Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 182 Shutoku Mai has always been indifferent

[Long Legs, are you sure you want to take this order? 】

A slight electric sound came from the headset, and the long-legged beautiful sister took away a corner of the shading cloth covering her eyes, and snorted softly through her nose as if she had just woken up from a dream.

The Maybach 62S stopped at the entrance of the gymnasium, occupying a position at an extremely tricky angle. Considering the car's worth, even the wealthy business parents of Shilan Middle School did not dare to approach.

Today, Shutoku Mai was wearing a white loose T-shirt with colorful prints on her upper body, and her lower body was in tight-fitting jeans that were extremely torturous to the wearer.

At this time, those unnaturally long legs were resting on the steering wheel of the car. In the dark car, the blue and silver jeans also showed a rather subtle shadow, and the wrapped curves were like honey bread. So full and elastic.

No one could appreciate this blood-soaking sight at the moment, and Mai Shutoku also lowered her legs after hearing the question from the potato chip girl.

"I'm sure." Her voice was a little hoarse. The woman who had just returned from sleep seemed to be still obsessed with the dreamy and confusing memory at this moment. It was quite inconsistent with her temperament and she rubbed the corners of her eyes with her fingers and opened her mouth wide. Yawned.

"And what's really uncertain? Who else in our team besides me can be responsible for this task? Sanwu Niu? Although that girl is a good fighter, she can't openly drive in the city to reveal her identity."

【I did not mean that.】

The old friend's voice across the headset was hesitant, but in fact they both knew each other's thoughts.

Finally, after a moment of silence, Potato Chip Girl made a decision.

[I mean, why not refuse the boss. As the boss said himself, we are employees, what he calls good girls. Since this task is so risky, why don't you consider refusing it directly. 】

[He can always find a way. 】


The long-legged girl was noncommittal, her face didn't change at all, and she said in a faint tone.

"But you actually do the same with potato chips, right?"

"Your task is not easy either. Mastering the economic flow of this world cannot be simply explained by someone with extraordinary speaking ability. There are countless attacks from the dark side. The battlefield of business is not a fight between each other but an admirable and disgusting fight. Drinking blood, after all, everyone’s life is hanging on by a thread.”

"Why do you do this? I have also asked myself this question."

The long-legged girl sighed in melancholy, but not very elegantly. Her expression was similar to that of a social big brother sitting at a small wooden table with three cans of Tsingtao beer, recalling his prosperous years.

"People can't always understand why they do these things, right?"

With the resurrection of the Dragon King, the world is gradually on the verge of collapse, and the eve of annihilation is approaching. However, human beings are sleeping peacefully, thinking about the bright future, the transformation of technology, and the distant sea of ​​stars.

The hybrids are immersed in their own dreams, but they don't know that it is a false prison. A group of mediocre mortals who have never even thought more deeply about "why not tell the world about the dragon clan" are immersed in their own excellence and excellence every day. Being unique, it will eventually turn into scarlet star points in the breath of the black king.

In this world, except for the so-called [Salvation Team], perhaps not many human forces know that this world is on the verge of destruction.

No. Many years ago, someone, many people, noticed this, but the fireworks that shone for a moment were also strangled to death in the rainy night.

But now, the destined savior is still a little white rabbit who doesn't know the sufferings of the world. Even the person who once saved the world has not yet touched the reality of this world.

If this is a chess game, then the boss may have reached the end of his strength as a chess player.

So why on earth am I chasing this world that is about to be destroyed?

"If we go by Ritsuka's words, it's probably the so-called pleasure, right?" Mai Shutoku said to herself. "For inner satisfaction, that's why we live in such a state of fear."

"When you look at the backs of people like your boss and Ritsuka, you're always attracted to them involuntarily, right? Those kind of special people."

He gently placed his fingers on the edge of the white earphones and tapped twice. That was a notification to start disconnecting. Mai Shutoku looked out the car window at the people walking toward her, including the elegant old man with gray hair, the handsome young man with a stern expression who put on clean clothes, the shabby kid who followed behind step by step with his shoulders hunched, and

The orange-haired girl jumped up and waved vigorously to him.

Mai Shutoku murmured.

"Even if I'm going to die, I really want to see how these little monsters can fight against this terrible world before I die."


"Mai, I brought a few more, do you mind?"

The car door opened with a click, and Mai Shutoku looked at the girl who poked her head towards her in the rearview mirror and said angrily.

"You'd better tell me before you take him, otherwise I can still drive your friend away. Come in, come in!"

"Hehe, I knew you were the best to me."

Lixiang rubbed her head honestly, explained a few words to the people around her, opened the door of the passenger seat and got in, while Angers and others also took advantage of the situation and sat in the back seat.

"Nice to meet you, beautiful lady." Angers showed his habitual elegant smile.

"Thank you." Chu Zihang nodded politely.

"Excuse me (Japanese)." Lu Mingfei said in his hometown dialect, oh no, it exposed his nature of talking nonsense when he was nervous, and he remembered the language he spoke smoothly.

Mai Shutoku glanced at the people in the front seat, raised her tone and spoke.

"It's okay, it's okay. If you are Ritsuka's friends, you are my friends. If you get motion sick, there are medicines and plastic bags at the back. Don't hold back. If you want to drink water, just keep them handy - oh, what's that plastic bag of yours?" Long Legs passed in front of the car. Jing saw Chu Zihang holding a bag in his hand and wondered.

Chu Zihang glanced at the golden ball in the bag and replied indifferently.

"The prize of the competition."

".This competition of yours is quite unique. Ahem, there are also umbrellas, you can put them -"

"There is a hole in the car door for putting umbrellas in." Chu Zihang said unconsciously, his voice was very low, but Mai Jiude heard it and thought he was talking to her.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's good if you know."

Several people didn't expect this woman to be so easy to talk to, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

He had clearly seen the connotation of this car before getting in the car just now——

The Maybach 62S, as a top luxury sedan, is one of the masterpieces of the Maybach brand under Mercedes-Benz. It is world-famous for its outstanding design, ultimate comfort and outstanding performance, and is one of the benchmarks in the luxury sedan field.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a top-notch luxury product. Lu Mingfei was originally worried that a middle-aged greasy man with a big belly was sitting in this car, and he was afraid that his squad leader would be blinded by money.

Lu Mingfei swore in his heart that if that really happened, he would sue the little goddess and beg her to support the squad leader quickly.

Only when he got into the car did he see clearly that the owner of the car was a woman, and a beautiful woman at that.

Well, it turns out that this is what the monitor is good at.

So exciting!

Lu Mingfei was derailed from the world, but little did he know that several people had already started talking about serious things.

"Yes, yes, don't hold it in, Long Legs and I have a very good relationship." Li Xiang nodded and said seriously.

"Yes, yes, yes", the long-legged girl who started reversing the car took it seriously. The way she operated the steering wheel had the beauty of an urban beauty. It was so beautiful that Ange couldn't help but take a second look.

But it was just a glance, and he immediately gave Fujimaru Ritsuka a look.

Ritsuka and the principal looked at each other, their eyes connected, their faces expressionless, but they could easily read each other's thoughts, like a private channel in a game.

——What are you doing?

——What are you doing?

——Didn’t you say that we should listen carefully to Chu Tianjiao’s affairs? What should we say about this woman named Jiude Mai?

——This is nothing. My Mai is very obedient, never spreads rumors, is trustworthy, and she is also a mixed race, so she is very powerful.

——That’s it.

——You sold me Fujimaru Ritsuka? !

——? Long Legs, what are you doing in the channel? Three people can't look at each other.

Ritsuka was shocked. The eyes of Mai Shutoku in his field of vision were full of resentment and sadness, like an infatuated woman who had been betrayed by a man.

"You betrayed me." The betrayed woman said as she held the steering wheel. "Luckily, I helped you get what you asked for. I knew I would have thrown it in the non-recyclable trash can on the roadside."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little anxious and argued.

"I don't!"

She quickly put her hands on Shutoku Mai's shoulders, trying to convey her sincere feelings through the warmth of her palms. Maybe she was afraid that if she accidentally stepped on the accelerator to death, she would be able to perform a three-second grappling technique and control the car. body.

The girl consoled her.

"I just feel that since the boss specifically told me to ask you to pick me up today, and also said that he has something to do, he has seen through to this point, which means that the boss has tacitly allowed you to have a frank communication with us." Li Xiang was sincere, his eyes twinkling. With light as soft as cherry blossoms.


Mai Shukutori swung the rear of the car in a dashing way, and the tires left long traces on the ground. When the road began to become wider, she frowned and thought.

"That may be true but..."

Long Legs did not wait for the instructions from the potato chip girl in the earphones, which meant that the girl was at least right, and the boss did not stop her actions, which meant that the girl was once again in tune with the boss's rhythm. It goes without saying.

Damn it, just send out the channel number if your brainwaves are right!

"Okay." Mai Shutoku gritted her teeth. "Then you talk about yourselves and I'll pretend I didn't hear anything."

"Friends enough!"

Angers felt relieved watching the interaction between the two in the back seat. His level of trust in Ritsuka is roughly equal to his own, not because of the deep relationship between the two, but simply because of his pride as an S-class hybrid, which makes him absolutely confident that he will not miss the girl.

So as a modern mixed-race girl who is on par with her, the people she values ​​are roughly equal to the people she values.

Then Angers doesn't care to give some credit either.

Chu Zihang, who was at the center of the topic, also had no objection to this decision.

Although he entered the mysterious side earlier than Lu Mingfei, it is not clear that he knows much better than Lu Mingfei.

So he basically trusted his secretary completely.

As for Lu Mingfei?

He glanced at Shutoku Mai and was filled with emotion.

——Oh, the red makeup on the corners of the eyes looks so good.

Everyone has different thoughts, and the topic is slowly unfolding.

"Then senior brother, just tell me about your father - anything is fine."

At this time, the positions of several people were sitting - Fujimaru Ritsuka was sitting in the front passenger seat, while Lu Mingfei and Ange were in the window positions on both sides. Chu Zihang happened to be placed in the middle, which can be said to be a storyteller. The best position for people.

Under the gazes of several people, Chu Zihang recalled the Chinese composition for which he had only deducted unspoken points.

Immediately, he slowly spoke——

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