Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 152 Hey, are you from Shilan too?

White wings cut through the sky, the clouds below me are like soft continents, there is an imperceptible roar in my ears, the wheels of the fine-framed iron dining car are turning, and the warm and elegant perfume on the stewardess is a first-class cabin. The air quality must be appreciated.

CX509, in the first class cabin, the warm light hits the red velvet and reflects a thin layer of light red gold, just like the palace tones in classic British TV series, as if the air is dyed with a trace of red wine elegance.

Even when the pure white giant bird lands, the atmospheric pressure suddenly changes, and the imbalance of pressure inside and outside the tympanum causes a burst of discomfort. The elegant passengers in this space will definitely not show any indecent behavior such as opening their mouths and covering their ears. Expression——

Wang Dahai, 43 years old, is a Japanese company technical consultant and accompanying translator.

My parents work for a travel agency in Fuzhou. They travel to public transportation, tourist attractions, and the CO2 generated by thousands of people all year round.

In summer, the sun shines on the back, and in winter, the face is covered with snow and frost.

Because my parents instilled the idea that "anything is fine as long as you don't work as a tour guide" was instilled in me by my parents when I was young, I firmly chose to work as a consultant for a Japanese company that makes a lot of money, and I have been working hard to this day.

For a man who had already cleared the obstacles before him in his forties, looked down upon his classmates in middle and high school, and resolutely became a financially independent man, today's plane trip was a bit torturous.

Cathay Pacific CX509 runs directly from Tokyo International Airport, also known as Haneda Airport, to Fujian Fuzhou Changle International Airport. As a man with a successful career who has traveled between China and Japan many times due to work needs, it is a very familiar flight.

VIP seats, the full name is very important person. The group represented by this vernacular English is naturally not very noble and elegant. At least most of the middle class will not get that noble experience when they ruthlessly book first class for the first time. , and you can’t feel the class experience of being superior to others.

The meal I ate was the airplane microwave fast food, and the drink I drank wasn’t Lafite, it wasn’t even the Cabernet Selection dry wine with free shipping at 29.9, and I didn’t even know whether the Coke was Pepsi or Coca-Cola.

When the plane descends, those who should cover their ears will still cover their ears, those who should giggle will still smile, and those who should open their mouths to balance the air pressure will not purse their lips and pose for graduation photos. Serious posture.

But that day was different.

All the passengers in the VIP room were sitting upright, with either solemn expressions, leisurely and graceful expressions, mingling with each other, or cautious words and deeds. What was inadvertently revealed when turning the hands was the noble Rolex platinum diamond pearl, and the authentic London accent was read deliberately in the words.

It has the elegant tone of an American power struggle drama.


The question is very simple.

Wang Dahai secretly looked to his side. A not-so-wide aisle separated him from the seat "next door" to him.

There sat a young girl.

Wang Dahai's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little. He lowered his head and looked at the carpet, then at the girl's orange hair. That look was more like a Counter-Strike person shaking his sniper rifle in the sand of de_dust2 than peeping at a beauty, intending to kill the villains on the other side.

With a job that requires frequent business trips, Wang Dahai has seen many beauties, especially Asian beauties.

The face is redder, like the genuine Yamato Nadeshiko in the legend. A Chinese actress who is tender and charming and charming with words. A Korean idol who is charming, boneless and gorgeous.

But when he met this girl, he was still shocked.

The girl is wearing a black suit. Unlike her own wrinkled suit, you can clearly see the traces of hand customization. Because the ends of the limbs are tightly closed and not tied, it has just the right streamline. It is obviously made by a dedicated person.

The shoulders are not slumped and the back is not hunched, which is the strong integration of the golden ratio and the core of the human body.

The girl sat on her seat and looked at the scenery. She crossed her legs and covered her knees with her hands an inch above her knees. Her aura was at the intrinsic Fermi level between urban elites and kimono beauties.

This terrifying girl is the source of this change, turning the first-class cabin, which was not much different from the economy class, into the upper-class social hall.

The elegant posture of everyone is not so much satisfying themselves, but rather subconsciously cooperating with the girl, fearlessly creating an atmosphere suitable for girls.

The same is true for Wang Dahai. From the beginning, he felt that his butt and waistline were itching. It was caused by the tightness of his trousers, but he still did not dare to move.

However, unlike these people who pretend to be powerful, Wang Dahai has a deeper understanding of the girl in front of him.

This girl is a Sakura girl, born and raised, Wang Dahai thought to himself.

I can see this not because this is a flight from Haneda Airport to China. After all, Haneda Airport is only a transfer in the flight route, and even if I am taking this flight, isn't it true that I am an authentic Chinese who goes out to work?

The reason why he was sure that the girl was an authentic Sakura girl was mainly because the girl said something in English when she asked the flight attendant for a Coke. That was a phrase that had to be learned on the plane——

cola, please have some cola.

Unfortunately, Sakura people can always pronounce Coke as Korra instead of Korra. This is their fatal flaw.

Therefore, Wang Dahai, who knew the information about Sakura Girl, couldn't help but feel courageous. As an employee of a Japanese company who often traveled on business, he had sufficient Japanese language experience and a lot of courage, so it was not a bad idea to come forward and have a chat.

And after three hours, forty-six minutes and eight seconds of struggle, he took action.

"Um, hello, miss——"




There was a soft sound like crickets scrubbing leaves in the background, and the air began to stick and solidify as if a little 520 glue had been added. Under the sharp eyes of the surrounding people, the man wiped the sweat from the side of his face and spoke reluctantly.

"I think you seem to be a native of Tokyo. Are you visiting Fuzhou?"

"Ah, uncle, I'm not a weirdo. Well, my family is in the tourism industry. Do you understand that? I'm just curious, um."

The man hesitated and looked extremely embarrassed, and the sight around him became more and more dangerous.

Even the flight attendant with a good figure restrained her originally gentle face, clenched her fists and lowered her weight, intending to resume the karate she learned in her early years.

And at this moment——

"This is true!"

Unexpectedly, the girl who was still looking out the window but had her soul suddenly recalled suddenly had her eyes shining brightly, and she responded energetically to the man's clumsy approach.

"Oh, my luck is so great!" The girl touched her head. "I have been worried that my friends in China might be unreliable and take me to wander around in some shabby places. I didn't expect you to come."

The man was overjoyed when he saw this. It wasn't that he really had any special thoughts about the girl, but that he was simply overjoyed after a few words with the flower of the high mountain.

The girl was so happy that she leaned on the edge of her seat and got a few centimeters closer to the man.

"Please guide me! How should I conquer Fuzhou?"


The man suddenly realized whether he was violating the family business and becoming a tourist. He couldn't help but think of all the advice his father had given him.


"Then you have really found the right person!"

The man grinned, completely forgetting his father's teachings.

"I'm very familiar with Fuzhou, for example."

"Three lanes and seven alleys are the most culturally rich place in Fujian, a thousand-year-old ancient city." The man talked eloquently.

Although there are too many people to die for.

"Gushan, a beautiful mountain with beautiful forest ravines, you can also see the panoramic view of Fuzhou from the top of the mountain." The man gestured with his hands.

Although there are too many people to die for.

"Yongtai Yunding, the top of Qingyun Mountain, consists of flower terraces, Tianchi meadows and alpine canyon scenic spots. It is known as the "Shangri-La of Fujian" and the "10,000 acres of grassland"." The man was full of energy.

Although there are more people than grass.

"For example, Fuzhou National Forest Park is one of the six Chinese 4A scenic spots in Fuzhou. The park is surrounded by green mountains on three sides and has a high level of negative oxygen ions." The man recalled with a look on his face.

Although it is obviously a forest park, it is inexplicably crowded with people.

The man never showed any hint of heartfelt recommendation in his words. After all, the so-called hometown recommendation is a very personal and very unspeakable act.

Ninety percent of the aborigines will never understand their hometown in their entire lives. All they know is how the pig's trotter rice downstairs tastes and what time the supermarket discounts are on sale across the street.

On this basis, he also expressed his sincere disdain for local internet celebrity brands, leaving famous lines such as "It's not as good as my ** store downstairs" and "Locals don't go to eat there" under relevant videos.

This is true, but when asked to recommend something in a short time and in person, people in Guangzhou will still choose to say Taotaoju Guangzhou Restaurant, and people in Fuzhou can only say Sanfangqixiang. specific noun.

"This is excellent."

The simple and kind-hearted Sakura Girl seemed unable to see through the false pretense. She just nodded with fascination and responded in agreement.

"Fuzhou has a long history, which can be traced back to the Keqiutou Culture of Pingtan in 5000 BC and the Tanshishan Culture of Minhou in 3000 BC."

"During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the terms "Baiyue" and "Minyue" began to appear in Chinese historical records."

"During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the political and economic center of Fujian moved from northern Fujian to the Fuzhou area. In the 13th year of Kaiyuan of the Tang Dynasty, the original Fujian Province was renamed Fuzhou, and the name Fuzhou began."

“In the second year of Zhiping, Zhang Boyu, the governor of Fuzhou, planted banyan trees all over Fuzhou, and the name “Rong City” came from this.”

"It can be seen that the city has a profound history, rich humanities and talents, and green mountains and green waters. It is a tourist place that must be appreciated!" The girl clenched her fists in excitement.


Wang Dahai frowned.

I don’t know this

Wait, who is from Fuzhou? I? you?

Before the man could react, seeing that the girl was so easy to talk to, the VIP passengers around him couldn't hold back and hurriedly interrupted.

"Hey, little girl, if you come to Fuzhou, why don't you go and find some delicious food instead of the scenic spots? Pork swallows and seven-star fish balls are famous dishes!"

"You need to elaborate on this."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl turned back and said seriously.

"My knowledge of fish balls is still a little superficial. I only know that the fish meat must be minced, beaten, sweet potato powder and seasonings added, and after continuous kneading, fine minced pork belly is added inside. The seasoning is classic salty. Fresh mouth."


The VIP guest who interrupted was a little dazed and hesitated.

"I don't know about this."

"No, if nothing else, you have to at least go to Xichan Temple, right?!" Some passengers began to make recommendations. Wang Dahai was pushed to the edge of the topic by everyone, but it was difficult for him to interrupt, because for every scenic spot, As the eldest son of a travel agency, he only has one comment.

There are really many people.

But people's enthusiasm was really uncontrollable, and they stretched out their arms to express their opinions.

"Luoyuan Bay!"

“West Lake Park!”

"Haitan Island!"

“Gui’an Hot Spring!”

"my home!"

People's voices were rising and falling, and it was so lively that it didn't look like a VIP first-class cabin. The girl was also seriously discussing with people the tour routes, transportation routes, and the best time to visit scenic spots.

"Hey, I'm here to travel to Fuzhou too. How about we go together?"

"Is that so? However, the annual relative humidity in Fuzhou is about 77%. The heat island effect often occurs, and Fuzhou is a basin terrain. The temperature at noon in summer is as high as above 36°C. The dominant wind direction is northeasterly, and southerly wind is dominant in summer. 7 ~The weather in September is very hot, which is the period when typhoon activity is concentrated, and the extreme temperature can reach 42.3℃. If you go there at this time, you need to be prepared for a tough battle."


Several Fuzhou locals bumped into each other.

Who among you knew that our leader is the northeasterly wind?

I. I don’t know.

But then again, people realized that it turned out that Sakura Girl came to China not for a short trip at the end of the holiday, but to be an exchange student and live here permanently.

The name of the school is.

"Shilan Middle School?"

People were confused and repeated the name.

“I have some impression”

People looked at each other, always feeling that this thing called Shilan Middle School seemed strangely familiar.

And the reason why they are familiar with it is actually not surprising, just because it is.

"Little sister, are you also a student of Shilan Middle School?"

In the turbulent corner, a male voice sounded.

That is a man who is also wearing formal clothes. If a girl and a suit are a subtle but harmonious contradictory beauty, then the suit is a perfect and perfect companion for this man.

The man wears glasses, his hair is neatly styled into a three-quarter length, and his appearance can be considered average, but he carries a gentle and gentle temperament that makes people want to listen to him, like an entrepreneur who has been successful for many years.

When the man saw that everyone was focusing on him, he didn't feel stage frightened. He just said politely with a kind smile.

"Shilan Middle School is a private school. It is a well-known school in Fuzhou circles. My son also goes to school there."

"Ah, he is still the father of a schoolmate!"

It was obviously quite embarrassing to meet the father of a classmate outside school, but the orange-haired girl didn't seem to mind at all. She opened her mouth wide in surprise and said cheerfully.

"This is all fate!" The girl put her hand on her chest, bowed politely and said.

"My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka."

The middle-aged man who was stopped by him was stunned, then nodded and replied.

"My name is Lu Tianming."

"My son's name is Chu Zihang."

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