Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 969 Don’t try to deceive us

Chapter 969 Don’t try to deceive us

This time there was no need for Lord Fengyu to answer. Among the god emperors standing in a row, one stood out proudly.

"I am the subordinate of Lord Fengyu, I am..."

"Stop, I don't want to know your name, because you will be the first to die in my hands later. Believe me, even if you are besieging me, I will definitely have the ability to kill you. Your master, the old dog, doesn't like it. Are you barking? I will make him fetch water from the bamboo basket in vain today."

What Yunfei said is so irritating.

Anyway, Lord Fengyu was very angry, and he also regretted jumping out so much.

If he had known that he would be targeted by Yun Fei if he failed, he would never have danced so happily.

However, the regret medicine is definitely gone.

Looking at the God Emperor that Lord Fengyu had found, the pride on his face had disappeared.

It was replaced by surprise.

Damn Cao, the plot shouldn't develop like this, right?

Why should I be the first to die?

He kind of wanted to quit this death game.

These seventeen people all thought they were the final winners, but no one wanted to be cannon fodder.

"What? You regret it? If you regret it, just scold this old Fengyu dog now and I will let you go."

Another confusing option.

To scold or not to scold?

Scolding, Lord Fengyu lost all his face. He was scolded by the God Emperor when he found him. It was strange that he could lose face.

If he doesn't scold him, he will be targeted by Yunfei, and he will get nothing in the end. What should he do?

The God Emperor, who looked astonished, gave this choice to Lord Fengyu. He wanted to see how Lord Fengyu chose.

"Yunfei, you made a mistake in your wishful thinking. I won't let you get your wish. Come on, scold me."

Yunfei originally thought that the Fengyu God could fight to the bitter end, but he didn't expect that he would actually choose to let the God Emperor scold him.

What is this operation?

Didn't you say you wouldn't let me Shuailong get his wish?

Doesn't this fulfill my wish?

"Fengyu old dog."

The God Emperor didn't hesitate. It was about his family and life. God Fengyu didn't care about it, so he could just scold him.

Lord Fengyu's face looked somewhat ugly.

But face is not important at this time, what is important is the final fruits of victory.

Between face and saving the life of the God-Emperor, he chose this God-Emperor.

Because under his plan, he has a high chance of picking the final fruit.

Among these seventeen people, there is more than one person under his command.

In addition to the God Emperor who jumped out, there was another person who was one of his men.

As long as Yun Fei can be killed, these two people finally join forces unexpectedly, and they are definitely the biggest dark horse.

"God Fengyu, you are indeed very courageous. I admire you very much. Who did you inherit this shameless essence from?"

Yunfei salivated in admiration, but he was scolding his parents.

"Boy, don't use your words. The treasure has been given to you and the personnel have been selected. Please tell me quickly where we will fight next."

Lord Fengyu didn't want to talk nonsense to Yunfei anymore. Talking nonsense too much would only humiliate his own face.

"Where else can it be? Just on the top of this mountain."

Yunfei said casually.

"What? No."


This time it was not just Lord Fengyu who spoke, other gods could not hold back.

Are you kidding me?

They know very well how much pressure there is on the top of Tushen Mountain.

The God Emperors they had found couldn't even climb the top of the mountain. How could they expect them to fight Yun Fei on the top of the mountain?

"Why not? Oh, you are afraid of the pressure on the top of the mountain, so you say no. Don't worry, how could I bully these idiots? I will help them withstand the pressure on the top of the mountain."

"Who are you calling stupid?"

Before the gods could respond, all seventeen god emperors were unhappy.

What are you doing?

What are you talking about?

Why are we so stupid?

"Why are you not mentally retarded? No matter what conditions they gave you, I think they are not as important as your lives, and you chose to agree to them and give up your lives. Isn't this idiotic?"

"Fart, Yunfei, you are already on the verge of death, and you are still so arrogant? Are you afraid that you don't want to end up with a good death? If you are magnanimous enough, we will give you a decent death, but now you are so humiliating Have you ever thought about what will happen to us?"

The God-Emperor who spoke had a fiery temper.

But what he said was exactly what these seventeen people thought, and they all thought so.

The original intention was to besiege someone else, and if they could give them a decent way to die, it would be better to be more dignified. If word spread afterward, they wouldn't be too embarrassed.

But now, anything decent or dishonorable has been thrown out of their hearts.

A guy with such a bad mouth doesn't deserve a decent death.

"Don't worry, I can't die. Come on, come up."

"Wait a moment."

The gods spoke again.

Damn it, what kind of regulations have not been finalized here yet, why are they just allowed to go up?

"Aren't you worried? That's right. After all, there are so many treasures taken out, so I'll let you take a look. After seeing them, you will feel relieved."

After saying that, Yunfei waved his hand, and a khaki light enveloped the entire mountain top.

"Within this light shield, there is no pressure. It is no different from a normal space. Everyone can perform normally. Do you have any other opinions? Don't expect me to leave this mountain top. I will never give you a chance."

If these old dogs really brought out dozens of middle-grade acquired treasures, Yunfei would not have any objection to fighting in another place.

Because his rule control reaches 80, he will be confident.

Unfortunately, the thirteen middle-grade treasures that the old dogs took out could not meet such conditions at all.

They brought a total of 4 fire attribute treasures, 3 water attribute treasures, 3 wind attribute treasures, and 3 earth attribute treasures.

Anyway, this one item is stuck, and people can handle it very well.

Yunfei's wind and water control are both at 73 points. Now he has 3 points each, which is only 76 points. He is still far away from 80 points.

Therefore, Yunfei will definitely not leave the top of Tushen Mountain.

If he really wants to leave, the seventeen people who attack Yunfei will not be there.

The gods looked confused.

They are unwilling to let their people fight under Yunfei's energy.

What if Yunfei does anything?

If he can block the pressure from the top of the mountain, he can naturally put it in.

"What? Are you afraid that I will play tricks? If I really play tricks, won't you have an excuse to go to the Moon God Pavilion to cause trouble?"

"Hmph, don't try to deceive us. I will never let you succeed. Just wait for us to discuss it carefully."

Lord Fengyu snorted coldly, and then summoned the gods who got the quota this time to discuss.

Yunfei shrugged and said, "Let's discuss it however we want. It just so happened that I, Shuailong, took advantage of this time to absorb the treasure you gave me."

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