Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 237 Stop fighting, stop fighting

Dragons are also a very abstract thing for hybrids. Very few people have seen an ancient dragon in its true form. This creature also has the ability to completely change its bone structure to disguise itself. Therefore, dragons in ancient classics are sometimes winged four-legged dragons. Sometimes it is a beautiful naga, sometimes it is a long snake with one horn. The painter said that the steps of drawing a dragon are "one antlers, two shrimps, three dog noses, four ox mouths, five lion manes" Six fish scales, seven snake bodies and eight fire flames, nine chicken legs and dragons."

Ah, in short, it's not much better than a mixed race. It feels like a crossbreed, the so-called "nine dissimilarities".

At this moment, in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka, all the dragon's veils were stripped away, and the most ferocious, majestic, and sharp appearance of this prehistoric clan was exposed to the world!

It was a real giant dragon, and it was his slender neck that was the first to break through the rock wall.

No words can describe his ancient and majestic body. He has reptilian features, but is far more beautiful than any reptile. It's just that that kind of beauty is dark beauty, powerful beauty, and profound beauty, which is awe-inspiring.

The blue-black scales all over his body opened and closed one after another from front to back, making the sound of metal collision. His face full of bony protrusions carried a majesty like a monarch. He looked down at Fujimaru Ritsuka, opened his huge black wings, and pointedly Roared.

Fujimaru Ritsuka wanted to pretend to whistle, but she found that the air flow was blowing towards her. It was the roar of a dragon. Under such wind speed, let alone masks, people should worry about whether their little tongues will be eaten. into the throat.



Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Is it my imagination?

How come this dragon can spit out the smell of Lay's potato chips from its mouth?

At that moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously began to recall what she knew about the taste of dragon's mouth.

Kiyohime's toothpaste tastes like ordinary toothpaste, but she likes mint flavor.

The taste of Artoria depends on what Mr. Emiya cooks that day.

Elizabeth's version has a strawberry flavor, and Big Elizabeth's has a light red wine flavor.


Finished, can't think of a Lay's flavored Dragon.

Just when Fujimaru Ritsuka was losing his mind, the dragon was already ready and looked straight at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

For regular hybrids, cardiac arrest would have occurred at this point.

The moment he saw the dragon's eyes and looked into his gaze, the hybrid was already ready for his heart to burst.

And no matter how powerful the hybrid is, when the dragon body, that is, the real dragon, is so close to itself and roars, it can only reduce all the vital signs in the body to the minimum to avoid making a sound.

But the girl scratched her face and brushed the dust from her dull hair, looking polite but calm.

Seeing that this move was useless, Long's momentum suddenly condensed.

Swinging the membrane wings violently, the movement was full of power, and the biting wind blew against my face like a howling rainstorm. But when the dust finally settled, it was just a blue bag plopped to the ground.

At that moment, even Fujimaru Ritsuka was quite surprised.

Because those are Lay's potato chips.

Just like what she smelled just now, they were Lay's potato chips.

At the same moment, the brain starts functioning.

The super reasoning ability, which is almost the same as that of Sherlock Holmes, began to reach its limit, but it was still shut down by the reality in front of him.

Why did the dragon give him Lays potato chips?

Why Lay’s Potato Chips?


Knocking on his eyebrows, before Fujimaru Ritsuka could use the elimination method to come to a conclusion, the dragon expressed his inner feelings.

"Give you potato chips, no"

The sound of the dragon was like the beating of bells and drums, and the sky swayed as if it was about to collapse. The thick stone wall was more like the plastic packaging of an energy drink. If you pinch it hard, it will sink, or even cause irreversible deformation.

The dragon's voice is full of majesty, but the content

"Do not beat me."

But it’s hard to describe.

Under the gaze of Fujimaru Ritsuka, the dragon-snake-like long neck suddenly shrank, his claws dug at the ground, and he carefully shrank into the corner. He lowered his head until it was almost touching the ground, warily looking at the humans in front of him, and let out a low roar in his throat.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka felt moved when looking at that scene, and his eyes became sharp again.

So she thought.

Yeah, it’s the same movement as my Setanda stretching.

Similar to how dogs behave when they are scared.

Show some hostility and vigilance, but mainly take a step forward——


The sound made by the sneakers and the ground was small, but the dragon's reaction was loud.


The iron film shattered, and the dragon suddenly spread its wings. He hissed in anger, and the iron shavings flew like tiny arrows, piercing the air and making a hissing sound. He leaned over and made a preparatory posture to pounce, but he didn't have that kind of god-like power at all. He was like a giant cat or dog, baring its teeth angrily.

The strong wind blew Fujimaru Ritsuka's hair back, but she was not afraid. She just took another step forward and asked with interest.

"Are you afraid of me? But I don't think I can beat you~"

Those are very straightforward words and honest feelings.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was very strong, but the moment he saw the dragon in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka knew——

If he didn't cheat, he would definitely not be able to win, even if he synchronized Achilles' Noble Phantasm.

This is the Dragon King in the true sense, a monster that embodies the body of the Dragon King.

Regardless of any other factors, it is just a pure disparity in life level and strength.

So Fujimaru Ritsuka was very curious, why did the dragon in front of him react like that?


And this "pet dragon" is different from bad women like Natsumi and Fujimaru Ritsuka. He doesn't seem to have the habit of making people appetizing.

Just seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't seem to want to fight, he spoke timidly. There was a familiar taste of Lay's potato chips in his breath. Considering that big mouth, it was hard to imagine how much the other party had eaten to be able to brew. Such a heavy Lay's flavor.

He said--

"You have a lot of red on your body, just like them."


"That's right. My sister often talks to them. Those——"


Before the dragon could answer, a sharp female voice interrupted him.

Xia Mi walked out of the shadows. Rather than saying that she just appeared now, it was better to say that she had been hiding here all along, but now she noticed that the dragon was about to say something that she shouldn't, so she couldn't help but run out.

"elder sister!"

Surprisingly, the silly dragon shouted a name loudly that made Fujimaru Ritsuka a little stunned. His tone was full of surprise and relief that the bullied elementary school student had found his sister.

No, it's not really an accident.

Natsumi once told Fujimaru Ritsuka that she had an older brother. Even though Fujimaru Ritsuka had already confirmed that Natsumi was the Dragon King, she did not doubt the authenticity of this matter.

She could see from those eyes that Xia Mi was not lying.

Although it was not the older brother but the younger brother who appeared at this moment, he shouldn't have been surprised.

However, when the facts are put in front of us, people still can't help but laugh.

The Dragon King, the king who holds the same authority - is not one person.

The kings of earth and mountains are two dragons!

Ah, I forgot to mention it yesterday, why did I specifically mention "Saw"? It was related to the plot in the first few chapters where Minamoto Chisheng came to watch Ruri Kazama and said he had never seen it, and then acted unusually calm.

In fact, there are many small correspondences like this in the book. I used to write them out, but I’ve been a little lazy lately.

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