Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 369 Fujimaru Ritsuka, you naughty boy! ! (2-in-1)

Hearings, trials, whatever you say is fine, in short, after Norton instigated human forces and Fujimaru Ritsuka declared independence on the spot without any regard for the face of the school board, the mixed-race rage sweeping the world has been unable to stop.

The school board began to brainstorm how to make a comeback in this situation, and the mixed-race bosses present all said that times were really going to change.

But this is not the end.

Because the nature of the meeting has changed, the changes in human power, these have nothing to do with the judged Dragon King Norton.

So after that, he made a declaration that made everyone present turn pale.

【The Black King is about to wake up】

[In the false history, humans nailed the Black King to the throne. But in real history, the Black King only appeared in the early days of humankind's age of gods. While destroying the culture of the planet's indigenous gods, the aftermath of that final event will almost strangle the civilization that has not yet been established by humans. In the bud. 】

[It has destroyed countless civilizations. 】

[And human beings are not more developed than any of these civilizations. 】

The first reaction of the old monsters to such a statement was "disbelief", because the education they received from birth told them that the Black King was killed by humans, and that grand and tragic picture was engraved on every human being. in mind.

The Black King is the end of the world.

But not invincible.

It is precisely because of this mentality that the school board will even send important mixed-race elites to participate in extremely dangerous dragon egg exploration activities, not because of anything else, but because in their eyes, the Dragon King is not an enemy that will lead to their destruction. , but a treasure monster with a treasure trove of gold and silver buried inside it.

They have already begun to think about the distribution of property after "destroying the Dragon Clan".

And now, suddenly someone told them——

【ah? What are you thinking about? You are all going to die~]

How could the school board accept this statement?

Although it is their fault that they have never thought about how humans can defeat dragons.

Although, they have never thought about why the other four dragon kings are not included in the picture of the Black King's death. It is their fault.

But okay, who would doubt themselves?

If someone went to the school board of directors and said this, the school board would arrest him and send him to the Kassel school doctor's office to have Professor Toyama have his brain checked. But unfortunately, the person who spoke was named Norton.

He is the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

A monster that could destroy the human world if you're not careful.

Look at Odin, a strange thing who single-handedly started a thousand-year war between humans and dragons and tampered with human memory to this day.

No matter which one, it seems that they can completely destroy human civilization, but they have not set this goal for some reason.


Is the dragon so powerful?

That seems very convincing, right?

The school board's brainstorming is still going on, but it has begun to change the topic. Businessmen can only think about profit, and they know better than anyone that the value of life is far higher than currency.

No one wants to die.

At this time, the initiator of everything began to add fuel to the fire.

"Let's talk first. If you think that the human secret party elite can kill the Black King, then I advise you to just go to bed." Norton laughed and mocked.

"It is impossible for humans to defeat Nidhogg."


"That's life born from the planet."

"There's no way on this planet it can lose—"

【enough! 】

The school board knew that it could not allow Norton to continue speaking. Even if all the secret party elites were present, these mentally ill bosses would not hide secrets at all, and today's conversation would inevitably be exposed.

In other words, from now on, the entire hybrid world will know that human civilization has reached the countdown.

No, not just the mixed race world.

As mentioned before, no matter how large the Camarilla is, they are not at a large level with humans. The gap between them is not the mutants and humans in Marvel comics, but at most the gap between Captain America and humans.

A little, but not much.

This dialogue is a foregone conclusion from the outset.

In the auditorium at the back, there were not only mixed-race forces.

Everything that happens before our eyes is also under the surveillance of the leaders of the world.

Not the mixed race world, but the whole world.

The entire human civilization has been sentenced to a prelude to death today.

【Fujimaru Ritsuka! 】

The school board understands how big an impact this will have, so they can only put aside their prejudices and make the most correct judgment at the moment.

That is--

Throw the blame! !

Is humanity going to perish?

The moment people know this reality, infinite panic will break out.

It's like waking up in the morning and suddenly seeing the news circulating that a meteorite is hitting the earth, and human science and technology will need to develop for at least another three hundred years to avoid this disaster.

So, what kind of emotions will the people fall into at that moment?

You've been in a lot of disaster movies, right? Wealth will become meaningless in an instant, and human nature will collapse accordingly. Burning, killing, looting, and all moral and legal constraints will immediately disappear, leaving only the pleasure brought by the final debauchery.

However, in such an environment, the most soul-refreshing pleasure is not burning, killing and looting, or it is not just.

The question is, who to kill?

Who to rob?

Who to burn?

of course?

Who caused this disaster - no one.

Then who caused the human beings to be unable to avoid this disaster - this is the cause of the disaster.

Weak people, or a considerable part of the public, will vent all their grievances on others at one go. They can insult scientists for why they occupy so much funding but cannot make a contribution to saving the earth. They can insult politicians for why they fight with each other and lead to civilization. Missed the golden period of development.

It doesn't even have to be these powerful or talented people. If you just pick up an innocent person and say that he is "the evil of this world", there will be people rushing forward to put him on the cross and roast him.

Someone has to take the ill will.

A very familiar setting, isn’t it?

The evil in this world is also...

[Abandoned hole theory]

Originally, those closest to taking the blame were the clique school board of directors who occupied the most resources, the most talents, and the most time.

No, it’s more of an exposure than taking the blame.

Objectively speaking, they have indeed slowed down the technological development of the human world because they need to restrain each other and because there is no need to continue to develop and take risks.

They enjoy the best environment, but they only care about making more money. They don't care about the development of human civilization at all. They don't even reveal the secrets of the Dragon Clan, allowing humans to come into contact with the truth of the end of the world too late.

Once something breaks out, they will be inseparable.

Must throw the blame

The blame must be thrown away!

These thoughts only took the school board 0.05 seconds.

The good thing is that this is their domain.

Fight with dragons? Playing games?

No (no concern)

Spewing dirty water on humans? To step on a compatriot?

I'm super! I come! ! (call out)

This is the only area where the School Board’s thinking has made a huge leap forward.

The holding of this meeting may have been a mistake, so the responsibility must be removed immediately!

The only person who can help them do this is Fujimaru Ritsuka, who just announced a few minutes ago that he wants to run for the leadership of the human hybrids.

As long as the responsibility of Norton, the Black King, is dumped on her in one fell swoop, she will have to step into the open on behalf of the school board.

This will lead to Fujimaru Ritsuka gaining higher popularity in one fell swoop - and will also lead to her being pushed to the edge of the abyss in one fell swoop.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.


"Ah~ I know, I know~"

To everyone's surprise, Fujimaru Ritsuka showed no resistance at all. She knew it was a trap, but she took the initiative to stand up.

There was no sign of panic at all.

"Anyway, Norton-san, just shut up."

"You don't need to tell me."

Under the public gaze, Norton actually kept his mouth shut.

Now everyone knew that Norton was determined to collapse the human race from within and put all the responsibility and blame on Fujimaru Ritsuka's head.

Since the other party was captured alive by Fujimaru Ritsuka himself, this was normal.

Despicable Dragon King! ! !

America, so American! ! !

The big guys glared at each other, but the two parties involved looked indifferent.

In this way, Fujimaru Ritsuka was forced to shoulder the responsibility and became the scapegoat of the mixed race, and this so-called "trial" came to nothing.


"On purpose? I didn't ask you to do this, right?"

The swaying hull, the violent ice sea surges and washes against the tip of the ship, as if the whole world is only filled with breath and waves. When you look up, you will feel as if the sky is pressing down because of the too wide field of vision. feel.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is used to taking boats, not just because of her rich experience in her previous life. Let alone boats, I will tell you all about imaginary submarines.

It is also because she has always been on missions with Angers in the past few years, and as mentioned before, most dragons like to spin cocoons on the seabed, which has also led to her liking to take boats.

At this time, the ship's destination is the North Pole, and Fujimaru Ritsuka's mission this time is to escort the Dragon King to a special prison in the North Pole for custody.

Some people may wonder what kind of prison can lock up the Dragon King. The answer is that there is an answer in history.

The North Pole, the place where the white emperor once fell, the immortal being was tied to death by the black emperor on the bronze pillar connecting heaven and earth.

According to legend, the Black King did not care about the White King after what happened last night, so why didn’t the White King try to escape?

Even if he is seriously injured, even the Dragon King cannot let down his guard at the last second before his death. The reason why the Black King is so relieved is because the North Pole itself is a huge alchemical field!

This planet has a unique environment created by itself, and it also has an alchemical matrix transformed by Nidhogg himself.

Whether it’s alchemy or spirituality, they are essentially the application of the world’s resources and elements.

Norton invented the concept of alchemy, which is actually the same as mathematicians compiling textbooks. He summarized some of the laws of the world and expanded them himself, so he is called the Dragon King with the strongest alchemy.

But most of the time, he is actually not called the ancestor of alchemy, but the ancestor of the weapon refining civilization.

Because if alchemy is the application of elements, then Nidhogg is the natural god of alchemy.

He does not need to study or summarize.

Everything is a natural right.

Therefore, even Norton could not easily escape from the "alchemy" he used, not to mention the fact that he was carrying a command spell and handcuffed with Leonardo da Vinci's homemade alchemy tools.

In the Arctic, any dragon king would be suppressed here.

And the interesting thing is——

This information was given by Norton himself.

"What are you thinking about? You took the initiative to seal yourself, and you deliberately pushed me into the position of human leader~ What's wrong, is this a trap?"

"Although the school board seems to be playing house politics due to its lack of research on dragons, they can probably guess your intentions, right?"

"Either destroy people or create gods~"

Leaning next to the handrail on the edge of the splint, the girl leaned her elbows on the railing, her head raised high, and her eyes stared at the sky in a daze.

"Yeah, yeah, it's such a heavy burden. Ms. Fujimaru is really too busy~"

It was clear that there was a dangerous person named Norton in front of her, but she seemed very defenseless.

Norton did not hide his intentions and spoke calmly.

"There is no reason. Helping you means that the conservatives in the mixed race can gain the upper hand. In this way, lunatics like Angers will not always come to trouble me - my original intention is to find Constantine." You can live a peaceful life away from the hustle and bustle, and the Arctic is quite a suitable place for seclusion.”

Ritsuka said casually while fiddling with the sunglasses on her collar.

"Even if it means being imprisoned for a thousand years?"

"Haha. Let's not talk about whether a thousand years is a long time for the dragon clan. Do you really think that I will wait until a thousand years before coming out? After you, the monster, die, I have no obligation to stay there."

"Oh~ You really dare to say it, saying in front of the police inspector that you want to escape from prison?"

Ritsuka laughed happily, put her sunglasses back into her trouser pocket, and then immediately moved her body away from the railing and moved her wrist joints, as if she was eager to try.

Norton squinted his eyes. Although his shoulders subconsciously tensed for a moment, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

".Save it, you know that this kind of thing is meaningless. You need my information, whether it is the Black King's or Odin's."

"It's not too late to ask again after I beat you, right?"

"." Norton pursed his lips, his expression did not change, but he turned his back to Fujimaru Ritsuka with a natural movement and said.

"I really don't know Odin's true location."

Why? Who asked you? ?

"——But, although I don't know where Odin is, I do know that with his slutty personality, he probably can't help but transform into a human and move around in your human society."

"Unlike all other dragon kings, Odin's vanity as a dragon king is the most powerful, and he is also the dragon king who most wants to replace the Black King and become the emperor. He will inevitably occupy an extremely noble position in human society, because only in this way can he mocking human existence in the nearest scene.”

"Maybe a rich person, a political figure, maybe even the head of a country."

"He stole all my alchemy tools and prepared for tens of thousands of years. The Dragon King is the strongest creature, so what determines our strength is just how long we prepare."

Norton turned his head, his eyes glowing with light gold, as if he had seen through everything.

"Odin never fell, which means - he never resigned from the [strongest] seat."

Do you really think you can win?

Norton's statement revealed this implicit questioning.

The girl's answer to this was extremely simple.

she says--

"So who asked you? Don't think that you can cover the topic just now by talking so much nonsense. I promised to punch you!" Ritsuka put her hands on her hips and said angrily.


I'm obviously talking to you about a very serious, world-class topic, and you're just making jokes with me?

Are you a child?

Although he was reluctant, Norton still shouted angrily.

"I never said that!"

Now Norton was stunned. His face became ugly. Although his hands were handcuffed, he still took two steps back in a defensive posture.

Norton was proud of his physical weakness as a researcher, but he still had to show off his fighting posture.

The two were in a stalemate for a short time, and then they lowered their guard at the same time.


Upon seeing this, Ritsuka pondered for a moment, then took a breath and spoke calmly.

"Well, it will straighten up if you hit the bow of the ship anyway. Although I don't know how strong the so-called Dragon King in his heyday is, but————"

The girl patted her biceps with a proud and proud expression on her face.

"Anyway, there will be a way~"

In fact, there was confidence in the status quo hidden in that smile.

Odin is indeed a very difficult opponent, but correspondingly, Fujimaru Ritsuka has already started investigating his identity, and has also become suspicious.

On this basis, as long as Mr. Norton's value as an alchemist is squeezed to the limit, then I can use the summoning alchemy matrix to attract all the big brothers I know. No matter how strong Odin is, what does it matter?

If I can't beat him alone, why can't I call him brother?


Who says I can't win on my own?

After the battle with Norton, there was no actual battle to test how strong the girl was, and even she herself didn't know.


I don’t think I will lose.

Although he had only been taught a lesson recently, he could not imagine the scene of his defeat at this moment.

If you lose, call someone, if you win, play, play, sing and ride on your face to output.

Ritsuka decided it was time to reveal her trump cards.

Of course, necessary preparatory measures must also be started.

This time, we can't let everyone worry anymore.

No. I always thought it would be a flag, so I didn’t say it anymore.


"Anyway, don't worry, Fujimaru, I've seen a lot of rough and tumble people~" Ritsuka clenched her fists and beat her chest, looking complacent.

Norton looked at her look and said nothing more.

The speed of the ship began to slow down, and the ice continent in the distance was also so clear.

Looking at his happy new home, Norton exhaled, and the white mist instantly turned into a visible white mist and dispersed in the cold air.

He looked into the distance and couldn't help but joke when he became interested.

"So...you don't need to punch me anymore, right?"


The girl made a confused sound.

Ritsuka turned around with a look of surprise and disgust.

"Norton-san, what are you doing?" Fujimaru Ritsuka showed the face of the Orleans village woman, "We are obviously talking about a very serious topic of salvation, okay, can you please stop making jokes? Are you a child?"

"Fujimaru!!! You guy!!!!——"

ps: I’ll finish my final remarks tonight.

There is so much I want to say in this volume, but I still don’t know what to say even though I have cut and deleted it.


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