Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 206 Natsumi: Fujimaru Ritsuka, you are plotting against me! ! (2-in-1)

"It's a shame you dare to provoke him like that."

The rain was still falling, but the chaotic showers that seemed like the eve of the end of the world not only showed no signs of stopping, but intensified. The huge raindrops hitting the ground even made people feel pain on their skin.

The little devil is sitting on the top of the Maybach, swaying his legs slightly, his round face is charming and indistinguishable from male to female, every move is gentle and elegant, as if he has never stepped on dust since he was born.

When he turned around, the battle was over.

The meteor-like spear was pulled out from the ground and took away a few irregular pieces of gravel. The orange-haired girl was holding it.

The girl's clothes are really avant-garde. They are mesh-like and tearing in the wind. Her hair also has some edges and corners fixed by the strong wind. It's like pouring two pounds of hair wax on her head and then grabbing it randomly. The messy beauty that comes from it.

There were several long and narrow blood marks on the fair Guazi face, and there were several scary-looking wounds in the corners of the eyes. Blood stains were everywhere on his body. His clothes were tied into bundles to wrap around his slender body. On his back was a man who was equally embarrassed, even more depressed. Dead "corpse".

The boss is wrong. Lu Mingze glanced at the man lying dead and raised his eyebrows.


"I don't know~ Although I still have energy, if my spiritual element is forcibly eroded by a being like Odin, I don't know if it will affect my brain. I hope it's okay." The girl turned her head slightly and looked at her body lying in a U shape. Chu Tianjiao, who was on his shoulder, was a little worried, not only worried about the man's life safety, but also a little afraid of his own president.

Unlike the girl, for Lu Mingze, the "corpse" on his shoulders was not much different from the real "corpse", and it did not deserve too much attention.

The questions were nothing more than idle chatter. What he really cared about was the gun that had been deactivated and unfolded.

"How long is left?"

Although it was not stated directly, the two people present certainly knew what this sentence meant.

"Well, Achilles' synchronization consumes more energy than I thought, probably less than a minute." The girl tilted her head and calculated.

"That guy may have noticed this. With his character, it's not hard to imagine that he would delay attacking you until at least a minute later."

"Hey~ I obviously intend to provoke people in such a vicious way. Really, Fujimaru-san's character is a gentle and pitiful hothouse flower of the new century. Can't such a big sacrifice make him moved?"

"Don't underestimate that turtle man's endurance." Lu Mingze clasped his hands behind his back, his eyes showing no emotion. "But anyway, the command spell is just a form of element storage. You probably made up your mind that since I'm here, you don't have to worry about the Word Spirit Oracle reaching its limit, so it's only natural."

"Ah, exposed?" The girl spread her hands.

"Of course Odin has thought of things that I can guess. You can also think that Odin can think of this level - then why do you do it?" Lu Mingze finally turned his head and said during the conversation For the first time, he showed a somewhat heavy expression.

"As Angers said, we should not pursue the enemy when we are in poverty. It will not do us any good if we push the enemy to the end."

Although he said so, Lu Mingze was not actually blaming Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It has nothing to do with whether he is correct or not, he is just simply used to acting in a high-profile manner - letting that turtle man go for the sake of being "correct" would be too disgusting.

But even so, what Lu Mingze was curious about was why Fujimaru Ritsuka did this.

With Lu Mingze and Fujimaru Ritsuka who uphold their dignity as kings, they don't care about things like face.

And even so, she still provoked.

"Do you really think you can beat that guy?" The little devil tilted his head and raised the corners of his mouth as if he was watching the excitement. His swaying white legs started to sway even more, as if he was watching a card draw. The page shines with players who can’t wait to witness the results.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that with that gun, you would be able to develop such a unique alchemical field. It can almost be said to be an exclusive killing move against Odin, not against any dragon king."

"But that's all."

"Even if it's just a human body, even if all speech spirits and powers are sealed, the dragon's body will definitely surpass that of human hybrids, and the martial arts at the moment of birth will inevitably reach the divine realm, and humans will not be able to resist it anyway - this is common sense. No matter how much you go beyond common sense, you can't guarantee your victory."

These are all obvious facts, and the girl naturally has no room for refutation.

Indeed, it is exactly the same as what Lu Mingze said.

Even if he had exhausted all his tricks and even obtained the Noble Phantasm sponsored by the Little Devil, he had only tipped the balance of victory to 50-50.

Moreover, for Odin himself, the meteor gun cannot be used as a duel field - after all, he is a turtle man.

Then the odds of winning will decrease endlessly.

And if Lu Mingze had not taken action and summoned the heroic spirit with his nature, this process would have been enough for the girl to enter the dying stage. Even if Odin's substitute was defeated, she would still be hunted by Odin himself hiding in the shadows.

But, the girl said——

I will win.

And that sentence was based on the absence of Lu Mingze's help.

So, why did she come to this conclusion?

"I hope that Lord God King will come to the scene in person." The girl shrugged.

"Anyway, the person we are talking to is probably listening with Kamitachi, so I will make it clear————"

The girl opened the door of the Maybach and looked at Mai Shutoku, who had fallen into a coma in the car, and the frail president of her family, who was pale and frowning in the back seat.

Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was still in the driver's seat.

【They asked you to please. 】

Then under Lu Mingfei's nervous gaze, the girl gently leaned Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang together. The two men, who looked somewhat similar, leaned their heads on their shoulders and fell asleep, while Li Xiang scratched Scratching his messy hair, he walked into the rain against the strong wind.

Take a deep breath, and then—

"——I have no backup plan!"

That was simply a shocking scene.

The girl followed up her previous words, opened her arms to the falling rain, and her loud voice spread to the other side.

"I really don't have any preparations. This is not some invincible novel. How can I have endless cards to play without saying anything?"

"I have nothing left. If this is a city that needs to be defended, then I will definitely put on a casual haori and play guzheng on the city wall~"

"So, come on!"

There was no trace of hesitation or haze in those words, and even Lu Mingze looked at the calm girl in a daze.

what is this.

Empty city strategy?

——If Wei soldiers arrive, don't move without permission. I have my own plan. Kong Ming was wearing a crane cloak, wearing a silk scarf, shaking a feather fan, and led two boys to carry a harp, sit on the railing in front of the enemy tower on the city, burn incense, play the harp, and sing loudly.

In the sixth year of Jianxing of the Shu Han Dynasty (228 years), Zhuge Liang lost the strategic location of Jieting due to the misuse of Ma Su. After the defeat of Jieting, Wei general Sima Yi took advantage of the situation and led an army of 150,000 to swarm towards the west city where Zhuge Liang was located.

At that time, Zhuge Liang had no generals around him, only a group of civilian officials. Half of the 5,000 troops he led had gone to transport grain and grass, leaving only 2,500 soldiers in the city. Everyone was shocked when they heard the news that Sima Yi was coming with his troops. After Zhuge Liang climbed to the tower to watch, he said to everyone: "Don't panic, everyone. I can teach Sima Yi to retreat with a little strategy."

The story that the military advisor showed after saying these words is the so-called "empty city" that became famous in later generations.

Zhuge Liang was sitting on the tower, smiling broadly, burning incense and playing the piano. There is a book boy on the left, holding a sword in his hand; there is also a book boy on the right, holding a whisk in his hand. Inside and outside the city gate, more than 20 people who looked like common people were sweeping their heads, as if there was no one around.

Relying on psychological tactics, Sima Yi was deceived and retreated.

This story, which is actually considered fictional by most people, has also become one of the most famous events involving Prime Minister Zhuge.

Sima Yi seems very stupid to people from a God's perspective, but in reality, no one dares to use their own soldiers to gamble on the strategies of a military advisor who has almost no plans in his life.

But then again, in this case, can we really use the empty city strategy like this?

Indeed, Ritsuka can be said to be a conscientious counselor in Odin's eyes, and Odin is indeed a pathologically cautious monster.

If this is really the battlefield of the Three Kingdoms, and the two sides are competing as strategists, then they will undoubtedly lead to the plot written in the novel, and escape with all their strength.

But the thing is, here’s the reality.

Even if Odin retreats, his first reaction should not be to withdraw, but to observe and try his best to see how many cards the girl has not used, and this is not difficult.

For the Dragon King, even using Kama Itachi is enough to judge whether you are lying by observing the movement of your heart. Just think about it, there are hundreds of ways to determine the authenticity of your words from a distance.

Therefore, even Lu Mingze was stunned at that moment.

Because he also saw it.

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't lie.

——She doesn’t have any trump card anymore.

So. Where does her confidence come from at this moment? Who gave you the courage?

To discuss this issue, we need to go back in time to the night a few days ago, when the girl made a phone call from her family boss.

At that time, Minamoto Chisei, now the master of the eight Sheqi families in Japan, once said.

——[Both Norma from this headquarters and Princess Kaguya from this family have given combat advice, allowing you to contact the victims who are the missing commissioner’s children as much as possible—Chu Zihang, the senior of your school, but as far as I can see Judging from the situation, it seems that you have no intention of talking to anyone at all. 】

Insignificant questions, trivial questions.

Unlike Minamoto, whose brain circuits are too straightforward, only Yabuki Sakura, who had been a partner with Ritsuka, noticed the inner meaning of this behavior and responded.

【be safe. 】

Why not get in touch?

Why should we pay attention to safety?

Yeah, there's no reason.

Regarding the current world situation, the girl does not have time to "take it slow". With her ability, even without any foreshadowing, she can quickly become familiar with Chu Zihang without disguising herself as an ordinary woman. students, they waited until there was a legitimate reason like a basketball game to be exposed.

There is no reason not to get in touch.

Then, what if "I don't want to have contact" is changed to "I can't have contact".

Why not?

Looking back to the previous point in time, Odin is a dragon king who has lived in the real world for thousands of years, but he has never driven out all humans.

The reason, which the girl could probably guess, was to rely on the top hybrids of the era to restrain her own race.

There is no problem with this. The problem is to think about it further——

That is, "this behavior lasted for thousands of years."

Even mixed-race weirdos like Chu Tianjiao and Ritsuka can deduce Odin's true identity, so how is it possible that there isn't one in Dragon King?

So, if you realize that the Odin Dragon King cannot cooperate with humans and cannot coexist with Odin, what path will you choose——

Answer: Without being noticed by Odin, try to detect the location of the opponent and find a way to find an opportunity to kill him.

Odin has always been hidden deep in the Nibelungs, and there is only one medium left for him to contact the outside world.

Human beings who came out of the Nibelungs and carried the [mark] of the Nibelungs on their bodies.

That is—Chu Zihang himself.

The mutual checks and balances between the Dragon Kings are not difficult to come to this conclusion even before the historical truth is speculated. Otherwise, if the Dragon Kings could cooperate like the Sheqi Eight Families and Kassel Academy, humans would have died long ago.

Therefore, before the girl came to Shilan Middle School, she roughly guessed that Chu Zihang would be noticed by various forces.

Be it Odin or anyone who has a grudge against Odin.

That is to say

(You will use various methods to conduct thorough exploration, right?)

(Word spirit and power are used to investigate every possibility to a degree that is not usually used. In this way, you cannot miss any suspicious part in the current city.)

(And at that time, you will find out——)

(My "companion.")

That "companion" you have never met even once, the Dragon King who is in Fuzhou at the moment, one of your brothers and sisters.

Then Odin will naturally think of this——

Lu Mingze, Fujimaru Ritsuka, and a certain Dragon King who is currently in Fuzhou City——

It's a drama through and through.

All of Ritsuka's actions, including forcing Odin to admit defeat, will be interpreted without authorization as a cover-up for "deliberately provoking Odin."

The final result is .

A killing game against him.

And at the moment when this thought occurred.


Suddenly, a clear voice sounded from the other side of the world.

The dark clouds began to break, and the entire sky collapsed. The surrounding scenery was distorted and deformed, as if it was being dragged by invisible hands, and it was ravaged as if it were discarded scrap paper.

Lu Mingze raised his head suddenly, with surprise on his face.




The next moment the thought occurred, the world shattered. As his eyes closed and opened, his body was suddenly enveloped by a burst of warmth.

It was night, a night like any other.

The sky was as clear as a wash, and the sky was so bright after the dark clouds dispersed. Even the stars that were rarely seen in big cities were looming, arranged in groups in the sky.

They escaped.

Immediately, Lu Mingze realized what the girl had done, and he was so annoyed that he hit his head.

There was no way, the certain Dragon King who was the turning point was also extremely cautious and used a lot of means to hide his traces and aura. If he didn't go out of his way to investigate, there would be no way to find the traces.

The girl did not find her directly, but calculated this point and deduced it. And the Dragon King's best-effort disguise will only make Odin mistakenly think that the behavior is directed at him——

Although that's half right.

all in all.

"Again," the girl murmured softly.

"In combat, you don't need to completely predict every move of the enemy. You only need to make arrangements at the necessary nodes, and the enemy generals facing them will fall into the confusion of eight formations of stone soldiers."

"Sure enough, Prime Minister Zhuge's teachings were correct~"

"It's a pity that we ran away. We obviously lost the medium after the rain stopped, but we wouldn't have such a good chance."

The girl's words were crushed in the wind and floated into the distance. Her clear eyes were like clear springs, looking at the sky quietly, obviously covered with bruises, but she was calm and composed.

Anyway, that’s it, right?

Plan pass~

Looking at such a girl, the boy in the little dress felt his heart twitch inexplicably.

Ending the battle before it starts is the purest way to win.

How many times are you going to surpass my imagination?

Gently grabbing the clothes on his chest, the boy lowered his head.

At that moment, he couldn't see his expression.



If that's the case, wouldn't it be impossible to return it?

The devil grinned slightly, and in that obscure arc, there was almost boiling emotion.

Don't blame me, Kishua-kun.

The devil secretly watched the girl's back and sighed.

It's this child who is bad.

Who makes her smell so good?

ps: The frequency of two-in-one is a bit high, but I can’t help it. I don’t want to delay the plot anymore, so I might as well finish it today.

Okay, so now I can finally declare it! ——

Odin's battle ends grandly! !

Finally finished!

Although it was painful for me to write, I finally got the effect I wanted.

Ritsuka's combat power transformed, and Odin was severely slapped in the face while ensuring the balance of combat power, which also gave Angers a wave of highlights.

Let me emphasize one point. In the original book, Long Simo was also the little devil's fourth life change. I forgot what percentage increase it took to defeat Chu Zihang's version of Odin.

Chu Zihang's version of Odin is far stronger than the retarded version of the White King, the super retarded Mountain King, and the super super retarded Bronze King.

In my design, Chu Tianjiao’s version of Odin is only stronger than Chu Zihang’s version. (Dad)

So Ange and Ritsuka did fight to the death against a Dragon King-level opponent, but without the meteor gun, they could only be hit hard but not killed, so I feel that their combat power has not collapsed. (It’s just that my second design has strengthened Angers, but it will not break the balance of combat power)

As for whether it will make it too easy later?

Impossible (wags hands)

How could I possibly rewrite the original Dragon King in his weak stage? In order to match the background of Xingyue, I must pull up his legs.

The principle of [cancelling] the word spirit is naturally introduced to prepare for the subsequent word spirit battle.

The combat power will be expanded later.jpg

But then again, I’m really glad you guys are willing to watch my stinky and long battle scene, um, red bean paste Arigado!

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