Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 222 Xia Mi: The advantage is mine! (2-in-1)

Shilan Middle School, morning.

With Richard Clayderman's well-known end-of-school bell "Starry Sky" being replaced by a cheerful and rhythmic light accompaniment, the school celebration of Shilan Middle School also officially began.

People's shouts, sighs, and calls for help can not only be heard in the student union room, but also attract the attention of passers-by outside the school.

Among them, of course, is the student union department of the junior high school of Shilan Middle School.

The student union secretary of the junior high school is a well-behaved girl with braids. She wears loose gray casual clothes. She wears black-rimmed glasses and is holding an information bag for reporting statistics in one hand. His hand was hurriedly hanging a name tag for the visit on his chest, and he seemed to be shaking his legs nervously while standing against the wall.

"President, what should I do? It is said that the student president of the high school is that senior brother Chu Zihang." The braided girl covered her head and said with some pain. "It is said that there is a curse on him that makes women speechless if they come within three meters. What should I do if I lose the face of the student council?"

The girl who was mentioned trembled when she heard this. It was not that she was frightened by the horrifying statement, but more like she was holding back a laugh.

No. How can that guy be so scary?

In a sense, the girl who had been Chu Zihang's stalker for a while couldn't help but find it interesting when she thought about the gap between the boy's actual situation and the image in other people's eyes.

But she suppressed her trembling, turned around and caused her long flowing hair to sway in the air, and spoke out with comfort in mind.

"Oh, don't worry~"

The girl smiled, put her hand on the back of her secretary's hand, helped her put the information bag in the storage locker in the security room next to her, and said comforting words.

"Warm your hands, warm your hands~"

"We are all human beings, how can we be so scary? Besides, the President of the Student Union has so many things to do so he has no time to deal with us. He should probably send a secretary or something like that."


For some reason, the girl with braided braids seemed to be even more frightened.

"I have also heard rumors about that person. It is said that the senior named Fujimaru Ritsuka carries a terrifying curse that will cause her to be dragged into the Mathematical Olympiad if she comes within three meters of her. Ugh! It's so scary."

"Are you mistaking this person for some NPC unit in World of Warcraft?"

The president of the junior high school complained like this.

If that's the case, the two people at this moment can be said to be the two brave men who are about to enter the Demon King's Castle.

Brave? Me, Xia Mi?


The girl held her forehead with slender fingers, shook her head twice, and finally spoke to express relief again. She clenched her fists resolutely and showed a smile as fragrant as jasmine tea but firm.

"Don't worry, I'm here anyway!"

"President Xia Mi!"

The girl with braided braids was suddenly moved. She looked at her president and suddenly had a ridiculous concept in her heart.

Yes, why should I be afraid?

High school is like a dragon's den, the psychological pressure caused by the age gap, and the legendary stories of the high school period that can be written into a collection of novels, really make freshmen retreat.

However, why doesn’t the junior high school have its own champion?

The braided girl suddenly took a step back, almost lowering her head to face her president. That was respect, but it was also a kind of awe.

Xia Mi, a woman of the new era.

As a rising star in the junior high school of Shilan Middle School, its momentum has almost single-handedly suppressed the momentum set off by the other three school beauties in Shilan Middle School before Ritsuka came to Shilan Middle School.

Without him, it would be too beautiful.

Her flawless and beautiful face looked like angel wings under the morning light, light and soft.

Her face is radiant, as gentle as jade, her eyes are clear and smooth, with long eyelashes, her cheeks are a little baby fat, and when she smiles, she can still see the right little tiger teeth.

His skin is crystal clear and fair, his body is slender and slender, and his flesh and bones are well-proportioned. Wearing a loose gray top, denim hot pants, and a pair of sneakers on bare feet.

In the vernacular, she is an outgoing, enthusiastic and fashionable schoolgirl-style beauty, but not so in the vernacular.

Snow falls on Beijing, and flowers fall from thousands of miles away.

When spring arrives, the cold on the Great Wall has not yet receded, and the east wind blows and the ground is full of sweetness.

The setting sun melts into the mirror water. I get up in the evening to comb my hair and trace the green eyebrows with my careless hands.

After putting on makeup, fishes and geese are swimming around and drunk, who can compete with the beautiful country?

Just like a tomb robber sneaking into Tutankhamun's tomb, facing the extremely exquisite golden mask that seems to have sealed time, he would admire and remain silent for a long time, not daring to reach out and take it off, as if he was afraid that it would disturb the sleeping beauty. , fearing that it would grow old the moment it wakes up, and people would not be able to help but be moved when they see the girl.

Perfect, perhaps only such poor words can be used to establish the image of that girl.

With such a woman, why should we be afraid?

Therefore, it is normal for the girl with braids to lower her head subconsciously. It is an instinct in human beings as visual animals.

But what she didn't see was that when she looked at the girl in front of her who bowed her head to her, the girl named Xia Mi, although she still had a smile on her face, not only did she not feel anything wrong deep in her beautiful eyes, but she saw something commonplace. Something like that, showing a somewhat cold expression.

But it was only for a moment, and the girl quickly put on a new mask. "Okay, let's go~" She happily held the other person's hand and walked towards the campus.

As if impatient.

And when they opened the school gate, the attack on Demon King's Castle began.

The scenery revealed in front of them really shocked the two of them.

"Sizzling squid~ Do you want to eat sizzling squid? One piece is five yuan per skewer. Unless you go to the night market with a Thompson submachine gun, you won't be able to find a cheaper one even if you break your leg!"

"The commoner Buddha jumps over the wall! The commoner Buddha jumps over the wall, who can get a share!"

"Do you want to try sugar painting? Friends, there are portraits of President Chu Zihang and Secretary Fujimaru Ritsuka that can be carved here. They cost five yuan at a time. If they are broken, you will get a big mouthful."


The buzz of people may be used to describe the scene at this moment. The dense flow of people and the vendors arranged in parallel lines maintain a safe distance between each other and allow the smoke from the catering industry to effectively dissipate without causing siltation. .

People followed the route planned by road signs and fences set in advance. Uniformed volunteers and student union staff conducted orderly instructions. White gloves held up a portable blackboard with entry and exit instructions on it.

Most of the people who come to play are Shilan Middle School's own student group, the junior high school, or students from other schools who have received invitations in advance. Occasionally, you can see some well-dressed adult men and women in the corner, and you can vaguely see that they seem to be on board. Successful people who have appeared in local magazines.

Xia Mi was a little surprised, not to mention the little follower behind her, who made a whining sound as if his face was about to melt.

And at this moment——


The sound was loud but clear, and the ripples that echoed in the chest were like ripples in a clear pond, making people feel like they had taken a big drink after running a thousand meters. The sound of pulsating refreshment penetrated into their ears.

Xia Mi quickly turned around, but was suddenly stunned as if his heart was being grasped.

Because she discovered that the person she was thinking about all day and night was thinking about her.

The first collision between the two came unexpectedly.

That man had a face that was no weaker than his own, and every step he took was graceful and brisk, as if lotus flowers were blooming under his feet, and every move he made carried that eerie sense of holiness.

If Natsumi's charm comes from her absolutely perfect appearance, then this woman named Fujimaru Ritsuka must have some unknown elements mixed with it to form that elusive "temperament".

The kind of aura that seems to swallow up all sight like a black hole.


Subconsciously biting the tip of her tongue, Xia Mi came out of her trance. She took back her foot that originally wanted to step back, and instead took a step forward to meet him.

Demeanor, OK.

Action, ok.

Smile, ok.

Abdomen, ok.

After confirming everything, Xia Mi returned to the cheerful student council president.

This is just the first CG appearance of a male protagonist in galgame.

What's there to be afraid of?

She suddenly emitted an aura that was not inferior to that of the girl in front of her. The two of them seemed to be fighting in a domineering and domineering manner. Although the sky did not crack, the people around them could already feel the fear that palpitated their hearts.

Da da da.

The two of them faced each other, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled incomprehensibly, and Natsumi was laughing and joking, showing off the true nature of a sports girl.


At the same time, Xia Mi stretched out her hand to say hello, as if she wanted to give a warm greeting and perfect her image of an outgoing young school girl.

This was the first time she faced Fujimaru Ritsuka head-on.

Xia Mi, who has deeply studied human psychology, knows that if you want to quickly close a relationship and take a dominant position in the relationship, you must make the first impression between the two people impactful enough!

Hehe, isn’t that simple?

After a while, I gave him a warm hug, then a face-to-face kiss, and finally formed an offensive of whispering in my ears. I must make the other person be swallowed up by such enthusiasm!

Just wait, I'm going to attack you, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

GalGame players have put their hands on the "handle", ready to use their own combos at any time to conquer the mountain in front of them in one fell swoop.

Natsumi was overjoyed when she saw Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes shining.

Just like when two heroes meet for the first time, they feel a sense of harmony, and the joy of falling in love at first sight ripples through their chests.

The two of them moved forward quickly, moving at the pace of a dragon and a tiger!

"Learn j~~"


The air flow blew the ends of the hair, and the originally straight and smooth hair floated upward in the shape of an octopus tentacle. Xia Mi felt a gust of wind passing by him.

"Hey, you are the student council president of the junior high school, right? Hello, hello, I am Fujimaru Ritsuka, my Chinese name is Shangguan Sufen. I have long heard that the student council president of the junior high school is a talented person. When I saw it today, it turned out to be a profound academic weight. The uniform head shape of a junior high school student, the braids and glasses are a symbol of intellectual stability, and every move shows calmness. Oh my, she is really a girl hero! You can see she is extraordinary!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka stepped over the expectant Natsumi, grabbed the hands of the braided girl behind her, and said happily.


Xia Mi's mouth still maintained a smile, and he half-opened his eyes and turned his head.


At that moment, the rippling water on the chest dispersed, and a few waves hit the beach, first turning into deep black, and then melting into a light yellow.

Urgency is an attitude.

It is a kind of relaxation, a kind of calmness and a kind of calmness.

"Don't be anxious" embodies the golden mean of Chinese Confucianism and the life philosophy of being open-minded, humble and peaceful. As the saying goes, "A quiet mind means a calm voice, and there is no such thing as past and present." Only by learning to "don't be anxious" can you grow and mature. Only by doing so can we be able to make the best of everything in the world and not be surprised by changes.

But Xia Mi was probably in a hurry at that moment.

Fujimaru Ritsuka had an enthusiastic face, and with his secretary's melting expression, he almost fainted and started talking. He grabbed other people's little hands and touched them randomly, with a face of excitement and enthusiasm.

If the camera is placed between the two people, it will inevitably cause blur caused by the loss of focus, but Natsumi in the center of the two people is so small and clear.

Yes. It’s me first!

"I'm the student council president?!"

At that moment, she couldn't help shouting loudly.

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Huh?"

The girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka turned her head and looked at Natsumi.

Looking back at the girl with braided braids, she suddenly realized after getting confirmation.

She blinked, laughed twice, looked at herself, and then walked back to the original position while walking backwards.

Then he almost replicated his actions when he first appeared, and walked towards Xia Mi with joy.

"Hey, you must be the student council president of the junior high school, hello, hello, I am Fujimaru Ritsuka, my Chinese name is Shangguan Sufen. I have long heard that the student council president of the junior high school is a talented person. When I saw it today, I really have a sunny and lively spirit. Dynamic, the unique style that is second to none in the country, hot shorts and tight T-shirts are a good balance between conservative and publicity, every move shows vitality, eh, she is really a girl hero! You can see she is extraordinary!"

This woman actually said it again so shamelessly? !

Xia Mi felt contempt and indignation in his heart, but he thought about his strategy and had no choice but to endure it, so he reluctantly kept the smile on his face, his face was twisted, and he reluctantly opened his hand, wanting to follow the original plan. A warm hug.

Then changes occurred again.

Suddenly, Xia Mi's movements stopped.

wait? !

As an extremely cautious Dragon King, Xia Mi was disrupted by the opponent's actions just now, but his powers of observation were already at work.

And she accidentally caught a glimpse and suddenly saw some very different existences in the corner of her field of vision.

It was a sharp white light.

A super-S-level figure named Fujimaru Ritsuka. The mixed-race figure walked towards him, with the same polite smile on his face, but his pace became faster and faster. Between his slender and white fingers - there was a thin Long silver needle!

At that moment, the Big Bang occurred in Xia Mi's brain, as if the ribs without draining the water were thrown into the frying pan!




Which one is this?

Assassination? !

well? ? ? ?

No, no, this is not called assassination! This is simply killing openly! !

Why? Am I exposed?

No, why did you kill me if you exposed me? No, why did you do it in a place with so many people?

Isn't she afraid that I will use hostages?

Isn't she afraid of accidentally injuring people?

Is Fujimaru Ritsuka such a person?

Countless doubts, fears, uncertainty, and panic descended on Xia Mi's body in an instant.

It was as if overwhelming pressure appeared out of thin air. At that moment, Xia Mi even froze on the spot, unable to move.

The moment she reacted, the girl had already appeared in front of her.

The silver needle was barely thirty centimeters away from him.

Oops! ! So fast? !

Xia Mi screamed in annoyance in her heart. When she realized what she was doing, she just took half a step back, only to find that the opponent's movements were several times faster than hers!

The Dragon King's physical fitness is not enough to crush him, but he can actually make the Dragon King himself unable to react in time? !

Can't escape!

that's all?

My debut, is this it?

The most miserable Dragon King in history? !

well? ! ! ! ————

Just when Xia Ya almost cried out in pain like a funny character in her heart, Ritsuka finally got completely close to her.


A pin was pinned to Xia Mi's chest.

"Sorry~" Xia Mi finally came to her senses and heard the voice. She slowly lowered her gaze, and what came into view was a jumping orange hair and the logo on her chest.

——[Visit to Shilan Junior High School]

"Today is the first day of the campus festival, and it is still a trial opening, so the invitations are only open to everyone from the junior high school and some joint colleges and universities who have greeted you in advance, so you need to bring your name badge when you come in." The girl spread her hands and explained, As if he was complaining about the unfairness of the upper management, he quickly changed his face and stepped forward to hold Xia Mi's little hand like he was chatting with others just now.

In the few seconds before Xia Ya's mind came to his senses, Fujimaru Ritsuka completed a series of actions.

He leaned close to Xia Mi's body, arranging the mark on the other person's chest in a way that seemed a little too close to outsiders, and then showed a kind smile when he finished.

"Ah, does it scare you? I didn't mean it, I'm just happy to have colleagues here to exchange work~"

After whispering closely, Fujimaru Ritsuka took a slight step back and chuckled softly behind his hands.

Xia Mi suddenly realized that it was one of the "Thirty-six Lively Actions of a Beautiful Girl" that he often did, which he imitated in front of the TV. He tilted his head with his hands behind his back and smiled.

Although Xia Mi had confirmed his situation in the mirror, he probably knew that his action would be very damaging to others.

But this was the first time I saw someone else, a beautiful girl on the same level as myself doing this kind of thing.

——If you want to quickly get closer and take a dominant position in the relationship, then you need to make the first impression of the two people impactful enough!

I don't know why, but my heart started to beat faster.

Xia Mi pursed her lips and bit her lower lip.

Suspension. Suspension bridge reaction? !

Self-directed and self-acted suspension bridge effect? !

Damn Fujimaru Ritsuka, he first used that clumsy way to attract my attention, and then used this lame excuse to forcefully awaken the creature's suspension bridge reaction.

Bad woman, what a bad woman! .If it weren’t for me, all the wild flowers would have been picked by this bitch, right? !

But it's a pity

It was me you met!

Get back on your feet!

Xia Mi thought about this, reset all the anger and fear in his heart, and showed a bright smile.

The thought was fleeting, and the girl's mood changed. With a bit of exaggeration in a variety show, she rushed forward and grabbed one of Fujimaru Ritsuka's arms.

"Oh! It's the legendary senior! The senior is beautiful and super gentle, please take care of me!~"

"Wow~ I have fans too?" Li Xiang looked the same and was overjoyed.

"Of course!"

Xia Ya nodded honestly, and the air of a cute elementary school girl gradually began to spread around.

Naturally, she cannot succumb to such despicable methods!

When she comes to Shilan Middle School today, she will definitely achieve her goal.

He must bring the combat power of Fujimaru Ritsuka under his command, otherwise he will deal with it.

For this reason, he must create an environment, an environment that satisfies "I can control Fujimaru Ritsuka alone without disturbing other human forces".

To accomplish this goal, two things are needed.

1. Gain the trust of Fujimaru Ritsuka so that you can be alone with her.

2. Earn the favor of the other person, so that you can ensure that when you are alone together, you can strangle the other person by the throat without the other person noticing, ensuring that you are invincible.

This is a clear mind.

hehe! Why, I won't succumb to your charm!

How can the appearance and behavior of mere humans impress the noble dragons!

Just be good——


Teacher Daye's mental activity suddenly stopped, her face froze, and her body attached to Ritsuka's arm also paused for a moment, and suddenly her nose twitched slightly.



This woman.


It still smells weird...

I don’t know if there is only one chapter.

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