Before the battle started, Fujimaru Ritsuka told Xia Ya to resolve conflicts by fighting.

I said this.

But the Holy Lord said: The devil never keeps his promises!

In order to save humanity, sometimes one has to turn into a devil!

And after all, Ritsuka did not lie. She only said those words to Natsumi, and while Natsumi subconsciously thought that Fujimaru Ritsuka's purpose was to use force to subdue the two people, he also fell into Fujimaru Ritsuka's trap. In the trap.

After intentionally knocking out Xia Mi, she immediately took the opportunity to start her best trick——

the art of language.

"Are you kidding me! Fenrir, let me tell you, you are hurting your sister!!"

There was a loud tremor, and Fenrir was stunned.

In the space without Xia Mi's interference, the question kept swirling and lingering, and Fenrir was also surrounded by it.

What he didn't know was that against a little fool like him, the rhythm was completely in the hands of Fujimaru Ritsuka from the very beginning.

As the ancients said, which triangle is the most powerful triangle in human history?

Golden three targets?


Laughter is rampant and you cannot be a hero!

The most powerful triangle in human history is - homeless people, high school students, and time travellers.

Among them, high school students were at their peak in 2006.

But what if this topic was extended?

High school students are the strongest among human beings, so what can suppress high school students? Wouldn’t it be possible to form a stack of boxes and achieve Wangba’s hegemony?

So what can suppress high school students?

The answer is: Dean of Students.

Teachers, head teachers, principals, leaders with natural scolding skills who can convince people with reason and suppress them with power can carry out devastating psychological blows to the strongest creatures in the world.

This is true, after all, even Mr. Emiya, who became famous at a young age, was severely beaten by his teacher with a snake fist for secretly participating in the Holy Grail War in high school!

This shows how powerful verbal bullying is.

At this time, the master who was not good at words spoke.

"Listen Fenrir, did you just feel that your sister was being bullied, so you wanted to help?"

The first form of verbal bullying - asking questions.

The giant dragon was stared at by the girl with the eyes that she was very scared of. Looking at the red spiritual element soaring into the sky, Fenrir thought in his heart and tried his best to fight for his sister: "Ah, yes, how about it!"

And this answer is exactly what he wants.

"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Big mistake!"

The second type of verbal bullying - not solving the problem.

The girl killed her in a series of mistakes, and then pointed at Xia Mi!

At this time, most of the girl's body was exposed outside the wall, and only her head was embedded in the wall as a support point. There was no movement, only swaying slightly due to the remaining strength.

"Do you know what this is doing?"

Fenrir thought, silent.

He wanted to say that he was beating his sister violently, but for some reason, he always felt that it was not a good idea to say so, so his little head couldn't think of anything to say, so he fell silent.

Fenrir is a fool, but a fool who knows he is a fool.

So he thought -

Are they doing something profound that I can't understand?

Fenrir first protected Xia Mi behind him, and then said hesitantly:

"From my understanding, I may not understand...but you are indeed bullying my sister."


Type 3: In short, make a loud noise to cover up the past!

Loud, very loud, more powerful than the sound made by Fenrir's dragon body. Fujimaru Ritsuka yelled again, Fenrir was startled, and the girl immediately shook her head.

"You are still young and don't understand this. I can try to make it as simple as possible."

The girl said seriously.

"First, did your sister ask you for help? - No, this means that your sister subjectively has no idea of ​​asking for help from you, and as a citizen with subjective initiative and individual rights, your sister is free not to ask for help. If you came to rescue her by force, what did you do? Huh?" The girl asked a question followed by a self-logical explanation and then a rhetorical question, and typed a combo in one breath, causing Fenrir to freeze.


Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka looking at him with a questioning expression, Fenrir was a little confused and hesitant.

I. I don’t know.

What did she say?

Upon seeing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately showed an angry expression in cooperation.

"Hey, it just violated your sister's personal rights!"

"And infringing on other people's rights is infringing on other people's property, and it is hurting other people's freedom as independent individuals!"

[Earth-level advanced fighting skills. Secretly changing concepts]!

"To put it bluntly, you hurt your sister!" the girl accused, with anger and complaint in her eyes.

ah? !

Fenrir was shocked and began to panic.

He didn't understand, except for the last sentence - but he only needed to understand the last sentence. The previous explanations were just redundant tricks used to make him unclear.

But at the same time, the girl continued.

"Secondly, if you think about it again, does your sister have no dignity as an individual?"

What is dignity?

Fenrir didn't have time to ask.

"If you don't understand the meaning of dignity, you know that it is a very important thing in the growth process of life, and whether one can complete tasks independently is deeply related to an individual's dignity." The girl answered immediately.

"Let me give you an example that you can understand. Think about it, you often stay in this cave and don't work or make money. Aren't you ashamed?!" The girl stood with her hands behind her head. Qing, frowning and squinting.

"Besides eating Lay's potato chips, what else do you usually do?"

Fenrir: ".Watching TV and sleeping."

"Watching TV?! Sleeping?!" The girl was shocked. "Your sister is working hard outside, but you are actually enjoying it?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was extremely angry, angry because of her friend's habit of supporting his brother.

"Sleep! How can you sleep at your age?!" The girl pointed.

"You have no dignity like this! I tell you! That's not what being a Dragon King means!"

At that moment, Fenrir experienced the biggest mental shake of the day.

Indeed, as Fujimaru Ritsuka said, Fenrir may not understand other things, but he can still understand what he did.

He didn't know what his sister was doing, but he also knew that his sister often went out.

He didn't know what his sister was worried about specifically, but he also knew that she often sighed.

He didn't understand what he could do in the cave, but he also knew that he was not helping his sister and needed her to bring him things in frequently.

Even if Fenrir couldn't understand what it meant to drag Jormungandr down, he could probably understand with his unconditional love for Jormungandr that he seemed to be of no use.

Unconsciously, Fenrir's thinking began to wander. He didn't know that at this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka had already completed the concept exchange.

——For children with different IQs, different words should be used.

Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly remembered the time when he deceived Eri before, and this moment was exactly the same as that time. The only difference was that Fenrir was stupider than Eri, so he had to use a simpler and more direct way to deceive. .Persuasion.

It is not okay to have a conversation with the purpose of "teaching Fenrir".

What you need to do is talk to Fenrir from the perspective of "standing for Xia Mi's own good".

"Back to the topic of dignity, unlike you, isn't your sister very powerful?" Fujimaru Ritsuka lengthened the battle line and slowed down the rhythm.

"Yes! Sister is the best!"

The Dragon King was overjoyed. He didn't understand anything else, but Fenrir heard this sentence clearly.

Demeaning yourself? don't know.

Praising Shami? Can!

It was this mentality that caused his thoughts to gradually decline.

Just as Fenrir kept repeating the past stories of Xia Mi playing games with him, watching movies together, and eating potato chips together, the girl suddenly interrupted and said: "Since you also know that your sister is so mature, that means Contrary to you, your sister has great self-esteem!"

"And your sister is such a big person. It is her responsibility to complete things independently. And if you help without permission, isn't this a kind of blasphemy and contempt for her?"

The girl pretended to be confused:

"You, don't you look down on your sister!"


Fenrir panicked.

Fujimaru Ritsuka ignored the other party's anxious expression, nodded and continued.

"Third, you are still too young, and you may not know much about human relations, but in this case, to put it bluntly, your sister is doing it for the effect of the show."

The girl asked, making a Rasengan gesture with her hands.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, is it possible that a mighty Dragon King can't defeat me, a human?"

"Huh?" A question that shocked the soul.

First, he established preset positions in Fenrir's mind such as "Natsuya can't be wrong", "I must be wrong", "Natsuya is very powerful", "Fujimaru Ritsuka is also doing it for my sister", and then the words he confided were——

"Think about it carefully. Is it possible that your sister was actually joking with me just now? Ah, she was beaten by me on purpose. It was just a joke between friends."

"Think about it!"

"Are you playing a game? Are you fighting a war? Am I your father-killing enemy? No, I am a friend specially invited by your sister to come home."

"Look at your sister, is she seriously injured now?"

Fenrir looked carefully.

It was found that Xia Mi had no special injuries except that his exoskeleton was broken and he was "sleeping soundly".

"It seems. No, my sister slept soundly."

Just sleep well!

So the girl took advantage of the situation and said, "Look, this is how friends tease each other when they are dating! Have you learned?"

Master Lixiang said so.

"I see."

Fenrir suddenly realized.

"I know, I know, remember to apologize to your sister after class!"


Fenrir scratched his head with the sharp claws on the tips of his wings, making a sound of metal friction. He was confused and felt that he had only a half-understanding. But after learning about "apologizing to my sister", he didn't resist, so he happily agreed.

That's right, as long as the emotions blended by the keywords are in line with expectations, Fenrir will naturally be guided by him.

Cooperate with [Word Spirit Oracle].

too easy

In her heart, the girl raised her lips sinisterly.

At the same time, Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his eyes as if asking a question after class and knocked on the wall.

Now begins the formal reminder and guidance.

The girl asked seriously: "Wait, let me see if you really understand. Let me ask you, if your sister wakes up later and asks you to hit me, will you hit me?"


"Wrong! It depends on the situation!"


"You have to know that there is an attribute called tsundere in this world, which is the so-called insincerity. What you say is not necessarily what you think in your heart. You may think that your sister's orders are orders, but in fact? Your sister actually hopes that you can mature. Only a mature Fenrir can help her. Don’t you want to help your sister?"

"I want to help! What should I do?"

"You can watch. If your sister really wants to hit me, she will definitely not be able to help but kill me again. If I don't resist and your sister chooses to kill me without mercy, that means It’s true, other than that, it’s all tsundere!”

"Oh oh oh!"

"Let me ask you again, if your sister says not to listen to me, will you listen?"


"Wrong! Let me ask you, where is your subjective initiative this time? Can't you answer? I don't really agree with you if you can't answer."

"Have you forgotten? This question has the same solution as the previous one. Think about it, your sister is a tsundere, so if your sister doesn't listen to her words~~——"

"Just... listen?"

"Hey!~~That's right! Fenrir is so smart!"

"Huh? Hehe. It's not as good as you said."

In the cave, Xia Mi's exposed body looked a little desolate, while the orange-haired girl sat cross-legged with a childish look on her face, while the Dragon King who was being taught maintained a cautious expression, but behind him.


I couldn't help but flick my tail.

Afterwards, the sound of "wrong, wrong, wrong" came from the cave from time to time, which lasted for a while.

ps: This book is about 900,000 words long.

Please rest assured, I still have the ability to write these million words!

Hahahahahaha, my conscience is rare in the industry!

Hey, speaking of which, I recommend everyone to watch the new series of Godless World.

I think this is an anime that will leave its name in the history of anime (Sakima)

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