Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 370 White Tower (Two in One)

After that great war, everything ended.

It seems like nothing has changed, and it seems like everything has changed.

The Dragon King who turned the world upside down was imprisoned, and his Dragon Attendant was also sent to the Arctic Abyss.

People get busy and people start thinking.

Because they witnessed the birth and death of human heroes.

At this moment, the "only" in the vortex, the arrogant girl who claims to make the world into an absolute "one" is——


Swipe and pull——

Kang Kang Kang Kang

The bright white corridor, the dense crowd, and the silver-white glasses frames that symbolize wisdom cover the bridge of everyone's nose, reflecting the light into a dazzling light.

Everyone was wearing a uniform long white cloak, letting the wind outside the window lift it into a perfect arc, like waves.

Everyone put their hands in their trouser pockets and put their elbows at a favorable angle, which was a double standard of majesty and wisdom. The attending doctor at the front had his arms straight and his movements were cool and scary.

She has beautiful orange hair and sharp eyes. She raised her hand and touched the center of her glasses lightly with her finger.

Reach out, to the right, and straighten.


"At this."

The medical assistant named Sakura handed the speaker in her hand to the doctor in white, and the girl took it and raised it to her mouth expressionlessly, opening her mouth——

[Play the BGM of "The White Tower": B Rossette]


Assistant Sakura nodded, and then dialed the ID named Kaguya on her phone. Immediately, the music software started playing.

The violin then went crazy, the cello melodiously floated, and the thick but meandering sound began to circulate. At the same time, the girl at the front of the large army held her head high and her chest high, her face flushed with pride, and she strode forward.

【Dr. Fujimaru’s~~~】

[Large troops patrolling the house]

The light fell from the back of the girl's head, and a large crowd of people walked by, feeling a sense of oppression and urgency.

"So, what exactly is this doing?"

With a swipe, the large force opened the door.

In the first ward, the speaker was Chu Tianjiao who was placed on the hospital bed.

The man was holding the fruit beside the bed sideways, looking at the attending doctor who suddenly broke into his room with a twisted posture.

The doctor closed his eyes and hummed softly, sat on the hollow-design chair next to the patient's bed, and put the apple that the patient originally planned to eat on his hand, wiped it twice and then took a bite.

"That's what happened." The girl said vaguely.

"Goro Zazen (played by Tosaki Karasawa), associate professor of surgery at Naniwa University School of Medicine, is a promising young doctor who became famous in the industry for successfully removing a cancerous tumor belonging to the governor of Tsurukawa and Osaka Prefecture. Professor Higashi Sadazou (played by Ishizaka) Koji (played by Koji) couldn't accept that a young man took over the title of first professor of surgery, and disliked the young and energetic Goro Zaizen, so "

"I'm asking you why you imitated "The White Tower". I'm not asking you about the plot of "The White Tower"?! By the way, why did you name all the actors!?!" Chu Tianjiao said in shock.

"Mmmm (gulp)!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his head, swallowed the apple and said seriously.

""The White Tower" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Yamazaki Toyoko. It is a highly rated commemorative drama for the 45th anniversary of Japan's Fuji TV. It has 21 episodes and premiered on October 9, 2003. Please be sure to watch it."

"Everyone knows it?! It's a national program, right! Even I have watched it a little bit! Don't underestimate an older man who is divorced from his wife and has a cold war with his son and stays at home alone every day!"

"Ara. That's awesome."

"Why do you have to pause in the middle?! This makes me feel scrupulous!"

After all, Chu Tianjiao, an older man, was once the most powerful player in the university town, and he could easily complain. Although he had some shadows over the girl in front of him, not much was left as time went by.

Moreover, this time we are teammates on a mission together, so there is no reason to be afraid.

It would be better to say that the sense of security is super strong, so strong that even a grown man like myself is completely embarrassed.

Perhaps to change the subject, Chu Tianjiao said with an embarrassed face.

"Forgetting everything else, it is a bad habit to eat fruits without washing them. Although I am not a reliable adult male, as an elder I must say, you are like this."

"It's okay." The girl waved her hand.

"Anyway, Senior Chu's room, my senior brother must have come to your place to help you wash the fruits. Otherwise, senior, you are a middle-aged man who is so lazy, how can you think of washing the fruits.

You are the kind of man who knows that buying fruits directly will be much cheaper, but because you are too lazy to peel and wash them, you just buy fruits. But you feel that it is too much of a loss, so you just wait until the discount in the evening to buy them, deceiving yourself. College student mentality. "

"Don't say it anymore. Don't say it anymore. Leave some dignity to your uncle as an adult man." He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and Chu Tianjiao showed a white flag of begging for mercy and surrender with a livid face.

And the girl is so gentle, naturally she no longer pursues her relentlessly.

She shook her head from side to side, then asked.

"Speaking of which, where is senior brother?"

"Ah Zihang would have gone back to Kassel long ago."

"So early?"

Ritsuka suddenly turned around.

So, let’s insert the time and place at this time.

This is Tokyo time, December 20th.

The location is Japan, eight exclusive hospitals in Sheqi.

By the way, girls used to lie here to recuperate after Tokyo Tower.

At this time, several weeks have passed since the "Operation Abyss".

The reason why there are still people staying here after so long is that there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, this battle was so tragic.

The economic losses caused by the aftermath of the battle reached tens of billions. This was only the part that was willing to be released, and almost all the personnel participating in the operation had varying degrees of injuries, causing the surrounding hospitals to be full.

The death toll is even more shocking! ! ——



No, to be precise, there should be zero casualties compared to the direct battlefield. We do not rule out the possibility that someone was directly frightened to death by the world-destroying scene in the Alchemy Matrix, but it cannot be counted and has not been found yet.

Of course, it goes without saying that those who can do this kind of thing are the credit of every combatant.

During the battle, Fujimaru Ritsuka blocked all the Noble Phantasm Rainfall alone, but it was Minamoto and Erika who blocked the natural disaster-level tsunami. The ensuing large-scale high fever, as well as the residents caused by electronic shielding, The panic required help from all eight Sheqi families and even government agencies to barely subdue the panic, without any additional casualties.

If it weren't for the fact that this operation assembled almost all the cutting-edge combat power of hybrid species and dispatched almost all the personnel of the eight Sheqi families and the new force after the integration of the fierce ghosts, the final result might have been biased.

Everything is so thrilling.

It has reached this level, and those on the frontal battlefield such as Chu Tianjiao are even more desperate.

Who hasn’t broken a few ribs and internal organs, and there are some problems, and there are some holes.

But still the same sentence.

Hybrids are low-match dragons, and the most notable feature of dragons is none other than [immortality]

Immortality and strong resilience are bonus features.

Therefore, the high-blooded hybrids basically recovered quickly. The reason why Chu Tianjiao stayed here was purely because he had just learned about a job and planned to take a rest, and the exclusive hospital of Sheqi Bajia is actually the best of sanatorium.

First-class nurses take care of you, and the TVs are of the highest quality.

The bed sheets are changed every day, and there is a free nutritious buffet downstairs.

You can also live in the same ward with your biological son. If you round up, you will live together, and if you round up, your son will be returned to your own name.

But other than Chu Tianjiao——

"Huh? Everyone has gone back!??"

What Ritsuka was waiting for was this kind of news.

The girl showed a French expression of surprise, and her whole body expression highlighted "unbelievable".

Just after the war, the girl came to the hospital. At that time, only Lu Mingfei woke up among the wounded. After confirming that no one was in danger, the girl simply returned to her work.

In the past few weeks, Ritsuka has been responsible for personally escorting Norton and Constantine to the most stringent prison in the Arctic, where Flamel spent almost his entire life collecting the spirit-suppressing and alchemy-operating tools. Materials, and anti-anti-defense patterns are carved on the periphery.

Da Vinci worked hard to transform it, and Fujimaru Ritsuka kindly contributed the command spell. The location is a thousand meters deep under the Arctic ice.

The inspiration was Vernon Bain Prison, but it was just an enhanced version of that, except that the construction cost alone was astronomical.

Just like Norton's example, an alchemist is a magician, and the magician's strongest ability is [positional warfare]

A prepared magician is better than anyone else.

Norton, who was escorted in, was a prisoner who broke into someone else's magic workshop.

Of course, in order to avoid accidents, apart from Ritsuka, only Leonardo da Vinci and Angers were eligible to go to prison.

As a result, Fujimaru Ritsuka spent a lot of time there.

When she came back, it was on a whim that she wanted to have a good chat with everyone and apologize properly.

——After all, he died once, which must have made everyone worried, right?

With such a mood, she couldn't see it on the outside, but she was actually worried inside.

Fortunately, when communicating with Lu Mingfei, the boy surnamed Lu didn't have any major reaction. If he came up to him crying and with a runny nose and wanted to hug him, Ritsuka would have to consider whether he would soil his hospital coat.

Very good, everyone is calm and mature!

That's what she originally thought.

And now——

“Not mature at all!!!”

The girl suddenly raised her hands flat, and then dropped them heavily, with a horrified look on her face.

"Dead, I died once! And after I died, I disappeared for a long time! Don't everyone worry about me! How can such a thing happen!!!"

"Where's Ruri Kazama?!"


"Where's Principal Angers?!"

"Back to Kassel."

"Where's Master Yue! Master Yue should be here, right!?!"

"Master Bu Yue? As for the old man selling ramen, he went back with Ange."

"Hey?! Master Yue?! Where's Zero! Where's Caesar! Where's Fingel!"

"They're all gone," Chu Tianjiao said sheepishly

The girl gasped.

"Aren't you worried about me at all?"

The girl's expression paled, she turned her face away, and her smile became stiff.

Ha ha

Gudazi is an unwanted child.

"No, no, no, no!" Chu Tianjiao immediately stepped forward to dissuade him when he saw something was wrong and the phantom pain in his body.

"Although you used your word spirit to stop everyone's brains when you were fighting Norton, the only sentence "I am the only one in heaven and the world" is a mantra that is uncontrollable and forcibly recognized by the universe, so everyone knew at that time that you were fine. Yes, and I’m full of energy.”

"Hey!?" Li Xiang covered his mouth and stared.

"Did everyone hear it!? I thought not all the people on earth heard it."

The "secondary student"'s speech was captured by all mankind. This reality is enough for any junior high school boy to buy dichlorvos and purple sand online locally, but Ritsuka was only surprised for a moment, and then——

Just forgot.

"Ah~ That's it~~~ So where did everyone go! But even so, we can't just run away! I will be sad! Wow!——"

With Chu Tianjiao's speechless expression, the girl rushed to the unoccupied hospital bed next to Chu Tianjiao, lifted the quilt, buried her face in the quilt and washed her face with tears. She pretended to cry for a while before being silently pulled away by Yabuki Sakura.

"Okay, Ritsuka, let's go."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no -"

"excuse me."

Before Fujimaru Ritsuka could act up, he was taken away by the scruff of his neck, like an orange cat that got into trouble and stayed put, its owner pinched the scruff of its fate.

Chu Tianjiao sighed.

Sure enough, my old family members still work. No one in Kassel can manage Ritsuka Fujimaru.

There is something about this little girl named Yabuki Sakura.


[Why are everyone leaving?]

"It's a question that everyone knows without asking. In fact, Fujimaru himself also knows it."

After this battle, everyone's mentality changed.


The transformation of the world.

"There is no way to predict what the world will become like this time." Chu Tianjiao sighed, relaxed his stopped back again, and sat back on the hospital bed.


I can only bite the bullet.


"Everyone wants to become stronger so that they can help you."

"You know it yourself, right?"

In the corridor, the army of doctors who were used to create the atmosphere had long since dispersed, leaving only Sakura Yabuki and Ritsuka Fujimaru.

Familiar old partners walked side by side in the corridor. The orange-haired girl kept muttering something, "I am an unwanted child, so pitiful, so pitiful." She threw herself on Yabuki Sakura, and tightly wrapped her hands around Miss Sakura. The delicate body even puts one leg up to wrap around the opponent's waist. To outsiders, it looks more like a wraith or the death coil of an African python than a warm picture of a beautiful woman.

"Hey~ Even if you say so"

Ritsuka made a sound with unclear emotions, and buried her head in Miss Sakura's hair, twisting and turning, unwilling to accept it.

Yabuki Sakura kept her expression unchanged and picked up the opponent's legs wrapped around her waist to avoid falling. She said softly while lifting them.

"Ritsuka, you are too strong."

"Obviously everyone thinks they can keep up with you at first, but in fact they will be left behind very quickly."

"It's been like this ever since."

"A mediocre person like me has lost the qualification to stay by your side a long time ago, and I think I have accepted this."

"However, I still hope that someone will be able to help you when necessary."

"Instead of."

Of course Ritsuka knew what Yabuki Sakura wanted to say.

Although everyone contributed to this incident, in the final analysis, it was basically Fujimaru Ritsuka who solved all the difficulties alone.

Whether it's the Noble Phantasm flow, the global crisis caused by astral alchemy, or the danger of the Lord of Bronze and Fire itself.

It's different from Odin's time, and it's different from Tokyo Tower's time.

The burden the girl was bearing didn't seem to be lightening, but instead was getting heavier.

Although she would definitely not care about it. After all, even if the Hall of Heroes was behind this girl, she would still have a harder time day by day. In the end, even though she was a summoner, she still had to go up and fight. Hand-to-hand combat.

Nothing has changed at all.

It's the same everywhere.

Everyone knows except the girl herself——

They are relying on this girl.

Shamelessly and unreasonably, he placed the heavy responsibility of the planet and human history on the shoulders of a young girl.

And there is nothing you can do.

".I don't care." Lixiang said her answer, but her voice was so soft that it made people wonder whether she intended to say it out loud, or maybe it was just talking to herself that was not an answer at all.

Self-hypnosis that even she herself didn't believe in.

But Yabuki Sakura still chuckled fondly.

"Whether you mean it or not, the people around you will still feel distressed. Even if you pretend to be free and easy, everyone may unexpectedly be unable to stand it."

"If the twisted concern is never able to be vented, it may turn into a more twisted and heavy emotion, and Ritsuka's charm may become incredible."

"Haha, what the hell is that~"

The girl shifted her body weight so that she could lie on Yabuki Sakura's back more comfortably, hanging like a koala, and said casually.

"How can it be so easy to do that? If nothing else, does Miss Ying also have some evil thoughts about me?"

"Yes, yes."

"Hahaha, I knew everyone was just joking. Laughing."

Ritsuka closed her eyes, her smile stuck midway.

Yabuki Sakura kept her face as calm as water, walked along the corridor with Ritsuka on her back, and spoke as if nothing happened.

"By the way, our master still has something to discuss with you, Ritsuka. Now that we have confirmed the situation in the hospital, let's go there first."

"Ah no. Huh? Wait, isn't it? There are more important things, what I heard just now! Miss Sakura! What do you mean by heavy feelings! It can't be the painful or strange kind!"

"The head of the Yuan family is actually very worried about you. Ritsuka must be more at ease in front of the head of the family."

"Oh? No, no, so that's not right! What on earth are heavy feelings! Tell me quickly! I'm so scared! Miss Sakura! Miss Sakura!!!???"

ps: Ah~~~I can finally write about my daily life and relax.

Try to go back to updating twice a day instead of doing multiple updates in one.

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