Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 214 It was obviously me who came first

Chapter 214 It was obviously me who came first.

That night, Lixiang returned to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Although he was depressed for a time when the powerful dragon lost to the local snake, he finally defeated the young man surnamed Lu who was the number one person in the world through his "own efforts".

Regarding this matter, the person involved just walked away without saying a word, with a sense of ancient fairy-like beauty. There was no trace that the woman at that time even thought about unplugging the other party's network cable during the game.

After that unprecedented battle, the two had a real friendly discussion with Chu Zihang, and went to play games including but not limited to World of Warcraft, Dota 1, which was just released this year, Alley Gun, and 4399.

After evaluation, we concluded that there are really few three-player games for 4399.

After this battle, everyone got to know each other amidst the cheers of brothers and sisters.

The next stop was ktv. As expected, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were weak players in ktv. Their first goal when entering was to look for a corner, and then eagerly watched Li Xiang order songs.

As a social butterfly, Ritsuka certainly knew how to solve this situation, so she ordered several chorus songs and turned up the original vocals.

By the way, Ritsuka actually doesn’t know whether her singing is good or bad.

Although I often go out with girls of the same age, when everyone hears my voice, they only say, "It sounds so good! It's like nature! Let's sing "Nocturne" together!"

Due to the social environment, peers of the same age, especially Japanese Sakura girls, are prone to act in exaggerated and exaggerated ways, so Ritsuka didn't take this matter to heart.

On the other hand, when I was in Chaldea, I would occasionally go to the secret room to vent my emotions and sing karaoke because I was depressed. After Matthew noticed this, he was strictly asked not to sing in public, otherwise something very serious would happen. The problem.

Heck, even Nero can sing, why can’t I? !

At least Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang nodded when they heard it, and said almost exactly the same words as the female classmates Ritsuka met in Toyosaki No. 3 Middle School.

Damn it, in the end I didn’t know whether I sang well or not.

In this way, if we use galgame's terminology, after the judgment of a favorability event, the bond between the three people also increased————

It’s the first day of school next week.


"Did you hear that the principal's precious pine tree was blown down?"

"It's all a trivial matter. The doorman's wig was blown off when he got off work on a heavy rain day. He chased it all the way on his two-wheeled lady's bicycle, only to watch it fall into the drainage ditch."

"Didn't I take leave today? How did you know?"

"I made it up."


In the new week, almost all the students in the class were discussing the heavy rain at the weekend.

The weather in this city is always so puzzling. The wind that seemed to shake the ground over the weekend has completely disappeared. Only the sight of plastic bags floating in blocked drainage ditches can remind people of the terrible heavy rain and turbulence a few days ago.

Most human beings like to stay at home on rainy days. If you can turn on the air conditioner, cover yourself with a quilt, and prepare potato chips, Coke, and a long online drama, that would be a killer.

Yesterday's heavy rain did not leave a shadow on these half-year-old students. Instead, it brought a unique and beautiful memory. Everyone was happily discussing what they had done yesterday, or chatting about information that had not yet expired.

Of course, the most indispensable thing was that both Fujimaru Ritsuka and Chu Zihang won the city basketball finals. Everyone was not shy about their words and praised the heroic appearance of those two people in an exaggerated way.

Then as he talks, he will finally wrap up all the topics with that person——

"Monitor, I heard that you and the president stayed to play ball together. Is this true?"

There is no scratch left on the orange desk, and the "Politics and History" for the next class has been placed in the upper left corner. The girl who is the center of the topic is supporting her chin with one hand and looking out the window.

The cool and soft wind wandered into the classroom, passing through the dry and bent branches and ruffling the girl's shiny hair. The bright white light can heat up the iron bars beside the window, but it can only serve as a cheap foil for the girl's cold white skin, adding a bit of haziness.

Students in the first class always lament that the face of their class president is like the beauty painted by Edward Beeson, and it also looks like the beautiful girl from Tokyo who likes to brag about the eight o'clock stall in the island country next door, more like that The guardian of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, an angel in white named Raphael.

The archangel was affectionately summoned by his classmates. After being stunned for a while, he turned back as if he had woken up.

She said:

"Yeah, you're right, that question is option c!"

"Sister, we are not talking about the paper from last time."

The angel fell into the world and turned into the approachable, warm and friendly class leader he used to be.

People covered their heads and felt speechless because of the squad leader's disconnection, but they had to admit it.

"However, it was really impressive that time. The teacher had to quibble for two classes before secretly admitting in the group that the answer was printed wrongly."

"Yeah, I just want to laugh when I look at Lao Liu's face pretending nothing happened."

"In the emoticon pack group, you can get whatever you want."

The male students generously forgave the monitor for his distraction, and the female comrades even felt that the monitor just now was sentimental about Zhaohua, recalling the beauty passing through his fingertips.

"Ahem, sorry~ I was thinking about something just now, where did you talk about?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka put on a smile, but was smacking her lips in her heart.

Hey, last night I was writing a diary for my first win in StarCraft, so I wrote in some detail. I didn’t sleep well, and now I’m feeling sleepy.

It is not the physical body that is sleepy, but the tiredness caused by over-excitement of the spirit.

Not knowing that the class leader would also be troubled by these mortal problems, the students repeated the topics just discussed.

"Ah, that's it."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was not surprised. After all, it was two giants on campus who met, and even those from Shilan Middle School had to look at each other, but...

"How do you know?"

Lixiang tilted her head, feeling a little strange in her heart. She didn't seem to say this specifically. Could it be Lu Mingfei or Su Xiaoqiang?

The result was revealed quickly, and people looked at each other and answered quickly.

"That's what Chen Wenwen said. She said she seemed to have seen you staying at the venue and playing ball with Chu Zihang and the others."

This was beyond the girl's expectation, because everyone at Shilan Middle School must have left at that time. Perhaps because the other party's gaze was not malicious and was too far away, Li Xiang did not notice Chen Wenwen.

Looking subconsciously, I found that Chen Wenwen was also peeking over here.

Her book stood up on the desk, her body did not turn to this side, and her eyes looked at Ritsuka in mid-air for a second, but then quickly moved away like a frightened rabbit.


Lixiang was confused, she didn't know why Chen Wenwen reacted like this.

As for Fujimaru Ritsuka who was having random thoughts, all the students besides her were in a rage.

That was Chu Zihang, the most legendary man in Shilan High School. Although the boys ranked him first on the list to express their dissatisfaction with him, in fact, there were no men or women in the entire Shilan High School. Dare to make a joke on Chu Zihang.

And the squad leader is the same legendary candidate. Everyone said that the next Chu Zihang must be Fujimaru Ritsuka, and it must be her.

And now, the two Supremes unexpectedly met in advance, apart from the student union work, and faced off head-on. Mars collided with the earth? !

That is, when people want to know more about the situation——

"Damn it! Chu Zihang came to our classroom to find someone!"

"Fuck, are you kidding me? You're going to be responsible for inserting a urinary catheter for the rest of my life!"

Look, people who make jokes like this will definitely be noticed and saluted by their classmates, and then hung up and beaten.

The women scratched their armpits, the men lifted up Aruba, no one was spared.


"Who are you kidding? Get down, everyone get down!"

"Chu! I'm super. It's hard to say."

Class 1 ushered in the grandest climax of the day. Almost everyone blushed and buried their heads in their chests. Like ostriches, they didn't dare to look up at the sun. They just lowered their heads and talked about him incoherently.

All because of the man standing at the door.

Black hair, chestnut eyes, and good-quality bones make a junior high school student look two points younger and three points sharper. If Fujimaru Ritsuka is said to be the star of the girl next door, then Chu Zihang is the star of the president of the company next door. Just standing tall and straight at the door made the air freeze out of thin air.

"Is Fujimaru Ritsuka in the classroom?"

At this moment, the classroom seemed to have been exerted dozens of times the natural gravity. It was extremely difficult to just raise the head, let alone speak. Many classmates who usually call themselves social little princes and sunny and cheerful boys have teeth chattering and rattling at the moment, but they are unable to utter a word.

But it’s not a big problem. It’s not like there are no parents in this class.

"Hey, good morning, President!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't seem surprised by Chu Zihang's arrival. She stretched out her hand and waved to Chu Zihang behind the sunshine.

"Well, good morning."

Chu Zihang's response was also very quick. There was no awkwardness in the communication between the two of them. It was more like the intimacy and naturalness of friends who had been friends for two and a half years.

"Is it about the cultural festival again? Or, oh, I want to ask about things over there, okay~ By the way, did you have breakfast? Do you want to go to the rooftop to talk? There are no cameras over there and I have the key."

"Well, eat, okay."

Fujimaru Ritsuka stood up without any hesitation. After jogging a few steps, he actually hooked up with Chu Zihang in the eyes of everyone, and the two walked side by side.

"Let's go then. I asked for leave from early reading. It seems that the president's class didn't do early reading, right?"


"That's great. What did you have for breakfast?"

"Oatmeal with a little sugar osmanthus."

"Eat it in the morning? Senior brother actually likes this kind of thing?"

"Mom likes to do it."

"Hey~~ Speaking of which, senior brother, do you know that there is a rice roll shop opened by an old couple on the street west of our school? It uses home-brewed soy sauce instead of soup. It can be said that the rice noodles are made with Chaoshan style sauce and Cantonese style. , the unique one is so delicious!”

"I don't know, but next time I can go eat...with -."

Chu Zihang and Fujimaru Ritsuka walked farther and farther away, and even the content of the conversation began to blur.

Then people slowly raised their heads and looked at their classmates.

Not surprisingly, everyone had horror written on their faces.


*Civilized terms*, what happened on that stormy night last night! !

Could it be that! (fear)

Could it be that! ! ! ——

The president and the squad leader, the Wolong and Phoenix chicks of Shilan Middle School are finally going to fight side by side? Established a revolutionary friendship?

Then, wouldn't it mean that the ultimate existence that is as invincible and invincible as Gotenks is about to be born! ?

The entire class was like a fiber-optic guided missile shooting out at this moment. The little tongue turned into a flexible optical fiber and continued to tremble and extend. The entire soul was trapped in a whirlpool of confusion and confusion.

However, what they didn't know was that an even more horrifying scene would happen in the next second.

Chu Zihang, who had just walked out of the class door, bumped head-on into a boy who was walking with his head lowered. The boy lowered his head and just walked. As he walked, he was buried in Chu Zihang's chest muscles and almost fell to the ground. While people were watching, Ritsuka spoke.

"Ah! Isn't this wrong? Good morning~"

"Huh? Huh?" The boy covered his head and looked up, revealing a face that was familiar to everyone in Class 1.

The shabby boy was carrying a bag on one shoulder, his hand bent to hook one side of the backpack's strap, his head drooped and yawning. It looked like he hadn't slept well and there were obvious dark circles on his face.

Lu Mingfei looked at the situation in front of him and reluctantly reacted.

"Ah, squad leader, and senior brother, what are you doing?"

"You are here for the best friend talk, and I just happened to drag you into the student union. You have reached this age, and it is time to fight for the rise of the nation."

"Huh? Wait——"

Being pulled by the collar, Lu Mingfei just walked away under the eyes of his classmates who were even more horrified than before.



About three seconds later, a wave of people erupted in the class that shook the teaching building and cracked the ceramic cup the principal placed on the coffee table.

People questioned the people around them in a crazy manner and started thinking in a hysterical manner.

In the scene of chaos like a cult scene, the girl sitting in her seat "reading" looks very out of place.

Chen Wenwen was different from the people around her. She did not make noises and just continued to study.

But the fingers pinching the edge of the book have long since turned white due to excessive force.

Just as she said, she saw Lixiang staying in the gym ready to play with Chu Zihang. Although she didn't see the content of the game because she had to catch the car, she naturally noticed the other person present at the time, Lu Mingfei. The presence


The girl pursed her lips, her originally delicate lips now showing an unhealthy purple color.

The brown pages in his eyes were blurry, as if covered with a layer of gauze, blurry.

The picture that appeared in her eyes was that of a dazzling back figure that was out of reach of her, a student council president who matched her, but why was there such a dazzling and strange existence in it.

If it was Chu Zihang, forget it.

Lu Mingfei, why you?

If you can. Why doesn't that person choose me?


I came first.

ps: The character Chen Wenwen is often used in various stories about Lu Mingfei’s return. She is the first one to be slapped in the face due to pretense, but I’m used to seeing all kinds of tricks.

I want to do some different persecution! ()

The rice roll mentioned in this article comes from a real case. It is the most delicious rice roll in the world. It is the only dish that I can lick my plate in my life.

Does delicious food really only stay in childhood? (Excuse for lack of money)

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