Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 288 Damn it, where are the people?

"What did you just say?"

After being alerted, Ange immediately took action, but Director Akadulla suddenly tightened his face and showed a shy smile with an expression of "Look what I'm talking about."

"Hahaha, what I just said is--principal, what are you talking about? We have always been like this. Are you too tired and your memory is biased? Hey, can you say this?"

So he said——

"How about this? I see that you are so busy and you must not have had breakfast yet. Can we make a special toast with butter for you, principal?"

".Not potato chips?"

Although the principal felt that the other party's attitude was strange and he blatantly changed the subject.

But he couldn't help asking tremblingly, and was so moved that he wanted to cry.

This group of weirdos who only eat junk food and play next-generation games have actually evolved to eat bread and cook with butter. It would only cost a person at most to evolve a talking King Kong gorilla in this world. Three years.

Could this be the so-called mysterious resurgence, where humans have ascended?

"Of course not!" the director retorted sternly, "Crispy bread baked using the upper and lower fire cycle of the oven. If you need it, we have tons of Haagen-Dazs bread in the cold storage. Ice cream is a perfect match for ice cream. When I traveled to China last time, I saw that some restaurants had become nationally famous chains based on this dish. They were just opened in the past few years and were called Green. Principal, why are you crying?"

Sniff (forcefully)

"It's okay. I, I am old and have some allergic rhinitis."

In front of everyone in the equipment department, Ange covered his face and sniffed, feeling an indescribable feeling well up in his heart.

The equipment department is crazy, but they really carry Angers' expectations for their dreams.

So when these lunatics finally woke up and found that they needed to take on the responsibilities of genius, Ange burst into tears.

It was a touching feeling. He felt that his eldest son, who had run away from home for thirty years, had been brought back to the mansion and was being served delicious food and drinks. Although he was moved, he still felt a little bit worried. He hesitated. Then he asked: "Do you have a place to eat? Don't you just find an open space and sit down?"

"Hey! Who are you! We can be wronged by us, but how can we be wronged by you, the principal? You are our food, clothing and parents!" The director opened his hand eagerly.

"Let's go straight ahead. Go straight to the end and turn right for thirty meters to the lounge. There are ready-made dishes in there!"

Director Akadulla showed his loyalty to the landlord in every move he made, and he thought very comprehensively. Angers was completely taken care of in every aspect, which made him very happy.

Angers was so moved that his eyes became wet.

So he was pleased, patted the director's shoulder with an extremely gentle expression, and nodded gently.

The director responded with a bright smile.

"Come on, you guys, go and send the principal to the lounge."

"Hey, you're welcome!"

Angers smiled and looked very happy.

At this moment——


After being left alone for a long time, Ritsuka felt something was wrong and decided to give a warning. "Don't you think it's weird?"

The little old man interrupted Li Xiang's suspicion. He nodded and said with a bright face.

"Hey, Ritsuka, just stay here and don't move around. I'll go get some bread and come back."

Principal Ange was taken away like this, completely forgetting the sense of disobedience shown by the other party. Perhaps it was because the little old man had been tortured by these neuroses for a long time, and he turned into a pua after a long time.

Showing a slightly normal attitude, Angers was as overwhelmed with happiness as if he saw a prodigal son turning back.

Angers laughed and joked with the researcher who escorted him. The researcher also laughed and rummaged for something in his trouser pocket from time to time.

"Hey, I still remember your name. You are a student of class 2003, right? I remember you are from Kyrgyzstan, Almazbek Ataner, right?"

"Principal, do you still remember me?"

"Of course, I remember all of you, haha. Speaking of which, you know you know there is a joke at the Paris Wine Party, that is -. Why did you suddenly wipe your nose? And stuffed your nostrils with tissues?"

"Oh, I'm still young, I have allergic rhinitis, and my nose is a little runny."

"That's it, you have to pay attention to rest," Ange said with gentle care, but he suddenly stopped smiling and hesitated for a while.

"Although... I think I'm overthinking it, but you probably don't think it's the smell of my perfume."

"Oh no, that's not the case! We used to be joking! You have great taste!" The researcher clapped his hands loudly, with an exaggerated expression on his face like Tom Cat laughing at Jerry Mouse.

"Hahahaha! Really!" Angers also laughed. "I think so too. You guys have grown up!"

The principal smiled and walked deeper into the corridor. Witnessing all this were several senior officials from the equipment department who welcomed the principal at the door, as well as Miss Fujimaru Tatsuka who was forgotten next to them.

The girl blinked.


What happened?

And me? what about me?

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Ange's retreating figure and secretly wondered what happened. Is this some kind of different-dimensional space? In other words, the world I live in is actually the entertainment world of animation or novels, and this place called Watt Alheim is actually another funny cartoon.

Just like the collaboration between Dragon Ball and Alela, has Principal Angers been given a funny halo? Is your IQ no longer what it used to be?

Ritsuka is alert.

What a scary place.



And I!

Ritsuka twisted his mouth.

Even if you capture Principal Angers, what will happen? So what if this is a comic comic?

A work always requires a responsible person with IQ, a responsible person who is calm and a responsible person who is composed.

That's right, down there.

No matter how crazy you are? Can it affect my clean and noble brain, Fujimaru Ritsuka?

happy! (loudly)

At this time, Director Akadura finally watched Angers leave, turned around, and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

He smiled, and under Fujimaru Ritsuka's relaxed and confident gaze, he slowly raised his arm and tapped the watch strap on his wrist.

Then suddenly his expression changed and he said.

"Group A, plan phase one is over. Commissioner Ataner obeyed the order and immediately locked himself and the principal in the lounge!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka:?

She suddenly became serious and exclaimed in her heart: What? Isn't it a comedy show, but a Machiavellian show? !

At this time, there was a sound from the watch, and there was only a decision.

【yes my highness. 】

【Um? Ataner, who are you talking to? wait! Are you closed? ! You are plotting against me! ! ? ! 】

The man's decisive voice came from the director's watch, followed immediately by the sound of chains turning, the roar of the little old man, and finally, deathly silence.

Director Akadulla pushed up his decorative glasses, and the lenses reflected a cold light.

"Even users of Time Zero will feel relaxed psychologically due to the contrast between distressed students. As long as a specialist is sent into the room together as a death squad, they will relax their vigilance.

In terms of ability, as long as you attack it while eating, it will be unable to chant the dragon text due to swallowing movements. As long as the keyhole buckle is modified to an electronic automatic one-button closing type, there will be no reaction time. "

"Haha, the wisdom of a genius."

bang bang bang bang


"As expected of the director."

"Jue Juezi."

Sparse applause rang out, and the members of the equipment department who stayed on the spot began to applaud, and they all sighed at the wisdom of their boss. There was a dissonance mixed in, maybe it was the atmosphere. Fujimaru Ritsuka looked left and right, and also applauded. stand up.

Strong, too strong.

Is this the behavior pattern of the most neurotic but also the most intelligent group of people in the world?

Shameless + high IQ + psychopathy?

Unpredictable weirdos with high IQs.

Invincible at all, right?

There was sparse applause, but when everyone noticed that Fujimaru Ritsuka was also applauding, the rhythm stopped completely.

They looked at each other and stopped what they were doing.

And then without any warning——

"Your Royal Highness!"*N

Before Fujimaru Ritsuka finished applauding, these people immediately tensed up their nerves as if they were flattered by Fujimaru Ritsuka's actions. It was completely different from the warm spring breeze when they faced Principal Angers. They were like ordinary people seeing the emperor. , as frightened as the Spartans saw Ares, as if Jormungandr saw Hercules.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was extremely confused.

"Who is the princess? You?"

Seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't quite understand his title, Director Akadura, who was almost kneeling down, continued to explain.

"I have the honor to read your work. I think the explanation about the creation of the human cannon at the moment of the soul is very detailed."

"Oh that. That--"

"The hypothetical theory of tying Deadpool up to stimulate his brain center and forcing him to endlessly cycle his spirit to create high-efficiency work is also very interesting."

"But the most interesting thing is the theory called [King's Horn Cannon]. By consciously fitting an alchemical weapon containing a large amount of spiritual elements and living things into a matrix and detonating it, the power of the explosion far exceeds what the Equipment Department is currently studying. Any kind of tactical weapon!”

Akadulla spoke at an alarming speed, and his face was even more ferociously twisted.

"I have woken up from my dreams countless times, just because my pride does not allow me to admit that you, as a woman, are one step ahead of us in the field of art."

"But when a great miracle is unfolded before us, the trembling of the soul is unquestionable."

The director raised his head, his eyes wild.

"You are the god of explosive industry in the new era!"

"And Gundam! The Gundam theory you proposed is simply the most perfect and dreamy structure design I have ever seen. When I saw your face, I thought you were a bitch who can't even use CAD. Now I I just want to go back in time and slap myself in the face.”

"Come on, come on, come and tell us about the idea of ​​this Commander Gundam in detail. We must talk about this power furnace in detail!" The director forced a large stack of design drawings into Ritsuka's hands.

As soon as the girl took it over and took a look at it, her face turned dark.

"What? You're here to discuss this!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka said in a shocked voice.

She was so angry and aggrieved.

He is the savior who saves humanity, and behind him are thousands of innocent people. He is shouldering such a big and heavy mission, and he cannot waste every minute and every second, running around the world for this purpose.

It is urgent to develop the spirit spirit and find the truth about dragon technology, but these prodigals are actually thinking about Gundam and the like!

I'm furious!

I'm so angry!

Fujimaru Ritsuka shouted angrily!

"Do you still have the ideal to fight against the dragon clan in your heart? How can you save the world with insects like you! You are like this——"

"Cold red wings."

The girl paused, breathed rapidly, sniffed twice, and then licked her lips.

"What did you suddenly say when you were fine? I'm telling you, don't try to get close to me. I'm different from you two-dimensional people. I--"

"MSN-04-2 Nightingale body is left for you."

"Hey! Isn't this how Gundam was drawn! - Come on!"

Take two steps quickly, the girl said in a loud voice.

"Come on, pen!" The director turned around and shouted loudly, extremely happy.


The members of the equipment department next to them were also happy and their faces turned red.

The revolutionary goal was achieved, and everyone was very happy, but they were all happy, happy, but a few people suddenly paused and frowned.

"Director, have we forgotten nothing?"

"Forgot something? Principal? It's okay. That protective door can last at least ten minutes. That's enough."

The director waved his hand, even though the members of the equipment department who had thorns in their hearts were already dazzled by the excitement. They felt that they were very close to the Gundam, could they still be far away from the EVA?

What is a mixed race? The quality varies and there are congenital defects. Is Gundam bad?

When the Dragon King revives, we can all be the pilots!

At worst, the emperor's armor will be combined!

Everyone was so excited that they didn't care about anything. Li Xiang was walking in the front, and she always felt that she had forgotten something, as if it was something Angers said.

————There are the most insane geniuses in the world, as well as the best alchemists in the world today.

The best alchemist in the world.




In the empty laboratory, Nicholas Flamel rarely put on his denim suit, stretched his abdomen to the limit and tied the belt, and he was in great spirits.

He was lying on the chair with a sharp look on his face, looking around and said coldly.


"Fuck, where are the people."

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