Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 345 My life is like a meteor! (triple)

Chapter 345 My life is like a shooting star! ! (triple)

Red gold opened the night, and the meteor shower from the sky shuttled through the air like gold particles. The sky that had been blown away by the explosion just now was completely white and filled with bright stars, but the shining stars were also in that grand ceremony. Dim and extinguish.

The scene was breathtakingly beautiful, but at the same time, Fujimaru Ritsuka's body leaned forward involuntarily.

The moment his feet hit the ground, the flow of information in his mind began to flash.

The first is to calculate the loss.

If this King's Treasure Plus is bombarded within Tokyo,

The explosion of a single soldier's explosion has far exceeded the penetration of tactical missiles, and the resulting matrix linkage and chain reaction can use each other's Noble Phantasms as reaction catalysts to blow up the entire Tokyo sky!

Will die.


And all this is my responsibility.


How could I forget that the first priority is to ensure the safety of those behind me during the battle?

Forget it about everyone else. Me? ?

It’s me, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who has forgotten such a thing?

Is it because of the homology with Achilles that the thinking has gone awry?

No, no. It sounds arrogant to say this, but even if the spirit of the heroic spirit is strong, it is not enough to affect me.

So why?

It was as if my thinking and personality had gone awry.

What is subconsciously changing the way I think?

——[Lixiang, don’t overuse the oracle. 】

At that moment, Da Vinci's warning for unknown reasons echoed in his mind.

An almost invisible black spot suddenly appeared in Fujimaru Ritsuka's golden eyes. He gently stretched out his tentacles and rotated leisurely, as if the mass was condensed in one point, gradually swallowing up the surrounding light.

The holes that keep popping up waste materials are definitely not something as pure, simple, and lovely as the "evil in this world".

The vision was covered with a scarlet picture, and the vision kept flickering like a distorted picture.

That's not evil.

But sin.

Sin, evil, chaos, chaos, evil, fear, loneliness, death, hunger, greed.

Humanity's original sin is the waste accumulated at the end of the world.

All the strength in the spinal cord has been drained, the heart has lost power, and only the soreness and numbness in the knees and the coldness echoing in the brain are the tremors that can be felt by humans.

That kind of quality is definitely not something that primates can detect or compete with.

Indescribable darkness.

Just the touch, just the awareness, crushes the human spirit and soul.

But the next moment.


The mirror shatters and the jade falls.

Power gradually returned to her whole body. The girl gritted her teeth, and the expression on her face became a bit more ferocious, but the darkness wrapped around her limbs was also thrown away.

Regarding the waste that was enough to crush and burn the human race and the entire world together, and the original sin that resided in her body, the girl only left straightforward words.

【Don't get in the way】

Bright red elements wrapped around the hand, and the spear that was originally as white as a holy wall was stained with blood. It was a powerful wrist that could not be blocked or repeled! Absolute violence!

The air around her feet shattered, and the red element "threw" the girl away like an explosive, and the figure instantly turned into a supersonic plane, rushing towards the grand golden shower.

At that moment, there was not even a moment of hesitation for the Savior.

start running.

The wind was torn apart as soon as it started, then twice, three times, and surpassed again——

【Keel Mode】

【Once violently bloody】

【Second bloodshed】

【Three times of violent blood】! ! ! !

The Oracle of Words and her own powerful mental power turned into ropes to restrain the violent dragon blood surging in her body. The girl instantly reached a field she had never tried before, the theoretical "infinity", just to go faster.

The self-pity and self-reflection all ended in less than 0.01 seconds.

While the savior made a prompt decision, his mind was spinning rapidly.

【How can we save Tokyo from this blow? 】

Option 1: Use the same quantity to crush.

The first reaction is to use the inherent barrier of Emiya-san, a heroic spirit he knows. If it is [Unlimited Sword System], the mental image world of the agent may be able to compete with the attack in front of him.

Then, the proposal was immediately rejected.

First of all, I don't have Emiya-san's Noble Phantasm, so I can't synchronize the Shadow of the Soul Base, and if I forcibly imitate it with the [Word Spirit Oracle], I'm not good enough to understand the real structure of the [Unlimited Sword System].

The steps to realize [Fantasy Noble Phantasm] are as follows.

1. No matter in any form, brief or direct, you must at least complete the "viewing" step.

2. Understand, understand the composition of the Noble Phantasm based on seeing it, even if it is just a vague concept, it still needs to form a framework.

3. Reproduction, reproducing that miracle in reality according to a certain work efficiency. The difficulty of reproduction varies depending on the completion of the above two steps.

But if it is a skill that is unique to the person and the person involved does not know how to do it, it will be particularly difficult to do it.

As for [Unlimited Sword System], the girl only met the first condition and half of the second condition, and even violated the third condition.

It is the crystallization of Emiya-san's own root characteristics, his own experience, his own soul, and other factors. In addition, he does not have many opportunities to actually see it. In other words -

It cannot distort reality and cannot be imitated.

Option 2: Use Gilgamesh’s [Gate of Babylon] and Enkidu’s [Age of Babylon]

Both cases are invalid.

The former is because although Gilgamesh's effect is easy to [understand], it is almost impossible to do it in step three.

Because in essence, it is more about wealth than ability, and it is a simple process of ejecting matter. If Fujimaru Ritsuka wants to reproduce it, he needs to understand, analyze and reproduce all human noble phantasms.

Even Mr. Emiya can't do this kind of thing.

And Enkidu is even more outrageous. The realization of that kind of ability is rather bizarre. It is not "realized according to a certain rule", but closer to "seeking help from the planet."

Let the planet respond to its expectations and give permission.

These are not abilities that Fujimaru Ritsuka can replicate.

To be honest, most of the principles of Noble Phantasms are quite complex or bizarre. At this moment, the girl can only reproduce the [Energy Output] type of Noble Phantasm, similar to the [Sword of Vow to Victory], or Minamoto no Yorimitsu's [The Bull King's Thunder and Sky Net's Huihui].

The reason why Gae Bolg, the spear that pierced the death thorns, was able to project was because he had been tortured by that weapon too many times, and as the youngest disciple of Scathach, he was rated as surpassing Cu Chulainn.

For Scathach, the greatest praise and reward for his disciples is to give away the magic spear he uses - just like Cu Chulainn.

Therefore, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was poked and fucked by Scathach every day, cried and screamed, and then was forced to listen to the principles of the Noble Phantasm, was able to recreate Gae Bolg with the reversed cause and effect.

In addition, most of them are specialized types of light cannons that can be imitated.

So, does Fujimaru Ritsuka have a light cannon that can eliminate the plus version of King's Treasure in one go?

Answer: Exist.

However, a particularly long reproduction time is required.

Not to mention anything else, even the Sword of Victory itself requires accumulating energy to chant the true name, and at this moment, even that little time seems precious.

To put it bluntly, the situation at hand is too dangerous.

Because he did not expect that Constantine would directly turn his finger on Tokyo, even if he had a plan, Fujimaru Ritsuka had no time to respond.

The other party's behavior was obviously the result of understanding Fujimaru Ritsuka's personal characteristics, and it was a plan that was completely aimed at Fujimaru Ritsuka, a human being.

And if these are not the ideas of Constantine, that means——


The Lord of Bronze and Fire knows me very well?


No, stop thinking about it!

The problem is not solved, but the doubts are increasing.

Crush the holes and shadows that appeared inexplicably in my mind, throw away the regrets and sorrows, and at the other end of my thinking, I came to only one conclusion.

When the time difference is infinitely close to zero, there is only one option left for you.

Use the ability that I can use immediately at this moment, without accumulating energy, to solve the problem.

That is————

boom! ! ! ! !

The night trembled in the roar, and the entire sky had no boundaries, but it also sunk and cracked with fine lines, as if the ceiling had become loose and fragile after water seepage.

And just as people looked up, they were also shocked by the gorgeous aurora.

【Dromeus Kometes】

No one can hear the sound of the Noble Phantasm unfolding. After all, this Noble Phantasm itself does not require chanting, and the moment his enemies or nearby observers notice it, the user has probably already made a move to throw the sound away. Thousands of miles of speed behind him.

The violent sea roared, and deep cracks were opened in an instant.

Mach 20, Mach 30, and Mach 50 cannot record numerical values, because the speed will be surpassed at the moment it can be measured, and the infinite superposition will be upward!

The spatial distortion caused by movement alone was scary enough. The girl finally made the choice to imitate the Greek hero who was in sync with her at this moment. In a certain Holy Grail War, in order to fight against Atalanta's Noble Phantasm, that A choice made after being defeated by arrows all over the sky.

——Run up by yourself, rely on your super speed, and smash all the arrows one by one before the Noble Phantasm lands on the ground!

The crimson flash, accompanied by a terrifying shock wave, shattered the sky, the hum of metal, the explosion of bones in the body, and the violent vibrations of the atmosphere - all were thrown behind the head, leaving only the explosion of the Noble Phantasm mechanism.

It is an existence that is the embodiment of the fastest legend among heroes of every era.

Fantasy - the fastest realization.

You can cross the vast battlefield in one breath. Even if there are obstacles on the field, it will not affect the speed. It is just an equation of movement that exists to realize people's fantasies.

Even in the Hall of Valor, almost no one can keep up with that speed.

And the moment the girl reappeared, even the heroic spirit in his mind seemed to be amazed and even shocked by it.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The scarlet light cut through the rain curtain forged by the alchemy weapon with absolute speed. At the same time, countless explosions were generated. On both sides of the light, like dominoes being knocked down one by one, continuous explosions followed. It rings!

Naturally, the sky also cracked open, the exploding clouds squeezed each other like living creatures, the distance between the spaces collapsed and shattered, and the red meteors that suddenly turned were torn apart by the pound!

Crush arrows, cut off long swords, and shatter spears and halberds!

[The Brave's Immortal Flower] can prevent people or weapons without divinity from harming themselves. E-level divinity can cause 50% damage, D-level can cause 75% damage, and only C-level and above will not be affected.

Therefore, all the man-made Noble Phantasms were smashed into pieces with the physical body.

No, for the sake of efficiency, just forcefully accept the E-level Noble Phantasm.

Focus all your attention on D and the divine weapons above it! !

Unlike the simple throwing of the man-made treasures most of the time used by the King's Treasure, the divine weapons will have an impact just by reappearing in the human world. Perhaps it is the heat that melts steel, or it is huge enough to rival the mountains, or Or simply so hard that even a slash cannot leave scratches on its body.

In Fujimaru Ritsuka's previous life, none of the divine weapons were weak. In layman's terms, they were starting A-level Noble Phantasms!

Thousands of Noble Phantasms turned into gusts of wind and rain, and he had to cut off all the weapons in just a few seconds!

so! There must be a limit to the punishment game!

But just do it. It is better to say that I have no other plan except this. The extremely beautiful brilliance shuttles, interweaves, and entangles in the sky. What people can perceive in normal time is that magnificent. landscape.

In less than 0.5 seconds, the golden rain curtain exploded into red flames and explosive light.

It goes beyond common sense, and even the fastest heroic spirit himself would be so excited that he continuously explodes and cuts open the Noble Phantasm. This is indeed a myth worthy of being included in the "Great Deeds".


The wounds on the ribs were more serious, the internal organs were damaged, the blood in the throat was blocked, the joints were necrotic, and rhabdomyolysis was observed.

The price that humans have to pay for pushing past their limits is too heavy to bear.

But it doesn't matter, it's just that at this level, it's still bearable.

To be honest, even during the Singularity Period, I still needed to go to the front line to fight every now and then, not because I wanted to, but because Chaldea really lacked manpower most of the time.

In order to be able to carry heroic spirits with a human body, Fujimaru Ritsuka often had problems with human indicators at that time. At one time, it was so shabby that even modern people would suffer from jade syndrome.

So get used to it.

The question is not how long the body can hold on, but how long.

While moving at high speed to stop the alchemy tools, Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind was still thinking at high speed.

She compared her speed at this moment with the number of Noble Phantasms left, and quickly came to a conclusion.

Can't stop it.

There is absolutely no way to stop it.

There is not enough time at all. In terms of movement speed alone, he has already surpassed Achilles' original book. Even if he is said to be the fastest among the mythical heroic spirits, it is not an exaggeration. So if he only reaches the place where tens of thousands of Noble Phantasms are held by turning back and running, Coordinates, this thing itself is not difficult.

However, the problem is that she still has to create attacks that destroy those Noble Phantasms.

Even if there is no way to break the Noble Phantasm directly, it must at least block its fall or shift its position.

Under the condition of moving at that ultra-high speed, all matter except Fujimaru Ritsuka is close to stationary. People who have watched the American speedster movies probably know that under such circumstances, the speedster can easily knock other matter away. .

This is also the reason why Fujimaru Ritsuka can knock these divine treasures away.

However, it is still very troublesome. Every time a Noble Phantasm is knocked away, a "slashing" action is required, which means that the time cost of movement is increased.

As time continues to accumulate, the final result is that I have no time to deal with so many Noble Phantasms.

time time

Method comes to mind.

【Fantasy Noble Phantasm——

【Yan Ling. Time Zero】

This is the conclusion the girl came to.

not enough time.

Then it goes into overtime.

Because she had the experience of directly entering the Time Zero field opened by Angers as early as a year ago, and coupled with this year's experience, the girl's observation and understanding of Time Zero has been basically complete.

Time Zero itself belongs to the category of using the wind attribute. Different from the Word Spirit Moment that simply relies on the element matrix to advance, Time Zero requires a more mysterious construction method.

Outline a timeline independent of this world, allowing the user to achieve the effect of "separating" from the world.

Compared to the Noble Phantasm, the Word Spirit can be activated instantly!

That is close to power, and it should not be an ability that humans can learn.

At this time, the moment the word spirit was turned on, the familiar black and white realm had expanded to its limit.

Because Time Zero itself can be said to act on the "user" or "the entire world except the user", there is no such concept as a boundary. The expansion includes all the Noble Phantasms, which would originally be at the speed of sound. The Noble Phantasms that were shooting towards the ground stopped.

For Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was already moving at high speed, it was equivalent to the Noble Phantasm changing from a snail to completely still.

The effect is significant, but the same thing is that the physical exertion is more intense.

The Oracle itself is an ability that consumes extremely mental energy. To activate the [Fantasy Noble Phantasm] at the same time as the [Shadow of Spirit Base] is to accelerate suicide.

If Ange can stay in the realm of time zero for ten minutes, then Fujimaru Ritsuka can stay in this state for up to one minute!

The winner must be determined within this time!

The girl accelerated three times. To an outsider, the already dazzling stream of light in the sky even drew an afterimage, like a dense and complicated picture, outlining hair-raising lines. If the distance was to be finally calculated, even It makes people wonder whether it is enough to circle the earth.

And after squeezing his own potential in such an inefficient way, it is no longer within the scope of thinking whether he will have enough energy left to fight Constantine.

Taking each step, the girl was forced into this desperate situation.

What's even more despairing is that even with such concessions, there seems to be no sign of being able to clear away the rain of these Noble Phantasms.

Too much.

It almost makes people wonder, "Are there really so many Noble Phantasms in this world?"


Thinking about it carefully, not even Fujimaru Ritsuka can say that he has met all the heroic spirits, and there are so many mythical characters waiting to be discovered.

What's more, the girl didn't dare to say how knowledgeable she was about gods, those mythical beings.

Countless existences have given rise to countless precious phantoms.

The Lord of Bronze and Fire, the pinnacle of alchemy.

At this moment, I am fighting against the concept of [Weapon Refining].

One minute - still too short.

Even with all the cards in my hand, I could do nothing. I even made a mistake due to the severe loss of physical strength. Even in the world of time zero, the kinetic energy of matter will not change. If I am not careful, I will be scratched by the mythical weapon if I am not careful. Open the body.

The blood flow doesn't stop, and the physical strength is almost exhausted.

If there is no transfer again.

(But not lost yet.)

Time seemed to go back to that battle with Odin in the rainy night.

It also rained heavily that day, and the situation arranged by the Dragon King made the girl powerless at that time.

In the final analysis, even if so much has changed, incompetence is still incompetence.

Even those heroes who have carved their names in the Hall of Valor are fighting against impossible odds in their lives.

After all, they are heroes, not the one omniscient and omnipotent god.

They can't save everything.

They can't do it without regrets.


Don't want to admit it.

The girl knew that even though she had surpassed the heroic spirits she knew, she still stubbornly refused to be satisfied.

Want to save everyone, want to reach the perfect ending.

Want to give up nothing, but gain everything.

I want a happy ending like a fairy tale.

I want to meet the end where everyone can laugh easily.

If you have to sacrifice something, isn't the time you have lost enough?

From an ordinary girl to dying, to the end of the world, to being isolated and helpless, surviving in an absolutely desperate environment, overcoming countless impossible trials, and putting in far more effort than anyone else.

Aren't these lost times, tasted sweat, blood, and pain enough?

The answer is obvious.

Heroes throughout the ages have seen the girl's sincere vision, but they also know that it will never be realized.

You have to lose something to get something, and the balance between loss and gain may not be equal.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's stupid and ignorant wishes are ridiculous and logically "impossible".


But it's not meaningless.

It is precisely because of that purity that you want to live, you want to save others while living, you want to be happy, you want to use your own sensibility to define the world, and that kind of pure but straight way of thinking has attracted countless people. people.

Forge "fate" during the journey.

In the end, everyone will involuntarily move towards that figure, which can be said to be absolutely charming.

And the flowering of this talent will give birth to a completely different route.

——If one person can’t do it, then two people can do it.


That's right, just like that rainy night when he faced off against the God King, someone stood up.

“What a sight to see at a glance”

The white-haired old man was wearing a black suit. His tall and tall body made the thin clothes look like steel, yet elegant and mellow.

The old man is very strong, but he can't fly, so at this moment he can only look at the gorgeous aurora in the sky from the top of the skyscraper and sigh with emotion.

He could see that there was not enough time, as the Noble Phantasm that filled the sky was approaching Tokyo, trailing dazzling sparks that were about to land.

He also knew what he could do at this time.

【Yan Ling. Time Zero】

Time Zero, which was approaching the end, was expanded and extended. The ability forged over a hundred years allowed the old man to understand Time Zero beyond ordinary people. He noticed it the moment he was included in the Time Zero field by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

That's the signal.

The girl deliberately gave signals, and even in such a critical situation, she was able to think instantly, notify her friends, and come up with a plan to break through the desperate situation.

The perfect commander.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, Angers would almost want to praise his "student" loudly.

But what matters is the present.

Because Time Zero needed to choose a target, and even Ange's reflex nerves could no longer keep up with the aurora in the sky, so he handed over the battlefield he was responsible for to Kazama Ruri, while he ran into the open space Open Time Zero and barely capture the figure of Fujimaru Ritsuka in the slowed down world.

It was impossible for the girl to slow down, not even for 0.001 seconds, so Angers could only do it at the right time.

Fortunately, the two had become familiar with each other through a year of coordinated operations, so Angers did not hesitate to join Fujimaru Ritsuka at the moment when the time limit expired, and started the bloodbath in advance to extend the ability of the spirit.

Super coordination without a trace of error!

The girl didn't even have time to smile with joy before she started counting the remaining Noble Phantasms and the time.

Ten times the time to start!

Totally enough!

There was a smile on his face that was so excited that he even looked up, and his words of gratitude were swallowed into his stomach without even the need to say them out.

The past year of being a partner gave her full confidence in the old man's ability, and she also believed that he would notice the situation here and come to help her.

As expected!

The crimson light flickered and flew out. The time zero field with a higher magnification than before caused the Noble Phantasm to collapse faster. The pressure that hit him made Constantine turn white again. .



Is it really that strong?

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The explosions continued continuously, and eventually even connected into a line, turning into a deafening roar of high-heat explosions on the plane, like a dish cap that brought high temperatures to Tokyo, and countless sparks fell like ashes.

The red light transcends mythology at this moment.

[Confirmed the expansion of Dragon King level Noble Phantasm]

[Perceptual time is three minutes and 42 seconds, real time is 4 seconds and 44. 】

【annihilate them all】

ps: Woo.





wish you all a happy

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