Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 176: That white-haired old man doesn’t know how to play at first glance (2 in 1, 5,000 words

And off-court factors are off-court factors after all, and they are all farce that are unknown to people inside the basketball court.

Ritsuka just looked at the gap that had been forcibly widened and relaxed slightly, wiped the sweat from the side of his face, and lamented that the alchemy tools were powerful. Even if they did not thoroughly penetrate into the Dragon Clan's technology, they were still enough for humans to create this kind of thing that was beyond science. Common sense props.

But in a corner where the girl couldn't see, the members of the Shilan Middle School basketball team were already moved to tears.

I didn’t expect that Fujimaru-san to work so hard that he was so sweaty!

Whether it was for Shilan Middle School to seize that honor, or to indulge in the thrill of sports competition, at least the girl's actions undoubtedly provided convenience to several Shilan Middle School basketball team members.

Especially as a special recruit and a starter for the city finals championship team, these words written in the file are already awesome enough to take off in a spiral.

So everyone has never been jealous of Ritsuka's basketball talent that easily surpassed theirs. It's just because if a genius runs too fast, people don't even have the chance to complain about his back. They can only hurriedly sketch that back and write it down every day. Pay tribute and sigh.

But now, Yi Bo Yuntian's basketball geniuses are struggling, and they are naturally embarrassed to continue to fall.

People who can keep working hard are rare, but people who can keep falling are even rarer, just because people will be pushed by their own sense of responsibility and self-esteem to stand up slightly and do two sit-ups.

The sudden burst of momentum left the opposing team puzzled, but it didn't really matter.

Friendship and hard work only exist in jump comics. In reality, mental excitement may not have good results. At least in the eyes of people from Fuzhou High School, these half-bucket guys are still half-bucket of water.

Just like they couldn't beat Fujimaru Ritsuka no matter how much they shouted "For the sustenance and dreams of our partners!", these dabblers from Shilan Middle School couldn't beat them either.

The game continued to pass like this, and it came to the end.

People booed and began to celebrate the victory that had not yet come. But just before the whistle blew, Chu Zihang hit another three-pointer on the court. The boy shot freely, which was a perfect interpretation of his chic demeanor.

The girls' screams covered the referee's whistle, and the final finally came to an end.

People's faces were flushed and they clapped and cheered. Su Xiaoqiang was also mixed in the crowd. No, she stood out from the crowd. She stood on the steps and cheered. With her beautiful and bright face, she was quite popular in the cheerleading team.

However, Su Xiaoqiang suddenly became confused for some reason.

She slowly lowered her hand that was in the shape of a trumpet to her mouth. Amidst the violent celebrations, the girl frowned and looked at the position in front of her.


Lu Mingfei hasn't come back yet.

In fact, it was not only Su Xiaoqiang who noticed this matter, but also Zhao Menghua and several others.

The reason for their doubts is similar to that of Su Xiaoqiang.

They knew the reason why Lu Mingfei hadn't come back yet.

As early as when they set off, this group of boys had already started discussing whether to buy some snacks and drinks. High school boys have no resistance to industrial saccharin, so they had already seen the convenience store in front of the stadium when they came.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the store door was not open.

In fact, it is not difficult to speculate. If it were Fujimaru Ritsuka, he would have discovered that before departure, several boys had already gathered together to discuss whether to buy drinks. But now, after drinking the mineral water given by the school, you should know that the convenience store may not be open.

But Lu Mingfei is not Fujimaru Ritsuka, so he might not know the truth until he arrives at the convenience store.

But Zhao Menghua and others did not expect that this guy would not come back without buying water, but stayed outside for so long.


You can't just run away with the money, right?

Zhao Menghua imagined it in his mind and felt annoyed for a moment, but then quickly denied himself.

He thought he could still see through the little thoughts of people like Lu Mingfei. He didn't have the guts to take the money and run away, and it would be too embarrassing for Su Xiaoqiang.

Then is he going?


At this time, Lu Mingfei, who was two streets away from the Olympic Stadium, felt like he was in trouble.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he still wanted to buy water when he saw the convenience store was closed, so he ended up running outside the Olympic Sports Center to find a convenience store.

It turned out that there was no second convenience store still open in this place. When Lu Mingfei found it, he looked at the clock on the wall of the convenience store and knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to see his squad leader's moment of victory. .

But he still had no choice but to bury his head and run back with a large bag of water.

Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky

"The Adventures of Jackie Chan" is a series of adventure comedy animations produced by Dragon Treasure Studio. It premiered on Kids' WB Warner Animation World on September 9, 2000.

The film is based on film and television superstar Jackie Chan. It is an American animated film adapted from real people.

Lu Mingfei likes watching this recently, so he also learned the mantra.

But Jackie Chan uses unlucky to describe himself, and Lu Mingfei uses Lu Mingfei to describe unlucky.

No way, I am the star of the live-action version of the Lucky Bear, and I was surprised to see three or four closed convenience stores in one day.

He even began to wonder if there was some unknown organization tracking him day and night just to prevent him from returning to the basketball court.

Lu Mingfei thought like this and ran faster.

I know that as a commoner, my life depends on God, but I can’t just rely on God to provide me with food, right?

Lu Mingfei's academic ability is not very good, but looking at the figure of his squad leader, when he threw the basketball, he inexplicably learned something——

Don't run away.

The boy started running under the astonished gazes of passers-by. His body was twisted until he reached the point where he was exhausted, but the road conditions did not go as he imagined. The traffic lights seemed to be against him. They were still green a few seconds earlier, and the party was over. .

When Lu Mingfei arrived at the Olympic Stadium, he ran even slower.

There was no way, the whole gate was full of spectators leaving the venue, everyone was laughing and smiling as if they had just come out of the bathing center, arms around each other.

Lu Mingfei knew that he should have gone to find Zhao Menghua and the others first, but the villain in his heart drove him to run inside.

They said the stadium was out of water.

Then can’t I be the first to deliver water to the squad leader?

Lu Mingfei's mind was spinning extremely fast at this moment.

It's not that he fell in love with his monitor, it was just a feeling of pure gratitude, thanking her for smiling at him and not embarrassing himself a second time in front of a large number of people.

This is a favor, and Lu Mingfei always repays kindness.

Fortunately, when Lu Mingfei arrived at the basketball court, there was indeed a girl waiting for him.

"Unfortunately, it is Miss Su Xiaoqiang who is waiting for Lu Mingfei."

"Are you still narrating for yourself?" The eldest lady leaned back against the ivory auditorium. She lowered her hand playing with her mobile phone and showed an angry face, completely dissatisfied. "What's wrong with me waiting for you?!"

"Don't you dare!" Lu Mingfei immediately abandoned his dignity, bent over and panted heavily, and asked quickly.

"Is everyone leaving?"

"Nonsense, the game has been over a long time ago, and there is no injury time or overtime. The opposite basketball team took a while to ask for Fujimaru's autograph, but they ran very fast." Su Xiaoqiang started playing with his mobile phone again.

"As for us here, you idiot, you can't finish a trip without realizing it, Zhao Menghua and those guys are just playing tricks." Su Xiaoqiang said casually while scrolling through her mobile phone. In fact, she took a look at the convenience store on the way and knew what it was. In this situation, even though he scolded Zhao Menghua again when he came back, it was of no use.

"." Lu Mingfei said nothing. He was not asking people like Zhao Menghua, but he still got the answer.

Disappointing answer.

The boy sat back in his seat, hanging his head. In addition to wanting to express his inner frustration, it was more because he was tired from running and wanted to rest.

Su Xiaoqiang was even more dissatisfied when he saw this, and kicked Lu Mingfei's back with the tip of his cloth shoe.

"I'm waiting here for you to show off."

"." The boy lowered his head and opened the plastic bag, muttering. “Which one do you want, Assam or Classic?”

"Can't get that bottle of Pulse?"


The boy was suddenly speechless, and this performance made Su Xiaoqiang happy.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." The girl also came up and patted Lu Mingfei's drooping shoulder. This action was exactly the same as that of Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao, but when the two brothers did it, Lu Mingfei just wanted to lean back, and Su Xiaoqiang Doing this made Lu Mingfei feel like he was really treated as a brother.

"You know who you want to give it to, so go and do it yourself."


Lu Mingfei turned around suddenly, and the girl also showed a sly expression.

"You have to know that I stay here waiting for you out of loyalty. Can't you guess that I will tell Fujimaru Ritsuka about this? I just have an appointment with a friend today, and I will wait for the bus at the stadium. .”


"People just go and wash their faces."


Lu Mingfei looked at the girl's complacent smile and spoke concisely.


"Be good. No, I'd be mad to death if I had a coward like you."

Su Xiaoqiang took a sip of the Assam milk tea and rubbed the water droplets from the bottle onto the audience.

"At most he is a foster father."

The girl supported her body with her hands and leaned back slightly. The sky was getting darker and the sun was no longer dazzling. Su Xiaoqiang took off her sun hat and let her long hair dance in the wind.

Lu Mingfei thought the scene was very cool and Su Xiaoqiang was very loyal.

He is a very loyal father, so he is a foster father, which is not bad.

And at the same time——

"Yo! Mingfei, Xiaoqiang!~~~"

Under the dim light, the orange hair showed the red spots of maple leaves. The girl waved her hand, which could not be described as careless, but generous and enthusiastic.

I don’t know if it’s a Japanese custom. People there like to say two words when naming people. Surnames are not very popular, so Fujimaru Ritsuka will actually pronounce other people’s names subconsciously many times.

She may have thought this was heroic, but Lu Mingfei only felt a little flattered.

Mingfei? Ming Fei?



In response to Lu Mingfei's hesitation and Su Xiaoqiang's wave, the girl came closer to the two of them.

"Yo! Pulse!" Ritsuka was very pleasantly surprised. She picked up the pulse and started to drink it. She swallowed the mountain and river with great force, just like when she swallowed the source of beautiful juice, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was as smooth and gentle as a hibiscus.

Lu Mingfei watched the girl finish the drink in one breath, and then patted his shoulder. This time, he did not feel the brotherhood like Su Xiaoqiang. Only the love of a gangster boss when he encourages his younger brother is right.

"Comrade Lu Mingfei, you have done a great job. I have been my classmate for two and a half months. How come I didn't know that you were still so careful? I was negligent. I read "General Garden" well but failed to grasp the generals under my command. talent."

The girl lamented.

"But from today on, you are my favorite general. If you don't mind, you can greet me as usual in the morning. If you don't mind, I will greet you as usual in the morning."

"Don't you have to say hello no matter what!?!" Lu Mingfei complained subconsciously.

"That's natural." The girl nodded. "I am your squad leader, that is, your good big brother. Things of this level are necessary."

Su Xiaoqiang, who had been standing nearby for a long time, couldn't help the impulse in his heart and said.

"I've been wanting to ask this for a long time. Does the monitor have to do everything?"

"Huh? Of course not." The girl looked back.

"There are no laws or regulations, so the work that the squad leader needs to complete is naturally unpredictable." Fujimaru Ritsuka said matter-of-factly. "It's just that my personal aesthetics of pleasure tell me that it's interesting to do it this way, so if you do it, don't take it too seriously."


Lu Mingfei really didn't understand what the aesthetics of that phrase meant. Is this the world of academic masters? It was a realm of heaven that he couldn't touch.

But fortunately, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't stop talking as long as she started talking, and quickly took over the topic.

"I will be responsible for the psychological development of Comrade Zhao Menghua Primary School. As for the two of you, the driver from Xiaoqiang's family will be here soon, right? If Mingfei, I remember he is traveling independently, right?"

What a shame you know

Lu Mingfei was impressed by the girl's observation ability, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

"What about you, squad leader? Don't you want to go out to play with your friends at night?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka did not answer immediately after hearing this, but looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Huh? How do you know?"

"! Uh, just, I accidentally heard it." The boy told the truth, his palms sweating. "

Fortunately, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't dwell on this issue, she shrugged indifferently.

"My friends seem to be blocked outside. After all, there are so many spectators coming to the stadium today, and Shilan Middle School is a private aristocratic school. Most of the people are picked up and dropped off by their parents. It's normal to be blocked outside. As for me, let's have some fun here. Let’s play basketball and then go.”

Although Su Xiaoqiang wanted to say, "Then I'll stay too," but when he thought about it carefully, he saw that the family's cars were already parked outside. If he didn't leave, the situation would be quite troublesome and would cause chaos to the family.

The little goddess finally gave in and smacked her lips in displeasure before poking Lu Mingfei.

"Hey, are you leaving? I'll take you back on the way."

The newly recognized adoptive father summoned his filial children and grandchildren. Lu Fengxian was entangled. After thinking for a moment, he still gave a negative answer.

"No, I'll go shopping again." Lu Mingfei's eyes were wandering, and he didn't know whether the so-called "walking around" meant that he stayed in the auditorium and couldn't walk. Su Xiaoqiang knew this very well and didn't care after glancing at him. Think about it again.

Looking at Su Xiaoqiang's retreating back, Lu Mingfei was in a daze, restraining his impulse to salute. At this moment, he heard the squad leader whispering quietly beside him.

"Well, it seems like there's only one missing."


Before Lu Mingfei had time to ask, he found that the light in front of him had dimmed a little.

"Yeah, there's still one more to go."

Hearing a man's voice from behind, Lu Mingfei turned his head, but accidentally buried his face in something hard.

"Huh? My little classmate is really enthusiastic. Is this a Chinese gift for kissing your face?" The voice reached Lu Mingfei's mind through bone conduction and air transmission. The boy quickly took two steps back, trying to see clearly in front of him. Who is this guy?

"Wait a minute, you are-"

Lu Mingfei was suddenly stunned.

Isn't this who it is?

Then who

Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

"Who are you?"

"Well, it's quite rare for people to say this..."

The old man intentionally made eye contact with Lu Mingfei, and at the same time stretched out his hand forward. The elegance that Yu Jingmei has accumulated over time is so obvious that even Lu Mingfei can intuitively feel it.

"Hilbert Jean Angers, hello."

Standing like a pine tree, looking like jade.

He shook hands with people in a daze, and suddenly remembered that it was the old man who had the camera on next to the "scout" in the auditorium, and he was a little afraid that he would give him a kiss in the next second.

It is said that foreigners are so strong.

Fortunately, Ange let go after shaking hands, and turned to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"Long time no see, Ritsuka."

"It hasn't been long, right? I know you've been coming to China in the past few days, but I didn't expect that the principal would come to watch the basketball game." The girl tilted her head.

"Hahaha, I played a little bit when I was young." Angers shrugged as if "I am just pretending to be looking down on someone." "So, two against two, we are actually still missing one person."

"That's right~~" The girl spread her hands.

"Fight? What?" Lu Mingfei shook his head from side to side, looking confused.

Play basketball? How to fight? Why fight?

I don’t know!

And at this moment.

"Well, I'll go back a little later today."

The cold boy walked out of the locker room. He was holding a basketball in one hand. It was the reward for the winning team in this final. It was a golden basketball with unknown gold content. Chu Zihang was considering putting it away after returning home. No, at least put it somewhere where your mother can’t touch it.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter if I'm afraid of being spoiled by her. I'm afraid of being hurt by her.

He held the phone in his other hand, and across from him was his mother, who was preparing to guard her alone.

[Then mom, are you going to continue shopping? ! Zihang, be good, mua! 】

His mother blew him an electronic kiss. Chu Zihang seemed to be used to this kind of warm greeting, his expression remained unchanged, and he was just about to hang up the phone——


At this moment, he heard a familiar voice.


Under Chu Zihang's gaze, which was like a thousand years of ice, the girl still trotted to his side.

He stood still, bent down, handed over a bottle of iced black tea "respectfully" and greeted him warmly.

"President, come and play, 2V2."

Chu Zihang held the basketball and looked sideways. Standing in the distance was an old European man with his hands in his pockets, and a boy with a slight stoop and a stunned expression on his face——

Chu Zihang remembered him as Lu Mingfei.

The president of Shilan Middle School focused his attention on his secretary again. Looking at her face as bright as the morning sun, he thought for a moment, took the iced black tea, and said.


The boy's response was sonorous, simple and straightforward.

He is the backbone of Shilan Middle School's basketball level, a member of the miraculous era who didn't know what defeat was, and a friendly student council president.

He had no reason to refuse.

But what the boy didn't know was that that crisp answer would bring him a...

An extremely exaggerated nightmare.

ps: Yes, even the chatter in the background is foreshadowing! (bushi

I can't stand it anymore. It took me more than 600,000 words to write this. I have so many more words than in the same period. Why is Mao's development so slow?

I'm going to break into the main line!

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