Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 945: Keep it for yourself

Chapter 945: Keep it for yourself

In fact, what Luna didn't know was that the soul master looked at Luna with a surprised look, thinking whether to tell Luna what he knew.

Just when the soul master was melancholy, a voice sounded in the soul master's mind.

"Don't tell her the secrets you know. The fewer people who know about those things, the better."

Moon God, who has the cultivation of the Holy God, did not feel this voice.

This is a little scary.

The soul master heard who the owner of this voice was.

He didn't say anything, but he agreed with this person's point of view. In the final analysis, the soul master only ruled the roost in the divine domain. He only had a superficial understanding of what it was like outside the divine domain.

If this person said this, he must have a reason.

"It's up to you to make the decision regarding his affairs."

Luna nodded, and then the chat between the two ended.

A month later, Shuishen Mountain shook again.

Yunfei came out.

Everyone is used to this. If Yun Fei doesn't make some noise before he appears, then they won't be used to it.

However, this time Shuishenshan's reaction was a bit huge, and the vibration lasted for nearly a minute.

Why is this?

Yun Fei had actually been squeezed out of the secret realm a long time ago.

Yunfei is also used to this. Every time he succeeds in breaking through a level, he will be pushed out of the secret realm. But this time the Water God Mountain continues to vibrate, it really has nothing to do with Yunfei.

All this is because of the geothermal spring.

When Yun Fei broke through the level, he ran out like the Nine Heavens Gangfeng in the Heart of Earth Fire and absorbed the water power in the secret realm of water.

But Diquan is different from the first two. Diquan is a spiritual being. Under its active control, the absorption speed is simply plundering and very domineering.

If Diquan left when Yunfei left, there wouldn't be much change in Shuishenshan.

But Diquan doesn't have it. It doesn't want to leave the secret realm of water at all. The secret realm is basically paradise to it. It believes that as long as it stays in the secret realm, its life essence will evolve in a short time. .

It's a pity that Diquan is not welcome in this secret place at all.

Mad, what are you doing?

Do you want to stay at my house and take away everything that belongs to me?

Don't even think about it.

So Diquan was thrown out from the secret realm or alive, and that's why there was such a big commotion.

"Master, can you enter again? If I enter again, my life essence may evolve. I have a feeling that when I evolve again, I will become an acquired treasure."

This is the understanding in Diquan's heart. He doesn't know why, but he just knows it.

"Oh? The acquired treasure?"

Yunfei, who was absorbing the water attribute acquired treasure, spoke in confusion.

"It's not the kind that the master absorbed. It's much more powerful than them."

Diquan opened his mouth to explain.

Comparing it to the kind of garbage Yunfei absorbed is simply an insult to Diquan.

Yunfei shook his head.

"No, I have feelings and can't go in again."

"Hey, forget it, I'm going to the master's spiritual space."

"Wait a minute, why did you all enter my mental space after absorbing enough energy? Those two guys can understand, don't you have your own space?"

Yunfei asked out his doubts.

The Heart of Earth Fire entered its own spiritual space, and the Nine Heavens Gangfeng also entered its own spiritual space.

What is the reason for this?

Although Yunfei didn't notice anything wrong, Yunfei was unwilling to be so unclear.

"Master, I don't know why, but I know that entering your spiritual space is my final destination. It is good for me and you. I can only wait for you to feel it in the future."

Jiquan expressed his feelings.

It's not that Diquan doesn't want to tell Yunfei about these things, but that he really doesn't know.

"Okay, go ahead."

Yunfei did not continue to ask. He knew that if Diquan knew the specific situation, he would definitely tell him. If Diquan didn't know, then he really didn't know.

So, what is the reason?

Yunfei thought while absorbing the water attribute acquired treasure, and unknowingly absorbed all the acquired treasures.

After feeling the Heaven-Sealing Ice under his control, Yunfei was very satisfied.


Little Poison King called Yun Fei.

Yun Fei heard this and appeared in front of Little Poison King.

The top of the mountain is difficult for others, but for Yunfei, it is like walking on flat ground.

"Did you start a fight with someone?"

Yunfei frowned. He had already mastered the rules of water and was very sensitive to water.

Although the Little Poison King's injuries have long since healed, he still smells of water and has traces of injuries.

"Small problem, fighting is just a common occurrence, but we have to be careful next time. Two Sons of God have come to the temple, and a Son of God has come to the Holy Mountain. Now it's a three-on-two situation."

The Little Poison King called Yunfei to inform Yunfei of the current situation.

"Did he fight with you?"

Yunfei is still struggling with the matter of the little Poison King and others.

In Yunfei's view, it must be because of him that the Little Poison King started fighting with others. Now the Little Poison King's attitude also explains everything. This guy is really interesting and cute. He knows that the situation is not good for Yunfei, even if he stays. It wasn't of much use, but he still stayed and wanted to fight against Yunfei.

"That was a month ago. This month, I have gained insights into the flames you left, and I have gained something. If I fight with you again, I will not necessarily lose."

The Little Poison King is very confident that he has indeed gained something from studying the Burning Sky Fire this month.

"Brother, do you have a middle-grade fire attribute acquired treasure?"

Before Yunfei said anything, the Little Poison King continued to speak.

Yunfei shook his head.

He doesn't have a single treasure on him, and the treasure has no effect on him, because he has already experimented with it. He cannot use the treasure. The rules that belong to him belong to his power, and he cannot activate the treasure.

"That's not possible. I have two medium-quality ones. You choose one."

The Little Poison King took out two middle-grade acquired treasures and signaled Yunfei to choose one quickly. If he didn’t choose now, he would have no chance later. Those two holy sons plus a divine son were not good things, and he would not wait for them. Discuss everything before attacking.

"Haha, I don't need this thing, you can keep it for yourself."

"Brother, don't be careless. Not only are they here, there are also the God Emperors they brought. Even if not many of those God Emperors possess mid-grade treasures, even if they hold low-grade treasures, their power is quite impressive."

The little Poison King is a little impatient, now is not the time to act impulsively.

"You mean, they have a lot of treasures in their hands?"

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