Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 935 She misses him

Chapter 935 She misses him


Bayao Mei is a little shy.


Because in her opinion, Yunfei's actions were to express his feelings to her.

Look, there are so many space rings, how much wealth is this?

Only when a man is devoted to you will he hand over the financial power to you to manage.

Yunfei just didn't know what Ba Yaomei was thinking, otherwise he would definitely pour a basin of cold water on her to let her sober up.

Thinking too much, okay?

This is just a way for Ben Shuailong to coax his sister, nothing more.

In the soul sea, there are already two main fairy islands in the soul sea at this moment. Needless to say, the soul island is the other one is the Moon God Pavilion.

Originally, no one was allowed to live on Moon Goddess Island.

But now this rule has changed.

Moon God Fairy Island has enjoyed the baptism of the spiritual power of the Soul Sea, so it naturally has to contribute. Except for the main place where the Moon God Pavilion is located, all other places on the island are open to people from the Soul Sea, and are handed over to the Soul Sea stewards. Moon God The government will not participate.

The actions of the Moon God Pavilion made the people of the Soul Sea recognize the Moon God Pavilion even more, and the two forces were so seamlessly connected.

When Yun Fei returned with Bai Yue and others, the popularity of Yueshenxian Island became much stronger.

Although the Moon God Pavilion graciously gave up most of the island, the people in the Soul Sea definitely couldn't mess around.

It is enough to have a Soul Island as a trading planet. The Moon God Fairy Island certainly cannot be built according to the Soul Island model.

Eventually, Moon Goddess Island became a residential island, and the people who could live on the island were all respectable people.

The gods of Soul Sea gave instructions.

People can live on the island, but all the materials on the island still belong to the Moon God Pavilion and cannot be touched by others.

The people in Soul Sea naturally have no objection to this. It is great to be able to live on the island. They really don't like the resources on the island.

"Come see me."

A very sudden voice appeared in Yunfei's mind.

Although it was the first time he heard this voice, Yunfei knew that it was the voice of the Moon God.

"Sister Bai Yue, I'm going to see the Moon God."

"Go ahead."

Bai Yue nodded. The first thing Yunfei did when he returned was to meet the Moon God.

Yunfei was not very excited, but Luna was very excited.

If she hadn't been concerned about her status as an elder, she would have appeared directly in front of Yun Fei.

When Yunfei came outside the Moon God's boudoir, Yunfei tidied up his clothes. This was a woman who wanted to meet his ancestors, so he must not lose etiquette.

Although Yun Fei didn't even know what sin blood was like, he had inherited his bloodline, and he had to admit it.

"come in."

Before Yunfei could knock on the door, the door opened by itself.

Yunfei stepped forward, and the first thing he saw after entering the house was a big sister with a peerless face, which was very different from the ten thousand-year-old witch he imagined.

In Yunfei's view, she has lived for too long. Even if she is not an old witch, she must look like a beautiful woman, right?

But the reality is that she is obviously like the big sister next door.

She is still a very excited big sister.

The moment she saw Yunfei, Luna shed tears.

The Holy Spirit is also a human being. He also has emotions and can cry.

Luna smelled her familiar scent on Yunfei's body.

It was the taste of him in her heart.

"As expected, he is his bloodline successor, indeed."

"Can I call you sister?"

Yunfei was not that excited, but he asked something that shocked Yue Shen.

"Ah? Why?"

"Because sister, you don't look old at all."

Yunfei was telling the truth. Yunfei was naturally happy to ask him to call the old soul master his ancestor or something.

But if Yun Fei calls him the ancestor of the Moon God, doesn't that mean he is calling him old?

"It's up to you. In fact, we should treat each other as equals, because you are not his descendant. You have the same bloodline as him. How old is your bloodline?"

Moon God's question made Yunfei feel like he was struck by lightning.

Is this a Xiami situation?

Bloodline level, this is something Yunfei has never told anyone. Why can Moon God directly ask about it?

Even Tianyue's Nizi, who has the ability to detect other people's hearts, doesn't know about this. Why is the Moon God so good?

Luna saw Yunfei's shocked look and a smile appeared on his face.

"I have experienced too many life and death catastrophes with him. I know everything about him. You must look the same as him. If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask."

"My bloodline is now at the fourth level."

"Level 4?"

Now it was Luna's turn to be shocked.

Such a fast speed, is this already the fourth level?

When Sin Xue died, his bloodline was only at the fourth level.

Sure enough, the successor you chose is even better.

Yunfei nodded: "Can you tell me about him? I still don't know his name."

Luna looked pleased. The successor he chose knew how to ask about his situation, which could be considered very thoughtful.

"I can't say, his name is taboo."

"Are you afraid of that Chaos-level person?"

Yunfei pointed to the sky.

"So be it."

Luna gave an ambiguous answer.

In fact, she also had this question in her mind, was it really because of Mo Fei?

"He worked very hard back then and had no support to rely on. In the end, he lost to fate. Do you believe in fate?"

Yunfei shook his head. He didn't believe in fate, he only believed in himself. He only believed that he could change his life through his own efforts.

"Sure enough, he is just like him. He doesn't believe in fate. He fought desperately. Just like you now, you are walking the same path he walked, but you are better than him. You should be able to complete what he has not completed. And I am your backing."

Luna said this firmly.

Back then, he had no backing, but now his successor has backing, and there is more than one.

She wanted to watch Yunfei break through the sky and complete what he had not completed.

"Thank you sister."

Yunfei didn't know what the unfinished business was, but that didn't stop him from being grateful to the Moon God.

If there was no Moon God, he would probably have died in the innate world.

Those people from the divine camp on Xiantian Continent could kill him.

"You and I, my family, don't need to say thank you. Go ahead, enjoy your life and do what you want to do. Take back the Eye of Destruction. You have the ability to keep it. It will be of great use to you."


Yun Fei didn't ask what the purpose of the Eye of Destruction was. There must be a reason why Yue Shen didn't say anything at this time. He would naturally know it when it was time for him to know.

Afterwards, Yunfei left.

Moon God was watching Yun Fei's back and crying continuously. She missed him.

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