Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 340 The next generation Zangshang

Chapter 340: The Sorrow of the Next Generation

Blood wetted the sea surface, and the waves were still surging. The fierce wind was blowing and whistling, coming from the end of the sea and raising a war cry toward the other side of the island.

It is mixed with the ashes of steel and the decay of dust.

And, the dying spirit's shaky smell, as thick as rust.

The black continent sinks and floats, just like the towel that passes through the anti-theft net from the balcony on a rainy day, floats to the downstairs of the community, and finally falls into the swimming pool. It is thin, miserable, and tinged with dazzling filth.

But at this moment, the soldiers of the eight Sheqi families on the battlefield in the Sea of ​​Japan, whether they were old men or new recruits, subconsciously held their breath.

Just because that dark black continent is not land in the physical sense, but metaphorically.

That's a dragon.

A dragon whose scales had been stripped off and its wounds torn open, was as miserable as a dog drowned in water.

The battle started about a few minutes ago.

It ended about thirty seconds ago.

The director of the executive bureau, who was either familiar or unfamiliar, was the only combatant who faced the dragon directly, but the battle process from beginning to end could not be understood.

The fiery red and hot elements were "cancelled" at the snap of the girl's fingers, like a light bulb that had lost its power, flickering and then dissipating.

What happened next was just massacre.

The fist wind raised the barrier of the sea, and the blood spurted out was as dim but eye-catching as the fallen and extinguished stars.

Lan kicked out, and a large piece of flesh and blood was dug out of the giant monster that was nearly 100 meters tall when it straightened up. It was a giant monster that could only be synthesized with CG in a Hollywood movie studio.

Compared with steel and alloy, 95% of heavy-duty hot weapons cannot cause damage to the body. Under the absolute violence, it is equivalent to a watermelon chilled under an iron spoon, and the juice squeezed out instantly dyes the sea red.

The members of the Executive Directorate looked at the stunning scene, their legs trembled at a very high frequency, and their voices flowed out weakly and quickly.


Regardless of the comics, the height of Godzilla in the movie is 355 feet, or 108.204 meters.

The height of the next-generation species in front of him is similar to that. Needless to say, it goes without saying that it is a steel monster that cannot even be carried by an aircraft carrier.

But before it even touched the edge, the "ants" in its eyes were knocked away.

The second generation of the King of Bronze and Fire.

Dragon attendant Samson.

Use your word spirit with all your strength and fight in a way that aims to delay as much time as possible.

Crusade time——

Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds.

At the same time, on the other side of this sea area——

The sea surface freezes into rugged glaciers, and the vast expanse of white seems to have been lovingly sketched by God's brush, presenting a chilling and even frightening picture.

In the scroll, something huge was struggling. Its scales were black, barbed bone spurs sprouted from its back, and black metal hooks pierced its body.

The monster is ferocious, ugly, and bloody.

They were killing weapons called ghost-toothed vipers. They gathered in groups and could chew up bronze pillars and eat them. They could secrete highly acidic mucus and use their terrifying teeth to chew metal.

All alloys can be easily chewed, not to mention the maritime combat platform prepared by the eight Sheqi families.

They should have been a huge threat in this mission, but at this moment, even their breathing had stopped.

On the sea illuminated by searchlights, the small boat came with the waves. Eri stood on the bow of the boat, her long dark red hair messy by the sea breeze. The waves on the sea were undulating, but she was very calm. The nearby corpse guard rushed towards the ship. Eriki pulled out the cherry red long knife in her hand and swung it casually, causing the corpse guard to suddenly split from the middle.

That's not some alchemy tool.

This sword doesn't even deserve a name. It's just an ordinary forging. It has no alchemy field, no living spirit, and no anecdotes about heroic spirits.

But maybe Eriyi will give it that honor.

Casual slashing, there is absolutely no swordsmanship involved in it, let alone Angers Futen first-class level, even a half-skilled swordsman like Fujimaru Ritsuka, who has been studying for two and a half years, is better than Eriki. Too much too much.

However, there is absolute will to cut in that childish action.

She was not cutting the corpse guards with a knife, but giving orders to cut these things apart.




Word Spirit·Judgement simply gave such instructions.

But that is completely equivalent to the God of Death, absolute bloodline suppression, absolute violence, and the biological instincts begin to make these Deadpools retreat.

She swung the blood on the long knife in the sea water, rolled up her sleeves, exposed her delicate wrist, and put her hand on the sea.

In an instant, the sea calmed down, and everything calmed down. A huge field was inspired from Eryi, and everything in the field was forcibly suppressed.

Following the girl's quiet movements, the dark clouds in the sky actually collapsed, and the quiet moonlight shone on the sea, with fine ripples. The sea surface was like a silver ingot with fine lines on the surface.

The sea surface temperature is getting lower and lower, and the dancing silver waves gradually solidify.

After that, the ice that swept across the ocean spread in all directions.

That scene made people have to hallucinate the unique skills of a certain naval admiral in a well-known comic book.

In comparison, Eriyi's ability has a more chilling tone.

A judgment as cold as death.

When Fujimaru Ritsuka defeated the next-generation species alone, Eriko was facing thousands of snake-like deadpools, ghost-toothed dragon vipers, and even a large one that was also judged to be the next-generation species by the deep dive team. Corpse guard.

But that behemoth, the King of Corpse Guards, was also frozen in its "throne" at this moment.

The black dragon swung its long tail in the still ice crystals. It lived eight thousand meters under the sea for countless years, and finally broke through the seabed and escaped.

Its golden pupils were like giant candles, and its decayed body was covered with ancient armor. The layers of armor were connected with bronze chains. There were swarms of ghost-toothed dragon vipers swimming in the abdomen with only its ribs left.

Majestic, sacred, but these seem to have no meaning.

With full firepower and the suppression of Eriki, who was not worried about her word spirit going berserk, the entire battlefield was clear in a shorter time than Fujimaru Ritsuka.

That's really fast.

Before people could taste the fear, they were completely shocked by those two people.


How can you lose?

Rather, what else are you playing with?

Those two people are simply the strongest, right?

What difference can Dragon King make? Really?

Can you fight those two monsters?

In the final analysis.

What are we here for?


The man with short black hair kicked open the heavy iron door. He climbed out of the deep submersible and picked up Chu Zihang and Fingel, who had fainted due to the sudden increase in speed and imbalanced air pressure in their brains. Lay flat on the hull deck.

No tender care, just thrown on the ground.

As a grown man, you can't let yourself breathe artificially.

Minamoto was dressed in rough clothes and was pulled up from a depth of eight thousand meters by Fujimaru Ritsuka in that way until he was thrown into the sky. This kind of experience was like the world's first jumping machine. Minamoto didn't want to have a second one. times.

"That's why I said it."

After Minamoto was done looking at the distance, he jumped onto the boat and hooked up with Erika, Fujimaru Ritsuka, and said in a bitter voice.

"The future of mixed-race species ultimately lies with these two guys."


At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka fell from the sky.

She didn't even take a second look at the next generation, she just landed next to Eryi, hugged the girl's delicate body from behind, and asked with a playful smile.

"Erii-chan~Are you tired~" Leaving the girl's face, Ritsuka caressed Erii's chin with her palms in a pretentious manner, rubbing it again and again, as tenderly as she would a short-legged cat with a golden gradient.

Eriyi also had an expressionless face and spoke in a calm tone.

"I'm so tired, Ritsuka, rub it for me."

The eight members of the Sheqi family, who were preparing with great fanfare, were stunned on the spot, as well as the birds and birds scattered in the distance using modern technology or alchemical creations to peek. Different informants around the world, as the two at the center of the stage "Strongest" seems to be more than enough.

This is natural.

Although the mature next-generation species is indeed powerful enough for Fujimaru Ritsuka to deal with it seriously, the prerequisite is that the word spirit can be used normally.

The strengthening effect of the Word Spirit on dragons is too obvious. If Samson really released Junyan or Chi just now, it would certainly be impossible to evaporate the entire sea, but Fujimaru Ritsuka has no doubt that he can If you can evaporate this sea area, you can at least be in a stalemate with the output of Eriyi Trial for a short period of time.

However, [Word Spirit. Oracle] is really too special.

The initial use of summoning the Heroic Spirit has already put the girl at the top of the world, and when she fully masters this Spirit of Heroic Spirit, it is almost equivalent to being crowned a god.

Instead of giving up the word spirit and purely competing with the physical body, Ritsuka seems to have a huge gap in body shape from the dragon.

But in fact, the use of [Word Spirit Oracle] to distort reality completely makes up for this gap.

The condition for distorting reality is the personal reality in Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind, that is, whether the understanding of "distorted reality" is detailed enough to construct a circuit for speaking spirits.

Fujimaru Ritsuka can clearly grasp the structure of the human body, so changing gender is very simple.

Fujimaru Ritsuka can control the spiritual elements, so he can analogize other elements and operate them.

It's just a reality to the extent of "let the body transcend the dragon's body".

【Super.Enhanced Magic】

All he had to do was try to synchronize the physical specifications of the fantasy species, giant species, and even the God of Creation that he had seen on his travels in the past.

Except for the person involved himself, no one knows the various abilities of those enemies better than Fujimaru Ritsuka, who has fought against them and even almost died in their hands.

The same goes for heroic spirits.

For a short period of time, Ritsuka was able to increase his physical abilities to almost full EX levels, making him a walking world-destroying machine, a dragon meat grinder, and a Chaldean bench fitter.

Erashi's [Word Spirit: Judgment] is, in a sense, a combat-specialized super Word Spirit.

In the field of war, it even surpasses the [Word Spirit Oracle].

The main reason is that the power is too high.

Just like just now, just a simple wave of the hand can kill thousands of Deadpools, and the "tired" Eriri said is even just the tiredness of raising her arms and a little mental exhaustion.

If it weren't for the fact that Eri Yi's physical and spiritual qualities were just that of an ordinary royal-level hybrid, not even as good as her brother, then the end of the dragon clan would really have come.

But even so, there is no doubt that the two people on the dragon battlefield are out-and-out exceptional.

The king of mankind.

If he is not a Dragon King-level opponent, he will not even be qualified to fight.

As for how far it can go against a Dragon King-level opponent.

That depends on the situation.

But at least, at this moment——

"How about it? Can you observe what's going on under the sea?"

Yuan Zhisheng ignored the two weirdos who were laughing and laughing in the distance and looked extremely relaxed. Instead, he turned around and started studying with the consultant from the technical department. Across the channel, the head of the Miyamoto family has also gone into battle in person, confirming the data in the combat command room.

【yes! Although the magnetic field anomaly just now caused the observation screen to malfunction, the problem was fixed after the next generation species was solved. 】

[A large number of life reactions have disappeared. The alchemy missile was not intercepted but detonated successfully. It injected a large amount of toxic substances to dragons and detonated it under a water depth of 100 kilometers, successfully killing a large number of Deadpools. 】

[The White King’s egg seems to have become unresponsive under the bombardment. 】

[Hatch rate fixed at 47%]

[As far as what we can see so far, after most of Deadpool's troops surfaced, they were defeated by the aftermath of the battle between Fujimaru Ritsuka and Jidai Zane and the head-on battlefield of the Eriki family. 】

[Vital signs, less than 10% are left. 】

[The remaining number of the second generation species is one and has not increased]

"We won?" Yuan Zhizhi leaned weakly on the winch behind him. Anything would be fine. Going to the deep submersible was more tiring than killing five hundred Deadpools.

The feeling of not having one's own control over one's life is really terrible. If the person in charge was not Fujimaru Ritsuka, it is hard to say whether he would be able to maintain that calm attitude.

But luckily, behind him are Eriki and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

He made the right bet.

Although we have not yet finished mapping all the enemies, the formation just now was clearly a general attack.

After surviving this wave, at least the rest don't have to worry about whether the opponent has any trump cards.



Leaning back with all his weight, Yuan Zhisheng looked at the sky.

The rain was still falling, but its momentum had begun to weaken. It seemed that it had been affected by the huge wind pressure just now. The dark clouds were forcibly dispersed, and the wind and thunder were still buzzing, but they did not land on the ground for a long time.

From the start of the dive operation, the entire operation lasted up to four hours.

It is not just him who is struggling, nor is it just Fujimaru Ritsuka and Eriki. In order to ensure the safety of the entire Tokyo, the array placed here is certainly not a showpiece.

The members of the Executive Bureau used artillery, drew sharp swords, and fought with the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper, dyeing the plywood bright red, which was washed away into dim marks in the rain.

Although it was only a "modest effort", it was indeed people's hard work that prevented these monsters from entering the city.

This may be the first time in modern human history that humans took the initiative to fight, actively tried to contact the dragon king, and finally defeated the dragons with a huge army.

Even Odin's battle was far less scale than this time.

This is a human step.

Humanity finally defeated the dragon.

Yuan Zhisheng subconsciously took out a cigarette, but found that he had quit smoking for a long time.

Probably because I haven't gone on missions like before for a long time after becoming the master of the family, and my body's muscle instincts still remain in this strange place.

never mind.

Yuan Zhisheng tilted his head, breathed relaxedly, and took out the mobile phone placed inside the executive bureau's coat. The mobile phone has no model number, and the manufacturing process is based on military industry standards. It was specially prepared by the Sheqi family to allow Yuan Zhisheng to communicate with the shore in extreme environments.

At this time, Yuan Zhisheng took out his precious mobile phone and began typing slowly.


"Bring a pack of pokey over here."

It's not that he plans to mess up or relax, but this battle is coming to an end, and no matter how hard the remaining remnants try, they can no longer pose a great threat to the armed forces on the shore.

It is true that the alchemy missile failed to kill White King, but with the abilities shown by Fujimaru Ritsuka and Eriko, what can White King do as a dragon without any subordinates?

Humanity has become so powerful that monsters capable of fighting the Dragon King alone have appeared.

Eriki and Fujimaru Ritsuka, the twin stars of this era, it is no exaggeration to say that they are the strongest characters in human history.

Hakuo's best choice is to avoid this place and go to the Akagui River through the criss-crossing cracks under the Japanese island, but there is also Kazama Ruri guarding there, which is enough to drag Fujimaru Ritsuka to the battlefield.

Now, just wait for the other party to calm down.

At this time, they were in the Shiliu Research Institute, which was quite a distance away from the battle site.

The head of the Miyamoto family repeatedly confirmed the information on the screen. He was different from the red-faced and excited researchers around him. Although he was also shocked by Fujimaru Ritsuka's performance, he also knew that this battle could be opened to champagne.

However, he just didn't dare to relax.

On the first day that Fujimaru Ritsuka returned to the Sheqi Hachi Family, Minamoto Chisei casually said that the Ishiliu Research Institute had been invaded by unknown persons.

The investigation result at that time was that there were traces of intrusion but no data was lost.

According to the general environment at the time, everyone believed that it was because of the White King's actions that the Sheqi family was exposed to the eyes of the world. It was like Wakanda to the Marvel Universe. The sudden appearance of Yigada allowed others to investigate. thoughts.

But since there was no data loss or copying records, everyone felt that those hybrid organizations should have failed.

After all, no one can hide from Princess Kaguya's monitoring, and all the information can be reproduced and consulted without anyone noticing.


But, there is another possibility.

What if the person who takes action is not a human being?

The contents of the Fuzhou mission are secrets of the secret party and the secrets of the Sheqi Bajia family, but the head of the Miyamoto family is still qualified to view it as the head of the family.

So he knew that the Dragon King could also be in human form.

If it is the Dragon King, if we think in this way and combine it with everything that happened just now, the next-generation species' ambush on the Executive Bureau will all be explained.

This kind of thing seems a bit fanciful, but the head of the Miyamoto family still doesn't want to let go of his hanging heart.

He believed that there was another person at the scene who had the same idea as her


"Hey, Eriki, if a new enemy appears soon, you have to hide behind me."


The wind and waves of the sea blew away the quiet voice. Erika turned to look at Ritsuka. Her delicate face was not stained by dust. It seemed that all the raindrops in the sky were shattered by the "Judgement". Fujimaru Ritsuka leaned on the railing with his hand and smiled bitterly. , explained to Eriki.

"Eri is indeed very powerful. If we only talk about the lethality, I can't compare to it. But - if the enemy is the Dragon King, it will be a different story."

The girl pointed her finger at the delighted Executive Bureau commissioners in the distance.

"Although we have made a little effort to boost morale, it seems that everyone still doesn't understand the difference between the Dragon King and regular dragons."

If you want to explain.

If human beings are [creatures], the next generation is the limit of [creatures].

The Dragon King is the same thing as [life].

There is no death.

Master the origin of the world.

The whole body is made of fantasy matter, and the flowing blood is not a solid substance, but something similar to fantasy particles.

Regardless of these internal essences, the most important thing is the Dragon King's ability to "cancel" the spirit of speech.

Fujimaru Ritsuka can resist that kind of ability only if she has the spirit of words.

but if.

If the opponent is the white king.

How can I compare my power over the "spiritual elements" with that of the emperor?

In the worst case scenario, the hybrids with the blood of the White King would not even have the qualifications to bow before the sane White King.

At that time, Ritsuka will have to be ready to kill the White King purely with physical strength, violent blood and other abilities.

There is no chance to adjust the heroic spirit.

Although I'm sorry to Samson, the reason why I didn't use the word spirit much in the battle just now was just to warm up.

It is different from what the Sheqi family hoped for.

The war is not over yet.

So I must protect Eri——

"don't want."

Erika nodded and said.

"Hehe, I knew what Eryi was listening to you say?"

"don't want."

Eriki shook her head slightly, then ignored Fujimaru Ritsuka. Instead, she put her hand on Ritsuka's smooth belly and pushed back.

I stand in front, I stand in front - the girl's quiet face seems to be saying this.

In response, Fujimaru Ritsuka was angry and indignant.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Why did you kid reach the rebellious stage without saying a word?! Did you grow up too fast?! Speaking of which, there is no explanation for what you called me sister before!"

Eriyi gently covered her ears, retracted her head, and looked quietly at the sea in the distance.

"You kid, I said you -"

[A hyperthermic reaction suddenly occurred at the bottom of the sea! 】

[White King. The hatching rate of White King has jumped again! ! 】

At this moment, the conversation between the two was interrupted.

It seems that this is the law of everything.

Just when you think you're going to get better, he'll hit you head on.

When you feel like you're going to get bad——

On the channel, the voice of the head of the Miyamoto family was close to a scream.

[The total amount of energy is still soaring. Jun Yan, no, it’s not something of that level. What on earth is this! Undersea volcano? ! Master, please immediately ask Fujimaru Ritsuka and Eriki family masters to leave the combat area, and you should quickly evacuate with your personnel! 】

It will only get worse.

[The White King breaks out of his cocoon early. She wakes up! 】

ps: Yes, I am in neta spell fight back()

Ritsuka is very strong.

But it will never be invincible.

Because there will always be more desperate bosses.

This is the essence of Japanese comics! ()

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