Among the elegant gray buildings, such a building wrapped in iron-black glass curtain wall looks very abrupt. It is like a black iron monument, hinting at the strength of the institution that lives in it.

Familiar Genji Heavy Industries.

Familiar conference room.

Familiar people.

Ritsuka was sitting upright in a way that she was not familiar with anymore, leaning on the tatami under her knees, and lending her thighs as pillows to the dozing Eriko. Next to her sat Yabuki Sakura, looking around.

"Is there anyone else?"

"We are the ones who need to take care of things. Although you seem to have misunderstood something, even the head of the Inuyama family is the last director of the executive bureau. He is in a semi-retired state. Don't think about being able to rely on others." Yuan Zhisheng He poured himself a cup of hot tea and said it in a very sophisticated manner. "On the contrary, as the director of the Executive Bureau after me, not only did you not stay in the country, but you even flew abroad after completing your work in the field. You just didn't care about the honor of the Eight Sheqi Family."

"Do you know? Without you, how serious the decline in morale of the Executive Board would be? Because of the White King's resurgence, Japan has been completely exposed to the world. Countless people have come to test us. Even the Stonestream Research Institute was almost invaded by those foreign hounds. .”

Yuan Zhisheng pointed.

"It's all your fault."

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't be slanderous. It was Boss Yuan who asked me to take on this mission, right?! What you said just now sounds like the executive bureau's improper operation!" The girl held a tea cup and tried to cool it down. , he quickly explained after hearing the slander against himself.

"Really, you listen to me so much?" Yuan Zhisheng repeated a sentence with a cold expression, and curved the corners of his mouth without emotion. "Then why don't you listen to me and stay outside and don't come back?"

"Boss Yuan, how much do you hate me!?!"

Yuan Zhisheng took a light sip of tea.

"Who knows. Maybe I am also thinking about this matter."

"Don't talk about this kind of thing so philosophically. Even I will be sad~" Ritsuka pouted and said twistedly. Before Minamoto had time to say anything, she suddenly felt a few glances.

The eyes of Crow and Yasha watching the show, the sharp glances of Uesugoshi, and the gaze of Eri who had been dozing off with her eyes closed when she opened her eyes, showing no emotion.

".Anyway, let's talk about this mission first."

Under the gazes of Crow and Yasha saying "Ah, I escaped", Genzhi stood up as if nothing had happened and took out the drawing board for combat.

"I don't need to say more, Fujimaru Ritsuka, you should just know that the cause of all this comes from the contract we signed with Principal Angers a year ago."

[The Sheqi Eight Families and Kassel Academy will focus their future work entirely on the removal of the Dragon King]

Angers will do its best to revive the White King in Japan, and similarly, Japan also sends its best executive director to China to perform tasks.

In the end, everyone was happy with the results in Fuzhou City.

But now, a new round of war is about to begin.

"This is a chart of the Sea of ​​Japan. The Lenin's last distress signal was sent from the location I circled, 120 nautical miles away from the Japanese coastline." Yuan Zhisheng made a gesture of sliding the map upward, and this seemed to be As if it was a signal, a light blue curtain rose, a three-dimensional image emerged out of thin air, and fluorescent blue light spots flickered, which actually had a bit of a science fiction feel.

Kaguya's algorithm started running, and on the huge territory, the red light spots were so dazzling.

"Although there are not many routes passing through that sea area, it is indeed a safe sea. There are no reefs, icebergs and turbulence. For an icebreaker of Lenin's tonnage, the possibility of crashing in safe seas is extremely small. It is for conquest. Designed for the most dangerous sea areas in the world, it will not sink even if a torpedo hits it head-on. But such a ship actually crashed in safe waters. This is one of the biggest unsolved cases in the files of the Japanese Coast Guard."

"Of course, we have already come to the conclusion that there is a dragon embryo hidden underneath, and this embryo is just a sacrifice. What we really need to pay attention to is the god who was sacrificed -"

The pure white emperor.

Yuan Zhisheng's words revealed seriousness. Even if these psychopaths usually have a good relationship and can joke around, when the topic of dragons is mentioned, it means that they are talking about the issue of human survival.

No room for relaxation.

"What you have to do is simple, sneak in and kill her."

"The difficulties are as follows."

"First, the pressure on the seabed. The deepest part of the polar abyss we are about to go to is called the Tuscarora Abyss, with a depth of 8,513 meters. It is impossible to dive to this depth with a diving suit, and you can only use a bathyscaphe. And the world The vast majority of manned deep submersibles in the world cannot even reach a depth of 6,000 meters. The pressure in the abyss is hundreds of times that on the ground, which can crush deep submersibles into flat iron sheets."

Indeed, there are six thousand miles under the sea. Although most people have read the novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and were moved by the science fiction scenes, in fact, humans are still far from being able to reach the so-called abyss.

Humans can dive to a depth of up to 20 meters without the help of any professional diving equipment, such as oxygen tanks, diving suits, etc. Humans can dive to about 50 meters.

Only 50 meters.

If this isn’t intuitive enough, let’s use modern technology as an example.

Japan can be considered a technological power for the time being, but even in the 20th century when technology has matured until now, its diving record holder Deep Sea 6500 can only set a deep diving record of 6527 meters.

In the big country next door, according to Fujimaru Ritsuka's memory in his previous life, it only reached the lowest point of 7062 meters around 2012.

Human hands, even now, cannot reach the deepest levels of nature.


"But the deep submersible you will use is different, the Trieste. This is a legendary equipment in the history of diving. In 1960, it reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, with a depth of more than 10,000 meters. Although it set the world record in 1960."

But in the next half century, mankind has never built a comparable manned deep submersible.

Should it be said that it is indeed a technological wonder born in "that era"? Stimulated by a special environment, it was made up of the most cutting-edge talents and the best scientific research materials.

I have to admit that only then was that country qualified to call itself a "lighthouse of human civilization."

Ritsuka whistled with emotion, and Minamoto glanced at her without saying anything, but continued to explain.

"As a prototype, this thing can at least ensure that combat personnel reach the White King."

Ritsuka looked at the information distributed in front of him. It contained all the information analysis obtained by Kaguya by calling the world network database, including technical indicators and her legendary experience.

There are two interesting points here.

The first interesting thing is that this submarine was once owned by the Gattuso family.

Yes, as said before, the rich list is not worthy of including the name of the Gattuso family. For example, the Gattuso family even owns the Apollo lunar module!

The head of the Gattuso family named Pompeii greedily auctioned off these collections as if he wanted to swallow up the pinnacle of human technology. When others bought sports cars, he bought satellites, lunar modules, and submarines.

Although, Caesar also told Fujimaru Ritsuka that he seemed to buy these just to pick up girls.

Fujimaru Ritsuka instinctively felt that there were so many inconsistencies in this, but it was not the time for her to think about it at this time.

The problem is how to use this pick-up tool to "kill" a dragon king.

And speaking of this, we have to mention the second most interesting point in Kaguya’s information——

"This submarine was donated to the school by the head of the Pompeii family, and was housed by the equipment department at the same time. It was recently completed and renovated before being sent over." Yuan Zhisheng turned a page, read out the original text softly, and saw The corners of his eyes twitched slightly when he heard the words "Equipment Department".

"Although the safety performance cannot be guaranteed, at least there should be no problem in 'killing' the White King. In order to kill it before it is resurrected, we need to use alchemical firearms with spiritual elements to crush it. Specifically, It’s a deep water torpedo.”

"Let's make sure it's safe~" Ritsuka complained feebly, but as she glanced at the information, she suddenly discovered that the time when the submarine was sent back to the Sheqi Hachi family was indeed 'recent', that is, about a week ago.

If this is the case, it means that this submarine was most likely checked by Leonardo da Vinci himself.


Then there is no problem.

Wait, is it true?

I always feel like some bad memories are just around the corner!

Fujimaru was a little confused, but if he thought about it carefully, he could just use [Word Spirit Oracle] to reinforce it himself at the worst. The problem wouldn't be that big.

Eight thousand meters under the sea.

Although it is somewhat difficult

But I can't die.

The little hybrid monster, which is completely non-human, has probably read the information and found no difficulty worth getting nervous about.

Gen Zhisheng, who was looking forward to the tense scenes of Fujimaru Ritsuka, was immediately disappointed and couldn't help but sigh.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka is not nervous, but

"Hey! Eight thousand meters under the sea? Huh? Isn't this bad?" Uesugoshi was drinking tea slowly and carefully at the side, but when he heard what he just said, he immediately put down the cup and tried to interrupt tremblingly.

The old man waved his hands, looking like he was embarrassed but still wanted to interrupt.

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at him sideways.

"Dad, shut up, this is Fujimaru Ritsuka's duty."

"What kind of duty! With greater ability comes greater responsibility!" Master Yue was about to retort excitedly upon hearing this, "That kind of thing is just a slogan made up by incompetent people who want others to protect themselves! Only a fool would believe it. That kind of thing!”

Faced with Master Yue's emotions, Yuan Zhisheng just glanced over coldly and said calmly.

"Yeah, it's different from some smart old man who knows how to be a hands-off shopkeeper and hide out to make ramen."


Really injured, Master Yue twisted his waist and sat down, with a look of aggrievedness on his face, as if, no, he was just a middle-aged unemployed and incompetent old father who was scolded by his capable son.

When Ritsuka saw this, she immediately became happy as if she was struck with laughter.

She patted Master Yue on the shoulder and comforted him.

"It's okay~ My little girl, I'm super strong now, I'm simply the strongest, invincible! You don't have to be afraid of any monsters or ghosts~ It's just Bai Wang, you can just drink Yunnan hot tea on the shore and wait for me."

"When I come back, I will make sure that the tea is still warm!"

"Ooooooo, Ritsuka~~~"

Li Xiang patted his chest and reassured, and Master Yue felt a little more comforted.

Master Yue was very pleased after hearing this, and said with emotion that the Chinese people were right.

——My daughter is a caring little cotton-padded jacket. Look at this treacherous son. He mocks me at every turn. It’s really bad.

Master Yue, who was bullied by his son, sought comfort in Miss Fujimaru. His shameful appearance made Yuan Zhisheng want to cover his face.

However, I still have to say this -

"Fujimaru, what are you talking about?"


I knew this person had misunderstood.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed and said.

"You seem to have misunderstood something, but I never said I wanted you to participate in this diving mission from the beginning."

Ritsuka blinked.


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