Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 388 I remembered something interesting (two in one)

The old man was shocked, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"How could you do this? Shouldn't you continue to persuade me to return to the Salvation Brigade! How could you turn back halfway!"

Uesugoshi stood up and pointed, with a sad expression.

"Can you still be considered the principal of the largest mixed-race school in the world?! Dumbledore shook his head when he looked at you!!!"

Then Ange also had something to say. He stood up directly, just a few centimeters away from hitting Uesugoshi's forehead, and said angrily.

"You are obviously too embarrassed! I don't want a big man who can't even wash his feet to join my team!"

"You!! - Don't add fuel to the fire! It's only occasionally, occasionally!"

The two old men turned red in the face, and the shouts of condemnation only made the people around them frown and feel unhappy.

Boom boom.

Someone's knuckles were rapping on the bar counter, and sitting next to Angers was Flamel, who was using this gentle way to remind Angers not to indulge in kindergarten quarrels.

That's fine if it's just me. The problem is that there are four old men sitting in this place.

At this moment, the pale old man sitting next to Flamel seemed to be unable to listen anymore.


The thick-bottomed glass made a tragic sound of being crushed, and the old man said in a low voice.

"Ange, did you call me up here just to watch these quarrels? If it was just for this kind of thing, I would go back first."

Hell, I forgot this guy was even here.

Ange's eyes twitched and he quickly turned his attention away from Uesugi Yuena.

"Who is this brother? He looks so fierce." Uesugoshi looked like he just realized there was another person, and whispered to Angers side.

And the answer to this question is simple.

"Beowulf, the noblest fighting family of the Camarilla, is also a member of the school board." Ange explained to Uesugoshi in a low voice.

Bloodthirsty warrior, Beowulf.

A character mentioned a long time ago.

So, why haven’t you appeared for so long————

[Constructing an armed force independent of the school board]

Angers and Fujimaru Ritsuka had already discussed the plan in Fuzhou. What is the most difficult part of this plan?

Yu Angre and Fujimaru Ritsuka were so busy that they had no time to find anyone.

After the Odin Incident, the two of them basically spent the whole day looking for third-generation species to capture, and those who didn't know thought that the Global Pokémon Competition had begun.

Moreover, Anger and Fujimaru Ritsuka are both the ones who are under the focus of the school board, and the flags placed around them are ten thousand, not to mention one thousand, so such sensitive matters can naturally only be handed over to others they trust.

And Beowulf is the best choice.

Because as a member of the school board, Beowulf's status is equal to that of other school boards, so others don't dare to trouble him at all, and they don't dare to spy on him. At the same time, they can't monitor. The Beowulf family generally acts as a group, and internally The staff are all members of the family, and the Beowulf family has been taught since childhood to "Kill the dragon, kill the dragon!!" So they don't care about the school board's financial offensive at all.

The pleasure of killing a dragon is far greater than taking money to visit the beauty of the foot-washing city, so Beowulf is indeed the most trustworthy partner.


Beowulf gave Angers a cold look, drank the whiskey that Angers handed him, and drank it as if he was drinking blood. The fine dragon scales on the back of the hand reflect the candlelight, which always makes the vice principal unable to help but stare.

"You asked me to help you recruit the best dragon slayers from all over the world, whether they are private, hunter websites, or those from the Executive Directorate who are drifting away. Even the elites within my Beowulf family want such a big lion. Open your mouth, I thought you were finally going to start the fire of revolution."

"Yet, you are now wooing an old Japanese man who looks like he has balls, and you tell me that he is the strongest hybrid in the world?"

"You are so old that your eyesight is blurred, Angers."

In fact, the relationship between Beowulf and Angers is not very good, and the reason is very simple, that is, he has always been opposed to the establishment of Cassel College, and Angers is the principal of Cassel College.

Angers personally built this college into a behemoth in the mixed race society.

As mentioned before, before the establishment of Kassel Academy, Beowulf once served as the head of the "action team" within the secret party. The action team is the predecessor of the current execution department.

Even though the Executive Department is now called a department full of madmen and violence by the students, it is still nothing compared to the action team led by Beowulf. In the action team, even the two elements of madness and violence have been obliterated. The members of the action team hunt down resurrected dragons all over the world. They are efficient and cold. They are all men of steel built to slay dragons.

In order to slay the dragon, they can even give up their own lives and the lives of their companions, and this is not an exception.

Therefore, Beowulf has always been dissatisfied with the delicate students trained by the academy. He believes that this can only erase the blood bravery in them and cultivate them into flowers in the greenhouse. The mixed-race species can only experience the baptism of dragon blood on the battlefield. , can you grow into a true warrior.

He also looked down on Uesugoshi. Even though the dragon blood in his body kept howling to tell him how terrifying the bloodline of the old Japanese man in front of him was, Beowulf didn't care at all.

"With weak eyes, no matter how pure the blood of such a man is, I can kill ten of them."

Uesugi's eyes became evil, but he only remained evil and did not take action.

Although Ten was very offensive to him, Uesugoshi always felt that the other party was not completely farting.

Combat is not simply the addition and subtraction of numerical values.

Will, mental strength, strategy, action

Uesugi has one of the strongest word spirits in the world, Kurohi, but if he doesn't react in time, his neck will be slit by Time Zero. By the same token, a sniper rifle can do similar things.

Uesugoshi is very strong, but it is a rough stone that has never been shaped—a rough stone that has been corrupted by time.

He can break out into a serious mode of being whole-hearted under extreme circumstances. At that time, he will briefly equal or even surpass Angers and become the strongest hybrid in the world, but - is this enough?

Is Uesugoshi only able to reach that high?

Royal-level hybrid, is that just that?

Let’s talk about Fujimaru Ritsuka, is her hardware really more powerful than Norton and other dragons, so can she win?

The purity of fighting is so different (sad)

Uesugi knew his answer, so he came to the United States with a shy face.

He wants to become stronger, and this opportunity is to find someone qualified to be his teacher.

Oh, that's of course not talking about Angers, Uesugoshi still can't let go of this face.

What he wants to find is the heroic spirit.

A mentor who has guidance skills and can make himself, an old tree, blossom.

Until then, he would not refute Beowulf's words.

After understanding this, Uesugi turned his head and simply stopped looking at the other party, while Ange relaxed the atmosphere cheerfully.

"Don't say that, you are still too pedantic. Give the young and old some time, they will eventually grow up."

"We don't need that kind of thing. We never have enough time. If we don't forge a heart of steel at a young age, if we work harder when we grow up, the world will end three times already."

Having been conducting inhumane screening tests within the family since childhood, Beowulf's words are quite convincing.

Abnormal, but he had to admit that the other party did this for the sake of mankind.

In fact, apart from Ange and Fujimaru Ritsuka, the one who has eliminated the most deadpools and even dragons in the world is the Beowulf family. Their elites far exceed the reserves of Kassel Academy.

"Two hundred and twenty-seven people."

"There are one hundred and eleven people in the Beowulf family. The rest include regular patrons from the hunter website, as well as elites scattered around the world. Finally, I have screened those from Cassel Academy and found them to be passable. .”

"In total, only 227 people can catch their eyes."

Beowulf put the wine glass in his hand and pointed under the floor.

"At this moment, the first floor of this building is filled with the hope of this human world, a total of 227 people, and we need to train them at least to be able to kill four people independently in a very short period of time. The existence of generational seeding can fight against the end of the world."

Single target kills four generations of species.

May I ask what this concept is?

The answer is simple -

The secret party elite a hundred years ago could probably pick twenty people to do this.

The current secret party elites can probably pick ten people to do this.

Even if you include the Beowulf family within the family and the elites scattered around the world, in the end the entire world will probably be...

About thirty people?

Yes, it is such a rare ratio.

There is always such a big gap between humans and dragons. Ninety-nine percent of hybrids are just the best in the nest.

At this moment, it is extremely difficult to raise the two hundred and twenty-seven people to the target level.

"But that's all we can do, isn't it?"

Angers spread his hands, looking bored.

"Don't worry, we don't force them to have genetic mutations. They just need to hone themselves, reach their mental and physical limits, and obtain the minimum standard for the summoning of heroic spirits. Fujimaru Ritsuka will be responsible for the rest."

".I haven't even met that person yet."

Beowulf did not continue to be aggressive, but suddenly changed the subject.

There was no emotion in his hoarse voice, he just spoke slowly and deeply.

"The only monster in modern mankind that can kill the Dragon King independently is not bad, no, it should be quite worthy of recognition."

OK? (Angers Alert)

"Why are you speaking so softly all of a sudden? What are you doing, doing this rice trap thing? I'm warning you, don't have any evil intentions towards Ritsuka!"

"I know." Beowulf nodded.

"Although I want to pass on the genes of that girl, it is a pity that the Beowulf family cannot find a male heir with that qualification for the union."

"You really dare to think about it!! Don't let me hear any information about Lixiang getting married and having children!!" Ange slapped the table and roared.

Uesugoshi: "That's right!!! I'll kill you, you bastard!!"

Beowulf: "?"

Ange didn't care, why did Uesugoshi, the man who looked like an aging sheep just now, suddenly have a fierce look in his eyes, so fierce.

Did you make a mistake?

The vice-principal wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and watched from the sidelines. As a scientific researcher, it was too uneasy to be surrounded by such a group of practitioners. Beowulf, on the other hand, frowned and drank, determined not to delve deeper into this topic.

And Ange, who huffed and puffed and took a long time to catch his breath, also knew that he had been reckless. After calming down his breathing, he awkwardly changed the subject.

"Ahem, by the way, have you made arrangements for today's selection activities? Have you thought about the competition system and so on?"

"Have a fight."

"Well, I mean, specifically."

"A lot of fights."

walk slowly.

Angers sighed, knowing that he had no way to persuade him to succeed.

But in fact, for the sake of efficiency, with 227 people, the best way is indeed a big melee. Those who dare to come to Kassel have some work on their hands. Only those who win to the end on the first floor without using the spirit of speech can win. You are qualified to go upstairs to engage in word spirit battles and obtain the summons of heroic spirits, that is—

Become [Master]


"There are students I like on the first floor. Although Fujimaru is still celebrating the holidays in Japan, Mingfei, Zihang, and Caesar are also my trusted students. To be honest, I'm afraid of your Beowulf... The gangsters were shaved off by my talented students."

Angers joked.

"Don't get angry when the time comes."

"Humph, don't worry."

Surprisingly, the grumpy Beowulf ignores Angers provocation.

That's not to be dismissive of the future described by Angers, but simply to think that it's impossible to happen.

"There are also disciples I trust on the first floor."

".You mean."

"Well, she is the Beowulf of this generation. At the same time, she is also the best Beowulf in the past hundred years."

That's right, Beowulf is not a personal name, but a pronoun.

Within their family, each generation of Beowulf is a different person. Although they had never thought about why they wanted to "inherit the name", but now that they think about it, maybe it was because they had inadvertently mastered the "heroic spirit". inherited".

The true names of heroic spirits are mysterious, and Beowulf is even more so as a dragon-slaying madman.

Just like a servant is affected by [famousness], Beowulf as a "legend" will also be affected by this aspect.

After each generation of Beowulf inherits the other's "true name", they will enter a situation similar to that of a "pseudo half-servant" and receive the protection of Beowulf in the Hall of Valor.

In this twisted world, Beowulf is probably one of the very few heroic spirits that are still allowed to be summoned.

Because his fame is so great, and his achievements are directly recorded in mythology in the form of "dragon slaying".

So even if Odin wants to eliminate the merits of the heroic spirits, the behavioral pattern of the Beowulf family makes it impossible for Odin to do so, because once their memories are forcibly changed, there will be too many contradictions.

In the same way, Siegfried and other dragon slayers survived Odin's historical changes in this world and still exist in the Hall of Valor.

All in all, it is because of this that every generation of Beowulf is so strong.

And as the inheritance continues, this "contribution" will only get bigger and bigger.

Finally blessing one person.

Each generation of Beowulf will theoretically be stronger!

Of course, this conclusion is not entirely correct because of the individual physical abilities of each generation of Beowulf.

But in order to pursue perfection as much as possible, the Beowulf family has never refused to allow outsiders to enter its bloodline system, as long as they are willing to accept the infection of the ancient dragon fetal blood preserved within the family and survive.

And this generation of Beowulf is the pride of the family.

She was already on par with the highest-ranking hybrids even before she had undergone fetal blood-contaminated transformation and before she had acquired Beowulf's true name.

And now.

The old Beowulf smiled wildly and put the wine glass close to his lips.

"You'd better worry about those weak students, don't accidentally get caught by my-"

Boom! ! ! ! !

An explosion that shook the entire building came from the depths of the training building. Even the building with perfect earthquake-proof structure could not help but tremble. Among the people on the fourth floor, Angers, who was a practical man, immediately grabbed the platform to stabilize his body. Uesugi Koshikazu Flamel turned over and fell to the ground.

Beowulf, who was also a combat sect, was able to react, but he had just planned to drink just before the earthquake. He had no time to adjust his posture. Although he did not fall to the ground in such an embarrassing state, he directly covered himself with the wine. Face.



"What did you say you were worried about just now?" Angers turned around and asked.

Now he could no longer hold back his face. Beowulf, who was always shy in his old age, put down the empty champagne glass and said in a fierce voice.

"What's going on?! I've been away from Kassel for so many years, and the Equipment Department is still so stupid*! You clearly promised me that they have changed their past and found the revolutionary leader! Angers, you are so fart on horseback!"

".Cough cough cough." Angers had no intention of defending because he didn't know where to start, so he could only get through the housekeeper Norma on the phone.

"Norma, immediately cut the funds of the Equipment Department by 30% and report the criticism."

[Received, accepted. 】

[However, with all due respect, the explosion just now did not come from the equipment department, but was caused by a conflict between students on the first floor of the training building. 】


Angers understood now.

"Did they use the spirit of speech?"

[No, it’s unarmed fighting. 】


Angers didn't understand now.

Within the scope of his knowledge, the only hybrids who could make such a noise as the explosion of a cruise missile with bare hands were the emperor-level hybrid sitting next to him who had no brute force, no skills, and no brains, and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Not counting himself, Angers' standard for himself is that of a traditional assassin, not a Popeye.

However, at this moment, in Ange's eyes, Fujimaru Ritsuka should still be in Japan, and Uesugoshi should be by his side.

So in the end.


Suddenly hearing a burst of laughter, Angers turned around and saw Beowulf wiping the drink from his face with a white handkerchief with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong, you're laughing again? Someone you know did it?" Angers said.

"I've said it before, this Beowulf is special. Even in the modern history of Beowulf, she is a unique genius." Beowulf sneered. "On the contrary, if you put those Kassel softies in, it would be better if your legs would not be broken by the aftermath of the battle."


Ange wanted to refute, but he had to admit that this kind of movement was not something his students could do.

Lu Mingfei and the others are very promising, but as Beowulf said, they still have too little experience in the Shura field.

This time the battle about Norton is a good opportunity, but there is too little time, and they have not had time to transform.

If this continues

[Principal Angers, by the way, I seemed to have detected the commissioner’s cell phone signal just now. 】





Suddenly hearing a burst of laughter, Beowulf turned around and saw Angers imitating him, taking out the white handkerchief from his chest pocket, folding it on the table in a serious manner, and then stuffing it back again, with a smile on his face.

Beowulf frowned.

Do you laugh too?

"Why do you want to imitate me?"

"Haha, it's okay."

The corners of Ange's mouth curled up.

"I just thought of something interesting."


I just recently learned about the plot at the end of Chapter 2 of FGO, and I was so happy.

Listen to me.

When I first wrote this book, I was still struggling with whether to make Ritsuka's character so exaggerated, but in the end I gave it what I thought "Fujimaru would look like", which I also wrote about Tokyo Tower. .

"All actions originate from self-satisfaction"

"The hole in my heart is bigger than anyone else's"

"You laugh and talk dirty, but in fact it's just that others can't get into their hearts."

This is inconsistent with the image of Guda in many people's minds, and I was even criticized at the time, but I still wrote it like this.


As a result, in the latest chapter, Guda was directly pointed at the nose by Debit and said "self-satisfaction"

The swimsuit activity was officially blocked, and he became a crazy savior. He smiled on the outside but was not relaxed at all on the inside.

Looking back at the conversation with Morgan, Guda was even more arrogant and said directly, "Didn't you save the world?" This is very different from the innocent character in the first film.

I swear, I haven’t watched these plots before writing them (nonsense, they weren’t released yet)

look! This is version understanding!

What a strategist, what a Chaldean emperor, what maturity!

Guda, her mother won’t be able to hold on anymore (distorted smile)

Now I dare to say that no one in the game has entered Guda's heart. Morgan Oberon only revealed the foreshadowing, but could not turn the tide.

With this arrangement, there can only be one plot! ! (ecstasy)

The story of Guda's mentality being completely shattered and his defenses breaking down is definitely going to be there!

Maybe, let Guda really choose to self-destruct or redeem the doctor? (suck

Despair, and then welcome greater hope! !

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