Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 327 I, Norton, I am strong and strong (two in one)

"You mean Cassel?"

Lu Mingfei watched in shock as Old Tang said the name of his university, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The emotion that occupied the most was panic. He didn't want Old Tang to have anything to do with his so-called dragon-slaying schools for no reason.

The guys there are all lunatics, they whip out machine guns at every turn, and every one of them is violent. It's a shame they call themselves nobility.

If he hadn't come to this shabby school because of the naive eldest sister and the stubborn Senior Brother Chu, Lu Mingfei would definitely not be happy to come.

No, it’s hard to say. Maybe in a corner of his heart, he longed for a small picture of himself becoming a hero, a superman, saving the world by himself, but this small wish was definitely far inferior to him going to an ordinary place with his eldest sister and senior brother. Four years of school and college are a blast.

Well, having said that, Lu Mingfei couldn't escape after entering this fire pit, but he still hoped to push Old Tang out.

But thinking about it carefully, I had already told Old Tang that I was coming to the United States. I vaguely remembered that I even mentioned the name Kassel.

Wow, damn it, I'm such a loser, why do I tell others everything?

But fortunately, Lu Mingfei was quick to think out of the blue. After admitting that his school was Kassel, he took the opportunity to brag about his campus life to Old Tang.

He didn't mention a word about dragon slaying. He only talked to Old Tang about the Kassel Arm Wrestling Competition and some campus beauty pageants.

Old Tang didn't seem to have any reaction, so he listened quietly, adding a few words from time to time, and asking Lu Mingfei to elaborate on the campus beauty pageant.

Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Old Tang didn't really seem to know anything about Cassel and didn't want to inquire further.

After relaxing, the urge to urinate came up. Lu Mingfei said hello and said he was going to the toilet.


"Sir, can this plate be taken away?"


After Lu Mingfei left, only Old Tang was left sitting at the dining table. He sent the waiter away with a cheerful smile, and then slowly raised his hand.

He pinched his face.

The honest and silly smile gradually faded away and became extremely cold. Old Tang gently breathed out from his nose, leaned back on the chair.

I'm so tired of pretending.

Have you always been like this in front of Lu Mingfei before? You are so stupid.

Old Tang, no, it should be said now

The pinnacle of great alchemy, the beloved son of the Black Emperor, the noble and supreme person who reached the throne of God through the art of "art".

Lord of Bronze and Fire.



Months have passed since Norton emerged from his amnesia.

It only took Norton a short time to go from being a toddler in Handan to now being able to perfectly fit his former image.

During this time, he made a lot of preparations.

Investigate, collect evidence, and regain your former glory and glorious loyalty.

The structure of the world has changed so much that even the Dragon King was amazed.

Under the unprecedented prosperity of mankind are weak roots. The Dragon King has never been in a period of weakness, but it has also ushered in an unprecedented collective recovery of the Dragon King, and the emperor of the roots has gradually awakened.

If he doesn't do something quickly, he will probably just head towards the future he has "seen" countless times.

It's just that in this chaotic era, even he can't move forward, not to mention he has lost his memory for such a long time.

Tsk, if my brothers and sisters had also woken up, they would have already established a greater advantage than themselves.

Especially Jormungandr, that woman must have

Forget it, she's not important.

In short, after a lot of effort, Norton finally felt like he was on the chessboard.

All that's left is to compare hands.

A certain orange figure appeared in Norton's mind involuntarily.

After coming to this world, of course he tried every means to collect information about hybrids of this era.

Alchemy is also required.

It would be better to directly visit the mixed-race organization of this era.

He saw it.

He's seen it.

Leonardo da Vinci, in this life, is he that human being? Is that what you said, a soul as bright as yours?

No one in the restaurant could see Old Tang's downcast expression at this moment.

The scenery was reflected in his eyes as hot as lava, the red mist-like wind tore apart the overwhelming fire, and the great blood fell from the sky, blooming into red and turbid rivers on the ground.

Fujimaru Ritsuka

If you want my wish to come true.

She's so in the way.

Even if you just look at it from a distance, you know that it is a monster wearing human skin.

I don’t need that kind of existence in my future. Sorry, Leonardo da Vinci——

I'll get rid of her.

Suppressing some emotions in his heart, Norton made a decision.

(But then again, the elemental fluctuations I felt just now were probably someone's detection of Lu Mingfei.)

(Interesting, can the alchemists in this world still be able to use it to this extent, Flamel? Or... my old friend has woken up)

Norton's judgment seems to be without reason, but when it comes to this, we have to mention the concepts of alchemy and word spirit, two things with the same origin.

When it comes to understanding these two concepts, no one, Long, can surpass Norton.

As the King of Bronze and Fire who has the supreme power, Norton can almost be said to have drawn a line with the other Dragon Kings.

So, we must first start with the nature of the world.

This world is made of "elements".

On this planet, the elements are equivalent to the infinite minimization of the periodic table of elements seen by humans.

The proof is simple - because all matter only requires five elements to be generated, and no one can get a smaller management concept than elements, so natural elements are the smallest units of the world.

However, just as quarks are invisible to humans, the elements themselves are invisible to the human eye.

This is the first difference between dragons and humans.

For conventional second-generation species and first-generation species, you can directly observe the "inside" of the entire world with your eyes, which is a world full of elements.

There, the Dragon King can observe the spiritual elements of other creatures and can also see the flow of elements in the air.

However, it is limited to "seeing".

So, why can dragons use speech spirits and alchemy?

The person who raised this question was none other than Norton. As a heretic among the dragons, he was different from his simple-brained peers. The Dragon King who often lived in a cave with his twin would start thinking about these issues when he had nothing to do.

Now that we know the nature of the elements, what about the nature of the spirit?

Norton developed a hypothesis.

For the Dragon King, the spirit of speech is language, and the same goes for alchemy.

But unlike humans, the Dragon King does not need to learn this language from birth. This is a language that is more profound than the mother tongue and is more engraved in the soul.

When the Dragon King drives elements through instinct, he is essentially performing calculations in his own "brain", or more accurately, in his own [soul], creating a matrix model, and then operating this algorithm in reality.

If it must be summed up in words, it should be called.

【Personal Reality】

In other words, the Dragon King can have a large-scale impact on the real world by forming certain rules of the elements through instinct.

The hybrid is essentially an infinitely degraded version of the Dragon King.

If the Dragon King is the male protagonist in the first episode of the Korean drama, then the mixed race is the male protagonist in the finale. He has been hit by cars at least five or six times and has almost lost his memory.

Again, the three elements of living things.




Generally speaking, humans are far weaker than dragons in these three elements. Except for a very small number of people, they can transform through their own experiences, allowing their [spirituality] to surpass the dragons.

Then, the weak body and fragile soul are naturally unable to carry the [soul] needed to "operate the elements".

But there are also some people who directly rely on the [physical] brain to assist the [soul]. Instead of relying on "instinct", they rely on "rationality" to create algorithms, imitate dragons, and use the so-called alchemy.

Therefore, the alchemy masters in history are basically geniuses, and they are super geniuses in various fields - and they are basically scientists.

A hybrid with a weak brain is not even qualified to use alchemy.

The reason why we can use alchemy without using Yanling is because Yanling is essentially alchemy with extremely complex algorithms. If alchemy is two-digit multiplication, then Yanling is Fourier series expansion. are not at the same level at all.

But this also means -

Theoretically, as long as there is a person with a sufficiently developed brain and a powerful enough soul, she can use all word spirits and create any alchemy.

That is -

【Omniscient and omnipotent】

And the one who was closest to this level, besides the two emperors, was Norton.

For Norton, after directly "seeing" the vibration of elements in the space, he was basically sure that someone was using this method to locate people in wide areas, and the only people who would use this method to find people were alchemists who could do it. When it comes to this kind of thinking and operation, the choices are even narrower.

However, Norton was not worried about being discovered at all.

Even if the other party is aware of his presence, Norton has already prepared multiple layers of defenses.

On the first level, I was just a low-blooded hybrid at this time, and apart from deliberately taking Lu Mingfei on these unmonitored routes, I didn't do anything strange.

Even if he is discovered, he can still pretend to be stupid.

On the second level, even if it is discovered that there is something wrong with you, the other party will not be able to guess your true identity.

Because Norton, or Ronald Down's resume in the first half of his life was completely open and transparent, and there was no doubt about it except for his birth information.


Because I have lost my memory.

The so-called memory is the experience of life, and this is actually the concept corresponding to [spirit]. For the Dragon King, for beings with extremely noble life levels like them, amnesia is almost impossible.

As long as Norton thinks about it, he has ten thousand ways to perfectly preserve his memory.


(I didn’t expect that the plan to deliberately make myself lose my memory was quite effective.)

Yes, on purpose.

Norton suffered amnesia on purpose.

[Only ignorant people can perform the purity of idiots]

Although it is possible to wake up early and prepare for alchemy, it is just a human idea.

First, in so many previous reincarnations, as long as Norton is resurrected in his own right, he will be immediately surrounded and suppressed by Odin. Not to mention whether he has time to develop his power, even surviving is a problem.

In the past, Odin just didn't show up, urging the hybrids to kill him and give himself time to form a cocoon.

However, if the black emperor is about to wake up, it is hard to say whether Odin will leave him a way to survive. This era has reached the stage where both sides will compete with each other. This time Odin will probably make a real move on himself. murderous intention.

It's okay to die, but the worst case scenario is to be controlled by the other party.

The mask that Odin always wears, the mask that controls countless puppets, can completely cover the consciousness of the being defeated by Odin.

Even dragon king level beings will be completely controlled.

What? Why does Norton know?

Bullshit, he did.

Basically, all the top alchemy tools on the entire planet are products made by Norton himself.

A shield that can defend against any attack in the world, a spear that can penetrate all shields, a castle that can float in the sky, a gun that can reverse cause and effect, a clock that can slow down time, a carriage that can walk in the sky

Norton is not on the same level as other Dragon Kings - this sentence is not nonsense.

If it weren't for the fact that he was plotted to death by Odin after a defeat, Norton would never admit that he was in such a mess.

Therefore, among all the dragon kings, Norton hates Odin more than anyone else.

The topic before speaking, the reason why I had to lose my memory was to deceive Odin.

[Spirit] is the experience of life, and as long as amnesia is lost, it means that [Spirit] will become no different from ordinary people. It is not difficult for Norton to make himself a hybrid alchemy doll that is different from the Dragon King.

No one could tell he was Norton.

Finally, after thousands of years, he broke through Odin's blockade for the first time and successfully blended into human society. He finally awakened his memory and gained time to develop.

There are risks. Amnesia means that Norton himself cannot control what he has done in the past few decades. He cannot even fully predict what he will do as a "human".

But of course death is not inevitable. Norton has left a lot of backup options for himself. If he is destined to die, Norton's consciousness will naturally be awakened. He also secretly stuffed the alchemy items that can be activated permanently in his cocoon to increase his luck. .

Everything was as Norton expected.

Escaped Odin's pursuit.

Escaped from the prey of hybrids.

To say that something is beyond my imagination.

That is, when I was a human, I made so-called "friends".

If it were Norton, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing. He is cruel and cold by nature, and is evaluated by the world as the Dragon King "closest to the Black King".

Of course, he would not allow himself to seek help from his so-called friends.

But as Ronald Tang, he made one or two friends without authorization, and also owed favors.

It even affected part of Norton's soul.

Like I said before——

——Although dragons live a long life, they actually spend most of their time in cocoons, and they have no interaction with other members of their own race or humans at all.

For such dragons, the unprecedented "intimate relationship with humans" is a huge impact.

Speaking of which, it seems that Jormungandr also warned me about this kind of thing.

Is it because of this feeling that she likes to hang out with humans so much?


It doesn't matter, that woman is fine no matter what she is. What's important is that I, Norton, will never have useless pity or even love for human beings.

And the reason why Bai Wang chose to allocate part of his energy to come to the United States to meet Lu Mingfei at such a critical time for his recovery——

(It seems that the other party has already noticed the violation, so there is no need to deliberately prevent Lu Mingfei from receiving text messages and phone calls, or to avoid the camera range.)

(I’m probably being targeted, but——it doesn’t matter.)

(I just need to make sure that Lu Mingfei doesn’t expose me. The rest doesn’t matter. I will leave here after repaying the favor.)

That's right, Old Tang didn't come to the meeting for some twisted and disgusting reason like "worrying about the other party being too worried about himself"!

This is all to repay a favor.

Me, Norton.

Never owe a favor.

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