Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 148 Master Yue and his filial sons

Principal Angers’ trip to Japan can be said to have come and gone in a hurry.

On the first day he came, he was seriously involved in the situation of Japanese mixed race. The first step was to arrest the director of the executive bureau of the eight Sheqi families. Brag and show off your true qualities as a master.

In the remaining days, I either ate or drank, and had sex with Uesugoshi and the head of the Inuyama family.

Only very occasionally, I would play swordsmanship with Ritsuka and Minamoto Chiaki at the sword dojo on the 20th floor of Genji Heavy Industries. In the end, I came to the conclusion that just in terms of swordsmanship, Ritsuka and Minamoto Chiaki can be beaten together. Hammer, Ritsuka was so angry that she wanted to go to the nursing home to get Ruri Kazama back for a three-on-one fight of justice.

Fortunately, the old man had some conscience and knew that it was not advisable to just beat people up. He also taught Ritsuka some of the skills of the Niten First Class. Finally, he decided that for a monster like Ritsuka whose brute force is almost as strong as an ancient dragon, the Second Ten First Class is indeed the most suitable one. Her swordsmanship can even be said to be natural.

The old man who was delighted to see Hunter immediately forced the girl to take several kendo lessons for free, but she was also beaten. It reminded Ritsuka of the days when Teacher Scathach forced her to learn Celtic spearmanship and salmon leaping.

——Seriously, salmon jumping is not something people learn at all, right?

Dogs will jump over the wall when they are anxious, but people will only be red and warm!

The girl really learned to jump high for a long time, so much so that every time she jumped, there were a lot of heroic spirits surrounding her.

No, jump high. What do you think you are doing so seriously?

Of course, I still didn’t learn it in the end.

However, in this life, I feel that Ritsuka has been practicing secretly.

Back to the subject, just when the girl felt that she had made a breakthrough in swordsmanship and was about to continue her studies, the old man unexpectedly had a sudden idea and said that he was leaving Japan. He would then go to Europe to repay the debt and then leave for China to personally investigate the highway. road incident.

If you want to learn from the second class.

Want to learn? I'll teach you.

But first go to Kassel Gym to get an annual pass.

He is really a shrewd old man. He went to the big country next door a few times and learned nothing but the old skills of a 60-minute massage in Foot Washing City. Only the last ten minutes are the focus.

Coming back to the subject, as time passed, the entire mixed-race world in Japan finally stabilized.

The eight Sheqi families have successfully annexed the fierce ghosts, forming a situation where one family is the dominant one in a sense, which has made Boss Yuan become mentally and physically haggard again recently.

Fortunately, the problem of Eri Yi losing control of her speech spirit has been solved, and the connection with Principal Ange has been completed, and the remaining trivial matters can be dealt with slowly.

And the girl at the center of the whirlpool is now——


"The head of the Inuyama family understands what's on his mind, Principal Ange is also satisfied, and Eri has gained the power of freedom, and..."

The beautiful and delicate girl twisted on the sofa like a wriggling insect, turned over, and swung her legs back and forth in the air, enjoying the air conditioning blowing on her calves, looking bored.

"Is there anything else? I always feel like I forgot something."

The girl who almost transformed into a squatting family picked up her phone and scrolled aimlessly, chatting and spanking with the members of the rescue team.

And just at a certain moment.

All, all, all, all, all, all~~~

The phone switched screens without warning, and the person who came was the name recorded in Ritsuka's contacts.

【Brother Kazama】

The girl blinked and answered the phone without hesitation.

【Hey, Fujimaru Ritsuka--】

"Hey, why do you have time to call me? Don't you have to be busy with Miss Sakurai? Don't you have to think about what birthday gift to buy for Miss Sakurai's birthday? By the way, girls generally like something that is gorgeous but practical. The gift of being able to see beyond the surface and see your partner’s heart.”

Before Kazama Ruri could say the important thing, the girl spoke a lot of words, her words were clear and logical, and she had no shortcomings except for making the interlocutor lose her response.


Kazama Liuli was speechless for a moment, and the original loneliness on the other end of the phone changed to a man's hoarse sigh.

[If I encounter any desperate situation where I am about to die, I will never call you. 】

"Ha!?! Why are you belittling me out of thin air!"

The girl turned over and immediately sat upright on the sofa, asking angrily. "Do you look down on your Fujimaru-san's loyalty or your Fujimaru-san's strength?"

There was a tired retort on the other side of the phone.

【.After all, what is it to be gorgeous but practical? What is it to be able to see the true heart through the surface? Do you want me to freeze the heart in liquid nitrogen and package it for her? 】

"It is indeed gorgeous and practical, and a child can be taught." The girl thought for a while, then nodded in appreciation and said, "You are much smarter than your boss Yuan. Do you know, the last time we talked about this issue, the boss actually talked to I said I wanted to give him a knife I forged, but I was really worried that he would be chopped down by the target with the knife he forged."

The girl raised her head, her voice somewhat concerned.


Kazama Ruri was silent again, but this time the reason for silence was different.

Obviously I have never discussed the topic of girls I like with my brother.

Kazama Ruri had an inexplicable feeling that the girl was trying to offend him, and she suddenly felt bad, so she decided to skip the topic.

But he suddenly realized that what he was going to say next seemed to be unavoidable in this topic.

[Let’s get down to business. Do you still remember the text message you sent me a few days ago? 】

"Short message?"

The girl's voice was dull, just because she lay back on the sofa again, spread out on the backrest like a pool of slime that was about to rot.

[It’s the one on June 1st. You sent me a message in the middle of the night, and the next morning you kept asking me why I couldn’t reply to that message immediately. 】

The voice on the other end of the phone is like a winter snow lotus growing on cliffs and raging snowstorms. It is an extremely rare but cold and strong winter snow lotus. It has a strong sense of irony. If it is placed on a video website, it can be certified as a satirist. .


Ritsuka began to remember.

June 1st? Isn't that the time when I ran away from home with Eri?

What text message did I send that day?


The girl stood up suddenly, her expression changed drastically.

——[. Damn it, I obviously don’t interfere in other people’s family affairs, but I just secretly told that guy Kazama Ruri about this matter, so it should be okay, right? 】

The girl suddenly remembered her own mental activities and suddenly realized.

What she realized was that she had been struggling with the issue of "what did she forget" these past few days!

Master Yue is Master Yue!

On the roller coaster ride, when I and Mr. Angers praised each other's "Asasi", it was precisely because Angers wanted to fulfill the wish of the head of the Inuyama family.

On this basis, I also want to let Master Yue and his boss Yuan meet.

Although the final result was a bit weird, the fight was kissing and scolding was love. Ritsuka originally thought that no matter how big the misunderstanding was between the few love-starved royal hybrids, they could be solved by just chatting.

But because she was busy with other things, and even had to help the boss handle affairs on behalf of the master, she forgot about it.


"Why are you talking about this now! How could you do this!" Ritsuka reacted, and she trampled on the office floor with a loud noise.

It was obvious that she had forgotten about this matter, but the girl planned to secretly pass the responsibility onto the other party.

As he spoke, he seemed to have deceived himself, just like a child who was clearly not doing homework and playing with his mobile phone but was pushed open by his parents, picked up a book and pretended to be scolded, but actually felt aggrieved. .

Suddenly he was filled with anger, and he asked sternly as if he had been stabbed in the back by his most trusted partner.

The person on the other end of the phone was even more decisive. As the intellectual responsibilities between the three royal-level mixed-race siblings, he said it as a matter of course.

[I have set Do Not Disturb for you. 】

"What?!" The girl couldn't believe it.

"This is how you treat your savior! This is how you treat your biological brother's younger brother! This is how you treat your current boss!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka is angry!

"Minamoto Girl, you are just a [beep——]!!"

"I'm going to your nursing home right now! I'll collect all your cosmetics for you!"

"I'm not done with you, Yuan Zhimei! Just wait for me!!"


Kazama Ruri twitched her lips on the other side of the phone and said expressionlessly.

[Come, I'll wait for you. 】

Alas, this article has always used the default cover of Qidian. Although I thought about doing it in the middle, I didn't bother to look for it because it was too troublesome.

However, I picked up one recently. I guess I will try to apply for a cover change in the next few days. Please be careful not to delete it from the bookshelf by mistake.

. . . I will cry.

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