Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 226 Let me see, let me see!

"President, I got the information~~"

"Hello everyone! Hello fellow seniors~ I am Xia Mi, the student council president of the junior high school. Please give me your advice!"

The door to the student union room was pushed open, and Fujimaru Ritsuka walked into the room with Natsumi.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is very familiar with the performance, but Natsumi is also free from any awkwardness or stage fright. At the same time, the two of them showed no signs of being different on the surface, and the rising and falling emotions were like a concerto. While the two were in harmony, they were wary of each other in their hearts.

It is a perfect interpretation of the concept of plastic sisterhood.

And at that moment, what were Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, the newly promoted candidate commissioners of the Secret Party, who were still in the student union room, thinking?


The stern and beautiful young man frowned slightly, while Lu Mingfei raised his head, which was resting on his arm, with a look of disbelief on his face.

That's of course because——

"Holy crap! Monitor, you're kidnapping a girl outside again!"

Lu Mingfei was anxious. He was so busy that he slapped the table and stood up. He sprinted and ran to Lixiang's side. He raised his palm and walked around Xia Mi for a few steps. After hesitating, he covered his mouth secretly like a thief.

"Do you still think that the atmosphere in the class between Little Heavenly Girl and Chen Wenwen is not stiff enough? Do you still think that the face of deputy squad leader Zhao Menghua is not bad enough? Our class is almost like the Trojan War! No, it is almost like the Battle of Stalingrad!"

"Then my place can be compared to Imphal. It's like Omaha Beach without any medics on the battlefield." Ritsuka said equally secretly.

so serious?

Lu Mingfei shrank his head, glanced at Xia Mi secretly, and felt that the other person was indeed more than just pretty, and this person was so terrifying.


Can you have such an affair just by going out to meet someone?

Could it be that I was born in an R18 forbidden game starring Fujimaru Ritsuka?

Lu Mingfei was still thinking about life and philosophy, while Chu Zihang stood up silently.

He walked towards Xia Mi in a leisurely manner, and the latter also looked at him knowingly. Their eyes briefly touched in mid-air, but soon they moved at an angle that was too small to be measured by a fiber optic gyroscope. stagger.

Xia Mi showed his signature sunny smile, and Chu Zihang also showed his signature freezer face, and they both raised their hands at the same time.

"President of the Student Union of Shilan Middle School's Senior Department, Chu Zihang."

"President of the Student Union of the Junior High School of Shilan Middle School, Xia Mi."

It was like two fighters competing in the Roman Colosseum with their names intertwined, and the atmosphere between them was a bit subtle.

For Xia Mi, it was like a stalker who found out that her idol was pregnant after following her for three months. She was so angry that she didn't sleep all night but still attended the other party's handshake meeting the next day. The subtle feeling when the two shook hands.

Looking at the boy's overly handsome face, she always recalled the hybrid who stabbed her more than 700 years ago.

Looking at this man, I feel like I'm going to be stabbed in the waist——

How appalling!

While Xia Mi was exchanging information needed by the student union with Chu Zihang, she couldn't help but look at the Fujimaru Ritsuka who "got her idol pregnant". At this moment, she was sitting back on the sofa in the student union room, and she was in high spirits with Lu Mingfei. We have to discuss the school festival situation in the class.

"Huohuo! Mingfei, have you looked at Wenwen and Xiaoqiang's butler uniforms?" The girl laughed strangely, "Uh-huh, hehe, sure enough, it was a genius idea to dress up as butlers in the cafe. ! When the work here is free, I will definitely go to appreciate the results of your hard work in depth!"

"I saw it, it looks good, but I think it's better for you, sister, to worry about being judged by others."

"?" Fujimaru Ritsuka said with gritted teeth as he accepted it.

"I don't care, but I told you not to call me by that title. It sounds like a mafia boss who wears a special attack suit and rides a motorcycle without brakes to fly towards the cliff."

"Hey, doesn't this make it seem like you, eldest sister, have a special family background?"

Seeing the two chatting, Xia Mi relaxed briefly. She thought for a while, since Fujimaru Ritsuka's attention was not on her at this time, she would find another breakthrough.

She changed her target from Fujimaru Ritsuka to Chu Zihang.

——If you want to test it, it might be easier here.

"Ritsuka-senpai, their class is a deacon uniform cafe?" Xia Mi asked pretending to be unintentional.

Chu Zihang: "Yeah."

"Wuhu! Does that mean you can take a look at the deacon uniforms of the four beauties of Shilan Middle School?!" Xia Mi probed again, trying to get more information.

Chu Zihang: "Yeah."

"Ritsuka-senpai seems to be very good at speaking. She will definitely be very sassy as a butler!"

Chu Zihang: "Yeah."

Xia Mi kept smiling and thinking silently in his heart.

Ah, no way~~

This guy is no good, this guy can't even talk~~

To be honest, Miss Xia Mi has been following Chu Zihang for so long in years, so she naturally has a rough idea of ​​what kind of character this boy is. At the same time, she felt as sad as an old mother worried about her child's abnormal friendships.

That's all, I'll see for myself and reason on my own.

The frustrated Xia Mi began to look around the student council room.

This huge classroom can accommodate up to a dozen people, but since today is the school festival, most of the student council members have already gone out to participate in their own class activities.

Fujimaru Ritsuka himself took the initiative to stay in the student union room to work on the grounds that "since it is my proposal, then I will bear most of the work needs", while Chu Zihang stayed here as the president of the student union. overseer.

Lu Mingfei?

Lu Mingfei was slacking off.

However, it is not difficult to imagine that the student union room should look like this most of the time.

The three people present are all hybrid elites, and they are also little monsters who escaped from the old monster Odin, so the natural dragon blood in their bodies has also been induced by the excess elements and mental stimulation in the Nibelung roots. activity.

In daily interactions, the three of them would probably naturally reveal the aggressiveness, coercion, and charm of dragons towards humans.

Under such circumstances, just like Chu Zihang in the past, he would become more and more isolated, or in other words, no one would dare to get too close to the three of them and would deliberately leave some space.

This is the result and the cause of Blood Mourning. It can be said to be a positive cycle.

Xia Mi glanced around and determined that this inference was not difficult to prove.

Thirty meters behind and to the right, there are Logitech keyboards and Razer mice placed in the corner of the student union room. It was obviously not necessary, but there were three laptops of different colors neatly placed in the corner of the student council president's desk.

It was placed under the waiting table, with only a corner of the family pack of Lay's potato chips exposed.

There were Yu-Gi-Oh cards stacked up in the cupboard, as well as some board games whose names Xia Mi couldn't pronounce.

What do you half-breeds do in the student council room? ?

When Xia Mi thought that he was relocating the Nibelungs every day, finding locations rich in atmospheric elements in an attempt to restore the dragon's body, conceiving strategies, deploying tactics, establishing tracking routes, and following the human hybrid kid around in vain, The Dragon King has lost all his face——

Are you having fun? !

Humans are indeed despicable creatures!

The light in the depths of Jörmungandr's eyes shone with a bone-chilling coldness, and the slender white legs that were standing straight could not help but tremble.

At the same time, she found that Chu Zihang had no longer paid attention to her. He returned to his student union president's chair in a very ungentlemanly manner and sorted out the information. A stack of white papers was piled up and stapled. He was about to Put it in a drawer.

When he opened the drawer, Chu Zihang seemed to see something. He was stunned for a moment and put down what he was holding, and took out a book first.


"Hey! Here you go, tell me!~"

Hearing someone calling his name, Lixiang came over in a hurry, and then took the notebook at Chu Zihang's signal for unknown reasons.

"This belongs to Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao from your Grade 11 class. It is said to be a prohibited publication in the school. The dean saw it and confiscated it while he was patrolling. It was temporarily placed here with me, but after thinking about it, I decided to leave it to your class teacher to handle."

Chu Zihang handed the book over, but stopped halfway.

"Speaking of which, you should also note that these tasks have nothing to do with the student union. It is all because you are always overly helpful outside. As a result, there are even rumors recently that the student union room is a place for troubleshooting."

"Ah, yes, yes." Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded, and after taking the book, he tilted his head and asked curiously.

"Prohibited publications? Are they violent?"

Chu Zihang shook his head and explained calmly.

"No, it's said to be a pornographic magazine."


Ritsuka immediately turned serious.

"That's it, then I will deal with it properly."

——With her head lowered, the girl said seriously and sonorously. She flipped open the cover with her fingers and began to appreciate it carefully.


Chu Zihang tried to stop him, but it was useless. Instead, his subordinate summoned the servant of the great demon Fujimaru Ritsuka. Lu Ming was not Mr. Lu, as if a hungry wolf had seen Merlin's luncheon meat and rushed forward with his eyes shining brightly. .

"Where is there! Where is the prohibited publication!"

Lu Mingfei had never been so enthusiastic about "general affairs of the student union". He quickly rushed up to enjoy it together, stretching his neck as much as possible to try to find out.

"Eh! It's a Chinese pirated copy of Playboy, old school, but it doesn't matter, but old school."

"Wow, can this be pirated?"

"Sister, don't underestimate the secondary creation ability of our mainland! As long as you are willing to put in some effort, there is no need to worry about not being able to buy Transformers vs. Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit in the video store!"

"It's Meng Lang, a little village girl from a small country like me."

The two of them whispered to each other, and Chu Zihang sighed, but did not stop him. Even when the two of them were leaning towards him with their books, they could not escape. They were forced to watch the blond hair posing and posing, and Chu Zihang was forced to watch. Zihang, on the other hand, looked at the person in the book expressionlessly, showing no emotion.

At this moment, the Queen of the Dragon Clan is watching everything from the side——

Too messy.

too messy!

Xia Mi opened his mouth and closed his eyes.

A hybrid who was able to survive Odin's attack, but was a vicious naughty boy who blatantly relied on his power to read banned publications in the privacy of the student council room?

this! How can we make a successful revolution with such insects?

To overthrow that false god and let the world usher in a new chapter, we have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

Hum, if you can’t control your own hormones, humans are just creatures after all!

Xia Mi clenched his small fists, showing his dragon-like disdain, and the disdain from his heart almost overflowed from his body!

So she took a step forward.

"Hey, let me look at it!"

I'm different, I do this all for my personality! (convinced)

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