Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 240: The Past in Greece, Xia Mi (The era of ruthless living is already dead)

Chapter 240: Past Events in Greece: Xia Mi (The era of ruthless living is already dead)

"The reason why you are so resistant to communicating with me on an equal footing is because of your self-esteem as a dragon, right? Then let you communicate with me as a dragon. Tell me your name when you were a dragon." The girl said nothing. Not afraid of the chaotic elements and the dazzling murderous intent, he approached the girl who was a "dragon".

Now that the idea has been established, all that’s left is practice.

Fujimaru Ritsuka still has some ideas on how to defeat Natsumi as a "dragon".

At this time, Xia Mi breathed heavily and spoke slowly.

"With your intelligence, can't you guess my name?"

Of course, of course.

When she knew Fenrir's name and the relationship between Natsumi and Fenrir, Fujimaru Ritsuka should have known it without even half a second of thinking.


"I want to hear you tell me personally." The girl hesitated.

"I refuse-"

"I won the game just now outside the mountain, right?" Fujimaru Ritsuka interrupted Natsumi before she could refuse him, showing an innocent and kind look.

"Then I have decided what reward I want now, and I want you to tell me your name in person~"

Boring as hell.

Xia Mi gritted his teeth and cursed the boring behavior of the person in front of him countless times in his heart.

What's the point of such a thing?

What you know is Xia Mi as a human being.

As a part of dragon, why should we contact it?

However, perhaps to show her demeanor of "not caring about such trivial matters", perhaps to maintain the Dragon King's reserve of never defaulting on a debt, or perhaps for other reasons, she couldn't help but speak in a low voice——

The name of the Dragon King is——


Xia Mi said reluctantly.

"Dragon King, Jormungandr."


"Very good~"

The girl imitated Xia Mi's action just now and snapped her fingers, then approached the little dragon girl with a confident attitude.

"Then all my subsequent conversations will be directed at Jormungandr himself."

".I said, there is no need to do that kind of thing——"

"First of all, I'm not interested in the conflict between humans and dragons."

Jormungandr's words were interrupted, but before she became angry, she couldn't help but be curious about the content of Fujimaru Ritsuka's words, and forcibly closed her open mouth.

not interested?

what does that mean.

"In other words, I have no prejudice against dragons, or it can be said that I have the same level of prejudice against humans and dragons." Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to be able to easily see through Xia Ya's thoughts and explained.

"I am willing to get close to Xia Mi not because you are a human being, but because you are Xia Mi. If you must separate the part of yourself as Jormungandr and the part of Xia Mi - then that's my point too."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled.

"To put it simply, as long as you, as the Dragon King, have to admit that you and I have equal status, that's enough, right?"

The words were rough but not rough, but Xia Mi fell into deeper doubts at this moment.

Because even she herself didn't know what conditions a dragon would have to accept a human being.

That's almost impossible to do.


There are exceptions.

To put it bluntly, in the ancient Age of Gods, when human hybrids were at their peak, there were several hybrids whose abilities broke through the boundaries of biology and even the boundaries of dragon blood, and almost single-handedly touched the Dragon King.

One of these guys left a deep impression on Xia Mi.

That guy in Greece used the worst way to make the Dragon King have to recognize him and look at him.

That man beat the invulnerable lion subspecies transformed by alchemy technology to death with his bare hands. He actually chopped off the head of the nine-headed Hydra, the leader of the next generation of monsters. He created countless myths that have been sung by humans. Completed twelve impossible trials.

The only ones who could overlook him were the surviving Dragon Kings of that era.

And this condescending attitude was eventually destroyed.

Its name is——

【Heracles ρακλ】

His father was Zeus, and his mother was Alcmene, the granddaughter of Perseus and the wife of King Amphitryon of Thebes.

His existence is undoubtedly the number one hero in Greek mythology, and even in the mythology of the entire world.

He surpassed the twelve trials, showed his talents in the war of gods, and was promoted to a constellation after his death, transcending the ordinary world.

In the records of human heroes, even demigod heroes, there has never been a person who was able to achieve the feat of Heracles, who was invincible in the world for a lifetime, and even faced the gods and beat them.

One of the most famous legends is that Hercules hunted the three-headed dog of hell alone.

According to legend, Heracles was worshiped after completing numerous trials. The cunning king came up with the last adventurous task, which no heroic divine power could perform, that is, he was asked to fight the evil dogs of hell and bring back Cerberus, the watchdog of Hades.

Let’s skip the exciting moments in the middle. The point is that in this story, Hercules appears, which is extremely rare in Greek mythology, completing the rebellion of “man” against “god”.

During the journey, in order to stop Hercules, Hades, the king of Hades, stood at the gate of the dead city and stopped him. Heracles's reaction was not to surrender to the god-king, but to shoot an arrow and hit his shoulder. Legend has it that Pluto screamed in pain like a mortal under the arrow.

This legend is actually controversial. After all, as a demigod hero, it doesn't matter if he can offend the gods. He actually beat the god king until he screamed in pain. This was too much, and this also made the image of Pluto plummet in later generations. After watching the saint The people of Fighter Seiya said it was unbearable.

But Xia Mi knew that this story was really not made up.

The myths in history are mostly historical facts about dragons and hybrids. On this basis, a lot of changes and Odin's patches have been made.

Jörmungandr's name comes from Norse mythology. It is a huge sea serpent that can surround the world in Norse mythology. It belongs to the giant race. It is the second son of Loki, the god of trickery, and the giantess Angelboda, Finn. Brother of Rieux and Hela.

According to the concept of the twin dragon kings, the kings of earth and mountains should be Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hela.

But in fact, Hela did not exist from the beginning. The essence of its existence is that after Jörmungandr swallowed Fenrir, it merged with the opponent's dragon bone cross, reached the position of the real Dragon King, and single-handedly took charge of power and A name that only one can inherit.

According to legend, Hela looked like a normal and healthy woman from the left side of her body, but she looked like a rotten and black corpse from the right side of her body. The same goes for the face. Half of the face is that of a normal little girl, while the other half is that of a pale corpse.

She controls the realm of death and is the queen of the Nibelungs. She can open the doors to all the kingdoms of the dead in the world, and can even single-handedly promote the return of the Age of Mythology.

But that's only something that exists "in theory." The reason why that name spreads in mythology is just because Xia Mi occasionally acted in the name of Hela, and as this behavior became more and more frequent, Xia Mi himself was simply named the "God of Death".

Death, the god in charge of life and death, the god in charge of the kingdom of the dead.

Well, this concept has appeared in every myth.

If transformed into Greek mythology, it can be roughly understood as the existence of Hades, the king of Hades.

So, in conclusion, what happened?

That's right.

——In mythology, the concept of Jormungandr is Hades.

He is the only god in Greek mythology who can be beaten violently by humans!

Although things were actually much more complicated than they seemed at the time, and Jörmungandr also had its own considerations, etc., in general

Got beaten.

Got beaten hard.

hateful! Why bring back those bad memories now? ! !

Xia Mi, who has a lot of dark history, suddenly changed his expression and was stunned.

Yes, why now?

Why did I react like this after Fujimaru Ritsuka said those words?

Why. I had an ominous premonition when I saw Fujimaru Ritsuka for the first time today?

Why am I so shy in front of her?

Could it be——! ? !

"There is a proverb in Mesopotamia——"

The girl's loud voice suddenly spread throughout the Nibelungs. Fenrir's head shrank and Jörmungandr suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Use your own strengths to overcome the enemy's weaknesses."

"Since I debuted, I have met some insidious and cunning guys. They are either crazy doctors who have been planning evil plans for decades, or one-eyed men who have been planning evil plans for thousands of years every year. To be honest, let me continue. You are playing tricks, I am really tired."

"Keep it simple."

The girl showed a bright smile, and looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka's smile, Natsumi, who was still forcing himself to stand still, retreated further and further away, even pressing his back against the wall, as if trying to find a gap to get in. .

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka was still narrating.

"I used to know an old man who drove a boat. When he would brag to me about his romantic past, he would always mention a boat given to him by someone else."

"That ship is very powerful. It is said that it was built to complete an impossible mission, and the capable people who heard the news also flocked to it, saying they wanted to help my old friend achieve his goal."

"But my friend was actually very distressed at first, because when powerful people met, no one would accept the other, and conflicts would always break out in the end. Unfortunately, my friend was powerless and found it difficult to control the overall situation. .”

"It's tricky, isn't it?"

"Fortunately, they have a custom, or an unwritten rule -"

The girl is smiling, her eyebrows are blooming, and her green temples are dyed thick with spring smoke.

But Jörmungandr couldn't help but swallow.

Because that sentence is so familiar

Just like that man.

At that moment, the psychological shadows of the girl and that Jörmungandr gradually overlapped

The girl raised her hand, made a fist gesture, and made a gesture to show off her biceps. Although nothing could be seen there, the girl said inexplicably confidently.

"——Fight. If you win, I will listen to you."

It’s exactly the same as the muscle tumbler! ?

You don’t want that kind of thing! ! ! !

In this world, the Dragon King is a multi-dimensional being. Logically speaking, it should be violently against the sky.

So what are the combat capabilities of Xia Mi and Fenrir? !

Let’s look at the breakdown of the next episode

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