Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 374 Eriyi: soft and fragrant (two in one)

The birth of a girl is a calculated necessity.

Eri Uesugi was told her name by the man named Tachibana Masamune.

From birth, the most common color is white.

Pure white, white without any impurities.

My brother said that that thing is called a sterile room because he was not in good health, so he had to rest in a pure environment.


Something seems wrong.

At that time, I believed what my brother said, but when I think back on it now, I feel full of dissonance.


Even if it is a sterile room without bacteria, how can it be so pure and white?


Noble white.

[Dragon blood is the most advanced fantasy substance]

[Dragon blood can carry spirit, that is, memory]

【White King.】

[I took the initiative to choose Japan]


"After that battle, Eriki fell into a deep sleep. At first, we thought it was due to blood contamination caused by blood spilled on the surface of the body when the White King was injured by Eriki after the corpse was resurrected."

"However, considering that Eri's blood was contaminated by an ancient dragon when she was born, and the purity of that ancient dragon has been judged not to be weaker than that of the first-generation species, Eri, who has overcome the chronic stage with your help, should have the highest quality among mixed species. The resistance of the specifications is the right thing.”

"Besides, Eri is originally from the blood of the White King, and pollution is not such a pollution method. Of course, the most important thing is - her physical indicators are all normal, with no signs of the previous illness, and the mental element - "

Yuan Zhisheng turned around and looked at the orange-haired girl who was listening silently behind him.

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded happily and gave a thumbs up.

"It's so good! You are such a good baby! She is indeed my good sister! And I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel much stronger than before~"

Yuan Zhisheng raised his eyebrows first, with a calm expression, and politely chuckled twice, speaking in a gentle tone.

"First of all, Eri is not your sister, shut up you are an outsider."


Ritsuka was sluggish and her soul was severely damaged.

"Secondly, how powerful is it?" Yuan Zhisheng asked again.


Although she was very concerned about her failure to take advantage of Eri and Minamoto, Ritsuka still answered the question obediently.

She held up five fingers.

Yuan Zhisheng was shocked.

"Five times?! You call this a lot better?!"

Ritsuka nodded.

"Fifty times."

"You are mentally ill!!"

Minamoto's voice was so loud that it would definitely be considered a nuisance if placed in a hospital. Ritsuka, who knew the other person's habits well, of course covered his ears early and pretended to be deaf and dumb. He closed and closed his mouth and kept saying "Aba Aba". type.

"Damn!! The amount of information is so huge that I don't even know whether to consider it a good thing or a bad thing."

With a sound, the exhausted Yuan Zhisheng fell to the wall of the corridor of Sheqi Bajia. I saw that his pitiful look could be described as bowing like a willow tree, delicate and delicate.

He never expected that his life would be so rough.

He was born as a man-made man, and in his childhood he was a miserable child without a father or a mother. He lost his younger brother as a boy, became a social animal as an adult, and killed his "father" when he grew up.

Originally, life was beginning to turn upside down. My sister had been treated for her illness, my brother had returned home as a prodigal son, and his biological father claimed him. Except for the addition of a chaotic underworld kid who helped me lose my hair every day, everything was moving in a good direction.

But how could this happen?

He had not enjoyed a few good years, but it was the Dragon King who revived, his younger brother who was seriously injured and hospitalized, the news that his descendants died on the battlefield, and my father chose to go overseas even at a very old age.

Now even his sister is hospitalized again and has returned to the old version of the map.

What should I do? What should I do?

Looking at Minamoto Zhisheng who said "My life is miserable", Ritsuka felt caring, but didn't know where to start.

In fact, she had her own guess.

During the battle with Constantine, the girl once saw the memory of the White King, and the White King had already seen "himself". The two creatures that spanned ten thousand years just looked at each other in the spiritual world. .

It doesn't seem like it left much of an impression.

It wasn't a conversation, at least two "acquaintances" who "knew each other" but didn't speak clearly were just looking at each other from a distance.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's impression of King Haku was only superficial.

That is a very beautiful dragon.

So far, I don’t know why Haku-o is a dragon but still moves with a human body that is inconvenient. However, in Fujimaru Ritsuka’s memory, Hakuo is indeed a dragon and has not changed.

The eternal jade body is naturally pure without a trace of dirt. The pure white dragon scales flash under the aurora, which is purer and dirtier than the polar ocean glaciers. And the most beautiful thing is those deep and intellectual eyes.

It was obviously a dragon, but the eyes that understood everything felt familiar.

According to Leonardo da Vinci's popular science, the so-called White King and Black King are the supreme beings who are superior to the four supreme beings. They must be given a pronoun, which is probably...

【Omniscient and Almighty】

What on earth is that kind of being thinking? Conventional beings cannot understand or empathize with it.

She once tried to talk to Fujimaru Ritsuka, but compared to the content, the girl paid more attention to——

She has a nice voice.

This is not a subjective feeling, but a more objective statement.

The language of the dragon clan has a noble setting in any film and television work.

It is the remnant of the founding power, the planet's most primitive language. It has numerous nicknames such as "universal language" and "creative language", and appears frequently in legends.

[Yan Ling]

For Bai Wang, every word symbolizes the spirit of speech, the language of nature.

Speaking of Yanling, I have to add a small knowledge point.

——In the past, Fujimaru Ritsuka went back to have sex with the employees of Chaldea or the director after the battle. There were many top students who came from the clock tower, and some of them had very well-informed gossip.

When they gossiped with themselves, because they knew Fujimaru Ritsuka's hobbies and interests, they also knew that specific "people" were more attractive to her than high-level magic theories.

And who is the most legendary person in the Clock Tower?

Well, the word legend may not be the right word, but in short, the conclusion is very clear——

[Seal designation]

The seal designation is to detain and capture magicians who possess rare talents or violate taboos in the name of "protection" and imprison them for life. This is an old tradition of the clock tower.

The association treats the holders of magic that cannot be learned through learning and is treated as "precious items" with preferential treatment and "protection" that is only possible because of their bloodline and constitution. The Magic Association arrests the magician who has been designated by the seal, so that he can keep his magic properties unchanged and pass them on to future generations as a valuable sample.

From a certain perspective, it is no different from specimens soaked in formalin. For the association, it is a seal designation based on good intentions, but for the chosen magician, it is equivalent to a death sentence.

Most of them refused the order and fled to other places, not because they were afraid of death, but because those designated by the seal were all magicians who had reached their limit. Their priority is to explore the magic path, and their own lives have long been ignored. For them who are obsessed with research every day, the seal designation is absolutely unacceptable.

Some of this information will be left behind. Many times, Chaldea employees will tell Fujimaru Ritsuka the stories of those people.

What's interesting is that if Chaldea's employees don't know about it, Merlin will usually appear out of nowhere at this time and continue the story.

How many times has this old boy secretly chased me, the Master, behind his back?

All in all, what I am going to talk about here is a man named Xuanwu Satsuki.

A man around 25 years old, a teacher at Yewon Women's Academy. His ancestors and parents were not magicians, and Gengiri Satsuki was a man whose abilities as a magician were below third-rate.

However, it is such an ordinary case, but because he was abducted by goblins in his childhood, the unified language spoken from his mouth is a language common to all things that talks to the world and can determine the meaning.

It is a speech without any error, without distinction between living things and non-living things, for the world itself to hear.

And this matter itself has reached the realm of linking to the root.

It's no wonder that this man was sealed and designated, let alone soaked in formalin. If those magicians suddenly went crazy, they might have to queue up to see if they could try to achieve the union of two people through "mechanical merging of external organs" The state of oneness allows oneself to reach the root.

It's disgusting just thinking about it.

But all in all, unified speech is a concept that girls have heard from a long time ago.

The Dragon King's speech spirit is sometimes very close to this concept.

And even Ritsuka has done the same thing herself.

【Heaven and Heaven】

【Only I Respect】

The words she unconsciously spoke with the help of the world were the words she received from her spiritual connection with the White King, and from her own thinking and sublimation of the world and personal understanding.

Such a unique and precious language——

Every sentence and every word of King Bai has this kind of existence.

In addition, the example that Ritsuka once mentioned - the Izeluma family, a magic family, hoped to reach the root by creating the "most beautiful" person, an absolute existence that has nothing to do with people's personal feelings.

And King Bai does have that characteristic.

Her voice cannot be described as pleasant, but it is mesmerizing to hear.

Her appearance is so perfect that it cannot be described by geometry, because existence is absolute.

It seems that existence itself is linked to the starting point of the world, the mysterious and noble life.

Although Ritsuka had no idea what the White King and the Black King were, at least he fully understood that they were so awesome.

And if the Four Supremes can usher in death in a real sense, then the White King and the Black King seem to have such a vague concept of death.

Because King Haku passed down the memory of Fujimaru Ritsuka, this fact in itself means that King Haku has the technology to preserve the spirit for thousands of years.

What about her own?

No one can kill the master of the spiritual element, the spirit of the White King, not even the emperor.

So where did the white king's spiritual elements go?

Mixed breed.

The memory of the White King is in Fujimaru Ritsuka and in the bodies of all White King hybrids.

If Ritsuka takes the initiative to explore, he can dig out one thousandth of the fragment and peek at the king's back.

What if.

Did she take the initiative to become active?

There is no doubt that no one can fight against her, and her own spirit will be crushed in an instant, leaving only the consciousness of the king.

As long as Bai Wang wants it

[She can be "resurrected" at any time]

And painted pear clothes

[No, it’s more dangerous than that. The head of the Uesugi family herself is a huge hidden danger. Her word spirit has great destructive power, enough to destroy a city block or even a wider area in one breath. 】

[Eri Yi’s mind is not mature enough and cannot completely control the language spirit with her own consciousness. The language she speaks is at best the dragon language spirit]

Once upon a time, during that trip to the amusement park, the information I saw and Yuan Zhisheng's words came to mind again at this moment.


Although I think the emperor should not have such interest, but——

After all, Ritsuka was a little worried and opened the door.

Accompanying this action was Yuan Zhisheng's surprised voice.


The wind blew the windows, pushed the door open, the curtains danced in the air, and the cool breath flowed through the hair.

The white bed was half opened, with


"Wait! Could it be that he ran away from home again, but at this time...!——"

At that moment, Yuan Zhisheng looked ferocious and gritted his teeth.

At that moment, countless emotions surged into my heart.

There is a melancholy brother: "Why did Eriyi run away from home again?"

There is a sense of relief that "Eri Yi ran home finally without the guy Fujimaru Ritsuka."

There was nervousness and indignation like "But Eri is still injured."

This time, this time I must preach carefully, and I can’t tolerate it anymore!

Just when Minamoto was about to ask Fujimaru Ritsuka to find someone immediately, he was interrupted.

It means the words were interrupted.

"Wait a minute~ Don't worry, Boss Yuan."

Ritsuka waved her hand in front of the man's face.

Unlike Yuan Zhisheng, she actually noticed the clues early on.

Even if there is no one on the bed, the aura is still obvious.

Branch it——

"Eri's words are behind the door."

As soon as the door was opened, the red-haired witch was discovered hiding behind the door. The girl was still wearing hospital clothes. She stood obediently behind the door and waited until Yuan Zhisheng finished a series of face-changing movements before slowly revealing herself.

"Huh, just don't leave." After his mouth trembled a few times, Yuan Zhisheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although it seemed that he was exposed to the fact that he was still easily stressed when it came to his younger sister, but everyone If you get it back, it'll be fine.

He looked at Eriki and said softly.

"Really, Eriki, what are you doing hiding behind the door? It's very dangerous."


Surprisingly, Eriki ignored him.

Eriki, who had learned to speak, did not look at her brother politely at this time. Instead, she stared straight at Fujimaru Ritsuka's back?

Yuan Zhisheng felt strange. He suddenly felt a threat for no reason.

It was an inexplicable palpitation.

It was like seeing a corridor and a mirror in a horror movie. The complex reflections produced by the brain over the years after the birth of life were telling him that something he didn't want to see was going to happen ahead.

The man responded to his inner instinct and hurriedly stepped forward. Just as he was about to ask something out loud, he suddenly stopped where he was.

Because Eriki reached out to him and put her hand on his head.


Rubbing it.

Gently, very tenderly, just like an eighty-year-old grandmother treats her grandson.


The screen in his mind went black for a moment, but before Gen Zhisheng could restart his mind, his pupils subconsciously started to move along with Eriki's other hand.

At this time, Ritsuka, who was facing away from the two of them and looking at the structure of the hospital bed, suddenly felt the chill and turned back in confusion.

Then he saw Eriki's hand reaching out to her.



Put it on your butt.

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Huh?"

Yuan Zhisheng: "Huh?"

Eriyi: "."

The girl opened her mouth expressionlessly, as if moving her stiff temporomandibular joint, and then said.


I won’t be banned from this starting point (don’t say I’m being too radical, this is a rule of thumb!)

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