Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 180 Sense of dissonance

"Haha. I knew it. Lixiang, your words should be able to tell that Lu Mingfei is abnormal."

While Lu Mingfei was still in a daze, Ange had already approached the two of them, interrupting the mood. Behind him, Chu Zihang looked expressionless, but also very surprised.

He had long felt that he had some inexplicable affection for Lu Mingfei, whom he had only met once. It turned out to be because the two of them were of the same kind.

"Well, that's right."

In front of the two of them, Li Xiang shrugged but actually didn't finish the sentence.

Of course she knew about Lu Mingfei's abnormality, but she was even more concerned about why Ange knew this but did not choose to put Lu Mingfei into those so-called preparatory classes for training.

Please don't get me wrong, Li Xiang's statement about Lu Mingfei's future was not just a lie.

That is the mental strength of five Yuan bosses, which is comparable to Sanwu Niu Zero.

No matter how you look at it, Lu Mingfei doesn't have Ling's weathered temperament. If it has nothing to do with experience, then it can only be that Lu Mingfei's own bloodline has reached that inhuman state.

There is no doubt that S-level hybrids are at the top bloodline level even among S-level hybrids.

Referring to the topic of "factors forming S-level hybrids" that Li Xiang once discussed with Anger, it is very likely that Lu Mingfei's parents are also S-level hybrids.

In this case, there is no reason for Principal Angers not to know about Lu Mingfei and treat him as a wild mixed-race without cultivating him.

Moreover, Lu Mingfei's bloodline is so terrifying, but he doesn't know why his physical ability, learning ability and even appearance are so ordinary.

There are many places that are full of contradictions, but there are always exceptions in the world. Since Angers seemed unwilling to say it, Ritsuka didn't bother to ask.


She glanced at Lu Mingfei vaguely, feeling a little inexplicable palpitations.

It came from the girl's intuition as a savior. It was an instinct that had helped her countless times no matter which world it was, and it was an exceptional [mind's eye. truth] that was tempered.

She always felt that the boy might be more than just the boss of the five sources.

But let’s put this matter aside for now——

"So - I think you all know it." Angers interrupted the girl's thoughts and explained. "The main reason why I chose to come to China this week and visit this basketball game is for you little guys."

"I have also told Ritsuka Fujimaru about this matter. In this era, the movements of dragons are very strange. In order to ensure that we have sufficient combat power when the war comes, I need young people like you who are full of hope."

When he said this, Ange put his hands behind his back, his expression was full of satisfaction, and his face was full of smiles like a sunflower.

No way, I gained too much.

It's as surprising as if you've just played a card drawing game with a big guarantee, and then three golds appear in ten consecutive shots.

"I didn't expect that there would be three Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks in Shilan Middle School." The old man sighed, shaking his head happily.

Hearing this, Chu Zihang also nodded in approval, Li Xiang agreed, and Lu Mingfei couldn't help but think about it.

Wait, who is Wolong and who is Fengxia?

Not enough points.

Before Lu Mingfei could come up with a conclusion, the topic continued.

"Then, it's time to get to the point." Angers clapped his hands, attracting the attention of several people.

"The target of our current investigation is Chu Zihang's father. With little information, what can we tell based on the memories just now?" The old man subconsciously looked at the girl, his eyes were the same as those after the exam. A top student goes to another top student to ask for the answer, which is a temperature.

Hearing this, Chu Zihang also subconsciously looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, wanting to see how many trump cards this student union secretary who had been with him for two months had hidden.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously looked at Lixiang, just like my classmate who even though I slept in a class unexpectedly, when I woke up, I found everyone was laughing, but for some reason, I started laughing too.

Under the gaze of the three people, Ritsuka did not act like a riddler and expressed her own judgment——

"From the most superficial part, what can be seen is Odin's strength and ability as a dragon."

Lixiang recalled everything Chu Zihang said, carefully considered the wording, and gestured.

"The third-generation Sleibnir with expressive abilities is also the so-called eight-legged horse."

"A permanent hit attack, but at least not every hit will kill."

"Large swarm of Deadpools."

“And environmental controls that make it difficult to escape once inside.”

"The ability to move freely within Time Zero. Either one is immune to the Word Spirit, or the Dragon King also has Time Zero as the Word Spirit."

"Able to draw people into their own world - based on the information given by the secret party and the testimony just given by the president, I am actually more inclined to the theory of [Nibelungen]."

Nibelungen, the land of the dead in Norse mythology, is full of dead matter.

In the descriptions of ancient alchemists, there was no day or night, and there was always a half-dark light floating in the sky. Everything was composed of dead elements, and the city was also built with the bones of dead life. The fifth element "spirit" Enriched in it, the legendary "Philosopher's Stone" can be refined.

In Wagner's famous opera "The Ring of the Nibelung", the ring named after it represents power, and whoever masters it will control the world.

In Ritsuka's own interpretation, Nibelung refers to the independent space established by dragons. The internal space folds and time stops, which is equivalent to different dimensions.

The Nibelungs basically have their own set of rules, and each Nibelungen is different. It is a distorted reality that copies some of the rules of reality, but has a different interface with reality.

Generally have their own media.

Ritsuka had never seen it before, but she felt that this thing was very similar to a magic trick she knew.

【Inherent Boundary】

The magic of manifesting your own mental landscape. Once activated, the surrounding space will change into a completely different scenery. The embodiment of the mental landscape, that is to say, the inherent barrier is to replace oneself and the world without changing the state.

At this time, the world is completely shut into a small container, and this small world is the world egg.

Even the so-called "Nibelung roots contain a large amount of the fifth element [spirit]", Ritsuka believed that it might just correspond to the mental world of the Nibelung practitioners.

To reiterate, spirit is one of the three elements that make up human beings, defined as [self-awareness and knowledge of the world].

The world created from the heart is naturally full of spiritual elements.

But this is just speculation after all.

"Nibelungen," Angers repeated the term, feeling a little shaken in his heart.

My old friend, the most powerful alchemist in the world today, the world that the alchemists represented by him yearn for is the Nibelungen.

Dead metal is the key to the formation of alchemy tools, and everyone will flock to it.

It is very natural for the Dragon King to have the right to enter and exit that world, and Angers actually thinks the same way.

However, the venue advantage is too obvious.

If the other party can pull people into their own world at any time, there will be no room for preparation, and there will be no chance for humans to use their heavy weapons and other abilities.

At that time, the only thing you can rely on is the sword and the spirit of words on your body.

Angers had faced off against the Dragon King in his life, but he was never pulled into his own territory to fight because he was instantly killed before he even got to that point.

The blood, tears and hatred over the past hundred years have allowed this old man to continuously hone his skills. Now Angers is confident that he will not repeat the same mistakes of the past, but he does not dare to boast that he can defeat the Dragon King alone. Home, kill them all.

But the good thing is——

"Luckily we still have you."

The tone of his voice suddenly rose, and Ange turned to the offensive. There seemed to be no clouds hanging on his calm face, only the certainty of victory.

He patted Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"As long as you have the output to destroy half of Tokyo Tower with one blow, then at least we have ensured the opportunity to severely damage the Dragon King with one blow. The rest is left to my word spirit to cooperate, so that no dragon will have room to fight back. "

"Yeah." The girl didn't deny or confirm, she just held her chin and thought about something.

And aside——

What does one blow destroy?

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were listening to Ange's words, and suddenly remembered the Tokyo Tower gas pipeline explosion they had seen on the news a few months ago.

The look in Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes suddenly became sharp.

They originally thought that of the two people in front of them, Angers was the mysterious boss, just like Dumbledore, while Fujimaru Ritsuka was an intern who followed Dumbledore out for shopping. At most, he was still thinking about how to win the championship. An outstanding student who is troubled by winning the Diqi Competition.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the second boss! ?

Monitor, you weren't talking about it? !

Chu Zihang was surprised, while Lu Mingfei was ecstatic, as happy as if he had bought Meijia's soul-stealing scroll, and he could take off at any time!

This thigh hug is so right!

Under the watch of three people, the girl who was given high hopes and seemed destined to kill the Dragon King with one shot was not in the right state at the moment.

That was a few days ago, no, the feeling of disobedience started two months ago.

Why do I always feel like something is wrong?

The disappearance of the S-class hybrid, the death of the S-class hybrid.

Chu Zihang's survival, and the relationship between Chu Tianjiao and Ange.

as well as

The girl frowned, and the principal noticed this, his eyes moved, and he finally exhaled as if he had made a decision.



The principal suddenly spoke up, and Ritsuka listened intently.

The person in charge of this mission was Hilbert Jean Angers, who had already conducted part of an independent investigation before Ritsuka took over the case.

He discovered many violations during that investigation, and some speculations gradually emerged in his mind.

But he didn't have time to delve into it, so he could only assign this task to his trusted juniors.

He didn't say a word before. In fact, if possible, he wanted to hand over this task to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Because the school board, that is, the big shots at the top of the secret party don't know why they have gone crazy recently, or it is just a coincidence, they have been frantically causing trouble for themselves and ordering themselves to go back.

As the only S-class hybrid in the world, the strongest dragon killer on the surface, and the representative of the European Secret Party, Angers is far busier than he thought.

And this time I came to China specifically just to tell Fujimaru Ritsuka one of his guesses.


A reality that Angers didn’t even want to believe.

ps: I always feel like today’s update doesn’t have much content. It’s so annoying, but I don’t feel like I’m stupid at all. (I want to post more, but I don’t have much time. I just happened to be sick these two days. I’ll consider it next time when there are recommendations)

The content of the rainy night mentioned in this chapter comes from Long Er Chuan. To be honest, if I wanted to, I could write it out for several chapters, but I am too lazy to read and copy the original text, but the subsequent plot requires readers to read the original text. (Because all the pictures Chu Zihang saw were part of the intelligence, Li Xiang could not open the God’s perspective)

Well. If you are interested, go back and read the original text. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have time. You can pretend to read it. ()

By the way, don’t misunderstand what I said yesterday. What I said about not having a single recommendation vote or monthly vote is that I don’t have any monthly votes or recommendation votes. It doesn’t mean that this book has not received any monthly votes or recommendation votes.

Rather, there are quite a lot of monthly tickets for this book. It should be considered too much, right? I don’t quite understand the starting point, but I’m quite content with what I have.

Although I don’t know what the monthly pass is used for, I feel like the content I wrote has been recognized, which is very Sophie.

It is said that the price will double at the end of the month. If you are interested at that time, you can also consider this book.

I recommend the book "Three Kingdoms, My Wife is a Great Teacher" by cwm. I rarely read Xingzhuan and Three Kingdoms, but I can read them together.

Let me just say that these are my personal recommendations, not py (there is no cross-platform p)

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