Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 231 This is King Arthur’s Elephant Fist! ! (2-in-1)

When the emperor returned from an expedition, the imperial city was naturally filled with cheers and shouts of worship.

The students in Class 1, Grade 1 of Senior High School regard it as a etiquette to greet them loudly. At this time, the guests queuing up outside the class to enter and the customers in the classroom were naturally stunned on the spot, or simply became equally enthusiastic. .

Some of these guests are parents of students. The older ones are naturally not as unbearable as the children. They are just impressed by the girl's otherworldly temperament and thinking about the other person's family background. After returning home, they will question their own children. .

The remaining people were basically people who knew Fujimaru Ritsuka, such as students from the junior high school of Shilan Middle School, who were invited to visit directly affiliated colleges and universities - such as Lu Mingze and so on.

This Lu Mingze is not the other Lu Mingze, but Comrade Lu Mingfei's cousin, Prince Shilan, who is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 1.6 meters.

As I said before, Lu Mingze also admired the monitor of his cousin's class. With such a good opportunity as a campus festival, he naturally lost his temper and came to enjoy it.

But the little fat man's shouts were swallowed up by the crowd, and Ritsuka didn't hear him. He just happily greeted the people around him, and pushed Xia Mi's back to the seat specially asked to be vacated by his classmates.

The back door of the class was locked, so Xia Mi entered through the front door. He sat down and looked around, still a little surprised.

The classmates around him seemed to be Fujimaru Ritsuka's classmates. Natsumi originally thought that these were just NPCs who were just making up the numbers, but wherever he saw, the boys and girls all had their hair neatly combed and were wearing neatly ironed black tuxedos. Wearing straight black trousers and shiny black leather shoes, he has a straight body. He behaves elegantly, rigorously and capable. He is more of a gentleman than a gentleman, and more aristocratic than a noble.

This is a steward and a “deacon”.

The word "butler" originates from the French "bouteillier", which originally means "person who holds the bottle". In the beginning, butlers evolved from cellar managers. During the Victorian era, the development of the British Empire reached its peak.

In order to show off their status, the nobles also required the deacons to have etiquette standards that exceeded normal standards. As a result, the aristocratic style of the deacons even surpassed the nobles themselves and became a characteristic of the times.

Shilan Middle School happens to be a school for aristocrats. It cultivates aristocrats by letting aristocrats pretend to be aristocrats to show off themselves. Although it is very difficult to pronounce, it has an inexplicable sense of funny irony.

Xia Mi likes it very much.

Looking around again, the original space of the classroom has been completely vacated, the tables and chairs have been cleared to the warehouse, and there are about ten dining tables placed in the center of the classroom, most of which are used to receive guests, and a small part of the space is occupied. I don't know what to do with the white curtain covering it.

The original marble floor was covered with a night sky-colored carpet, and the touch of the shoe uppers that bounced back when stepped on was even a bit high-end.

The surrounding hangings are very particular, and are basically composed of oily black and solid white.

Except for the podium, which was covered by a white curtain, an orange paintbrush was used to outline the color of the flames, like a huge stove, burning with relaxing light and heat.

On the blackboard is a pictorial written by the same hand. The painting style is exquisite and delicate, and the text is arranged neatly with detailed outlines. The gentle brushstrokes are not difficult to associate with the painter's white and soft hands, and the wrinkled eyebrows when watering the work wholeheartedly. .

"It looks good. The president of the literary club of our class did it. She is a very powerful girl." Seeing Natsumi's posture, Fujimaru Ritsuka whispered into Natsuya's ear and pointed to the girl in the distance. Chen Wenwen's back.

The literary girl was taking orders for the customers. The girl's back, which was slightly bent because she was used to lying on the table to read, was now straightened.

The fair face that had rarely seen the sun was now even more sickly white, caused by nervousness and discomfort. Her fingers involuntarily grasped the edge of the pocket of the black trousers, and the tips of her fingers turned white.

Maybe it's the so-called "weak energy" system?

I tried my best to overcome the discomfort in my heart. Even though I still couldn't get rid of the weakness on my face that I still felt pity for, it still added a little "personality" and the guests were satisfied with it.

After all, this is not a professional butler's house, it is closer to a maid cafe wearing the appearance of a butler. No, since this is showing the characteristics of a "Japanese school festival", it needs Japanese culture. Rather than being a butler, it is better to say it is a butler's house. Cowherd.

For Niu Lang, personality is the primary productive force.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is very satisfied with Chen Wenwen's performance.

"Come on, come on, little junior sister Xia Mi, take your order~" The girl turned around cheerfully, her face not tense. Just now, when others cheered for her, she smiled back, which was an emotional courtesy.

But Natsumi was not satisfied with Ritsuka's performance.

Not only because Lixiang smiled back at the audience around her, but also because she admired Chen Wenwen very much.

Although only a few hours had passed, Xia Mi's mentality had already undergone tremendous changes.

From temptation to ambiguity, from ambiguity to cooperation, from cooperation to relaxed requirements, from relaxed requirements to extortion.

In countless myths, dragons have a strong desire to plunder and possess, especially for golden jewelry, mines, or princesses in castles.

To put it simply, dragons are probably fat tigers. ()

Therefore, Miss Fat Tiger, who had a different mentality, viciously knocked on the table like an elder seeing an ignorant junior, and said in a deep voice.

"Fujimaru-senpai, do all the butlers talk like this?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka was puzzled, but Natsumi pretended to smile innocently and pressed forward step by step. "Although I know that seniors will be popular no matter how good-looking they are, but if I don't even make a personal design, I won't be too confident."

This girl talks so viciously.

Fujimaru Ritsuka felt the fear of being laughed at and scolded by Jackie Chan after entering the set as a young starlet, saying "You rely on your face to make a living, right?" There was a sense of violation, a contradiction, and a sense of guilt and shame.

"It's my fault." Knowing her mistakes and being able to correct them is one of the good qualities of a girl, and she is often praised by Chaldean teachers.

So she raised her head forcefully and stared straight into the eyes of the elementary school girl in front of her.

"So, elementary school girl Xia Mi, what kind of style do you want?"


This time it was Xia Mi's turn to be confused.

Is this still a choice?

"We are not a traditional butler shop, of course we can choose." Seeing through the girl's inner thoughts as if telepathically, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded at first, and then showed it in a different way. "For example -"

Suddenly, a wave of heat suddenly rose from the girl's body, as if the fighting spirit turned into a shadow, as if the Wind King's barrier was unfolding, sweeping everything.

The girl became unusually serious.

Next, what she wants to display is the ultimate martial arts that she has fully acquired during the Chaldean period and has been practiced to the state of Dzogchen! ! Its name is——

Her hair swayed under the invisible air current for a moment, and the girl bent down at that moment, slowly lowering the altitude——


That voice was different from usual. It was the voice of a handsome boy that was unparalleled throughout the ages. It gurgled like running water, with a hoarse wave at the end, as if warm fingertips were rubbing against the girl's face. The blue pupils were clear and bright, reflecting Hold your own light.

"You are so warm."

The prince spoke softly of love.

"It reminds me of the gentle and peaceful sunny place in the distant time. Ah, if I can become your strength, please use me without any scruples."

All kinds of martial arts!

This is King Arthur's Elephant Fist!

And at that moment, heat surged from his nostrils, Xia Mi covered most of his face, and his mentality changed drastically.

No scruples! ?

use? !

How to use it without any scruples!

The sexy woman swallows her saliva!

The clothes on the prince are not the black of the deacon, but the noble white, which is the silver that symbolizes power. It is the love of the heir to the throne who has to ride a white horse and run with himself even if he sacrifices his own power.

Xia Mi took a breath.

"What? Are you not satisfied?"

The girl frowned.

Mr. Arthur's template doesn't work?

So picky!

The girl could only lament that the enemy was difficult, and immediately changed the lineup.

Under Xia Mi's concerned gaze, she suddenly lowered her head, and then raised her head sharply. This time, the movement was very large. Under the inertia and wind resistance, her originally stylish hair became messy, and some parts even stuck to her skin. There is a sense of abjection and fragmentation.

But more than that, the girl suddenly contracted the muscles near her cheekbones slightly, making her already gentle face tighten, looking more mature and haggard, adding a touch of numbness and worry.

She lowered her eyes.

"Master, I'm very sorry. Can you please stand behind me?"

well? Why?

"If my back is my only weakness, then I hope you will be the one standing behind me. Even if you pierce my back with your sword in the future, I think it will be a happy ending." Girl. She has a stern face, but is as gentle as the Irish grasslands inhabiting her crystal-like pupils.

Siegfried? You? !

Don't suddenly remind people of some bad memories!

Well. It's a little bit exciting.

Xia Mi sniffed, her head was dizzy and she couldn't speak.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka was finally a little moved.


I'm sorry, sir? ! you--


I'm sorry. Siegfried. I'm sorry...is that right, Mr. Qi?

Pfft. Tell Mr. Siegfried next time

Cough cough cough! Having said that, I didn’t expect that King Arthur and Siegfried couldn’t take you down!

Not even dragons, nor dragon slayers.

Who else could we use, Astolfo? !

Fujimaru Ritsuka tried to recall what Astolfo and she would say on Valentine's Day——

[To me now, you are the king! I offer you my sincere loyalty and the spice called love! It will make your heart beat faster and make you dizzy! 】

【Gift? The gift is me! 】

Ah, this won’t work.

Will he be warned by various big shots?

Just when Fujimaru Ritsuka was still thinking about further liberating the restrictions of charm, Natsumi finally held back the liquid that was accidentally secreted——

It's talking about the nose.

She said angrily:

"Ahem, cough, cough, let's order first anyway." She cooperated with Fujimaru Ritsuka and deliberately made an aristocratic gesture.

"That's no problem, but Miss, have you decided which character to use? Oh Duo, please don't pity me. Although I haven't used this skill for a long time, there are actually many that I haven't used yet. What about the neighbor next door? Teenager, brother next door, aunt next door, mother’s friend, sister’s friend, friend’s mother, friend’s sister, sister’s mother, etc.—”

"How many sisters and mothers are there?! Are you Korean? And my sister's mother is your own mother, right?! What are you going to do to your own mother?!"

It is comparable to the fierce and fiery comments from someone in Gintama that are broadcast on TV Tokyo every Tuesday at 19:00.

After the power was broken, Xia Mi waved his hands in distress.

"No need, senior sister, just keep your appearance and don't look at me like that. I'm very sorry that I was evil-minded. I shouldn't have asked for any personality from the beginning. Hongdou Ni Private Marseille Daddy West University .”

In order to show his sincerity, Xia Mi spoke Ritsuka's hometown dialect, which was very standard and included honorifics.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was slightly frustrated.

For Li himself, not comedians, imitation shows are something engraved in his bones.

Whether it is the boss's drinking party, whether it is an after-school cram school party, a gala, or a graduation ceremony, wherever "party" is related, "imitation show" is a skill that must be appreciated.

What's more, as the master of Chaldea, how can I neglect my duty in this regard? !

The Taoist heart fell, so the girl pouted and reluctantly said it.

"Oh~~~ Then let's go with the super annoying mourning senior style. What do you want to eat, Miss? We have [Piao Chun Sticky Magic Omelette Rice] here." The girl pointed to the menu, and there was one item there. It looks like a physical picture found on the Internet for display.

"Oh, what's it like?" Xia Mi asked curiously.

"Add diced onions and a little chicken inside and stir-fry. Finally, pour in tomato sauce and stir-fry evenly. Cover the package with a smooth egg made from raw eggs." Fujimaru Ritsuka answered in a very professional and rigorous academic manner.

"Oh——" Xia Mi sighed. "Isn't that just ordinary omelette rice?"

"It's ordinary omelette rice."

The girl answered immediately.

You should be more ashamed, Xia Mi thought.

The girl scratched her head and pointed to another picture on the menu that looked quite dreamy and wonderful.

"What about this [unicorn's dreamy and cute sparkly omelette rice]?"

"You may not think -" the girl said with a warm introduction, "but it is actually stir-fried with diced onions and a little chicken, and finally the tomato sauce is added and stir-fried, and it is made with raw eggs. Egg-covered wrapped—"

"It's just regular omelette rice, right?"

Xia Mi frowned and answered.

"It's ordinary omelette rice."

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded upon hearing this, while Natsumi narrowed his eyes unavoidably.

"Then this [Oyster Mochi Oyster Dark Cute Omurice Rice]."

"Added inside-"

"Just regular omelette rice, right?"


"Are they all the same omelette rice?!" Xia Mi slapped the table. "Not only that! I haven't heard any sound of stir-frying in a wok since just now! There is no sound of oil or sizzling! Where are the gas stoves?"

The girl pointed at the curtain behind her and asked.

"This curtain has been very suspicious from the beginning. You also closed the back door. There is no chef in that corner, only a microwave and a refrigerator for frozen food!"

"Haha." The girl smiled cheerfully and tilted her head.

"I don't quite understand what you mean."

Are there any elements that I don’t understand? ! Tomizawa Takeshi? You are!

Xia Mi could no longer complain, only a long sigh.

"Okay, then what meal would you like to order, young lady?"

“Omelet rice is just fine”

"What kind is it?"

The girl took a deep breath.

"They're all the same, right?! There's no need to ask!"

Accompanied by the girl's fragmented voice, Fujimaru Ritsuka walked towards the "kitchen" position, and not long after, Natsumi who was in the position clearly heard the "ding" sound of the microwave oven being adjusted.

Wait, doesn’t that mean that even the “stir-fried with diced onions and a little chicken inside” part is fake?

After a few seconds, he realized that Xia Mi was leading him by the nose, so he covered his face and rubbed it up and down a few more times.

She suddenly had a terrible suspicion.

I had just planned to make a little effort to seriously conquer Fujimaru Ritsuka, but he was forced to become a complainer by him. Is this coincidence too extravagant?

Could it be

This is myself

Being played?

With my rank?

Xia Mi gritted his teeth and shook his head.


Absolutely impossible!

ps: The lines are not what I thought, they are all FGO’s original lines.

I might be able to come up with some shameful lines if I break my head, but I would rather die than think about it! (Punch)

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