Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 331 A copy with a sudden increase in difficulty (three-in-one)

The hull submerged smoothly, and people on the water could no longer clearly perceive the situation below, and could only communicate through walkie-talkies and cameras.

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka is waiting with Yabuki Sakura in the monitoring room inside Sumeruza.

Above its head, a huge display screen is playing pictures from the sea, from the sea that people are familiar with to the abyss that ordinary people have never touched.

Black, dark, as if swallowing up any light shadow.

The rumble of the ground comes from the lowest point of this seabed, which is a crack that humans cannot imagine. The surrounding ocean seems to be wrapping the deep submersible itself in endless chains, as if it is dragging it into the source of despair.

It was too majestic and too huge. Human beings were like dust in front of the ocean. After being swept into this pool, even exhausting the science accumulated by mankind for thousands of years may not be able to help the dead find the bones.

What comes back is only the sound of mechanical operation and whistling air, each other's breathing and heartbeats. In daily life, even in an absolutely quiet room, there will be background noise of more than ten decibels, such as a heavy truck passing by in the distance. The sound of the ground shaking and the sound of water running in the air conditioner pipes are difficult for ordinary people to notice.

At this moment, the background noise was reduced to zero. Although the noise of the submersible was loud, the heartbeat and breathing were exceptionally clear.

Dead silence.

No words or pictures can compare to what I actually saw, the dizziness, fear, and deep pressure I felt when I was led into the abyss.

People on the sea could not see any information. Li Xiang asked himself whether he had any problem, but he was also a little worried about whether Chu Zihang and others could withstand this kind of psychological pressure.

However, the intercom still occasionally sounded normal reports.

[The depth has reached 2100 meters, and the Di Trieste is operating normally. 】

[2400 meters, everything is normal. 】


"Boss, why don't you change your line? I'm tired of hearing it."

[Fujimaru Ritsuka, you are looking for trouble, aren't you? In addition to reporting the depth of the report, what else do you expect me to do for you? 】

The lifeless environment and atmosphere were destroyed. Yuan Zhisheng cursed into the microphone, and the people in the command center relaxed and began to breathe normally.

The huge war room made Fujimaru Ritsuka almost hallucinate Chaldea, and the place where the doctor and Leonardo Da Vinci once stood now became the seats for himself and Yabuki Sakura. In front of the girl, there were several rows of technicians sitting in a circle, listening to The director of their executive bureau and the master started bickering and couldn't help laughing.

"No, no, no~ don't be so rigid~ Anyway, I am the director of the Executive Bureau. I hate this kind of serious atmosphere. Anyway, I will be the one to tell the truth about everything. Let's just tell a joke~"

I don't know whether to call him arrogant or optimistic. Only Yuan's childish sigh stood out in the noisy headset.

[Really? As always, I feel that talking to you is more tiring than regular reporting. 】


Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly raised his eyebrows, approached the microphone and spoke seriously.

"When you are tired, you have to eat parfait~"


The voice in the headset was silent for a while and then suddenly said.

[The depth is 3000 meters, and the dive is smooth. 】

"Hey, hey, stop reporting, ask me why I want to eat parfait!"

[Do you think I don’t know what you are planning? 】

"Then Boss Yuan, just say it!"

【don't want. 】

"Then let me tell you!"


After a while, the linear jitter on the screen's coordinate axis turned into a sinusoidal jitter, and the waveform symbolizing the volume of the conversation began to jitter.

【.Why eat parfait. 】

The girl replied cheerfully.

"Because if you eat parfait, it will be perfect!"

Hey (sighs loudly).

Familiar cold jokes came back to his mind, and Minamoto Zhisheng remembered that Fujimaru Ritsuka had this hobby. He held his face in distress, and even through the headset he could hear the sound of the man rubbing his head with his fingers.

Yuan Zhisheng's motivation has dropped significantly. Do you have any clues?

This is clearly a serious dragon-slaying mission, so why does it have to be interspersed with such inappropriate jokes?

He is obviously a capable junior, but his brain is really regrettable. Yuan Zhisheng thought this several times.

If it weren't for the fact that the communication must be kept connected just in case, Yuan Zhisheng would have wanted to cut off the communication between the two parties directly, lest he couldn't help but blow up the walkie-talkie with a punch.

But the two of them had already opened up the conversation. Next, when Fujimaru Ritsuka harassed Minamoto, he would inevitably have to respond. The cabin was finally not completely silent.

Sitting in the cockpit, Fingel was secretly thankful. The combat trio was originally very quiet because of Chu Zihang and Yuan Zhisheng, two half-brothers from across the river, but at this moment the tense atmosphere of the mission was diluted.

Fingel would revert to his good-for-nothing senior look from time to time and start interjecting topics.

One thing I didn't mention was that Fingel and Yuan Zhisheng were actually half acquaintances.

This is very reasonable, because Fingel is a senior in the seventh year of the university, and Yuan Zhisheng has just graduated. Yuan Zhisheng was also there when Fingel went to school, and the two had communicated with each other as early as that time.

Yuan Zhisheng's impression of Fingel was still that of the news president who always made bets on others, while Fingel's impression of Yuan Zhisheng was much richer.

The young master of the eight Seraki families in Japan, a super hybrid who has hidden his bloodline, the recipient of the principal’s afternoon tea, and another boy like himself who hides sadness in his eyes and doesn’t want others to see it.

As mentioned before, Fingal was a survivor of the Greenland incident described by Schneider.

He lost everything, but he also harbored overwhelming anger and desire for revenge.

Hilbert asked Angers to use his own personal experience to tell everyone how efficient people dominated by revenge can be. Fingel did not simply waste his life in the past few years. Under the appearance of that useless dog, he He also has his own plans and intelligence network.

He knew that there was something fishy about Yuan Zhisheng, and originally planned to have contact with him again in the future.

As a result, I saw him again now.

And the sadness in the man's eyes had disappeared.

In the cockpit, Fingel glanced at Yuan Zhisheng vaguely and thought to himself.

Who changed him? There is no need to ask this question.

Not only him, but everyone he knows is embracing the changes one after another.

Fingel didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but if that girl could bring hope, then he also hoped to get good news from her.

If he could fulfill his long-cherished wish, let alone worship Fujimaru Ritsuka, he could even be her dog - Fingel thought shamelessly.

However, although he was thinking about it in his heart, Fingel still moved his mouth for the time being, chatting with Yuan Zhisheng about the two of them when they were in school. While mediating the atmosphere, Fingel was better than anyone else in the battle. Observe your surroundings intently.

When it comes to "experience", especially diving experience, he is more confident than anyone else.

Disgustingly confident.

But what happened next was something the trio never expected.


The success of this mission was almost dreamlike.

From two thousand meters down, the speed remained constant, and there were no accidents until seven thousand meters.

After seven kilometers, the faint light frightened a few people and everyone in the war room, but the final result was so surprising.

It was not an imaginary hell, but a dreamy, shockingly beautiful seabed.

This sea is actually full of life. The color of the water is like the sunset. Thousands of large fish schools are floating in the glow-like water. Some are rising in a spiral arc, while others are like whirlpools plunged into the seabed. , some of these fish are as white as silver, some are almost transparent, and some emit a faint blue fluorescence.

Occasionally, huge manta rays flap their fleshy, feathery fins to penetrate these fish schools. The fish schools open a gap and then return to their original shape. Huge sea turtles swim with the fish schools, waving their wing-like fins awkwardly.

Most of these fish have never been seen before, and even though they are similar to some fish, they are very different. For example, the manta ray has a black and white patterned exoskeleton on its head, which makes it look like a fantasy. The flying dragons in the novel wear helmets; the turtles' backs are not hard but fleshy, like cracked red basalt.

The scene in front of me has a vast and glorious momentum. The dreamy beauty exceeds the limit of imagination, making people mistakenly think that the sunset-colored sea water outside the porthole is the sky before sunset, and schools of fish are swimming in the sky.

Yuan Zhisheng raised his head and saw gray-white clouds passing above the deep submersible.

"This cannot be explained by science, at least not by current science."

The man rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not dreaming.

The cloud suddenly turned around, stirring the sea water with its long tail, leaving a transparent vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters. Its huge body impacted the sea water, making a thunderous sound. It was a giant whale that was over a hundred meters long. The gray-white clouds were the pattern on its belly. There should not be such a big whale in the world.

[This is a brand new ecological environment, an ecology that should not exist eight thousand meters under the sea. The only ones who can explain this phenomenon are dragons. 】

[Disperse the secretions carrying genes to alienate nearby organisms. 】

[The creatures living here are all subspecies, so they can withstand that kind of huge pressure. 】

Good news, we've confirmed there's a dragon down there.

Bad news, this news was confirmed a fucking year ago.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was spinning her pen in the war room, looking at the scene with a calm expression.

As mentioned before, the position where Fujimaru Ritsuka belongs at this moment should have been Dr. Roman's position.

It is Dr. Roman's job to soothe the psychological pressure of combatants while providing safety assistance, and this is what Fujimaru Ritsuka must do at this moment.

Looking at the beautiful scene, Fujimaru Ritsuka's first reaction was to look for the inconsistencies in this beautiful picture.

For example——

What protects the Dragon King.

Judging from Fujimaru Ritsuka's extremely high dragon genetics results, even if the dragon king dies or loses consciousness, as a natural king, they will naturally create one army after another.

Just like these creatures infected by unconscious genetic secretions, mere remains of the dead White King are able to create ecosystems independent of the world.

And if you think about it carefully, is it true that only the secretions of flesh and blood of the dead Dragon King can affect reality?

Spirit, soul, body.

If physical fragments can affect the evolution of living things, what about "spiritual" ones?

The king who claims to be in charge of the spiritual element itself, even if she dies, to what extent will her spirit that has almost access to the world pollute the world?

Even if she didn't have to guess, in Dr. Herzog's memory, there should have been a lot of traps under the sea.

It was just the doctor's guess, based on his rich knowledge of dragons, that there must be a corpse guard under the abyss, a snake-like dead guard with a snake tail and a human body.

Even according to the analysis of mythical creatures in the hybrid world database of the eight Sheqi families, there will still be terrifying killing weapons such as the ghost-toothed dragon viper.

In the worst case, there may be secondary species.

The ability of the next generation is close to that of the Dragon King in the immature stage. Although Fujimaru Ritsuka often uses this to tease Natsumi, in fact, Natsumi's combat power is terrifying enough. As long as she wants to, she can completely modify a country's system by herself. map.

Ritsuka had mapped many subspecies during her mission over the past year, but that didn't mean that the gap between the subspecies and her was so big that she had no chance of touching them. It was just because most dragons were so arrogant that they didn't need any conspiracy.

The moment they saw Fujimaru Ritsuka, they put aside any contempt and used their full strength with rare respect and instinctive enthusiasm. Fujimaru Ritsuka also responded by unfolding his Noble Phantasm.

Full strength vs. full strength, a simple comparison of size, one blow determines the outcome, so it seems that she wins easily.

But in fact, a fully-fledged next-generation species is fully capable of killing an entire armed country.

At a depth of eight thousand meters, even Fujimaru Ritsuka would find it difficult.

However, the only good thing is that because all the dragons of the White King series were slaughtered, according to common sense, at least there will not be a existence like the next generation species guarding the White King's tomb. There is only a possibility of wirelessly approaching zero. A subspecies of dragons whose strength is comparable to that of the next generation.

All in all, Fujimaru Ritsuka is already prepared. Once these things appear, she will rescue the diving trio as quickly as possible.

In the sea, the safety lock cannot escape from the dragon at normal speed, but it doesn't matter, she will do it herself.

With her current ability, after entering the violent blood, even if she learns from Clark Kent, it is completely possible to manually pull a large icebreaker. If she cooperates with the [Word Spirit Oracle], she is sure to guarantee that the three people will be defeated in the hands of those subspecies. The team protected him, which is why Fujimaru Ritsuka agreed to the battle plan.

Under her seemingly relaxed expression, she was highly concentrated. As long as the dive team gave a signal, she would——

[Call the Operations Department, call the Operations Department, emergency situation, we found an ancient building suspected to be built by the Dragon Clan, now send the image over. 】

Saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived, the task force sent the latest information.

The light of the deep submersible illuminated everything in front of them. Directly in front of them was a sloping building that really looked like a torii gate in front of a Japanese shrine. There was a small torii gate in the Xingshen Temple of the Sheqi Hachi Family. This thing is actually a very simple structure, with two pillars supporting beams and beams. Visitors to the shrine have to walk under the torii.

But in the eyes of the priests, the torii gate is actually a symbol of the barrier. Once you walk through the torii gate, you enter the world of gods. Usually torii gates are made of rocks or vermilion wooden pillars, but the surface of that building had a bluish-black shimmer and looked like it was made of metal like the tower.

Even the Senbon Torii, which is said to be the grandest in the Fushimi area of ​​Kyoto, is less than ten meters high, but this torii-like building is nearly fifty meters high, making people feel that those who passed under this building must have been a burly giant. .

This scene is indeed shocking. This level of civilization can only be built by dragons. The two men, Yuan Zhisheng and Chu Zihang, couldn't help but look around and sigh.

Their excellent observation skills and hearing allowed these super-blood hybrids to notice the thousands of black bells hanging on the collapsed ancient buildings.

They had no reason to think that in the era when Takamagahara stood on the earth, when the wind blew up, the whole city would be drowned by the sound of bells.

The heavy and ancient ultra-low-frequency sound shuttles through the ruins with the sea current, like ancient music, imagining the appearance of Takamagahara standing on the earth. Thousands of bells flipped one after another in the wind, and the waves of sound rose and fell one after another in the city, reciprocating like a tidal wave.

The mixed melody is as graceful as poetry, and an unprecedented sense of relaxation sweeps over the brain.

The resonance of the organ, the hymn of the choir

That kind of harmonious rhythm almost makes people lose consciousness completely. Yuan Zhisheng and Chu Zihang, who felt this sense of relaxation for the first time, relaxed their bodies almost instantly.

His breathing began to slow down, and his vision gradually became blurry.

This is not surprising. As mentioned before, King Bai's death does not just leave the physical body. Even the residue of her spirit is one thousandth, one ten thousandth, no, to put it too much, even if it is One ten millionth of a spirit is enough to have an irreversible impact on the world.

And considering that the White King is one of the supreme beings among the Word Spirits [Word Spirit: Dream Tapir], the power that the White King possesses should be better at confusing people's hearts than any other dragon.

If it was the first time, it would be impossible to resist the sinking.

If it's the first time.

【wake up! Don't go any further! A torii is also a kind of door! 】

Fingel's urgent reminder sounded through the channel. The man had been paying close attention to any suspicious details under the sea. Although he was also shocked by the dragon civilization and felt the kind of comfort that seemed to soothe the brain, Fingel still remained for the first time. I noticed something unusual for a moment.

When he felt that kind of relaxation, his first reaction was not sinking, but fear and anger.

Because no one is more afraid of that feeling than him, the sweet dream has long turned into a nightmare. For Fingel, the good things are the past he hates, so he woke up from the hallucination immediately.

Yuan Zhisheng and Chu Zihang's hearts froze in the midst of the roar, but they also came to their senses. They quickly operated the deep submersible to correct the course.

Schneider on the other side of the ocean was the one who was the most frightened after hearing these words. The man who always had a calm expression almost jumped up at that moment, but fortunately his former student took the lead and issued a warning on his behalf.

Only those who have lost something and are afraid of something know how to be in awe at this time.

Schneider breathed a sigh of relief and sat down suddenly. The chair under his butt made a violent movement.


Manstein looked down at him.

(Did this person have a "I don't care about students' life and death" face before?)


At the same time, in the Sumeru Seat, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was the temporary commander, had a calm expression and seemed calm at all times.

But Sakura Yabuki, who was sitting next to her, still noticed that a huge amount of spiritual elements were leaking around the girl. If necessary, she might have rushed out and pulled out the safety lock just now.

Although the eyes of the world are on this stealth mission at this moment, at least those who are capable seem to be doing their best to ensure the safety of the mission personnel.

Fortunately, this time there is a "veteran" like Fingel among the combat members, otherwise things would really become troublesome.

The person involved had no intention of claiming credit, he just breathed a sigh of relief, his burly body calmed down, and he looked at the corner of the deep sea with his light green eyes again.

He saw with his own eyes that the signal from the deep submersible did not repeat the same mistake this time. Instead, it bypassed the torii gate after a slight correction and dived towards the place where King White was supposed to be revived.

Schneider, who was still a little uneasy, once again confirmed the hatching rate of the White King. Norma analyzed the degree of recovery of the White King through the heartbeat and the concentration of various trace signals around it.

At this time, the hatching rate stayed at 20%, bouncing slightly.


Although somewhat unexpected, they did not enter the "door" this time.

The white king will not hatch early either.

Schneider could barely contain his racing heart.

He overcame the shadow in his heart, and this time everything seemed to be going so smoothly, as if God was moved by the bloody experiences he and his student had and gave them a chance to save themselves.

Mission, moving towards the best situation——

【Didi. 】


[Hey, what is that? 】

Just when Schneider closed his eyes to relax, something seemed to move inside the submersible.

Schneider opened his eyes, he quickly stood up, and used his own channel to connect to the combat personnel on the Ditryste.

"What's wrong! Is there an abnormality in the indicators of the deep submersible?"

[No, it’s outside. There is an undetectable shadow area outside. 】

[The bioradar is blocked, but we can observe the existence of living things with the naked eye, similar to the whale we just saw. No, it is much bigger than that! Damn, what is that! 】

[Turn on the searchlight to the maximum, and the submersible turns around and retreats! 】

[No, there is one from behind too! 】

The sound started to get louder. Schneider tried to digest the information, but found that his first reaction was to be stunned and afraid. because.

This was so similar to his student before he finally lost contact.

The combat team began to argue about what they had seen, but the information returned was lagging far behind. Schneider felt as if all the nerves in his brain had been put into the frozen snow, and pain and dizziness came over him.

The door was not entered, and the white king was not hatched.


It seemed like something more terrifying was happening.

The whole brain was silent, but it seemed to be deafening, until

【Yes, yes, dragon! 】

In the channel, Fingel shouted loudly.

He was the first to recognize the presence inside, and the voice was mixed with hatred and disbelief.

[The number of snake-like Deadpools, Ghost-Toothed Dragon Vipers far exceeds the estimate in the mission manual, and there are also huge Corpse Guards that cannot be estimated with the naked eye! It is the product of mutation. It is conservatively estimated that the three generations are not correct, so the next generation will breed! 】

[Not just the subspecies Corpse Guard, but also dragons, and——]

It is an adult second generation species in perfect condition.



ps: Moving ()

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