Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 313 I never went to school either

14:23 minutes

Mingming: [Are you there? 】


[Sorry, I’m at work, what’s wrong? 】

Mingming: [Would you like to cut a handful? 】


[I just went to do a little favor for a co-worker. I just came back now. I have been a little busy recently and may not have time to play games. 】

Mingming: [Old Tang, what’s the matter with you? Why are you so polite when you speak? And the reply is so slow! .You can’t be someone else, right? Did you steal the cell phone or pick it up? Let me tell you, as a person, you must know how to pick up money and give it to the police. You, you, I tell you, you]

What follows is a lot of nonsense.


[This is my mobile phone. Don’t make blind guesses. I’m just a little tired from work. 】

Mingming: [You always talk about work, work, isn’t it something shameful? 】

[Fuck you, I do serious work. If you really want to do it, you should ask your Sakura girl to do it. 】

Mingming: [Hey, she is busy. 】

【I'm busy too. 】

Old Tang thought for a while and added.

[Damn it, there’s so much work. 】

The phone beeped loudly, and the boy in front of me in the chat room was always able to reply to other people's messages instantly.

[That’s right. You didn’t say a single foul language. I couldn’t believe you were Old Tang. Okay, since you still have the strength to curse, you won’t die. Then if you are tired, go ahead. Go to sleep. 】


The light flickered in the darkness, and Old Tang looked at the screen of his mobile phone, with no emotion in his calm eyes.

He closed his eyes, as if remembering something, and after a while he typed with his thumb.

[Well, slipped away. 】

The last buzz of the phone lingered in the emoticon sent by the chat partner "Mingming". The black and white panda head was lying on the bed in a rather rough manner and fell asleep.

It's a bit inappropriate to call it cute, but it's completely appropriate to call it twisted.

Ronald Tang sat back on his bed, turning a deaf ear to the rustling of the branches under him. On the dim ceiling, dense patterns of spider webs could be vaguely seen.

His eyes were frighteningly calm. If you were familiar with Old Tang, you would probably be worried about him just by seeing his current state.

But no one could see it, and Old Tang didn't intend to let others see it.

after all

"Have you noticed any abnormalities? Ming. That human being is considered very perceptive."

"There's muscle memory in real life, but online chatting is a bit more troublesome."

"The memory is still a little confused. The bloodline of this body is not high enough. Is it caused by the sudden expansion of spiritual elements?"

"Although the original purpose of doing this was indeed achieved, the current situation is not within the expected range. Is it because the parameters have been fundamentally changed or is it because of indirect contact with the woman?"

"In short, be more careful next time."

The man's hand touched the screen of the mobile phone, but the interface did not slide.

Looking carefully, at the junction of the fingerprint and the screen, an extremely thin golden line blooms with dense ripples.

Although the environment is horribly bad, it is still barely usable.

Then there is no problem.

There was only emotionless thought in Old Tang's calm eyes.

A deathly silence.


Then after a while, he suddenly turned over and got up as if he remembered something, and opened the door of the room impatiently.

Outside the door, an unshaven Asian man was sleeping soundly on the floor. Old Tang couldn't stop smacking his lips and showing cold eyes.

He walked forward slowly and looked down at the man, his eyes cold as if without warmth.

He raised his hand and slowly approached his back——


Pulled a blanket off the sofa and threw it on him.

Tsk, that’s really troublesome.


At this time, on the other side of the United States.


Lu Mingfei was sitting cross-legged on his bed, wearing loose pajamas, and seemed to be ready to enter the last stage before going to bed, "lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone", but at this time, he was frozen in place and hesitating.


The sound of water flushing in the squatting pit continued for a long time. Fingel whistled and pushed open the toilet door and walked out. He washed his hands and opened the balcony door of the dormitory, and walked into the room with a coquettish look.

After moving to the bed, Fingel suddenly paused as soon as he stepped on the stairs with one foot.

"Huh?" The man looked at Lu Mingfei who was also confused and asked sincerely.

"What's wrong, my dear Lingju? Why do you look like you drank too much milk, which caused stomach bloating and constipation? I squatted on the squatting pit for a while and found that my legs were numb, but I didn't want to give up."

"It's too long, it's too long to complain about, and I'm not that confused."

Lu Mingfei maintained his posture and subconsciously replied. Although he was still complaining, anyone familiar with Lu Mingfei could tell that the young man was not in the right state at the moment.

Fingel curled his lips, gave up on going to bed, and landed next to Lu Mingfei.

He slapped Lu Mingfei's face and spoke in an ups and downs tone.

"Hei! what's up man!"

Are you a black rapper? !

"Hey, just say it if you have something on your mind! You may not know, but your senior, I was the man who was known as Mr. Psychology in the world. In Kassel College, all the girls with good looks lined up to have sex with me. Psychological counseling, life talks!”

"Okay, okay, I've tasted enough in this part."

The boy surnamed Lu, who had become somewhat accustomed to Fingel's harassment, sighed. He couldn't help but think about Old Tang. After hesitating for a long time, he decided to talk to Fingel.

Although this senior's grades are poor, he never loses his temper at critical moments. At least he proved during the volleyball match that the glorious deeds he boasted about may not all be false.

And back to business, that is, Old Tang

Although it was strange for someone who had never met him before, Lu Mingfei always felt that he was acting strange recently.

I don't harass myself in the game channel and ask for blacklisting. I always use work reasons to shirk my active game invitations.

He said that he wanted to work, but in fact, Lu Mingfei saw from the reading records of the other party in his QQ space that the other party was actually online all the time, and it was not work at all.

Lu Mingfei also lied. What he said about Fujimaru Ritsuka being busy was a lie. Although the eldest sister was really busy, if she only had time to play one or two games, she would still set aside time to relax.

The reason why Lu Mingfei wanted to invite Old Tang was just because he was a little worried about him.

It's not like he was really forgetful of his love. Old Tang was his only friend in junior high and high school who he could talk to sincerely. To be honest, he had always felt that the handsome American boy who seemed cheerful and fair-minded was as lonely as himself.

Whether they have sympathy for each other or they see each other in the right eye, a poor child will always remember the kindness others have done to him, so of course Lu Mingfei has always kept Old Tang in mind.

but now--

The details of his speech and his contradictory behaviors always make people feel weird.

Even if you steal a mobile phone, there is no need to disguise yourself, right?


Lu Mingfei always had an inexplicable premonition. He thought the person on the other side of the phone was Old Tang, but

That's where he changed.

But what can change a person in a short period of time?

And even if it has changed, the behavior of speaking as if "imitating" Old Tang's past, wandering around on the Internet but avoiding contact with his own open microphone, and frequently visiting his own QQ space is just like...

An "other" who is unfamiliar with the world is trying to "imitate" his past self.

Lu Mingfei's first reaction was "parasitic beast". It must have been an alien creature that devoured Old Tang's brain, and then he had to perform such inconsistent behavior due to his amnesia defect.

The second reaction was that Old Tang had been trafficked. Now the trafficker pointed a gun at Old Tang's temple and asked him to learn to use his own tone to talk to his relatives and friends without exposing him first, and see where he could get the ransom in the end.

Old Tang may not have noticed it, but Lu Mingfei was in a hurry.

If he hadn't been afraid of irritating people, he would have almost told the kidnapper on the other side of the phone - I have a scholarship to an American university, worth several thousand dollars, please let go of my brother!

After telling Fingel these words, the man couldn't make up his mind for a while.

But Fingel gave his opinion one by one.

"Harass him and force him to meet you. You are in the United States now anyway. Isn't this a good reason?"

"If he is willing, that would be best. If he is not willing, we can also take the opportunity to determine the other party's attitude."

Lu Mingfei nodded in approval when he heard this.

He suddenly felt relieved.

Because he remembered what Old Tang said to him before.

——Obviously, what’s wrong? What about dawdling around in school again? Just say it if you're not happy, let me be happy, big brother.

——Obviously, when you can no longer survive in China, come to the United States to find me. My eldest brother doesn’t have much money, but I still have money to take you to eat American street hot dogs and take Greyhound buses.

——From now on, I will protect you, and you can just work with me. Although it is very tiring, you can get a lot of money as an assistant. It is also cost-effective for two of us to go to the Internet cafe together and get a private room.

——Hehe. Obviously, I tell you secretly, you should be content, just think about someone who is worse off than you. Like me, my family's conditions are also very poor. Let alone my parents running away, I don't even know what my parents look like.

And ah~

Tell you secretly.

[I actually never went to school. 】

What a wonderful person.

Obviously he is just a stranger who has played a few games across the computer screen, but Old Tang is willing to say so many heartfelt words to himself, willing to comfort himself, willing to help him learn English and pass IELTS, and willing to make fun of himself. happy.

There are dozens of genders in the United States, and Lu Mingfei also thought about whether it would be interesting for men to live there.

But when I finally heard it, I realized that he was just subconsciously helping a poor child who fell down in the rainy night.

It's like helping myself.

A bad child will only remember the kindness of others, and then repay others several times or dozens of times.


The brothers are prosperous.

This time it's my turn to cover you.


Old Tang: [Okay, I will come back to you after I go back to China to take care of something. 】

ps: Let’s set the stage.

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