Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 196 You are all my wings! (Two in one!)

In the dark night, the manic rain was like a sharp knife falling from the sky, scraping ravines on the ground and tearing open people's wounds.

The raindrops turned into white mist as they touched Odin's body, and dazzling light shot out from the hazy rain curtain, as if tons of lava surged out of the cracks in the canyon.

The light flowed along the air like steam. The king wore a silver mask and rode an eight-legged horse. The horse breathed thunder and lightning like a wild beast.

The God King stared at the hybrid in front of him, showing no expression on the outside, but inside he began to waver like the rain in the sky.

Just because of what the girl just said——

【I have cracked it】

"If my speaking spirit is not the [Word Spirit Oracle], I might have to go through more trouble to verify my conjecture." The rainwater followed the arc on the side of the face and reached the chin, condensed into drops and then slowly fell, in the Transparent flowers bloomed at the girl's feet.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's expression was natural, and he did not show any emotion even in a desperate situation.

Odin tightened his grip on Kungnir slightly and repeated the part of the words that made him confused.


"That's right~"

Fujimaru Ritsuka stood up on his own with a proud smile.

"Guess - I don't know what the other hybrids' first reaction would be when they find out [Dragon King can cancel the Word Spirit], but if it were me, the first one would probably ask [why], right?"

The so-called combat is the intersection of intelligence, so naturally, the first thing to do when learning that the opponent has overwhelming strategic strength is not to despair or electronically fight crickets, but to think.

Think, rack your brains.

What humans can and do has always been like this.

And the result after that.

It's so natural.

"You tampered with history so that humans don't know the Dragon King's ability. This is very smart, but does it also prove that-"

The girl wiped the corner of her mouth with one finger and showed a smile.

"In history, have humans ever figured out a way to crack your power?"


Odin spoke words of contempt and ridicule, but his heart sank.

In fact, the reality of what the girl said is not difficult to detect. As long as it is combined with Odin's behavior, it can be easily seen.

What is commendable is the calm state of mind that can keep one's thinking sharp even under such circumstances.

How many similar desperate situations has she overcome?

What the God King didn't know was that Fujimaru Ritsuka had studied with many people. As a savior, the only thing a girl with poor talent could do was to constantly observe others. In this process, the most natural thing to form was [imitation].

Imitation can also be called learning.

Leonardo da Vinci once said that human beings, or all creatures born from the planet, will seek "imitation" from superior individuals under certain circumstances.

For Fujimaru Ritsuka, resourcefulness can be learned from a certain strategist and a detective whom he seems not to remember clearly now.

Then the determination of will must be imitated from the "accomplice"——

[Steel Determination: EX]

The "accomplice" escaped from the Chateau d'If, a prison called the hell of this world, and embarked on a life of revenge, a product of the steel spirit and mobility skills.

Completely blocking the sense of pain, he can even endure ultra-high-speed movements, and acquires a superhuman level body and mind.

As a compound skill, the effects of the original bravery skill and calmness skill are also included.

[Wisdom in desperate situations: A]

The ability to call on luck first when faced with crisis situations.

Although he didn't know how much he had learned and "imitated" from that servant and friend, Ritsuka thought that these two items should be hanging on his "panel".

The ultimate result of wisdom and determination in desperate situations is——

Why attack Odin with psychic particles?

Is it to use the oracle on him?

Of course not. Odin's bloodline far exceeds the limit of Fujimaru Ritsuka. It is impossible to control him by using the word spirit. The most he can do is make him in a trance. So in that case, why use the ability?

Of course, to test my guess.

————"The actual composition and operation principle of the spirit spirit" "The observation progress and density test of the four elements" "The popularization of the reasonable structure of alchemy", that was when the girl once chatted with Angers after coming to this continent. mentioned content.

Among them, she emphatically mentioned that the four elements are compared to a setting similar to "magic" in a magical world. It may be some kind of substance or non-material that permeates the air and is difficult to be directly observed with current human technology. material structure.

Because the girl believes that the foundation of this world is similar to the world she lives in, she gives such a view.

However, because the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind are invisible, this guess has never been proven.

But everyone seems to have forgotten the existence of spiritual elements.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's spiritual element is strong enough to condense it into an existence visible to the naked eye. In the end, the essence of [Word Spirit Oracle] is the absolute mastery and control of spiritual elements. It is only because the girl is not good enough that the current state appears. .

In the "attack" on Odin just now, the girl could observe the "collapse" of the spiritual elements with her naked eyes.

The spiritual element did not disappear, or even lose contact, but briefly entered a "difficult to control" state.

The White King's supreme spirit is definitely not inferior to the Dragon King in terms of status, but he is still canceled?

That shows that the so-called suppression of dragons by superiors and subordinates, the so-called power of "cancellation", is not essentially an illusory throne.

Rather, the means of cancellation actually exist.

Then, the topic returns to "the actual composition and operating principle of the spirit spirit". In fact, the relevant mixed-race professor has also mentioned the answer to this question, which is naturally the use of the four elements.

The elements in the air are combined, arranged, reorganized, and composed in a fixed way. Just like different arrangements of atoms will show different characteristics, different combinations of elements will also create different spirits.

It is a hypothesis for the mixed race world, but Fujimaru himself judged from the current situation that this is probably the correct answer.

So what about combining the two?

It is not difficult to get the result that Odin's principle of canceling the spirit of speech is to use the "control of atmospheric elements" inherent in dragons to form turbulence in the surrounding elements, so that the speech that should be restrained according to certain rules can The spirit cannot function properly.

That's why the mental particles are in such a confused state.

Therefore, kings who also possess this power can cancel each other, because it is not cancellation, but an operation similar to overturning the chessboard.

This conclusion is not difficult once the elements are visualized.

The question is – what does this mean?

"The disruption of the elements is equivalent to disrupting the cards on the gambling table. While the other party cannot make a profit, it also means that one's own methods are blocked." Fujimaru Ritsuka patted the dust on his body, his tone was tired, but his voice Seems extremely calm.

"Of course, the advantage does still exist. The Dragon King can still improve himself by crudely controlling the four elements, but no matter what, regarding [the inability to use the Word Spirit], both hybrids and Dragon Kings are equal. "

"Then, to go further -"

The girl pointed at Kungenir, which was known as the winning gun, with a hint of provocation on her face.

"Is the sure-hit attribute of the gun itself caused by your word spirit, or is it the alchemical field of the gun itself? No matter which way, when you use [Cancel], the elements cannot operate normally, so it is very likely that It’s impossible to achieve [a sure hit].”

in short--

Odin cannot cancel other people's speech spirits at the same time and use the [guaranteed hit effect] of the divine spear.

"And the most direct evidence is that just now, I deliberately used [Word Spirit Oracle]. In addition to verifying the mechanism of [Cancel], what I want to see more is your reaction."

"If you can use two effects at the same time, then you should cancel my word spirit and throw Kungnir at the same time - you will definitely win."

Well, at that time, Ritsuka could only use her last trump card.

And now——

"Failure to do so shows that you have what I call a flaw."

At that moment, the dust settled.

All the clues are already clear, and the intelligence from both sides is the weight of victory.

Odin knows everything about human beings, and Ritsuka is now relying on deduction to gradually get back the amount of information. The lost history of human beings is also slowly falling into the hands of the girl at this moment.


"Well, now that we know that there are limits to the so-called sure win, let's play the final game——"

Everything was revealed, and all that was left at the end of the battle was the hot blood surging in his heart.

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

The holy text began to be chanted, and the protection was superimposed on the body. The aura on the girl's body gradually began to boil and pour out. She took an almost wild step, and the scorching waves spread suddenly, suppressing it in all directions.

"Since elemental disorder is used as the principle, there must be a range limit. If the spiritual oracle is not targeting you, but acting on me, even you have to get close to cancel it, right? ?”

"To put it another way -"

The turbulence of the unfolding Noble Phantasm forcibly pulled the surrounding elements. Odin was frozen as he watched the scene. Before he understood the girl's meaning, he subconsciously used the canceled power again, intending to invalidate the unfolding of the Noble Phantasm——

However, what the girl did was different from what he thought.

The lightning winding burst enveloped Odin's vision, but at the same time, the girl did not stand still and continue to output magic power. Instead, she turned the attack into propulsion to push herself back and distance herself from Odin.

The first factor is the elongation of the front.

Element two, the deployment of a huge Noble Phantasm means a large collection of elements. If Odin wants to deal with that Noble Phantasm, there is naturally no way to "throw Kungnir" and "cancel the second summons of the Oracle of Words" at the same time.

Unless he is willing to bear the attack head-on and get close to the girl.

pick one of two.

Come and bet.

I bet you will act like a coward and win in the most "safe" way.

The bet is my life!

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

The atmosphere was buzzing and shocking, and the spiritual element excluded from the four elements was now roaring and struggling in an unprecedented manner. The color in the center of the girl's pupils became more and more vibrant, and the shape actually began to shrink accordingly.

Like a snake, like a ghost, charming and compelling.

An ominous aura began to wrap around Ritsuka's body, surrounding the knife, and the thin red thread once again connected to the sky, flowing towards the other shore that was too far away to be reached by arms.

Boy cut Yasushiro. This sword was known as one of the Five Tenkaichi Swords in the Muromachi period. It is as famous as Onimaru Kunitsuna, Meimono Daidenta, Mikazuki Munechika, and Sukumaru Tsuneji.

Created by Yasutsuna, a swordsmith from the Hoki Kingdom, this sword was passed down to the shogun family in Muromachi and was used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ie Tadashi one after another. It is a national treasure of modern Japan.

The most famous user is none other than the Genji general who is possessing Ritsuka at the moment, Minamoto Yorimitsu.

But the origin of the name of this sword has nothing to do with the general himself, but -

In the middle of the Heian period, there existed in Oeyama the most popular ghost in Japan.

The ghost and god is more than two feet tall, has blood-red skin, sharp teeth and claws, a tiger's back and a bear's waist, holds an iron staff, has messy red hair, a beard on his face, bear-like hands and feet, and is covered in fur, just like a ferocious beast.

It devours human flesh and kills people with a passion for killing, and no hero around it can stand up to it.

The entire island was in panic, and news of his deeds reached the capital. At this time, Ikeda Nayan's daughter disappeared. The result of the onmyoji's divination was that he was captured by the ghosts of Dajiangshan.

The emperor ordered Minamoto Yorimitsu, a very famous hero at the time, to conquer the Shukugami - Watanabe Tsuna, Sakata Kintoki, Bubu Nomotake and Tsuui Sadamitsu, the four famous kings in Japanese history, together with Minamoto Yorimitsu, the most famous samurai general in the world. And go.

The three shrines of Shimizu Hachiman, Sumiyoshi and Kumano ask for the protection of the gods.

With God's protection, the heroes gathered together, and finally ended up in a long and twists and turns journey.

In the end, relying on the sacred wine to confuse the ghosts and gods, Minamoto Yorimitsu was able to cut off the heads of the ghosts and gods. However, the ghosts and gods did not die even after their heads were cut off. Instead, they fought with Minamoto Yorimitsu even more passionately until they were exhausted.

The name of ghosts and gods——



Delicate, ethereal, and coquettish.

With a strange idiom and a deliberate twist, the young girl's seductive voice echoed in Ritsuka's earlobe.

Servant drinks and swallows boy.

——The summoning was successful.

[To be honest~ The Nu family is very happy. I didn’t expect that the master would think of such a delicate and weak ghost like the Nu family when he is in danger~]

Tender white, translucent, almost dead-like pure color appeared behind Ritsuka. The young girl had an almost charming face. The corners of her eyes were red eyeshadow similar to Mai Shutoku's, but it was more natural, with two slender eyes. The horns grow on the forehead, and the top is as scarlet as blood.

The clothes on the girl can be said to perfectly reflect the characteristics of the Heian period, and they are more interesting colors than Minamoto Yorimitsu.

No, Minamoto no Yorimitsu could be said to be because of his own figure, but the ghost behind Ritsuka who had his arms around the girl at the moment was simply not wearing any clothes.

The tender white of her chest is covered with the black color of the stone wall, and her wide knitted garment is as colorful as a pansy.

The ghost's pupils that should have turned purple were now scanning Ritsuka's body with an unparalleled sense of aggression, and he didn't know if it was caused by not seeing her for too long.

"Long time no see, Shuten." Although Ritsuka was still staring at Odin, he also talked to the heroic spirit behind him and his companions with a sense of nostalgia. While the Oracle of Words and Spirits ushered in the evolution, Ritsuka also Gradually, he began to adapt to the existence of heroic spirits, and the dialogue between the two parties naturally took place.

"Can you understand the current situation?"

[Ugh~ Although there is no such thing as the Holy Grail, as long as the master is here, I probably know what kind of trouble I have been involved in~]

Guishen tapped his lips, and his voice when he spoke was almost like a moan. It felt like it was lightly tickling with a cotton swab in his ears, and the content between his words was even more extreme.

【But. Huhuhu.】

Shuten swiped his lips.

[Is this the master’s body? We are so compatible. I never dreamed of it.]


The phantom of Shuten lay on Ritsuka's back, deliberately rubbing various places and murmuring in a low voice.

[The slave’s body and horns are as hot as a volcano~]

The thin red lips went a step further, and the purple hair tips swept to the side of Ritsuka's face.

【I really want to enjoy it like this~】

【shut up! You bug! 】

Before Ritsuka could react, a female shout suddenly sounded.

[Barren, despicable insect. Get out of the Master's body! ! 】

The familiar purple phantom appeared again, and Minamoto no Yorimitsu protected the girl in his arms in an almost predatory manner, isolating the ghosts and gods.


At that moment, Jiutun's vision also turned cold, he squinted and frowned.

[It’s so annoying, so disgusting~ Why are there cows in such a good container? The smell of cows and other things is really unbearable~ The old woman should find a place for the slave family to live in seclusion! ~]

【What did you say? ! 】

Of course, it is difficult to control two heroic spirits at the same time.

In particular, Ritsuka chose the Noble Phantasm that cut off Shuton's head to summon him, and at the same time placed a murderer of Shuton in his body.

If it weren't for the fact that the person summoned was named Fujimaru Ritsuka, Shuten's attitude would probably be completely different.

Shuten-dōji, known as one of the three great demons in Japan, as a heroic spirit, is on par with Minamoto Yorimitsu, and is undoubtedly the best.

Ritsuka is familiar with the so-called "ghost" and has received a considerable degree of doting and entanglement from him. She naturally knows that the ghost can best help her in this situation——

That was the key to turning the game around.

But, if it’s just Shuten Doji, how can we make a comeback?

Of course not enough.

The Spirit-Based Shadow allows the heroic spirit's information, or "spirit", to attach to the girl, allowing the girl as the master to carry the heroic spirit's life with her body, take over its powers and treasures, and transform herself into the heroic spirit's technology.

Ritsuka's [Spiritual Oracle] surpasses the spirit-based shadows he has used before, and can better fit the blend of heroic spirits and himself.

On this basis, she wanted to go one step further.

The information of one person is also information, and the information of two people is also information.

I am the Master, and as the "person" who understands heroic spirits best, I am their best container in this world.

——If one person can't do it, then two people can do it.

One Noble Phantasm performs two summonses!

Summon different heroic spirits specifically, and let your body mix Shuten Doji and Minamoto Yorimitsu at the same time!

Only in this way, coupled with Ritsuka's exceptional qualities, is it possible to reach the edge of the God King.

So at this moment.

"Don't quarrel in my body."

"Sister, I am about to get my lunch."

Shuten and Minamoto Yorimitsu froze slightly after these words, and then they began to focus on the God King in the distance.

The God King showed no signs of taking action just now. Even though Lixiang kept staring, he just looked at this side blankly, as if he was surprised, or even shocked by something.

[What a strange enemy, but I will be very angry if he touches our master~ Dairy cow, in order to protect my master, I need to concentrate on it, please don’t hold me back~]

After Shuten stayed on Odin with his calm eyes for a while, he spoke softly to Minamoto Yorimitsu. This was a rare gentle word for her. Although Minamoto Yorimitsu's breath was unstable, he did not entangle him. After exhaling a breath, he looked into the distance solemnly.

【.This is my line. 】

With the truce between Minamoto Yorimitsu and Shuten Doji, the irritability in his body also disappeared.

Ritsuka finally felt the clear and powerful power within her body.

Everything is integrated with that girl at this moment.

【Steel Determination】

This time, the girl did use up all her cards.

But, is this enough?

Is just one more Shuten enough to defeat Odin?


"Lord God King~" The sword in her hand was in full bloom, and the golden color of her eyes was beyond any stars. The girl smiled wildly, as if she had already taken off the crown of victory.

"The boss is in stage three, cheer up~"

Not enough! It’s totally not enough! ! !

Heroic Spirit Preview: If another heroic spirit appears in this chapter, who will everyone guess? (The scope can be larger. I don’t think you can guess it. Anyway, I have buried the opportunity for the summoning of heroic spirits, which is not a foreshadowing, probably at the beginning of this volume. However, I have not limited the foreshadowing of the objects of the summoning of heroic spirits, so you actually You can make random guesses, there are no clues, but if you insist on speaking, who do you think will win the battle with Odin on the current panel other than the supermodel Heroic Spirit?)

All light cannons are ineffective, the elemental control is equivalent to the EX level Wind King Barrier, the panel is superb, and the weapon is guaranteed to be hit, and the word spirit has not been used yet. (So ​​in fact, book friends who guess the holy gun should know that even if the gunman comes, he can't win)

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