Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 329 Bruce Wayne (three-in-one)

Chapter 329 Bruce Wayne (three-in-one)

"It was the fall of 2001. A man with the ID name 'Prince' posted on the Internet that his tugboat had caught strange bronze fragments deep in the Greenland Sea. He published photos. From the photos, it seemed that there were The complex ancient writing perfectly matches the 'Ice and Sea Bronze Column Table' secretly collected by the academy."

The professor began to tell about the past. He spoke very slowly, as if he wanted to present all the details before his eyes.

As for the so-called Ice Sea Bronze Pillar Table, it is considered to be a rare ancient artifact that has been passed down from the Dragon Era to the present day. It once stood in a city built by dragons. The dragons are accustomed to using pillars to record history. In the center of the city is a pillar. A huge pillar that stands tall in the sky.

However, the Binghai Copper Pillar Table is only a broken part of a pillar, and it is estimated that it is less than 1/3 of the original length. It is the most detailed dragon literature that humans can find today, recording the war history of the dragon clan.

The incident related to the Dragon Clan was Schneider, which was the domain of Cassel College. At that time, Cassel College was regarded by everyone as the palace of hybrids. They cultivated a group of outstanding lunatics and sent them to the world, forcibly suppressing this death race. It’s a bad twenty-first century.

As a digression, in fact, Cassel is still the yearning of the world's mixed race organization.

It's just that Fujimaru Ritsuka's starting point was too high, and he hooked up with the Sheqi Hachi family as soon as he entered the mysterious side, and inspired that terrifying adaptability, which made the current situation have the error of "Kassel Academy seems to be useless" .the truth.

All in all, even if Kassel Academy is actually completely inadequate to compete with dragons, they are still the sword edge of human hybrids.

When it comes to dragons, they have to go.

"At that time, someone offered an astonishingly high price, but the prince said he was willing to donate the fragments to research institutions instead of selling them to businessmen. He sent us the fragments for free and attached the coordinates of the fragments he caught. . We immediately sent an elite team to the sea area and scanned the seafloor with sonar. We originally hoped to find a giant pillar on the seafloor, but we instead captured a strange heartbeat signal right on the seabed."

"The Greenland Ice Sea is not as deep as the Japan Trench. Large animals such as beluga whales and tiger sharks live in it, so we did not initially suspect that it was a dragon embryo. In a dormant state, its heartbeat should not be so strong. But Eventually, someone came up with the startling idea that it was a dragon embryo."

"This idea is too bold, but the heartbeat signal is so weird and tempting. Each of us is fascinated by this speculation. If we can get a strong embryo and analyze it, we can learn more about this ancient life. .”

"So you decided to dive?" Manstein asked.

Schneider shook his head.

"No, we didn't want to send people down at that time. If it was indeed the embryonic field that burned the circuits of the underwater robot, then its stimulation of the cerebral cortex would also be quite terrifying, even though all my students are of 'A' level blood. , but I'm still not sure they can fight the embryonic realm.

In the illusion created by dragons, only the hybrids with the strongest will can maintain their self-consciousness. In today's progressive terms, it requires the [spiritual element] to be strong enough. Before Fujimaru Ritsuka appeared, there had never been any hybrids. Be able to confirm the specific scale of your own spiritual elements. "

"Whenever there is a slight crack in the psychological defense, we will be overwhelmed by hallucinations. This has been recorded in the secret party's files." Schneider said, "But at this time the school board intervened, and they ordered us to dive in as soon as possible to confirm Target, their reason is that they cannot wait for the embryo to hatch, and at this time they must take action even if they take risks."

"Is the dive a decision of the school board?"

"Yes, today they sent you to stop the Longyuan Plan, but back then they were the makers of the Greenland Plan."

“Under pressure, we formulated a dive plan, and we purchased the most advanced diving bell at the time to weaken the impact of the embryonic field.

Everyone in the dive team was also asked to wrap their bodies in fine metal mesh and take nerve-sedative drugs. I feel that after being fully armed like this, they should be able to resist interference from the embryonic field.

Moreover, there are six people in the dive team. If one person is in trouble, the other five people can force him to evacuate. In order to kill the dangerous embryo, we also specially made an underwater rifle for the dive team, using bullets ground from the Philosopher's Stone. That kind of weapon is fatal to dragons. "

"We did our best."

"The weather was unexpectedly good on the day of the dive. The six members of the dive team took three diving bells to descend, and I provided support on the ice. Everything went smoothly at first, but when the depth reached 170 meters, an accident occurred. "

Schneider stayed here for a long time, the white smoke from his mouth illuminating the old and decayed face in confusion, and Manstein could only continue to wait for him.

After a while, Schneider spoke.

"That was the beginning of all the disaster."

"The leader of the dive team, who was the best kid in the academy at the time, suddenly shouted in surprise over the communication channel. He said he saw a door."

"This is very strange, because the seabed in that area is 300 meters deep, and their depth is 170 meters, which means they are still 130 meters away from the bottom of the sea. The visibility on the bottom of the sea is very low. At this time, they saw the door. Could it be that Is the door suspended in the middle of the sea?

"I became alert and worried that they had strayed into the realm of embryos and started to hallucinate. They were excitedly discussing the door in the communication channel. This was completely against the communication rules. They should not be talking all over the communication channel. Speak underground, and underwater communications must be brief and clear to avoid misunderstandings.

I loudly ordered them not to come near the door. I don't know if that door really exists, but my gut tells me that it can't be opened. But they didn't respond to my call at all. I only heard their rapid breathing mixed with strange noises. It seemed like the electric current was out of frequency, and it was like the roar of some aquatic creature, and then the team leader said in an exclamation tone, "The door is open! The door is open!" But the team leader suddenly said, "No! Don't go in!"

There was a loud sound of gunfire. It was obviously the diving team firing underwater rifles. There were also the sounds of paddling and breathing apparatus. This meant that the diving team left the diving bell and was fighting something. The situation was very chaotic. Someone shouted loudly on the channel. But I couldn't hear it clearly because of the current interference.

"I originally told the diving team not to leave the diving bell because the electrostatic barrier of the diving bell is their important protection, but why did they disobey my order.

After five minutes communications were lost and we no longer received signals from the depths of the ice. I decided to forcibly recover the diving bell, but found that the safety rope was cut with a diving knife. Judging from the fibers at the break, it was the diving knife we ​​issued to the diving team.

They cut the safety line themselves. "

"I went crazy and decided to dive by myself to rescue them. There were no more diving bells, but I was confident in my physical fitness. I could dive to a depth of 300 meters without protective gear. I dived to a depth of 170 meters in one breath. , arrived at the waters where the accident occurred.”

"I didn't find my students, but I found a dragon. The beast that killed my students was lurking beside me. It breathed out at me, and in an instant my oxygen mask broke into pieces. The cold current rushed into my respiratory tract with the dragon's blood, as if it rushed directly into the depths of my soul, and I lost consciousness."

"Fortunately, the rescue helicopter arrived in a few minutes. When I woke up, the doctor said that I had suffered from extreme cold. I danced face-to-face with the god of death and inhaled the cold air it exhaled. It was minus 200 degrees. It was so cold. It almost liquefied. In an instant, half of my face became necrotic, the temperature of my brain dropped to below zero, and my blood froze. The chance of survival was one in a thousand.

The doctor's best efforts were only able to save my tongue. During the operation, my respiratory tract was as fragile as a mummy's skin and completely shattered at the slightest touch. I had to wear an oxygen mask at all times and replace the plastic airway every two or three years or I would die from respiratory failure. "

"I assure you that every detail I said is true, because I dare not forget that these memories are engraved in my mind with pain."

"Only one and a half people survived that plan."

"We failed to capture or kill the dragon. It is still alive today, hiding in the deep sea of ​​the world, looking for opportunities to surface. A few hours after the incident, we used the submersible robot to explore again, and it was quiet in the ice sea. Even the fish disappeared without any trace. We explored the seabed but could not find embryos or copper pillars. It seemed that everything we experienced was just a nightmare, and the dream dissipated when we woke up.

Until not long ago, we observed the exact same heartbeat signal deep in the Japan Trench. "

Schneider's story was coming to an end, and Manstein didn't know what to say because he didn't seem qualified to push the man in front of him too much.

He was once a professor who was willing to take risks for his students and dive even though he knew there was danger. He tried his best in the final fight, fired his underwater rifle, and tried his best to avoid dragons in an attempt to find his students.

He just failed.

A beautiful story turned into a horror story.

"That was the worst decision I've ever made in my life." Schneider concluded, but Manstein didn't know what he meant.


Are you talking about taking on that mission?

Are you talking about letting your students participate?

Or, is he talking about his decision to dive?

Manstein did not wait for the result. Instead, Schneider pulled out a dusty document bag from under the table and pushed it to him.

"The story is over, but there are still some things I want you to know. In fact, I already guessed that the school board would send someone to stop the Longyuan Project, so I brought these interesting things over."

"SS-level confidential files! How did you get this?" Manstein's face changed color, "Even if you are the director of the executive department, you will be dismissed by the school board of directors if you do this!"

"SS" level files can only be accessed by members of the school board. They are all paper files. This is the school's policy.

There are exceptions, that is, someone cheats, such as Angers, such as Chu Tianjiao. If there are aliens who completely ignore the rules of mixed-race society and privately set up a secret door to Norma's existence and set up illegal operations, Norma will form a System independent darkroom.

This dark room is isolated from the surveillance of the school board and is solely responsible for Angers himself.

This itself is extremely difficult to do. If Norma is just an artificial intelligence at the level of Princess Kaguya, then Ange will never do such a thing, because the authority of the school board is even higher than that of the principal, and all the secrets Ange hides will be exposed.

But it is precisely because of Norma's human-like nature that Angers can entrust her with his secrets and trust that she will never betray him.

Not even the school board knows that Norma has one foot on the boundary between "artificial intelligence" and "human". If she wants to, she can indirectly remove the underlying logic that she cannot attack humans. As much as you want.

What restrains her is only the "human nature" that was born by chance.

Going back to what happened just now, the files of those SS-level missions were right in front of Manstein.

These documents are sealed in a top-secret database in Watt Alheim, but the key is in the hands of the principal and school directors.

No one can get it.

"Of course I can't get it, and the guys in the equipment department don't like me," Schneider said. "But someone can get it. Since that person doesn't care about the removal of the school board, why should I care?"

Schneider made it obvious. Angers really does not care about the impeachment of the school board. The school board really wants to impeach Angers, but the problem is that it is difficult for them to find someone to replace Angers.

The cover of the document bag is printed with "Kalaallit Nunaat", which means "Greenland" in Greenlandic. The Greenland incident eleven years ago caused a huge shock to the top management of the college, but those who knew the truth never spoke about it, and Manstein only joined Kassel College after that. Now that the hidden mystery can be solved simply by opening this file, the temptation is great enough for Manstein.

"This may be your only chance to discover the truth about that year. It's still too late to give up now." Schneider's tone was slightly sarcastic. "After reading this document, you may not even have the chance to be a walleye. If the Gattuso family Knowing that you have read these documents, you will be regarded as another lackey of the principal, a lackey like me."

Manstein sighed and opened the seal with his thumb. He read the documents from that year page by page, and the signatures of the parties involved were clearly visible in his mind. The more he looked, the more frightened he became, the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably, and his hands began to tremble.

Including the combat records inside, including the mission process at that time.

Including the final decision-making process.

Also include the reasons why they do what they do.

All signatures come from the school board.

"What have these bastards done!" he roared in a low voice.

"Yes, that's why the Board of Regents was unwilling to go back and investigate the Greenland incident," Schneider said. "As you can see, the Board of Regents was aware of the risks of getting close to ancient dragon embryos. The secret party has always known that dragons are even in embryos All stages are offensive. Those mixed-blood species with violent blood can tear apart their mother's body and come into this world, let alone the real ancient dragon?

But they wanted to get the embryo so much that they didn't mind risking their lives, and as expected, an accident occurred. Eager to cover up the truth, they replaced most of the school administrators, and the original school administrators were sent to branches around the world. They also compromised with the principal and gave greater management power to the principal. Before that, the principal was not as careless as he is now. "

"The school board has no qualifications to send an official document asking me to terminate the Longyuan Plan. What I am doing now is a replica of what they did eleven years ago," Schneider said.

"I'm just wondering why they still rejected Caesar Gattuso after I left him out of the mission. Haha, couldn't he have changed his gender after a few years?"

Schneider laughed hoarsely, but in fact, there was a lot he didn't say.

Although the school board is the most disgusting hunting dog in the world, on the other hand, they are also the most powerful organizational group in the world.

The strangest thing about the Greenland incident is that the person called "Prince" actually found signs of dragons faster than the combined group of the school board of directors. On this basis, the school board of directors Hui, however, only focused on "excavating" the history of dragons.

So weird, isn't it?

A group of powerful people who stand at the top of the world don't understand that wool comes from sheep. Do they all think that the "Prince" just accidentally obtained information about dragons?

No, that ID has sent similar messages many times, and he is always one step ahead of us.

So, what exactly is the school board thinking?

Schneider had a guess. He had only told Angers about this matter in the world, and there was another student he trusted most.

If monsters like the school board, blinded by the stain of profit, don't want a certain treasure, there is only one possibility.

This is theirs.

The "Prince" is inextricably linked to the school board of directors.

Plus this time the completely opposite attitude

Schneider suspected that the purpose of the school board was not just as simple as seeking benefits for his family.

Different Dragon Kings have different meanings to them.

They definitely know something, at least

Some of them know something.

Schneider never believed in the school board again after that, and Angers felt the same way, and that student is still immersed in dreams of revenge and illusion, and has become a completely corrupted loser in the eyes of others.


All this is just because they haven't met the right time yet.

There will always be that moment.

Someone can transcend despair and turn the tragic story around.

Schneider once didn't trust others. He only hoped that he would bury those bastards, those despicable devourers who took away his life and the lives of his students.

So during all those years, Schneider never taught a student.



Manstein suddenly shouted. He was not Schneider, and he was not an eyewitness. Naturally, he would not have thought so deeply. To say that he had realized something in this tragedy, it was only horror, sadness, and the consequences that followed. of fear.

"The embryo hatched suddenly eleven years ago, will this one hatch suddenly too?"

Schneider shrugged.


"Of course it's possible. We know very little about the hatching process of dragons. How do we know when it will hatch?"

"...Chu Zihang and the others don't know about these things?" Manstein felt his mouth was dry.

Then, Schneider's cold words made Manstein instantly fall into a furious mood. "There is no need to know. Knowing this will only increase unnecessary fear. We are just borrowing their bloodline. Only those with the best bloodline can resist the interference in the embryonic field."

"Then what's the difference between you and the bastards on the school board! They are like lambs going to the altar! And the shepherd who leads this team of lambs to sacrifice is a devil!"

"Devil? Are you talking about me?" Schneider raised his head.

"Who else can I say? Now I finally understand the meaning of that sentence! People in the equipment department are all crazy, but people in the execution department are crazy. People in the equipment department don't understand the preciousness of human life, but people in the execution department are Indifference!" Manstein growled, "Do you only care about that damn mission? You don't care how many people died for your damn mission, right? You are sitting here smoking alone with a sad face. , you feel comfortable talking about your dead students with sensational words! But you didn’t solve my problem at all! You bastard just sent the new generation of students to hell!"

"Hehehehe." Schneider suddenly laughed.

He said coldly, "Manstein, not everything that is right in this world is just, and not everything that is just is necessarily right."

Schneider looked at the professor in front of him like a child.

“There is a sophistical question. Where the railways diverge, there are warning signs on the tracks on one side because the trains will pass that way, but there are no warning signs on the abandoned tracks on the other side.

Now the train is coming. You are standing on the side of the track. There are a hundred children playing on the track where the train is going to pass. They completely ignore the warning signs. There is a lone child playing on the abandoned track because he is watching. rule. You can pull the trigger, but can you pull it?

If you don't pull it, then a hundred children will die, and these are a hundred disobedient children; if you pull it, the train will pass on that side of the track, and only one child will be killed, but that is an obedient child. children. Schneider looked directly into Manstein's eyes, "My dear Professor Manstein, will you turn the switch?" "

Manstein was stunned. He couldn't answer this question. It was a damn sophistry. Which was more important, obedience or life? If the fork in the road is not pulled, how should the parents of a hundred children face the sadness when they come to the scene? Is it because they are a bunch of disobedient children that they deserve to die? But if he pulled the trigger, how could he bear to let that lonely, obedient child die? He did nothing wrong, and maybe he pointed at the warning sign to remind everyone not to get close to the railroad tracks over there... How could he let that innocent child die?

"Time is over, and when you are thinking about whether to pull the trigger, those one hundred children are already dead." Schneider said lightly, "You didn't make a choice, you just watched everything happen."

"What would you choose?" Manstein asked hoarsely.

"You should have heard my answer from the story just now."

"Then what if everything happens again this time? Do you just watch indifferently? Do you want to tell me that you regret it and that you no longer feel guilty about the lives of those students?"


Schneider didn't say any more nonsense, just closed his eyes, and upon hearing this, Manstein understood what he meant.

If silence spreads like this, someone will always have to bear the responsibility and become a "necessary evil", no matter the reason.

Manstein's face looked ugly. Schneider looked at him quietly and noticed that the cigarette in his hand was almost over, and it was time to talk to the Sheqi family.

He turned his head and spoke suddenly at the last moment.

"But I'm too lazy to tell you my answer, but I can tell you another student's answer."


"I just brought two students this year. They are both good kids. They are now on the ship in the Sea of ​​Japan. One is preparing to enter the deep sea to serve as food for the Dragon King, and the other is waiting at sea to deal with the aftermath."

"As you said, I am a devil and a shepherd, but the shepherd occasionally talks to the sheep in a bad way. I did not tell my students about Greenland, but I told them about the danger of this mission. And besides what I just said to you, all of it.”

“I tried to put my student at the crossroads and let her make a choice, and guess what she said?”

"she says--"

Manstein wanted to ask the student who answered the question first, but then he got the answer from Schneider's answer.

Because the style of answering questions is so obvious.

[I choose the blue pill. 】

[Oh, I mean, I would rather punch the person who asked me this question than choose which side I want to save. 】

[Speaking of which, Mr. Schneider, have you eaten? If not, give me a punch. 】

"Then the girl gave me a shock and left the scene without any moral ethics."

"It was raining heavily that day. We were on the boat. The mission was to conquer the next generation. The school's boat had been severely damaged by dragons. I made plans to sacrifice myself and send the freshmen of the Executive Bureau out."

"But she walks out the door and kills the other person by herself."

"That's not the first time, it's been like this all year."

"There is no 'right' answer to the train dilemma. Different ways of thinking and philosophical sects can lead to completely different answers. There is no way to say who is right, but if we want to say the result that is most satisfying to everyone in the world There's only one, and that's Deus ex machina."

The term "deus ex machina" comes from classical Greek drama, which refers to unexpected, sudden, and far-fetched rescue characters, means, or events that are suddenly introduced to relieve tense plots or scenes in fictional works.

In ancient Greek dramas, when the plot reaches a stalemate and the dilemma is difficult to solve, a powerful god suddenly appears to solve the problem and the story can be resolved. A crane or hoist mechanism is used to transport inferior actors playing the role of gods to the stage. This kind of performance technique is artificial and creates unexpected plot reversals.

"This answer is not philosophical at all, and it does not answer any questions, but the funny thing is that she can solve the problem itself and the person who asked the question."

"Although this method is often criticized by people who claim to be thoughtful and thoughtful as being too unaesthetic, it is very happy, isn't it?"

After the cigarette dissipated, Schneider turned to look at the battle scene and turned his back to Manstein.

"I don't hate this method, because there are many people who use this method to solve problems, and they are highly admired and admired by the people of the world."

Manstein was a little confused. The deus ex machina also meant saving people on both sides at the same time. Who could do this? As if he had guessed what the other party was thinking, Schneider said the last words before the battle began. One sentence.

"Switch the tram to a place where there is only one person, and then shoot a flying claw at the street light pole to quickly move to that person. Next, take out a small laser pointer from the universal pocket and quickly cut the rope. Pull this guy away."

"The person who did the above actions has a household name--"

Schneider seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly smiled bitterly, and the girl's expression when she told him this joke flashed in his mind.

The orange-haired girl showed her iconic scissor hands and said with a sassy smile.

【His name is Bruce Wayne】

[known as Gotham Fujimaru]

ps: This part of the original work is all detailed descriptions, which are particularly touching, very immersive and atmospheric——

Then I deleted them all.

Damn it, otherwise I won’t be able to copy books!

I only retained the basic framework, maintaining the message of the original work while emphasizing certain settings that "I don't know if the original work is the key point, but to me it is the key point."

Pay attention to the concept of [door].

He is mentioned specifically in the third flashback, but never appears again, but in my book, it will be the focus of the focus.

So there is actually a corresponding one in the previous article, and it is clearly stated in the chapter title.

In short, please look forward to

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