Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 260 Chu Tianjiao is melancholy

Chapter 260 Chu Tianjiao’s Melancholy


The dim room was illuminated by white light, and the computer desktop was awakened by a familiar prompt.

The picture shows a blooming white lotus, which is the third in the system's default alternative list. The little penguin in the lower right corner trembles slightly, and a white dialog box pops up.

[Suddenly I saw the color of willows on the street, and I regretted teaching my husband to look for a title. 】

Mingming: [? What happened to you suddenly? 】

Old Tang: [I lower the curtain and play the konghou, I can’t bear to see the autumn moon. 】

Mingming: [So what are you doing? Why did you start writing these weird ancient poems about resentful women in the boudoir? ! 】

Old Tang: [Resentful woman? you? I? I. It turned out to be me. 】

? ? ? ?

Old Tang: [Xiao Mingzi, I am sorry for you. A few months ago, I made my own decision and sent you to deal with Red Tuma. I wanted to let the people on the barbarian border experience the prestige of my Chinese general. I never thought that it would be a simple step! 】

? ?

Old Tang: [Ever since you played against that Sakura girl, you have neglected the buddies in our group, and you have not played well in StarCraft. You only cut three or four times a week. Hey, I was not like this when I was your age. ! That’s not how StarCraft works! 】

Mingming: [Don’t talk nonsense! I've just become obsessed with fitness recently and spend more time sleeping and eating. 】

Old Tang: [Sleeping? ! How can you sleep at your age? ! 】

In front of the computer desk, the rotating wheel slid across the table. Lu Mingfei rubbed a piece of hair that he had just woken up but had not yet taken care of. After seeing that he did not wake up his cousin, he started typing secretly.

Ming Ming: [Don’t talk about me. The last time I asked you to cut me off, you clearly rejected me. You still had the nerve to complain first, and you fabricated the illusion in vain! 】

Old Tang: [That’s my job! 】

Mingming: [Work, work, you men are all like this, heartless people! 】

With his sharp tongue and collection of bad words, he had the upper hand in this war of words. This pair of lovers who had been together for a long time finally ended up cutting a few stars.

Lu Mingfei moved his hand away from the mouse, sighing in his heart that Old Tang was getting more and more powerful.

But this time he didn't put too much pressure on it as usual, so even with Old Tang's top amateur level, it was naturally not enough to touch.

Alas, as expected, there is a huge difference from the eldest sister.

Old Tang? not bad.

Unfortunately, I can't go back. ()

Then again, without joking, Lu Mingfei actually felt that he and the people around him were a little too fulfilled recently.

He exercised his body, honed his martial arts, found the Dragon King as a partner, and established an inexplicable but seemingly strong and ambitious organization. Everyone around him was either a peerless genius or the number one scroll king.

Even Old Tang, who I once thought was as congenial as me, seems to be busy with work recently.

It is said that I have found a big job and I need to work on it for a year. If it works out, I will not have to work for several years or even ten years from now. I will just hang out in an Internet cafe. Then I can also take over and clean myself up. .

Lu Mingfei was quite touched. Before he met Fujimaru Ritsuka and Chu Zihang, how could anyone be so kind to him? It was just those friends in the interstellar group, whose faces were only seen in video chats. They have been injured, but they are willing to tell themselves that they will protect them wherever they go from now on.

Hey, when my thighs become stronger in the future, I will have to give back to my brothers.

Lu Mingfei made up his mind and went to use the newly bought dumbbell bar again.

Some people start thinking about which university to go to as soon as they enter high school. We generally call these people the test takers.

Lu Mingfei once scoffed, but now, he has become one of them.

The difference is that he is not thinking about where to go, but how to get there.

University of Kassel.

Lu Mingfei must be lying if he said he was not interested in the so-called gathering place of compatriots on the other side of the ocean.

Since the eldest sister and the president have decided to go, then as their younger brother, I cannot lose my status.

That's all.

The boy kept walking off the original path.

Maybe he should have been brilliant, but he just lacked someone who would force him to work hard.

The panting wind rippled with the air current, and the devil in the distance sighed softly.


"Oh, what a headache. The internet speed in this shabby little town is really bad, otherwise I would have won just now."

"You're almost done. Even though I don't know how to play, I can see you being hammered."

"Hey, Lao Chu, can you speak?"

In an Internet cafe in a small town in Texas, Chu Tianjiao, who was wearing a black coat, was putting his hands on a cotton gaming chair and watching his mission partner finish the game interface. He, who was already familiar with him, patted Old Tang. Shoulder teased.

"If you hadn't said there was a man across from you, I would have thought it was your little girlfriend. Ah, can you think of her even while doing a task?"

"Bah!" The man Lu Mingfei called Old Tang retorted as he quickly used local methods to remove evil spirits.

"Old Chu, don't fucking disgust me. If you're a good person to Long Yang, just say so. I'll put a lock on my lower body to prevent you from sneak attacks."

"I'll go, I have a family, okay! I haven't shown you a photo of my wife!?!"

"Your wife? She's just your ex-wife! I haven't seen it. You don't even have it in your phone. I have seen a lot of photos of your son. He's a very handsome young man. He looks nothing like you."

"You bastard! I don't save photos of my wife because I don't want to pester her after getting divorced! I have many photos of my son, that's, that's——"

The two of them left the Internet cafe, noisily, with Old Tang still thinking about what Chu Tianjiao said.

Indeed, I really have nothing to do, so I am thinking about a young man I have never met in real life. If I have this time, I might as well go to an Internet cafe for a one-night stand. If not, I have to go to the blind date market to find a partner.

But there was nothing he could do. Looking at that stinky kid with a bad look on his face, Old Tang felt a little uneasy for some reason.

It was like the feeling of seeing his long-lost family members. Every time Old Tang thought about this kind of thing, he couldn't help but complain that he was the heir of Dou Emperor's bloodline and that the family was in decline.

However, if it is obviously a family member, then...

【elder brother.】

Suddenly, a soft but fragile voice echoed in his mind. He suddenly felt a little unbearable. The sound that gradually faded away conveyed a sense of loneliness, making people think of the child's retreating back, like an abandoned beagle.

Old Tang slapped his head hard, not knowing whether he wanted that voice to get out of his mind, or whether he wanted to desperately remember him.

"Hey, hey, hey, go find a place where no one is around to harm yourself." Chu Tianjiao was walking next to him. Seeing his partner starting to go crazy, he grabbed his wrist and held it. Old Tang struggled twice but didn't break free. He shook his head to indicate that he was okay.

"I'm so convinced." Old Tang rubbed his brows. "This auditory hallucination started a few months ago, and I don't know what the problem is."

"I know, I know. You told me last time when you were drunk. One day you were playing games in an Internet cafe. Opposite you was your favorite classmate Ming Ming. Suddenly there was a burst of lightning and thunder. You were so scared that you thought it was the earthquake of the century. Or there’s a solar storm.”

Old Tang also sighed, shook his head and said: "Eh, after that, people kept calling me brother. Do you know that feeling? It's just like when you turn on the mic in CS and your teammates use the clip sound."

"Really bad."


"I mean your mental illness is so bad. Don't wake up one day. Tell me that you are actually schizophrenic. There is a violent murderer inside. When you wake up, you will transform into Jason. The first one will be... I want to take action on my brother." Chu Tianjiao shook the bottle he brought with him and took a sip of vodka. The quality was not good but it was strong enough. "I'm warning you, I saved your life last time I went on a mission. Look, the injury on my finger hasn't healed yet~" Chu Tianjiao stretched out a finger from the hand holding the wine bottle to Old Tang In front of him, he forced the other party to retreat repeatedly with a look of disgust on his face.

"I know, I know! You have to talk about this every time, right? It's his grandma's fault. You were in such good health. At that time, I missed sending you to the hospital within a second and your wounds were healed, okay?"

Old Tang scorned the so-called mental illness. Even when he went to the hospital, the doctor said it was a possibility, but he was extremely confident.


Mental illness?

Damn it, I eat well, drink well, am a good person and am optimistic. Why am I mentally ill? Even if I am mentally ill, I can't imagine a male brother. Why can't I have blond hair and big wavy hair? ?

Old Tang thought about this and strengthened his mind, while Chu Tianjiao happily followed behind and continued to talk nonsense.

But his hand that wasn't holding the bottle was secretly placed behind his body, and the tips of his fingers trembled slightly, which was a natural reaction to muscle spasm.

Chu Tianjiao laughed happily, but his heart sank and he began to think.

Old Tang didn't have such strength.

Am I going to get involved in something big again? ?

Really, although I have not retired, I am still an old comrade.

A handful of old bones, all broken by tossing

Chu Tianjiao sighed as he thought about his son who was far away.

Son, try your best, dad wants to show off.

ps: This volume will end tomorrow.

Knot hard! !

Next volume!

Fucking Kassel! ! ! I have finally written about you...

But don’t expect me to write a lot of student content. Unlike Harry Potter, Cassel only has a background in the original work and almost does not involve important plots.

The important characters are probably the vice principal, principal, and Caesar.

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