Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 262 Woman, I need a woman! (impatient)

In the evening of July 14, 2007, it rained heavily.

The lighthouse's gas lamp is like a brilliant sword, spinning and cutting through the darkness, cutting into the pier, cutting out a thin and straight silhouette.

In Ange's hand was a slender black umbrella. Compared with his tall figure of over 1.8 meters, the umbrella looked too petite. It could only barely cover his broad shoulders, but the wind still blew up the hem of the black suit. The cold wind is biting.

Thick black clouds coiled over the Chicago Harbor like pythons, like tactical weapons roaring to the ground. Thousands of tons of water fell overwhelmingly, and the wind carried the heavy rain and beat the haggard ground, but the man's sight remained straight, that There is a rare haze hidden under the sharp light.

"Norma. I didn't receive the mission cancellation notification."

Amid the lightning and thunder, the man's low cry was not loud enough for the people around him to hear, but it carried a chilling chill.

[The information from the Technical Department was delivered personally by Director Akadulla, but it was modified approximately forty minutes ago. 】

The calm electronic sound is also cold, which may have nothing to do with Norma's nature as an electronic AI, but her true inner emotion.

Ange rubbed the back of his fingers and narrowed his golden eyes to look at the sea. The sea that used to be calm was now heaving and surging uneasily like a nest of water about to boil, as if to bid farewell to the king's return.

"Did you go through the physical process? In other words, the other party used a high-authority card to modify the task content beyond your management scope. The reason given was an information transmission error or a network failure?"

Angers didn't know why he suddenly burst out laughing uncontrollably. The cold temperament on his body suddenly disappeared, and he even couldn't help but hold his stomach and burst into laughter.

In order to achieve their own goals, the other party is even willing to make up nonsense like "there will be non-human faults in the local area network managed by Norma", which shows how impatient they are.

Even if he couldn't see the faces of those guys, Angers knew that with their self-esteem, most of their faces must be green at the moment.

The man smiled, his deep laughter shattering in the rain curtain, as if with the raindrops like broken beads, the rhythm of joy was also messy and scattered.

There is no one around him, nor is he needed. He is the most elite hunter of the mixed race. Almost no one can touch his battlefield. Today's mission should have been completed by him alone.

That's how it should be.

The coldness on his body disappeared, but the sense of solemnity gradually became stronger with the laughter.

It’s been a year, can you finally bear it no longer?


After laughing, having laughed enough, he spoke with inexplicable emotions:

"They'd better know who they're messing with." Angers murmured, looking at the iron curtain-like rain in the distance.

He asked suddenly.

".Where is she?"

[Commissioner Fujimaru said he had boarded the ship half an hour ago. 】


The majestic heavy rain pierced the plywood like a transparent sword. The tugboat "Monyach" trembled in the storm, and every crew member was trembling at the sudden thunder.

This was a sudden heavy rain without warning. The rain poured down violently, and the wind speed reached Level 5 at the very beginning. All other ships pulled ashore to take shelter. Only the Monyach's xenon lamp flashed in the rain on the restless water.

Professor Mans Rundstedt, also the captain of the ship, stood at the wheelhouse window. A splash of rain "smashed" on the front window, and then exploded. The wind roared and the ship rocked. Mance clasped his hands together tightly, and veins bloomed on the back of his hands.

His posture was very much like a husband waiting for news at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology operating room, but he was more nervous and his expression was extremely serious. His student Ye Sheng was beside him. The two of them could barely stand on the rocking ship, but their mentality was far from relaxed.

In September 2004, Ye Sheng joined a university called Kassel, three years ago.

In the past three years, he has learned too much dragon knowledge to count. He has had many experienced teachers talk about their experiences and teach them step-by-step combat techniques, how to use weapons, how to use the environment, and how to fight against Deadpool. .

He is the top honors student in the school, an A-level hybrid, and a practical type.

The junior semester is a busy season for internships. As outstanding representatives of the current students and direct students of Professor Mans Rundstedt, Ye Sheng and Aki Shude, who was in the same period, were originally here to complete their internship tasks.

[Carry out a salvage and mining mission to the Dragon Clan ruins inside the Richlands River, and collect the remaining alchemy tools of the ancient mixed race]

This task is a fairly classic Cassel College travel internship. The Richlands River is a river on the western boundary of the United States and is famous for its magnificence. Formed by the extrusion of ancient volcanic lava in Utah, this river has been described as "a river that leaps over a canyon."

Because there is a certain degree of danger, the salvage process requires certain skills and experience, character and talent. In addition, during this process, being able to see the existence of underwater dragon ruins with your own eyes is very valuable for students.

Yes, it just has value.

Just like college students visiting femtosecond laser laboratories and condensed matter physics studios, no teacher will really let students come into contact with real experiments during the internship stage, and Kassel College will not let students personally participate in dragon-slaying tasks. .

Because sorry, there is no such thing.

At least until three years ago, the executive bureau of Kassel College, which directly dealt with dragon-related content, rarely encountered tasks related to pure-blood dragons. It was not because they didn't want to, but simply because they were rare.

The resurgence of pure-blood dragons is quite rare in modern times. As far as living hybrids are concerned, only Angers, the dean of Kassel College, has seen double-digit pure-blood dragons.

Even Mance de Stedt himself had only seen young pureblood dragons.

But accidents always come so quickly. In recent years, the dragons that have frequently resurrected are not lacking in pure-blooded dragons, fourth-generation dragons, third-generation dragons, and even dragons.

The resurgence of next-generation species.

The originally inexperienced Executive Bureau has become even more busy in recent years. Most of the fourth-generation species are no longer capable of being dealt with by A-level hybrid species. They must gather manpower and material resources to carry out heavy weapons annihilation battles. The third-generation species above are For the elites of the Executive Bureau, it is almost like a fight to the death.

In this short period of time, human beings continue to appreciate their own poverty and weakness.

Therefore, Kassel College's enrollment standards are also improving, and the quality of students has also begun to rise. From what he has seen so far, Mansi is quite satisfied with his two direct students.

Ye Sheng and Shutoku Aki, if they grow up, they will at least become the backbone of the mixed race.

They should not have died here. They should not have died from so-called "intelligence errors."

No one knows why a pure-blooded second-generation species appears in a salvage mission.

"What's the news from Norma?" Mance put his thumb between his eyebrows and said in a hoarse voice.

". It is almost certain that it is the resurrection of the pure-blooded second generation, and it is an adult that has formed a dragon body. The mission danger has been changed from C level to SS level." Ye Sheng licked his dry lips and said reluctantly.

"This kind of task should have been the sole responsibility of the principal and that person."

"I know this has been going on in the past few years. Similar things have happened more than a dozen times. Monsters can only be killed by monsters. We should have done our duty as an audience - at least when we didn't lead In the case of heavy ordnance.”

Professor Mance sighed a few times. He looked at the cigar on the table and didn't know if he should take a few puffs to relieve his inner irritability.

"But this time the principal is not here. That is a matter of course. Those two people were not needed for today's task. The target of their investigation is completely misaligned with ours."

"But this kind of intersection, deliberately letting the girl stay on the boat, and then sending Angers away, how could this be an accident?"

Mance knew that the power agencies in Kassel were currently at odds with each other, but he never imagined that they would be so crazy that they would rather pull the entire ship into the water to achieve their goals.

Mance gave up the cigar painfully, and instead reached for the thermos cup at hand.

It's not because he doesn't want to smoke anymore, it's because this thermos cup was given to him by the young kid on the deck. Drinking it at this time feels like a talisman.

The man who did not believe in God was thinking irritably in his heart at this moment.

Are they so sure that Fujimaru Ritsuka's kid can win? The water is not the leader of a mixed race——

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the entire ship began to sink, and most of the water in Professor Mann's thermos cup spilled out, soaking his trousers.

“hei (hot)!!!”



"Commissioner Fujimaru Ritsuka!! Please fasten the anti-slip lock!! Otherwise, we will not be able to ensure your safety if you fall into the sea. There is also this signal flare. If you accidentally fall, you can use this."

Shutoku Aki shouted against the wind, his voice seemed to be drowned in the whine of the plywood branches.

This Sakura girl is not such an impolite girl on weekdays, rather she is gentle and soft-spoken to everyone, but under such a terrifying storm, even she can no longer maintain that image.

Even without doing this, the sound would not be carried through the noisy and violent weather.

At this time, the xenon lamp illuminated the foamy water behind the boat very brightly. The foam could not hide the sharp water line, as if there was an invisible knife cutting the water surface under the water.

There were faint whirlpools forming in the water, indicating that a gap was opening directly below.

Under the thin water line, a silver-white back surfaced. It was vaguely visible that every piece of the spine was as rugged as a reef. The long tail swung at high speed, but did not bring up any splash. The huge mouth was half submerged under the water, and what was exposed above the water was the ferocious upper jaw, and the golden pupils were as terrifying as if they were about to swallow the world.

It was a dragon, no doubt about it.

This was the first time Shutoku Aki saw such a creature. Her first reaction was fear. The fear and cold made her almost speechless. Her teeth kept trembling, but the junior student finally came to her senses.

Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to express her thoughts clearly, and then kept talking to the "school girl" beside her, trying to find a chance of survival.



The violent storm roared across, and the orange hair danced in the wind like waves. At the moment of life and death, the girl who was called by Shutoku Aki turned her head.

One of the girl's hands is holding the alchemy tool salvaged during the mission, which is a spear, and she is standing on the ship's board with this as an anchor point.

Instead of showing a fearful expression, she held half of her flying hair with one hand and leaned half of her body in front of Shutoku Aki. The rain showers fell on her body, but most of them were blocked. Pour it on Shutoku Aki.

The girl is much taller than Shutoku Aki. At the age of sixteen or seventeen, her body has fully grown. Her youthfulness has faded and gradually turned into eroticism. What flows between her eyebrows is no longer pure color, but more... An aggressive gaze.

The girl was wearing a black coat from the Executive Bureau. Her tall and straight figure made the coat with a German military uniform design look smart and handsome, and she looked stunning and dreamlike.

"You are Shude Aki-senpai, right?"

Transparent ripples bloomed on the fair arms of the orange-haired girl, but her slender fingers stretched forward more frivolously, lifting the senior's smooth chin.

"Compared to that kind of thing——"

So she said.

"This is the first time we met. Although the scenery is a little uninteresting, I can still glimpse your soft and beautiful face through this dirty curtain."

"Ah~my Grannie——"

Facing Shutoku Aki's surprised and astonished face, she blinked and said.

"My name is Finn McCool. Are you interested in being my fourth wife?"

Shutoku Aki: "?"

ps: What?

It's a new volume! !

Let’s give a preview of the important people—there’s nothing to predict, right? Basically, who is the important character of Long Yi, who will be in this volume.

Oh, but I hardly follow the plot of the original work.

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