Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 365 King Bai: So weird, take another look (four in one)

Want to try to understand?

Do you want to try to recognize it?

Accept the monster in front of you? Do you understand this monster's thinking?

What he couldn't do, even Norton, was completely unable to forgive the girl's fighting method which was almost tantamount to "cheating".

Time and time again, he surpassed other people's thinking, and after thousands of worries, there were thousands of thoughts, as if he would never reach the limit, and even if he died, he would return from hell and crucify the enemy.

That is not a noble savior.

Completely, one who is driven by joy and pleasure——


Along with the roar, the handsome Constantine looked like an elementary school boy who was bullied by his classmates. He raised the blade with a pale face and inserted the original sin of arrogance into the ground.

A huge domain began to envelop, and countless overlapping pressures were born from the space. The boy's obviously fierce and restrained roar made his enemies couldn't help but laugh "well-intentioned".

"It's so rude~ Calling someone a monster or something."

However, facing the sword of judgment that had directly suppressed her and rewritten the territory of Japan in one breath, the girl did not make any move.

It was as if the colors of the world began to blur, and invisible turbulence continued to wash away the outlines of objects. The weapons in the field eliminated Constantine and Norton as targets of attack, so that Fujimaru Ritsuka was completely targeted at a single point.

The body was pressed down and the feet were firmly planted, but there was no sign of being affected at all, and he stood there leisurely and contentedly.

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

This word spirit, known as the "omnipotent", has once again used its cheating power to modify reality.

As mentioned before, Norton and Constantine clearly possess the most powerful Noble Phantasms in the world, but they have to spend so much effort to consume Ritsuka Fujimaru's physical strength in order to seal the other's spiritual oracle.

Even if it is impossible to seal it, we must do our best to reduce its quality and quantity.

Otherwise, it would be like this.

——Withdrawing himself from the realm of [arrogance], the Word Spirit Oracle overwrote the battlefield with an attitude of absolute dominance.

When Constantine realized this desperate reality, his face was ashen.

But - it's not over yet.

Constantine's arm sank, and the sky was lit up again. The familiar rain of swords returned, and thousands of noble phantoms revealed their sharp edges from the ripples.

An instant volley.

Countless sword rays turned into extremely fast rays, making people imagine that in the bright moon, the cherry blossoms were split and cracked by white light, and the trees were stained with blood.

And in this dense attack network, countless formations began to appear.

A displacement array symbolizing the power of [Space Opening] appeared in mid-air. They linked the weapons while creating a circuit for the entrance and exit. The blade fell through the [Entrance], and then set the [Exit] above the [Entrance].

Because Constantine, with the help of Norton, can use displacement magic to use the space utilization ability in that tunnel to create a perfect vacuum. The space tunnel created out of thin air means infinite acceleration of the weapon.

The blade fell, accelerated, spun, and accelerated under the influence of gravity, and finally reached a level that could not be seen clearly by the naked eye.

It can only be used with the cooperation of Constantine and Norton.

The speed is infinitely close to the limit of matter, and weapons eject at hundreds of times the speed of sound!

Absolutely fast.

A terrifying sharp wind howl exploded.

360 degrees, the speed of the blade that is absolutely unobservable to human eyes strikes. Fujimaru Ritsuka freezes in place and lets the weapon wrap around him——————

Then, stop.

All the sword blades were obviously accelerated to the point where they were invisible to the naked eye, but all the values ​​were cleared the moment they got infinitely close to the girl's body surface.

Constantine was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

He can understand what girls are doing today.

——Use the oracle to create the reality that "all objects can only approach you infinitely", and forcibly create an inviolable realm around you.

Not to mention the well-informed Constantine, even with abilities that have been used in many human comics.

But the problem is.

Ideas and implementation are two different things.

The Word Spirit Oracle is indeed an invincible Word Spirit, but the prerequisite is the understanding of the world and the sum of one's own spiritual power.

It is not the complete power of "I Xunsi", but the need to convince yourself on a certain basis and construct an absolute "personal reality" in order to cover the world.

And going back to the topic just now, if you just stop the weapon, it is not difficult in itself.

But the problem is that Constantine knew this, so he deliberately threw many "law-breaking" Noble Phantasms, "rules must hit" Noble Phantasms, and even "karma" Noble Phantasms aimed at this ability.

But, everything was stopped.

There is only one possibility for this phenomenon.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's mental power has returned to its peak, and even——


How is it possible, how is it possible, that a spiritual breakthrough occurs after death? Is it because of the experience of "death"? !


"Did you say..."


The blood of the White King.

The spirit (memory) of the White King.

Not only were the cocooned memories of that emperor plundered, but her other memories were also usurped at the same time? !

There was a crisp clicking sound, and at the moment when Constantine fell into fear, Norton appeared from the side of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

There was a terrifying roar in the wind, and imagining that everything in front of the scream would be torn apart, Norton merged his two swords and slashed them out!


The former has the rule of "absolutely exceed the enemy's speed".

The latter has the rule of "absolutely destroying the enemy's defense".

These two knives are impossible to miss no matter they face any enemy.

But, still the same answer——

[If it was really a must-win, why did you put so much effort into reducing Fujimaru Ritsuka to the limit? 】

The blurry light of the sword cut across the sky, and the thunder seemed to be whizzing by. The god king drove the thunder like a snake spear with violent killing intent. The space made shattering sounds one by one, and the edge of the blade was close to the girl's skin.


Norton's expression changed instantly.

There is no hitting feel.

Only the other way around, that hair-raising fear.

and an itchy sensation on the head.

In the silent moment of night, Norton gritted his teeth and immediately retreated away from his original position. [Space Opening] provided the most advanced space replacement technology, including small tricks such as teleportation.

And just when Norton moved tens of meters away, he saw the reason why his brain was numb where he was just now.

In the sky, a black shadow covered the blood-red sun.

The shadow opened its arms, and its long hair swayed, relying on the attraction of the center of the earth to dance upward.

She was "standing on her head".

The smooth long hair is spread out, and blood and orange hair are dotted on the pure white canvas. The girl's eyes are relaxed and looking at the sky, and her body is "floating" in the air so freely.

The world-destroying red light shone on her body, but it was as if she was bathed in glory.

There's no point in running away.

Think about it carefully.

Norton was able to defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka because of the hostage tactics, the intelligence gap, and the 10,000 records and countless preparations made in countless positional battles.

He has never won on the frontal battlefield.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka was almost resurrected with full health, while Norton, on the other hand, was at the end of his strength.

At that moment, it was all over.

Pausing in mid-air comfortably, the girl didn't even look at Norton.



The ability that had been used countless times by Norton to suppress hybrids was now being used by the orthodox White King's blood.

Whether it's Norton or Boss Yuan,

Take a good look.


This is how it is used.

Countless gravity is not invisible.

It is a distortion that is tangible and visible.

The space collapsed instantly, countless fine lines, and the concept of [gravity] seemed to be materialized in an instant, falling from the sky, pressing on the ground, and opening up ever-descending pits in an instant! !

Fifty meters.

Five hundred meters.

five thousand meters.

The plane is denting, and the earth is wailing and being squeezed into pure black. Under extreme squeezing and high temperature, the material even begins to change its internal molecular structure, forming different materials.

Observe the world from a higher latitude perspective.

Understand the nature of language spirit.

The essence of royal power is to create false quality in the world, thereby generating huge gravity.

And if the mass expands infinitely,

The flesh began to shatter and fall off, and large amounts of blood spurted out from the wounds and blood vessels. Both Constantine and Norton were forced to kneel on the ground, and were instantly dyed bright red by the blood.

The face contorts and the field sways.


Reserves are no longer enough.

Just the opposite of what happened dozens of minutes ago.

The situation is reversed.

The infinite pressure has exceeded the limit that the body can withstand. If Norton has just recovered and his body is still considered complete, Constantine, as the main person in charge of the frontal battlefield, has basically lost his physical body after fighting Fujimaru Ritsuka. He was in a state of collapse, and then half of his body was torn off by Lu Mingze, and countless hideous wounds were made by Ange.

Under the wash of gravity, the flesh and blood peeled off like a citrus peel.

The boy opened his mouth, but was unable to scream because his windpipe was squeezed into a sheet.

What was then exposed was the white spine.

The magic sword named [Tian Congyun] does not receive any damage even in the royal power and stands on the ground.

This is also normal.

Tian Congyun itself is a part of the White King. If you insist on saying so, compared to the deformed White King's flesh and blood, this sword is the inheritance in the true sense. As the world's first and strongest biological weapon, it itself represents The character of [White King].

[King Quan] How could this White King's speech spirit harm it?

With the collapse of Constantine's body, the sword fell out of his grasp.

No, it’s earlier than that!

Constantine's horrified expression made it clear that Tian Congyun did not leave after Constantine weakened. On the contrary, it was because Tian Congyun left on his own initiative that Constantine had no power to resist! !

Is she actively approaching Ritsuka?

It was as if I felt a grand call.

The blade separated from Constantine's body and re-inserted into the ground, emitting a chalky light.

The bottomless spiritual elements began to seep into the ground. In less than half a second, the entire floating continent of the Akki River was completely soaked, like a sea full of water.

The spiritual elements of the White King are spreading to the world.

(What is she going to do.)

Norton, who was forced to the ground, was terrified and angry, but still did not despair.

There are other ways.

He is the most powerful alchemist in the world, and his methods are so many that it would take a country's citizens a lifetime to count them all.

Leaving the Crown is easy.

But Norton didn't do that for the time being.


A sense of dissonance.

Norton's veins burst and blood covered his body. He trembled and reluctantly raised his head to look at the free girl in the sky.

That sense of dissonance that is hard to erase.

in the end--

Fujimaru Ritsuka did not choose to take the opportunity to attack Norton and Constantine.

Even if she wanted to, the flaw in that moment was enough for her to penetrate Norton.

Nor did she continue to sarcastically mock the enemy's weakness.

She just maintained the process of "seeing", her pupils dilating into nothingness.

That wasn't a deliberate attempt to imitate a comic book character I had read.

I never thought of using such a gesture to show off my abilities and superiority.

That's just instinct.

Get rid of the dust, get rid of all cumbersome laws such as gravity, and let the instinct of the body coincide with the original posture of the planet.

Just as Constantine speculated, Fujimaru Ritsuka obtained quite a few of the White King's memories.

The White Emperor, the first emperor of the world, a monster who is on par with Nidhogg and holds half of the power of the world.

Her thoughts can transform reality and overwrite all the rules of the planet.

That is no longer a realm that people can imagine.

All knowledge and methods have turned into instincts that can be done easily. If Fujimaru Ritsuka wants, the skills of heroic spirits that were completely incomprehensible before can be easily used - and then surpassed.

And in front of her, [Absolute] no longer exists.

If the law of the seven deadly sins is to hit the enemy absolutely, then the reality should be modified to "not absolute".

If it is definitely faster than yourself, then change it to "slower than yourself".

The level of power, the level of authority.

The Seven Deadly Sins are the pinnacle of weapons from the Age of Gods.

If we want to make an analogy, among Fujimaru Ritsuka's former heroic spirits, perhaps only Noble Phantasms of EA's level can compare with the Seven Deadly Sins in terms of mystery.


At this time, she was even better.

If that is the origin of the creation of the Age of Gods, then the White King is the origin of all myths, this planet, the world view, and the cosmology itself.

The origin of the planet is not a mythical concept, but a unified and level center.

The essence of this world is to unify all the myths that Fujimaru Ritsuka once knew and create the only two gods and the other eight main gods.

Sumerian, Greek, Nordic, Celtic, Japanese, Chinese.

All myths become unique.

The myth of great unity.

Just thinking about it, that kind of personality is already exaggerated and outrageous.

And in this unified myth, he is one of the only two supreme gods.

White King.



There were countless names, but the names were just unimportant things. The point was that at this time, part of the memory of the White King was synchronized. Only then did Fujimaru Ritsuka know how big the life level was between the White King and the four dragon kings.



If we use the former to represent humans and the latter to represent dragons, then the White King and the Black King seem to be at a higher level.


Although it has a structure similar to that of life, it is also beyond the form of life.

She never got "life", and she never got "death".

The life of a dragon is a circle structure, connected from beginning to end. From a human perspective, King Bai has been dead for thousands of years, but from King Bai's perspective, the era he lived in was no different from now.

From birth, he has seen through all time, from his own birth, to his death, to the world thousands of years after his death.

She is still "alive".

Even now.

In a form that is unobservable to humans.

As early as ten thousand years ago, the human senses saw the current scenery.

Beyond Norton.

【Absolute Future Observation】


(At that time, the reason why Hakuo’s remains were trying so hard to get closer to me and Eriki)

That's not for parasitism.

That outstretched hand was never meant to hurt from the beginning.

It's just the remaining flesh, the instinct left behind.

Bai Wang, she wants to touch me.

She "knew" me tens of thousands of years ago.

[It sounds strange, don’t laugh at me. I feel like I have singled out you before I was born. 】


That's right

It seems as if everything is like a wriggling thread, starting to intertwine and connect in series.

Now, Fujimaru Ritsuka can completely understand.

Although it was sudden, at this moment I had to think of a problem that had been buried a long time ago.

[Fujimaru Ritsuka is an amnesiac. 】

The questions that arise from this reality——

[Why did she lose her memory? 】

[And. If I really lost my memory, where did the memory go? 】

Regarding the former, Fujimaru Ritsuka has always had speculations.

She is a "person from another world", and most likely she is not a heroic protagonist who was summoned by some goddess to defeat the devil with cheating tools, but was simply kicked out of her own world for "some reason".

The little devil once commented on Fujimaru Ritsuka.

【The cut-off wanderer】

At that time, my memory was incomplete and I didn’t quite understand this concept. However, after my memory gradually recovered, I had a deep understanding of the existence of Miyamoto Musashi, and at the same time, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who also understood the concept of the Lost Belt, had a vague understanding of it. speculation.

If you say that you have been thrown out of the world by something and came to this world as a "wanderer" like Miyamoto Musashi, then several questions will naturally arise.

The first thing is that someone needs to ensure your own safety.

Because different worlds will not easily agree to a foreign object like him. The source may not be interested, but the inhibitory power, or various bosses who master magic and super-advanced magic props may have a stance on him.

After he came to this world, he came to Japan as a "reincarnation".

Then it means that his body was abandoned, and as a life, he only retained his [soul] and part of his [spirit].

No need for physical life.

Just to accomplish this, you need the help of magic - the third method [soul materialization].

So the conclusion has emerged.

There is a high probability that I was rejected from the original world for some reason and was sent to this world by one or more magicians.

So, the second question——

Why did I lose my memory?

First of all, consider whether this is man-made or something that happens naturally?

There is a high probability that it is man-made, because if it were not for man-made deprivation of memory, there would be no need to keep the world of one's own singularity but strip away the memory of one's own singularity.

So, why do we have to remove the memories from the Lost Belt?

Fujimaru Ritsuka would never have been able to get this answer no matter what.

It wasn't until she was forced into a desperate situation by Norton and Constantine that the blade symbolizing absolute judgment penetrated her body, that she had a clue.

[Arrogance]: Inflict damage on the subject of judgment, depending on the size of his or her "sin".

【A sin so huge that it cannot be understood】


Why do I have so many sins?

If it were in the past, she would not be able to get the answer even after searching her memories, but because the little devil had no choice but to return part of Fujimaru Ritsuka's memories on that rainy night in Fuzhou, she had a clue.

It's the Lost Belt.

What he did in the Lost Belt.

Finally, the concept was lifted.


Just as there is competition in life, there are winners and losers in history. "Now" is the history of winners based on correct choices and correct prosperity. This is called panhuman history.

And the history of losers based on wrong choices, wrong prosperity. The "history of mankind" that was discontinued as "unnecessary things" and even abandoned by the theory of parallel worlds - these are called "the Lost Belt".

In the memory I got, after being saved, I did not receive any treatment as a savior.

Being ostracized by the Magic Association, attacked by Chaldea, the "Friends of Chaldea" whom he knew and cherished, those partners who had saved the world with him were killed, and even Leonardo da Vinci was stabbed to death in the back.

And in this heavy tone, he was once again forced to embark on a journey of "salvation".

But this time.

She's not just a great hero who saves her world.

Also a destroyer.

Wrong world - Lostbelt. These "useless" worlds will take up too many resources in the long process of development. Their existence itself is an eyesore to the history of pan-humanity, and can even be said to be harmful.

His mission is to go to such a world and destroy them.

Unlike the once noble mortals, this time they are just pure

Killing and competition.

There is no love or hope, just the ordinary but heavy desire to live.

Every victory, every rescue means the life of a planet is killed by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

And all these sins are despicably pressed into this girl's soul.

It’s not hard to imagine that the rest of the journey will be like this, right?

Continue to work for the world, and continue to exclude the world that "has no development potential".

For themselves and for the sake of pan-human history, they continue to destroy and trample the world.

The Savior’s person continues to deepen.

at the same time--

The spiritual base of [World Destroyer] has also been born.

Slaying the evil dragon, human evil, the beast of divine punishment, the God of Machines

Countless resentments, curses, and the remains of death were transcended by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Countless "deaths".

【Abandoned hole】

The thing that I saw in Fengjian Liuli's spirit seemed to be a hole that drained out all the malice and resentment in the world.

That is by no means a recycling loop, but a pure trash can.

A container that contains and carries all malice.

That is the sin Fujimaru Ritsuka bears.

As a rough estimate, it is about the entire population of several worlds combined.

Therefore, after Fujimaru Ritsuka was hit by Arrogance, a giant blade that was almost the same level as a planet appeared and penetrated him.

Because she is indeed the one who committed such a heinous crime.

That kind of pain would probably completely destroy an average person's consciousness just by trying to observe it.

That is an existence that absolutely cannot be observed by the person involved.

Just observing, without thinking, will be swallowed up by the original guilt deep in human nature, and completely destroyed.

(That’s why the Cave King became so weak)

The dark flames, the burning waste, and the scenes he saw in his dreams all hinted at how he had survived carrying such malice.

Just like before, I am still here with the help and grace of so many people.

And here's the problem.

In this world, Fujimaru Ritsuka awakened the Word Spirit Oracle.

The Oracle of Words and Souls is the authority of the Supreme God, and the more you use this ability, the closer Fujimaru Ritsuka will be to the gods, and the dimensions of the world you observe will also change. Sooner or later, the existence of the abandoned hole will no longer be hidden. .

The Cave King probably understood this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because as mentioned above, the "waste hole" itself cannot be told to Fujimaru Ritsuka. Once the absolute prohibitions are recognized, it means that Fujimaru Ritsuka will directly collapse.

Da Vinci seemed to be aware of this, but he could only give advice that used the oracle as little as possible.

Unfortunately, the constant appearance of enemies still caused Fujimaru Ritsuka to completely abuse the Word Spirit Oracle, causing the Cave King to be unable to process those waste materials. Finally, he was exhausted and lost consciousness. Under the influence of instinct, Angers flowed into the exploding summoning matrix. inside the body.

On the other hand, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who lost the Cave King, once again caused the waste materials in her body to completely flow out of her body due to the battle with Norton and Constantine. This is also the reason why her personality changed during the battle and she became extremely excited.

If the normal process is followed, the girl will gradually be swallowed up by this desire and then destroyed.


An accident happened.

In the hands of Norton, Ritsuka Fujimaru, whose body was pierced by the Amazong Cloud Sword, synchronized the memory of King Haku, and she also learned too much about the reality that she once did not understand at that moment.

Back to the original question——

[If you really lose your memory, where will the memory go? 】

Fujimaru Ritsuka's memories were contained, essentially, because after losing his body, his soul alone could not carry his spirit. It was also because those memories about the Lost Belt were the source of the exhaust holes, and certain existences In order to prevent Fujimaru Ritsuka from being completely destroyed by the exhaust hole, her memory was separated, which was to help her bear her "crime".

So here comes the interesting question.

By analogy with nature, large-mass objects will attract the outside world. Fujimaru Ritsuka's spiritual element, which is so huge that it is twisted and deformed, and carries the thoughts of death of countless world residents, as well as its own will, will naturally be attracted by "massive" objects in this world. attract.

So, who is the individual with the strongest spiritual element in this world?

Do you still need to ask?

【White King】

That life which holds the concept of the spiritual element itself.

Tens of thousands of years ago, for King Haku, it was "now". She got the memory of Fujimaru Ritsuka in his spirit.

After repeated tastings, it seemed that I was attracted to the existence of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Unknown emotions?

After that, she kept its spiritual elements.

Her future vision spans thousands of years, enough to see the present scenery.

So, how to pass on the spiritual elements of Fujimaru Ritsuka to her who will be born tens of thousands of years later?

Dragon blood.

Spiritual substance.

Carrying the spirit.

The concept mentioned for the third time comes in handy again.

That's right, Hakuo mixed Fujimaru Ritsuka's spiritual elements into Hakuo's own dragon blood!

Hasn't anyone thought about this problem?

——Why did King Bai choose Japan as his country?

As the most advanced fantasy material, she started the inheritance of Japanese hybrids by sending her stumps to Japan.

The answer now seems obvious.

That is to ensure that his blood can be passed on to the baby named Fujimaru Ritsuka tens of thousands of years in the future, and the spirit that belongs to Fujimaru Ritsuka is returned!

It wasn't Japan that got the White King.

But King Bai chose this place!

In the meantime, keep those cruel memories in chains and wait for the time to come.

Only when Fujimaru Ritsuka uses the Word Spirit Oracle to link her consciousness with the emperor of the origin tens of thousands of years ago, can she find a way to tell the truth to the other party while maintaining Fujimaru Ritsuka's rationality, and Give yourself control over your spiritual elements.

That's a measure to combat waste holes.

Humans will never be able to remain normal under such malice, so there must be something beyond human to support them.

To transcend human nature.

From man, evolve into god.

The transformation of [Divinity]!

All answers end at this moment.

The reward Fujimaru Ritsuka received after his death——

He recovered some of the Lost Belt memories that he had originally discarded.

He received a gift from the White King and usurped the "White King's power".

To sum up——

That is an extraordinary amount of spiritual elements that exceeds any kind of life on this planet!


【Newborn White King】

That's why she involuntarily allowed her body to float.

Because this divine creature has never been bound by gravity since its birth, even the concept of gravity is determined by the lives of the two origins when the planet was born.

That's why, at this moment, she didn't even care about Norton and Constantine, and just looked at the blood-red sky dreamily.

No desire for revenge.

There is no humiliation of defeat.

There is no glory in victory.

Just thinking

Even without hearing Da Vinci's explanation, with her current observation height, she could still understand Norton's purpose.

A world beyond the world.

The "Wandering Plan" to break away from the parallel timeline.

Get rid of the judgment of the universe observer and make the world the only one free from the beam line.

So far, these are all pretty good ideas. It might as well be said to be a great leap forward in the history of alchemy.

The only problem is that the risk is too great.

Once he enters the root, even if Norton can rely on covering the surface of the planet with a layer of mystery of [Space Opening] and use the truth of the root to fight against the root, it is still not enough.

As long as you reach the source, even if you are several light years away from that concept, it can be considered close.

There is no doubt that all living things on the entire planet will be forced to be continuously fed "truth".

Understanding everything also means that nothing can be accomplished.


The peak value is 0.3 seconds, right?

All human brains will be burned out and explode.

This time it’s the Orange Juice Project~

Haha, hahaha! ! ! ! ——

If it had been before, Fujimaru Ritsuka would have tried his best to stop it.


"Isn't it pretty good?"

With wild light in his eyes, the mad Fujimaru Ritsuka snickered, opened his arms wantonly in the center of the world, and raised his hand towards the red sky.

"If we follow the normal process, there is only one last step left."

Humanity, the defense mechanism of the planet, the birth of collective consciousness, the absolute rejection of [the source].

Of course Norton knew about those existences, but was he prepared to overcome his inhibitions under such circumstances?

No, after being consumed by me to this extent, there is a high probability that Norton will never be able to get back up again.

He was just going to fight for his life.

Look at me.

Driven by restraint, he was almost resurrected with full blood.

【A battle with no chance of winning】


There is an exception.

That is--


The girl was hanging upside down in the air, and she slowly raised her hand.

Now, she can understand Norton's thoughts.

Norton is bound to fail - because even if he overcomes all kinds of obstacles and kills Fujimaru Ritsuka, Ritsuka will be resurrected through various means. If she can't think of a way by herself, then her inhibitions will think of it for her.

In a worse situation, if he really missed the mark and was not resurrected, Lu Mingze would take action.

[Four free coupons]

Also as the top of the world.

Seven Crowns.

Four that have appeared, and three that have never appeared.

【Reverse flow of time】

Just like she said.

She calculated that she would not lose.

As early as that dinner party in Fuzhou, the boy said that he would keep Lixiang no matter what.

He wouldn't say anything about an uncertain bet.

And no matter what the situation, there is only one who can guarantee the ability to save the person he likes.


——In the worst case scenario, if the little devil really confirms the death of Fujimaru Ritsuka, he will directly consume his power and restart the world line!

The next time, Norton lost the right to take the initiative, and the disguise of "Old Tang" was peeled off——

You will definitely lose.


And I will definitely win.

From the very beginning, before the battle even started, Fujimaru Ritsuka was winning.

No matter what she or Norton did, they were all clowns on the stage.

Inhibition has already solved everything.


That's not enough.

It is not enough to ensure your own victory, to ensure the survival of humanity.

【Too little】

The girl showed a greedy smile.

There is a [external discussion] in the calculation of inhibitory power

The White King's gift, love and pity.

When lives spanning thousands of years look at each other.

The moment when human beings experience "divine" in a short period of time.

Only the girl at that moment belonged neither to humans nor to the collective will of the planet.



The momentary sense of disobedience created by the white emperor could surpass the calculation of restraint.

That is--

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

False history, the huge fuel was forcibly burned under the action of the White King's supreme power, all elements rushed into the red light pillar connecting the sky, and countless quantum quantities began to accelerate and blur! ——

At that moment, the earth's crust began to tremble, as if the planet was wailing.

Norton pressed the ground in panic, sensing the planet's thoughts.

Is it... flustered?

Trying to defend yourself?

Twist, collapse.

At the moment when the "membrane" is about to break.

The girl's golden pupils suddenly changed color

It was a dark blue as magnificent as an abyss, with a circle of crimson wrapped around the irises. If you look closely, you will see densely packed silk threads that are intertwined and connected, dense and addictive.

She swung the knife, and the blade swung in a strange arc along the "trajectory", accompanied by the sound of breaking glass——

The sound stopped.

At that moment, Norton realized what the girl was doing.

Is she moving the world? ? ?

As if they had a telepathic connection, Norton and the girl looked at each other.

What are you laughing at?

In an instant, it was really just an incalculable moment. Norton was so frightened that he quickly cooperated to strengthen the mystery of the outer layer of the world——

Accompanied by soundless silence.

The world has reached its roots.

Chapter 74: Shining saw the black flames in Fujimaru’s spiritual world and complained that he was too weak. An abandoned hole appeared in Chapter 75

[Why is Fujimaru Ritsuka affected by the abandoned hole? 】

It will happen in itself. This is a sin that humans absolutely cannot bear.

It's just that the earl helped burn it before, so Ritsuka didn't notice it, but now the earl is lying down

[Why Fujimaru has a spiritual oracle]

It's not cheating, but it's destined to happen, because King Bai "knows her", and the reason is written in this chapter - I accidentally opened the fgo mobile game ten thousand years ago, and finished the first two chapters of King Bai from a first-person perspective.jpg

[Why didn’t Lu Mingze take action]

The contract is broken, and you say this is very unsatisfactory - then my evaluation is that it is not as good as the sound of a bangzi.

But Lu Mingze has always been responsible for taking care of the truth.

Why is Norton only partially successful in The Seven Crowns?

——The King of Black and White, how could someone of Lu Mingze’s level not know this?

It’s not random writing, this is a tribute to the original work, okay ()

[You can see it all, this whole paragraph is in some neta comic]

So will Ritsuka say that line? Why do you say that?

Although I like to play memes, I think they are always useful when playing.

Abandoned holes.




As you can see, everything in this volume is prepared for [Fujimaru] and [Abandoned Kong].

But because of my mistakes, many readers lost their focus in reading the book.

Hey. I can only beg, please be gentle and look at the next plot objectively.

I want to write a plot where the boss of Xingyue sneers and the chef of Yunxingyue doesn’t understand why.

My food, I write, write, write! !

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