Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 298 Caesar Gattuso’s Melancholy (two in one)

Chapter 298 Caesar Gattuso’s Melancholy (two in one)

Da Vinci personally officially joined Kassel Academy and joined the Equipment Department as a heroic spirit. He also deciphered some of the truth about the world, so the next goal was naturally determined.

Find the tomb of the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

The best case scenario is of course to find the cemetery while the opponent is still in a cocoon. At that time, the vice-principal will personally go to the front line to decipher the Dragon King's alchemy matrix, and the secret party will definitely send Fujimaru Ritsuka and Anger to participate in this at the same time. actions.

Even if Da Vinci himself had a promise to 'wake up Norton', as long as he locked up Da Vinci, it would not be considered a violation of the contract subjectively.

Da Vinci had no reaction to this decision. He just shrugged and went to mingle with the equipment department. It would probably take some time to tame those crazy primitives.

Everything seemed to be on track.

Whether it is Anger or Fujimaru Ritsuka, their mission success rate remains inhumanly close to 100%.

The reason why it was so close was that it was the only mission that Angers failed, and it was also his nightmare when he was young.

In that fight that made the old man lose everything, it is said that only one person, the King of Sky and Wind, killed the secret party that was in full swing at the time, leaving several A+ or even A+ with rich combat experience according to the current rating standards. The S-class hybrid was buried on that rainy night.

It also led to the death of Menech Cassel, the leader of the mixed race at that time.

But that nightmare never made Ange show his weakness. The old man shed his tears, and what was left was only the endless desire for revenge, which has supported him to reach the modern era, an era where dragons are reviving in large numbers.

The fierce battle with Odin, next, will it be the King of Bronze and Fire?

Not necessarily.

Because Ritsuka's hometown has also accurately located the location of White King's resurrection, and it may break out at any time. Without knowing the palace of the King of Bronze and Fire, according to the chronological order and the contents of the contract, it may be necessary to deal with White King first. question.

Ritsuka thought.


Go home~

In this way, the general direction has been determined. The Executive Directorate will focus its work on sea area exploration, while the details of the White King's crusade plan will be perfected by the Sheqi Eight Families. This is rare in human history, and may even be unprecedented -

[Conquer two dragon supremes at the same time]

Such an arrogant plan is being carried out step by step.

At the beginning of this story, as innocent passers-by who were blown up, the equipment department finally gave up their base completely. While sighing that Fujimaru Ritsuka was indeed the king of explosions in the new century, they decided to build a safer fortress.

This time, we must prevent even the Dragon King from getting in.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's own "Heroic Spirit Summoning" test and the experiment of "exploring the essence of spirit spirits by visualizing spiritual elements" are also gradually carried out under the arrangements of the vice principal and Leonardo da Vinci.

In particular, the "Shadow of Spirit Base" experiment on "using super-S-level hybrids as carriers to support heroic spirit information" is being carried out with the highest priority.

Taking the great deeds created by the heroic predecessors of mankind as a starting point, using human reason as the bond and fetter between each other, let the modern hybrid race return to the golden age of mankind when the world has not been tampered with by the god king and given by the elements.

Its name is——

[Ascension] plan.

The war drums have already sounded, and the world has entered an exciting chapter.

In order for modern hybrids to gradually understand the current world situation, and for humans to truly understand alchemy technology, the ability to fight against dragons, even the vice-principal showed rare enthusiasm.

"I will find time to teach an alchemy course in the next few weeks, because it is too troublesome. Freshmen to seniors and seventh-year students should take it together. I will teach you the basics of alchemy techniques there."

The vice principal's dedication was touching, and even Fujimaru Ritsuka began to look forward to his days at the school.

And besides these, what has become of Fujimaru Ritsuka's daily life?

the answer is--

Go to school!

Don’t you college students take classes? ! (angry)


In September, Kassel officially started school.

The freshmen arrived at the school as scheduled, and completed the blood test with Fujimaru Ritsuka and others who arrived in Kassel earlier. The outstanding seedlings were selected and received the attention of the seniors in the school.

These freshmen, who were still arrogant and arrogant, were completely overwhelmed by Fujimaru Ritsuka's somewhat lax ability scores within a few weeks.

In physical education classes, cultural classes, and even in the evaluations of faculty and staff, Ritsuka Fujimaru was recognized at an extremely fast speed.

Gradually, the name of the first grade bully began to spread far and wide.

It's a new day, the sun is shining brightly.

Although there are undercurrents surging in the mysterious side of the world, this does not affect the normal class process of Kassel College. This is a university with rich content and comfortable life. If we take into account the dormitory environment, teaching ability, graduation guarantee, and canteen level, If school construction and other aspects are used as indicators to evaluate universities around the world, then the University of Kassel will undoubtedly be a hexagon warrior!

The bell tower of Kassel Academy rings three times a day. The first time is the wake-up bell, the second time is lunch time, and the third time is the end bell of the last class of the day.

Kassel’s representative color is pure white with flying doves. The school’s slut gene is inherited from its first principal, Mr. Angers. From the first scene when he opens the dormitory door, he doesn’t even need to raise his head, just grab his mobile phone and Taking photos is art.

The halo of dew reflected on the Bermuda lawn. The school girl showed off her long, fair and straight legs. The graceful curves showed no trace of excess calf muscle mass, only smooth as porcelain and as gentle as the tip of a pen. Streamline.

Fujimaru Ritsuka sat on the chair in the classroom and picked up the phone.


The red squirrel ran into the college from the mountain and hid in the green forest. As a senior of Kassel School, the small and cute face of the red squirrel was captured in the camera of his mobile phone.

At the same time, "background music" came.

"The academic community believes that the nomadic tribe where Attila, the leader of the Huns in ancient Asia and Europe, originally belonged to was the nomads recorded in ancient Chinese documents. Ancient Rome was a mixed nation. There were roughly three original ethnic groups, namely Etruscans, Sabines and Greeks, so in 418 AD, when the 12-year-old Attila was sent to the Roman court as a hostage, it is conceivable that he would inevitably become an anomaly, a special one among European nations. existence, just like us.”

The curved lecture theater is an unforgettable memory for college students. Long tables are divided into aisles with fixed distances. Students are separated by a shoulder bag and a bottle of water. They look at the subject content out of the corner of their eyes and focus on their mobile phones. Screen.

The silver-haired old man holds his pocket in his left hand and holds a textbook in one hand as he strolls down the aisle between tables and chairs. His straight black suit supports his tall figure, and a monocle full of academic atmosphere hangs on his right eye. .

If this was an ordinary school, no, even if this was Kassel College, if the teacher had been someone else, the students probably wouldn't have chosen to put their phones in their schoolbags at this time.

The sound of rustling paper and pen was the collision of notebooks and black water-based pens. The students who were rated as geniuses by the outside world lowered their heads at this moment, perhaps out of respect or perhaps out of fear, embracing the tremors in their souls and refusing to interact with the people on the stage. The old men exchanged glances.

No need for many reasons, just because of the old man’s name——

Hilbert Jean Angers is the teacher of "Dragon Family Genealogy" and the most respected and respected current principal of this Dragon Slaying Academy.

Although the teachers at Kassel College are excellent, there are not many. At least when it comes to dragon genealogy, people can only think of Angers.

"I told you that Pope Leo I, Chief Senator Avienus of the Senate, and Commander of the Praetorian Guards Trigejius are all descendants of the dragon-slaying family. They are not only in charge of the prosperous Western Rome, but also They have extremely high attainments in alchemy, dragon literature, and spiritualism." Angers said: "They are the focus of the exam. If you want to pass the final exam, then I think this will be the object of your special attention. "

"But -" Angers paused.

"The so-called passing is a standard. If you want to be that kind of person, you will be confused after entering college, thinking about picking up girls every day but not daring to take action. You were obviously looking forward to the club and student union before you came, but when you heard that there was an interview, you I gave up, even if I finally went to the club and organization department, I quit after one year. I never listened to the lectures in college, and even if I listened, I couldn't last long. I looked down and looked up every time and couldn't understand what the teacher said. I turned around and asked questions just now. College students who play with their mobile phones together, start studying a few weeks before the final exam, and start frantically asking their seniors for the original questions from the previous exam, maybe that’s okay.”

Angers spoke very fast and spoke Chinese that was not his native language, but his fluentness made people think that this old man had lived in Shanghai since he was a child and had mastered standard Mandarin.

"But - if you want to go further, you must learn not to 'meet the standard' but to 'exceed the standard'."

Principal Angers pressed down the textbook slightly with two fingers and said with profound meaning.

"You are the new blood who will eventually surpass me, an old man. I hope you will not take a nap in class. To avoid this situation, I need to conduct a disgusting sample survey on you-randomly, at any time."

"For example, when you see the evasiveness in the textbook about the specific composition principles of the spirit spirit, you have to have the courage to trouble me. Believe me, this will only be a bonus for you."

Ange thought to himself, although in the entire Kassel College, he had only seen two bold madmen who dared to comment on the textbooks in the past ten years.

One is Fujimaru Ritsuka, who just entered school this year. He started harassing the school's professors before he even entered school. He is really a shameless little monster.

And the other one is the little Italian boy who is now regarded as a troublesome child by the disciplinary committee in school.

Thinking about the outstanding student who gave him some comfort, Ange subconsciously showed a warm smile. Even the prepared lesson plan became gentle. He raised his hand and asked a simple question.

"Then, can someone answer me - according to the writings of Jordanes and Priscus, when is Attila's death generally believed to be?"

"Let me see, um, I'll decide it's you——"

Angers raised his head and smiled.

"Mingfei, you answer this question."

At that moment, the entire freshman classroom ushered in deathly silence.

Almost at the same time, everyone focused on the seats in the last row of the classroom.

Each table in the circular lecture theater can accommodate up to four students lined up, and in the entire classroom, there are four people sitting on the last table in the center.

The white-haired Russian princess, the cool black-haired beauty, and the orange-haired girl focused on the red squirrel outside the window.

There is also a Chinese boy who looks quite capable with his eyes closed and his chest folded, meditating.

Of course they knew, that was Kassel F4, no, those were the four S-level freshmen from Kassel.

As freshmen, the 2008 students in Kassel were almost overshadowed by these four people. As students who have just entered Kassel and have not yet been smoothed by the world, they are naturally unconvinced.

However, they also observed the movements of the four people very carefully. Information about the four people had long been exposed in the Night Watch community.

Lu Mingfei, 17 years old, is a rare minor at Kassel College and an ordinary Chinese teenager. He is staying at a relative's house and his parents' circumstances are unknown. I have not had any particularly outstanding achievements since I was a child. Whether it is appearance, grades, or physical abilities, they are all average and low.

But people didn't just start looking down on him that easily.

Because, in fact, the four people in the back row were still sitting together. If even Fujimaru Ritsuka and Chu Zihang's resumes recognized Lu Mingfei's status, then this person must not be much different. .

The students in Kassel studied a collection of urban novels popular in China overnight and understood what they were doing.

Could it be that he is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

Hiding yourself for seventeen years?

What a terrifying city!

This guy is so scary!

A top-notch evil boy? !

Everyone focused their attention on the boy, and some even quietly pointed the face camera of their mobile phone at the back row, as if they were planning to record something.

Under the expectation of everyone——

The boy opened his eyes.

His bright eyes were good at gazing, and his expression was full of energy. His eyes that were originally closed opened instantly, and the speed was jaw-dropping, like a frightened lion.

The advanced cortex was originally in a state of rapid eye movement sleep, but it was ejected and dissipated like an Indian rocket that pressed the launch button.

In an instant, red light exploded.

The information flow driven by ipRGC is transmitted to the central suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), prompting the juvenile to transition from wakefulness to wakefulness. In the suprachiasmatic nucleus, rhythm genes are periodically transcribed, translated, synthesized and then degraded!

Neuronal activity weakens, more adenosine is recycled than released, and the extracellular adenosine concentration decreases!

The orexin orexin is suddenly synthesized, the wake-promoting neuron PVT in the thalamus bursts into full strength, the corticospinal tract is liberated, and the descending inhibitory nuclei function perfectly!

All cellular reactions took place in just 0.33 seconds!

Then, the boy who had just woken up frowned.

He breathed, he opened his mouth, and he asked "calmly."

"Principal, what did you just say?"


The sound of everyone taking a breath came from the classroom.

Is this. Is this S-class?

How dare you ask back?

How dare you speak to the principal like this?

Everyone's eyes were glaring, their attention completely focused on this confrontation, and the classmate who pointed his cell phone camera at the back row swallowed his saliva.

In the distance linked to this camera, a blond man sat on a redwood-colored office chair. His long fingers that were rising and falling in a fixed rhythm suddenly stopped.

Caesar Gattuso frowned.

I go

This new student is so cool.

ps: After burning out, I started to go to work and returned to normal updates. (no mercy)

By the way, all the things you can find in the book that "feel like jokes"

It's all nonsense. (convinced)

Although I have only dabbled a little and exerted a little effort, your two-dimensional concentration——

Still far inferior to me (looks up)

Speaking of which, I’ve been really bored lately. I can’t find any anime fans I want to watch. The purity is too low! ! !

There’s no love for the character to be seen at all! Not strong enough! ! !

Recently, I really want to write about Forbidden City and Dungeon to find fans I meet by chance, mainly because the protagonists of these works are all innocent and charming.

Rather than being a harem, I want to witness the moments when the character's charm blossoms, and want to join that grand hero story.


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