Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 372 Coach, I want to learn to fight the Dragon King

If the Brave Team had a classic composition, what would it be?

[Brave]: As the classic weapon of choice, the brave will tear apart the monster's body with a big sword, meet the destined sword of the brave, and then defeat the devil.

[Archer]: Generally, he must be a fairy. While responsible for the appearance of the team, he also needs to have long-range firepower support. At the same time, because of his weak melee ability, he can provide the brave with a chance to save the beauty.

[Dwarf]: A typical melee player. In addition to being active on the frontal battlefield, he can also conflict with the elves. The two of them can provide more waves and ideological conflicts to the story, and the relationship is likely to become better in the end.

[Magician]: The key figure in making a comeback from adversity. He relies on powerful firepower to destroy the army. He is a powerful output player. He is also likely to work part-time as the team's recovery player.

At this point, it’s actually almost done.

In fact, there are many variations, such as calculating the magician and the monk separately, for example, it may be necessary to add an additional thief profession to be responsible for shady intelligence detection.

However, in fact, no matter what kind of brave team, they all need a responsibility.

【Luggage Responsible Person】

If you put them in the Western Paradise, they will be Monk Sha. If you put them in the brave team, they will be non-brave human beings. Sooner or later, they will be squeezed out by the team and return to the town to live a slow life and marry a wife.

They are often not of much use. If they stay in the team, they will bring safety risks to the team. In most cases, they are responsible for telling the combat force director that a certain character in the team has been captured by the enemy. They usually move to another place. Make a meal with your luggage.

It's not that it's useless.

Rather, it's weird.


That's me.

Caesar Gattuso - a sand monk.


It was already noon when Caesar got up in terror from the bed of the Gattuso family.

The dazzling sunlight shot in from the window, passed through the gauze, and imprinted its temperature on Caesar's arm.

He looked at his hands, but couldn't help but put his hands on his head first.

I scratched my hair and took it off.

There are several intertwined golden threads there.

The memory goes back to that battlefield.

He first fought against Norton's puppet. So far, Caesar thought that he should have shown his intelligence and reached the position of an excellent assistant.

Then, he went to Japan, intending to help Fujimaru Ritsuka on the frontal battlefield.



Was blown away.

Just one face-to-face meeting, and he was defeated.

Moreover, he fell from a height of dozens of meters and broke his leg.


Broke your leg on a battlefield like that?

He watched with his own eyes the flashes of fire in the distance. Those monsters flew thousands of meters into the air, and even smashed people into the bottom layer with a depth of tens of kilometers. An AoE could change the terrain, and a big move could simply kill people. The entire Akagui River area was wiped out from Japan and turned into a floating island.

Have you been side by side with such a monster?

In the volleyball match, arm wrestling, how much did she give in to herself?

Who am I?

The huge pressure can't even be turned into shame, because the gap is really too big.


I've been trying to compete with people like that? Why should I?


Terrible, proud. What am I proud of? Am I proud of living under the protection of the Gattuso family?



Awakened by an angry sound, Caesar turned his head blankly and found that there was a man lying beside his bed.

The man's hair has become a bit sparse, and he has blond hair and blue eyes like his own. He is obviously still a man in his prime. There are traces of exercise everywhere on his body, but only on his face, which is covered with vertical and horizontal wrinkles.

Frost Gattuso.

His own uncle.

"Did you stay at the bedside for so long?" Caesar murmured to his uncle.

"What about family affairs?"

"There is nothing more important in the family than [the safety of the future heir]!" It's okay if you don't ask. Once you ask, you can only wait for Frost to curse. The man's face is ferocious, as if he is about to rush towards his enemy when he sees him in front of him. Cramping and peeling. "If it hadn't been for that new bastard named Leonardo da Vinci who forcibly broke through Norma's defense line and sent you to Japan, I would never have agreed to this!"

And Caesar was stunned.



Leonardo da Vinci knew I was so weak. Why did he send me to Japan?

A sense of dissonance suddenly arises.

Caesar's smart mind, no matter how much he belittled it, couldn't help but start thinking. However, halfway through, he was stuck with a sense of inferiority, and had no choice but to turn to a depressed struggle over his performance in that battle.


"Huh? What's wrong, Caesar? Are you going to sue Cassel College?" Frost's red face finally softened. He quickly held Caesar's hand and softened with a stern but loving expression. Speak slowly.

"Don't be afraid, even if Angers takes over, I can guarantee that you will sue Cassel College until it goes bankrupt. As long as you threaten to withdraw capital, the other party will have no means! So -"

"I want to become stronger."


Frost froze.

He thought for a long time that he, a middle-aged and old man, slept beside Caesar's bed until he suffered from spinal disease, but he waited for such a sentence.

Nonsense words.

Caesar raised his head and said seriously——

"Uncle. I want to become stronger."

Damn it, why didn't you tell me that you wanted to learn to fight the Dragon King?


Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

That should be a prison.

Angers walked on the gray-black floor tiles, and the sound of black leather shoes tapping against the tiles echoed in this closed space, and was swallowed up by the darkness around him where he couldn't see the bottom line.

On September 10, 1994, Angers watched a movie called "The Shawshank Redemption" at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The story tells that in 1947, banker Andy Dufresne was accused of shooting his wife and her lover. Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment, which meant that he would spend the rest of his life in Shawshank Prison.

This was a desperate start, and Andy, as the protagonist of the story, suffered all kinds of torture in that prison. It was a tragic situation that was enough to make the audience feel chilly in their hearts.

And that prison has become synonymous with the inner "claustrophobia" of a generation.

After that movie viewing party, Angers went to chat with the production team of "The Shawshank Redemption", where he learned about the opportunity for the film to be created and one of the sources of inspiration.

In the plot, Andy takes the inmates who are not well educated to classify books. When it is the turn of a book, he makes a joke because the English name of the author "Alexander Dumas" sounds very similar to a swear word in American English.

And that book is called

"The Count of Monte Cristo"

"My darling," said Valentine, "the count just told us that all human wisdom was contained in these two words: Wait and hope."

This should be one of the most famous closing sentences in literary history.

"All human wisdom is contained in these four words: wait and hope."

There are multiple English translations of the sentence, but the last three words have never changed: Wait and hope...

The same is true for the sentence in "The Shawshank Redemption" that has moved hundreds of millions of viewers: Hope is a good thing.

There is no doubt that this movie does have the DNA of "The Count of Monte Cristo" in its bones.

Even the filming location is known as "America's strictest prison", the Chateau d'If prison that once appeared in The Count of Monte Cristo.

This prison is so famous.

Carrying despair.

Carrying hope.

Angers asked as he walked in this claustrophobic world.

"At that time, did you know that Fujimaru Ritsuka could win?"

As the words fell, the oil lamp next to Ange was suddenly lit. The dark flame itself represented despair, but it dispelled the darkness. At the same time, a huge black shadow intertwined with Ange's shadow.

Angers didn't take it seriously and continued.

"The world's greatest Avenger, your story has become a household name throughout the world."

"You have crossed the prison of despair."

"You yourself have become synonymous with hope."

"But, even like this, you couldn't protect that girl."

Tiger! !

The flame began to shake violently, and even the glass shell of the kerosene lamp began to crack and form fine lines.

The entire prison suddenly became extremely gloomy, as if an iron hook connecting flesh and blood had been hung on Angers' neck.

"are you angry?"

The world did not respond, and Ange's questions fell into silence.

But he didn't care.

"I'm very angry."

"It's not about your problem, it's about me."

"Obviously I am the elder, obviously I am the one who is called the strongest hybrid in the world, but I failed to protect my students."

Angers paused, mentally supplementing his monologue.

countless times.

"I don't know what happened to her, and I didn't intend to ask."

"But, since you exited Fujimaru Ritsuka's body in that state, it means that the child was once forcibly entrusted by an incompetent and despicable adult like me, and endured suffering that should never be endured at this age, right?"

"Tell me, Cave King."

"I don't want it to happen again."

And as Angers words ended, the black shadow finally appeared in mid-air.

Dark thunder, dim but blazing fire.

The man in a dark green coat had long white hair covering half of his eyes, and his golden eyes that seemed to reflect the cross looked at Angers.

"I only have the flame of resentment here."



"The constant struggle is fit for a sinner!"

The grand black flames burned the atmosphere, distorting the space like a hellish scene.

The original Avenger raised his arms high, and there was only endless hatred in his golden pupils.

"Come with me to the end of hell - the other side of grudges!"

Facing this situation, Ange looked at him calmly, letting the black flames burn the hem of his clothes, and the strong wind blew his long hair of almost the same color as the person in front of him.


"Feel sorry."

The old man frowned and raised his hands.

"I don't quite understand what I heard."

"Can you please make it easier to understand?"

Cave King: "."

Basis for cooperation

It's communication.

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