Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 137 Two children arguing about the sun

The girl couldn't help complaining, and secretly sighed in her heart that she could return to the position of complaining servant. This old man Ange is indeed a treasure trove.

However, awesomeness is awesome, and emotion is emotion. The problem now is the dilemma of the moment.

"you lose."

With a complacent smile on his face, the old man said this.

"You are the one who loses."

The girl replied with a slight smile and her words were sincere.

"You lose first."

"No, no, you first."


"Respect the elders."

"Don't you have any respect for your elders?"

"We Sakura people have always liked to play from the bottom to the top."

Their tongues were like sharp swords. The two mixed-races, who were also very good at verbally garbled words among the mixed-races, clashed with each other. Several swords and swords appeared in the air, and the sound was so huge and terrifying.

However, this cannot change the reality that the two of them are in a stalemate at this moment.

".I think I have cracked the use of Time Zero, but how on earth did you manage to enter the water at a speed faster than mine and still maintain consciousness and perform the subtle operation of pausing your own heartbeat?"

Ritsuka finally stopped being stubborn and reluctantly tried to review what had just happened.

"It seems to me that there are only two possibilities."

Under Ange's encouraging gaze, the girl slowly spoke.

"One, you have some kind of secret technique that can greatly increase your physical strength in a short period of time, allowing you to barely maintain consciousness even if you suffer a huge impact."

This is not difficult. The opponent is the pinnacle combat expert of mankind, and the hybrid species corresponds to the existence of a magician. It is not surprising that there are several secret techniques that are the best in the box. It is better to say that this is really reasonable.

At least Ritsuka himself felt that this was more likely.

As for another possibility.

"Two-" the girl hesitated for a few seconds and then licked her lips.

"The secret party's database and the Yanling genealogy chart of the eight Sheqi families are completely wrong. All the hybrid organizations in the world have never understood the true effect of Time Zero from the beginning to the end."

"The function of Time Zero is not to double one's own speed, and it has never been a high-level use of an instant, but a more mysterious time operation."

"The user's kinetic energy has not changed. What really changes is the user's [time]. Time only accelerates on you, which means that turning on time zero during the fall will not cause any harm to you. The risk will only make you enter the water faster than me at the normal falling speed."

As soon as the words fell, there was no immediate response from the woods. There was only the sound of the wind blowing in the woods, the sound of fine leaves rubbing against each other, and the loud sound of the waterfall and water scouring the lake.

The handsome old man with white hair looked at the girl in front of him quietly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"I should have said that this is information related to the internal secrets of the mixed race, so I can't say it. But -" The old man smiled. "I'm just not going to say it. If someone speculates on their own, it has nothing to do with me."

"In fact, including Ahe, and even the mixed-races who have fought with me have experienced Time Zero, but no one has ever found a problem." When talking about this, the white-haired old man's eyes widened. There is a resentment that iron cannot become steel and a little bit of annoyance that does not fit his external image.

"Honestly, I almost wonder if this generation of mixed-race people are growing crookedly. I went to study for a doctorate in education in order to become the principal of Cassel College. I know that there are some things that can be said and some things that cannot be said, but I still I want to point at my stupid students and say, "You are the worst class I have ever taught." The old man took the time to wink.

"But now, finally there is someone who can see through the nature of Time Zero."


Li Xiang didn't pay attention to Ange's denigration of his students. Instead, he was keen enough to capture the moment when the old man revealed some true feelings in his words, and accurately grasped the small points.

"Haha, it's a story from before. If you want to hear it, wait until you come to Kassel College. Principal, I'll treat you to afternoon tea." Angers brushed off the topic with a smile on his face.

"Fuyuanchang Blue Nei Feiyuan Tea, traditional tea-making technique, lightly brewed in a purple clay pot, and poured into the pot and bowl with the strong water of a dragon playing in the water." The girl said seriously.


Ange's eyebrows trembled slightly, and his hands trembled.

"We can discuss this matter in the long term. Now don't you think we should discuss what to do next?" Angers said seriously. "From now on, we are just holding each other's arms and are in a stalemate here. It doesn't matter that you are strong. Can't you care about my physical strength and concentration, old man?"

Shaking her head, the girl immediately shook her head in denial.


Ritsuka looked like only her black ball and her last solid color ball were left on the pool table, and she sternly refused with a sullen face.

"Although Yan Ling's analysis is indeed beyond my expectation, since you didn't defeat me with a sneak attack in an instant, the result is obvious -" the girl narrowed her eyes.

"Compare your strength with me. When I was young, I went to the Greek city-state to practice ancient Greek wrestling." The girl was furious and her momentum was overwhelming.

"You are going to compete with the noble warriors in a brute strength competition!"

Before she finished speaking, the girl exerted a burst of force. Ange instantly felt as helpless as if the big truck had hit him. He was actually thrown up by the girl, and his posture was as relaxed as if he had thrown Ahe away.


【Time Zero】

Angers, who was thrown into the air, did not panic. He quickly landed on the ground in an "almost still" time. At the same time, he twisted his face and blew air on his caught wrist to cool down. Then he took a deep breath and returned to his calm state. Shocked look.

Time zero is lifted.

When Ritsuka saw the man, he had already restored his calm and elegant face.

Ritsuka frowned.

As I said before, Ritsuka's full speed is still far inferior to Time Zero.

Even when Ritsuka's Golden Eyes are at their peak, she and royal hybrids like Kazama Ruri Genkosei in dragon bone mode can break the sound barrier and move——

But movement does not equal speed.

Reaching the sound barrier is just a physical explosion at a certain moment, and it does not continue to complete all actions at such a high speed. Just like most heroic spirits cannot actually move at the speed of sound, they can easily break the sound barrier with the weapons in their hands.

From this point of view, Ritsuka's bare-handed ability is completely among the second-rate heroic spirits, or even the first-rate heroic spirits.

But even she was far from able to capture Angers at fifty times the speed of time.

Even among the heroic spirits, it is estimated that the Cave King who has activated the Noble Phantasm, as well as Achilles, Red Hare Horse and other speed-specialized heroic spirits can catch up with this dead old man, right?

If Ange hadn't tried his best to activate the spirit spirit before, and if he hadn't designed it to put Ange into a moment where he couldn't even react and stop the car, then no matter how hard he and the head of the Inuyama family tried, they couldn't defeat this old man.

So the same is true now.

Even though Ritsuka seemed to have seen a blurry afterimage of a person and could roughly follow the reaction, because her hands were controlled by Ange, she could not let her body explode with full force, so naturally she could not react in a timely manner.

It was not only Ange who was restrained by this stalemate, but also Ritsuka.

What's more, the current speed may not even be Angers' limit.

Of course, Ritsuka is not completely powerless to fight back.

Although Angers was much faster than her in this situation, since she had caught Angers, with the huge difference in wrist strength between the two, she could actually crush Angers' hand bones. She didn't do this just because she didn't want to be so rough with an old man.

but now.

The girl glanced at the old man's muscular arms and thought to herself.

Well, very weak.

It's about as brittle as solid steel, and it feels like it can be easily crushed.

The girl's eyes were shining, but Ange suddenly felt cold all over.

Why do I feel so cold all of a sudden in the middle of summer?

At this time, the old man saw the tangled look in Lixiang's eyes becoming more and more dangerous, as if he was weighing something, and the feeling of uneasiness became more and more obvious.

Finally, Angers couldn't help but speak.

"Wait, I have a suggestion."


The girl raised her head and looked at the old man in confusion. Her eyes were like those of a traditional Chinese medicine doctor checking the pulse. The lady at the market stopped looking at picking pork belly.

But the old man spoke in time and said——

"A truce, okay?"


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