise and caught Bute in his paws.

Yunfei is now 13 meters long. Catching a Bute is really easy and enjoyable.

Not long after Yunfei set off with Bute, a system prompt suddenly appeared in Yunfei's mind.

"Ding, trigger the mission, rescue Vera, mission reward: ??? Mission countdown: 10 days."

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