Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 321 Oh, one more thing (two in one)

The first combat unit: Fingel, Chu Tianjiao, Yuan Zhisheng.

The second combat unit: Eri Yi, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The third combat unit: Kazama Ruri, Hilbert Jean Angers.

Just the eight members as the leaders are enough for people to see the gold content of this combat list.

It can almost be said that except for Chu Zihang Fengel, who is the representative of "high-blooded hybrids who would not regret dying", the rest of the members are out-and-out powerful, even -

If you send out the Dragon King who cannot kill these people, then humans can basically surrender.

There is such an outrageous general offensive plan for mankind.

However, Ritsuka noticed that the names of Lu Mingfei and Zero were not on the list. They were obviously S-class, but they seemed to be excluded from this battle and would not come to Japan.

Considering the similarities between the two, this should be Lu Mingze's handiwork?

So, why?

Is it because this trip to Japan is so dangerous that he is not even willing to let his girl and brother take risks?

That's really

However, this matter actually doesn’t make sense.

Because the reason why Lu Mingfei did not participate in this mission was actually his "own wish".

At the time when the mission invitation was sent, Lu Mingfei happened to take leave.

Although he gave other reasons to the school on the surface, he told Fujimaru Ritsuka in private that he was going to meet a netizen he had known for a long time. He felt that the other person was not feeling well recently, so he went to the school to approve his departure.

Because of this move, he missed this mission.

Although there was no reason, Ritsuka always felt that there was a sense of contradiction in this matter. There was some unknown big hand pushing the pattern of the world and making things evolve into what they are now.

And the forces behind this seemed not to want Lu Mingfei to get involved in this matter.

So, was it really Lu Mingze who did these things?

If the little devil was in front of him, Ritsuka would of course choose to question him directly, but that guy would only stay by his brother's side. If he wanted to find him, he would probably only be able to see him during the so-called "four gifts". .

Then, disregard everything.

Just asking -

What can I do?

the answer is.


【Why? Want to ask me? 】

The war room paused the analysis and everyone took a rest, while Ritsuka himself ran to the balcony to enjoy the breeze, drank the free biscuits and orange juice from the Sheqi Hachi family, and opened the phone to the Kassel Equipment Department.

The man who answered the phone was named Leonardo da Vinci.

Yes, that's right.

The way for girls is to find their parents.

I am really tired of thinking by myself. Although I have always done well, why should I hold on to myself since there are "big names who know that they have so much better brains and richer knowledge than me"? Try hard?

It's one thing to hone yourself, but when it comes to business, you still have to leave the job to the right person.

Specifically, the almighty Leonardo da Vinci!

[Well, how should I put it? If anything, Ritsuka, you should actually have an idea, right? 】

[In the absence of any intelligence, if you just feel that the current situation is strange based on your "intuition", you will not be able to convince yourself no matter how many possibilities are given. 】

Da Vinci on the other end of the phone was a little depressed.

[Although I don’t really want to say this as the result of your first request for help from me, but at this time I can at most use astrology to help you calculate, and in this world where the elements are getting thinner and thinner, my The prophecy may not be restored to the level of life in any case. 】

Moreover, the material cost is also very expensive and difficult to find.

At this time, Da Vinci, who was in the equipment department, was looking through this year's equipment renovations at an extremely fast speed.

The previous equipment department was a free and unorganized place, because geniuses were difficult to manage. Even the director of the equipment department said frankly that he could not convince the entire equipment department from the bottom of his heart.

So everyone just played their own way, and when they saw something they liked, they got into it together. It was more like a university animation research group than a research institute.

But it was different after having Da Vinci.

Angers gave Leonardo da Vinci the authority to manage funds and reject designs. With the power of life and death and the idol filter, Da Vinci began to take a firm position in the equipment department. Those ridiculous explosive gadgets in the past were basically already in use before they were launched. Totally dismissed.

Only the seriously explosive stuff will survive.

Efficiency completely began to soar, and while scientific and technological achievements gradually became clear, Leonardo da Vinci's own workload also increased.

Even so, she still answered Fujimaru Ritsuka's communication request immediately.

[But compared to me, in this situation of "I can't figure out what to do," shouldn't the best person to ask the question be the great Celtic hero? Just ask him to twitch his fingers and the conclusion will come out, right? 】

"Oh~ Da Vinci really understands me~ In fact, I think so too, but Finn's holy relics are not with me. And since just now, I can't contact Mingfei on the phone. It is said that he should still be alive now. Are you in the United States? Can you help me take care of it a little bit?"

Ritsuka said a little hesitantly.

"I didn't expect it to happen like this. He just disappeared at such a critical time and couldn't be contacted. I had an ominous feeling, but now I really can't get away."

[The words of your friend will naturally be included in my care targets. I understand and will reply to you soon. 】

"Okay, then I-"

Just when Ritsuka was about to hang up.

[Uh-oh, by the way, I have one more thing. 】

Da Vinci suddenly said.

[Ritsuka, although it’s quite unreasonable to say this when you are carrying out the White King’s crusade. But - even if there is no news of Norton's recovery yet, even if there is a one percent chance that that guy will change his gender in this life and hide among the crowd, then he must be careful. 】

[He will not let go of the opportunity for King Bai to revive. 】

There was an obvious warning in Da Vinci's voice, and Ritsuka had to deal with it seriously.

"Okay, I understand."

Ritsuka never took the initiative to ask about Norton's situation, because she felt that Da Vinci had his own considerations even if he didn't tell him. But since Norton is the dragon king who can make Da Vinci so cautious, and he is also a dragon "recognized" by Da Vinci——

Of course he won't let down his guard.

[Well, then I wish you - oh no, there is one more thing. 】

Da Vinci kept talking as if he was possessed by a mage who loved dried puffer fish and dried lizards.

[Fujimaru, please be careful not to overuse the Word Spirit Oracle recently. 】

[Although you seem to have no self-awareness, the oracle is a power that transcends human categories. Even among the so-called heroic spirits you know, it is impossible for anyone to possess such power. This has gone beyond the conventional realm of gods, and is an ability that can only be mastered by beings at the level of the gods who created the world and the three pillar gods. 】

[The magic that ordinary people can control is no less than that of the Seven Kingdoms, which is what you call a miracle. If you use it frequently, your spirit will also weaken. 】

".Is it going to be bad?" Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his face without any real feeling.

To be honest, maybe it's because the girl's spiritual attributes are too strong. Basically, neither the so-called indescribable gods, nor the absolute chaos and evil can infect that golden soul, and the life experience of a hero who surpasses all is even more It makes her 'spiritual' status so high that she is unable to enter the predicament of losing all her sanity.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is simply a perfect superman. Because of her perfection, she actually has no real sense of "the exhaustion of spiritual elements".

And for some reason, Da Vinci was silent for a while after hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's question, and then spoke after a few seconds.

【.In short, just listen to me and never overuse your abilities. 】


[Well, then—there’s one more thing. 】

Da Vinci exhaled softly and spoke softly.

[Remember to come back safely. 】

Efficient communication is really comfortable. Both Da Vinci and Ritsuka can clearly feel the familiarity of "cooperating countless times", and leaving matters in the United States to Leonardo, Ritsuka himself will of course have no worries. .

If it doesn't work, let that guy Lu Mingze take the lead.

On my own side——

"You really like to hide on the balcony and be alone, Boss Yuan."

After putting down her phone, Ritsuka immediately put on a grinning face and teased Minamoto, who was also blowing air on the balcony.

"When we had our first banquet, boss, you also ran to the balcony alone. What's the matter? Are you living alone?"

"Stop being so verbose"

With the pokey in his mouth, the man who had quit smoking chewed the end of the chocolate in displeasure and glanced at the girl with a cold gaze. Nine out of ten words in his eyes were "I'm so annoyed."

"Well, well, don't look at me like that~" Ritsuka patted the man on the shoulder and said with a "good brother" look on his face. "Didn't you just say that I am a partner that the boss cares about~"

"Even among her friends, there are some who want to punch her at any time, and some who want to help her block the knife." Yuan Zhisheng seemed nonchalant.

"Hehehe, boss, you don't have to think about blocking the knife for me all the time~" the girl shyly touched her head and said cheerfully.

"You'd better figure out your place for me."

A crack finally appeared in Yuan Zhisheng's calm mask. He knew that he would not win if he continued chatting, and would only turn into a meaningless conversation with Chaos, so he simply started to get down to business.

"Compared with these things, have you understood the content of your battle?"

"Huh? In short, it's all about it~ If you, boss, can't kill the White King directly, I will defeat him."

The girl said it very easily, and even made a shrug. It was completely impossible to tell that he was the main force in the next battle, let alone the guy who was about to inherit the title of the strongest hybrid in the world from Angers. .

She's just a naive, extroverted, wild, shameless female college student who doesn't know the bounds of heaven and earth.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at her and remained silent for a while. Just when Lixiang was about to tease her, "Boss, it's been too long since you saw my nostalgic face." Yuan Zhisheng finally spoke.

"It's not killing, but defeating?"


Ritsuka scratched her face, knowing that she had subconsciously made a mistake just now.

"No I mean ~ah haha~ that's the one"

"It doesn't matter if you don't need to explain." Yuan Zhisheng said with an uninterested expression. "But if you really don't want me to know, your brain can fool you easily and you deliberately act half-hearted. Do you want me to know your attitude on purpose?"

Alas, I was really shocked now.

Li Xiang swallowed his saliva, but he didn't expect that it took one year for everyone to really figure out Yuan Zhisheng's elm-headed mind. He suddenly found a gem in the cracks of the wood, so that it could blossom and bear fruit.

In the past, Ritsuka was reluctant to tell Minamoto about her attitude towards dragons because she was worried about the other party's rejection and the "just partner" part of her heart, so she kept it secret from him.

But now, since it has been seen directly, there is no need to pretend.

However, the attitude is really subtle.

Ritsuka glanced at Yuan Zhisheng with her peripheral vision and thought to herself.

Neither rejecting nor approving, Boss Yuan’s attitude towards this matter was something I didn’t expect.

I thought he would at least show an expression of disgust and incomprehension.

As if he had once again guessed what Fujimaru Ritsuka was thinking, Minamoto asked feebly:

"Is it so incomprehensible?"

"It's so incomprehensible. I almost thought a time traveler had entered your body, Boss Yuan."

"What it is."

"Moreover - not only your attitude towards this matter, boss, but also what you said yourself is very inconsistent."

Ritsuka interrupted the conversation and sounded a little more serious.

The words she was referring to were the previous discussions.

The members of the first combat unit, the Jiyuan Operation, are "high-level hybrids who would not regret their death."

Yuan Zhisheng himself was also placed in this combat unit.

"What's the contradiction? I've always felt that I belong to this class - after I met you."

"No, no, no, that's what's weird." Ritsuka waved his hands left and right with a "What are you talking about" expression on his face.

If it is not a pity even for the emperor-level hybrid to die, then this world is really deformed and terrifying. No matter how hard you persecute the boss Minamoto, you can't deny that Minamoto's child alone can compare to the entire card of Ritsuka who did not enter school. Searle College students add up to value.

The difference in bloodline is so obvious.


"I'm not kidding, that's what I've always thought."

"In the beginning, I just thought that Zongnu and you were the hope of this world."

"But now, I think you and Eriki are the hope of this world."

“It takes courage to recognize yourself, but it basically just takes courage.”

"I don't understand the things you're thinking about, and I don't want to understand them, but as long as I think that's what you're thinking about, I don't know why, and I subconsciously feel that it probably makes sense."

"Do you still remember the dreams that you, Sakura, and I talked about?"

Minamoto's voice was indifferent, but Ritsuka listened carefully.

No matter how noisy he is, when he looks at his past, Ritsuka will never deny his gratitude to Minamoto.

If the person who interviewed him was not Minamoto, maybe Ritsuka wouldn't have been promoted so quickly.

If Yuan Zhisheng was not a gentle and generous person at heart, then he might not have the chance to participate in the Tokyo Tower operation.

And even when the other party was still the director of the Executive Bureau, the man helped the girl stop many external temptations.

Moreover, at the time of Tokyo Tower, if Minamoto had not rushed into Tokyo Tower with the determination to die to influence the battle situation, and if he had not had trust in himself at that time, he probably would not have been able to reach the happy end.

Objectively speaking, Minamoto is indeed a noble person of Fujimaru Ritsuka and a trusted partner since the Executive Directorate.

What the man said at this time was probably a true heart-to-heart.

"I like to travel, but I rarely have the opportunity to travel. I would most like to go to France, where there is a famous nudist beach. I want to find a job selling sunscreen there."

"It is the job of the head of the Yuan family to manage the underworld. As for myself." Yuan Zhisheng hesitated and said, "I want to leave Tokyo and find a warm and comfortable city to live a life of eating and waiting to die."

"Pfft." The girl couldn't help laughing.

Yuan Zhisheng was not annoyed that his memories were interrupted, he just asked seriously.

"why are you laughing?"

"I laugh. Like father, like son."


Yuan Zhisheng did not make a rebuttal and continued with his eyes closed.

"Even if what you said is right, in short, no matter how reluctant I am, I know that I am not the material to be the master of everyone."

"No, no, you are super talented."

"And to be honest, my abilities are not at all comparable to the level of monsters like you and Eriki."

"It's still very powerful, even though Yan Ling is absolutely the most useless Yan Ling in the world."

"You [Japanese expletive] let me finish what I have to say." Yuan Zhisheng twitched his brows and said in an extremely cold voice.

After seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka finally wanted to shut up, the man continued the topic.

"That's why I judged that it would be more reasonable for me to participate in this deep-diving mission. As for those named Fingel and Chu Zihang, they are your friends. Sorry, every Dragon King-level mission is... When it comes to the survival of mankind, I don’t have the luxury to put them in a safe position.”

Fingel and Chu Zihang, the former’s bloodline rating is now difficult to check. After all, the fact that a student from Kassel’s bloodline is difficult to check is strange in itself. There must be something behind it to help him. .

However, Angers said that Fingel was an excellent student, but he was sorry for him.

There is no doubt that Fingel's ability can be recognized by Angers. In fact, it can be seen in the volleyball game that his ability and judgment are not inferior to Caesar's, or even better.

As for Chu Zihang, he is a good man who has received one year of special training from Jörmungandr.

You can't see it in a volleyball match, but in actual combat, it would be difficult for Kassel's students to find their opponents.

However, both of them are not as good as Yuan Zhisheng who can break away from the shackles of the bangzi sound and bear both the "ghost" and "emperor" aspects at the same time, so Yuan Zhisheng needs to take care of them personally.

It is probably unprecedented in the history of Kassel that I have to participate in such a Dragon King-level mission for my first internship.

It is enough to show how urgent time is.

In this world, the survival of mankind has reached a fork in the road that determines life and death.

There was no time for Fujimaru Ritsuka to enjoy the so-called college life.

The reason why she went to Kassel was not only to covet Flamel's personal alchemy foundation, but also to see whether those ungrown seedlings in the future of mankind could stand on the battlefield with full wings.

So, have you found it?

Ritsuka thought of Caesar Gattuso, Fingel and other potential stocks that "have not yet become S-class hybrids", and she still felt a little comfort in her heart.

Yes, not every world will have an evil combination like Group A.

However, there will always be outstanding people who stand up and lead the world forward.

Well, although it sounds a little embarrassing, a little shameful.

But before those children grow up——

"Let me drag this world forward."

Ritsuka gestured to the slightly surprised Minamoto with scissor hands, tilted her head and smiled.

"Don't worry, I will definitely send everyone to a happy ending future."

ps: 1. Why should Fingel participate in this mission?

Answer: Corresponding to a certain plot in the original work, it leads to a very important setting of this work.

2. Will Lu Mingfei have no role?

Answer: Wrong. Lu Mingfei and Caesar will still appear in this volume and play a very important role.

3. This volume will introduce the concept of alchemy in this game. I believe that everyone’s understanding of this thing started from a certain Doudin animation, and I am almost the same.

What just happens is that the original work has a very suitable setting and plot (I will talk about it later)

When I wrote this volume, I was actually very confused because I didn’t know what the purpose of Norton and Odin was in the original work. Could they really be emperors?

Although it is completely possible to treat Norton and Odin as comedians or to deal with them according to the original performance, but I like to add a strong character to the boss.

But in order to create strong characters for Norton and Odin, I tried to treat each dragon king as a Lostbelt King, put them into their perspective, and tried to arrange some motivations that felt good about themselves.

But well, it always feels like it will take a long time to lay the groundwork.

But, I personally think the setting is quite cool, and I hope everyone will like it.


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